def reboot(self, wait): ctx, r = self.ctx, reboot settings_list = self._settings responses =; out = responses.append for kwargs in settings_list: with settings(ctx=ctx, **kwargs): out(r(wait)) return responses
def local(self, command, capture=True, dir=None, format=True): ctx, l = self.ctx, local settings_list = self._settings responses =; out = responses.append for kwargs in settings_list: with settings(ctx=ctx, **kwargs): out(l(command, capture, dir, format)) return responses
def sudo( self, command, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True, user=None, dir=None, format=True ): ctx, s = self.ctx, sudo settings_list = self._settings responses =; out = responses.append for kwargs in settings_list: with settings(ctx=ctx, **kwargs): out(s(command, shell, pty, combine_stderr, user, dir, format)) return responses
def run( self, command, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True, dir=None, format=True, warn_only=WarnOnly ): ctx = self.ctx settings_list = self._settings responses =; out = responses.append if isinstance(command, basestring): r = run for kwargs in settings_list: with settings(ctx=ctx, warn_only=warn_only, **kwargs): out(r(command, shell, pty, combine_stderr, dir, format)) else: for kwargs in settings_list: with settings(ctx=ctx, warn_only=warn_only, **kwargs): try: out(command()) except Exception, error: out(error) handle_failure(command, warn_only)
def execute( self, script, name=None, verbose=True, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True, dir=None ): ctx, e = self.ctx, execute settings_list = self._settings responses =; out = responses.append for kwargs in settings_list: with settings(ctx=ctx, **kwargs): out(e(script, name, verbose, shell, pty, combine_stderr, dir)) return responses
def execute_task(self, name, args, kwargs, ctx): """Execute the given task.""" task = self.tasks[name] env.command = name if output.running: msg = "running task: %s" % name prefix = '[system] ' if env.colors: prefix = env.color_settings['prefix'](prefix) print(prefix + msg) if not ctx: ctx = getattr(task, '__ctx__', None) if ctx: with settings(ctx=ctx): task(*args, **kwargs) return task(*args, **kwargs)
def _multirun( self, command, settings_list, shell, pty, combine_stderr, dir, format, warn_only, condensed, quiet_exit, laggards_timeout, wait_for ): callable_command = hasattr(command, '__call__') done = 0 idx = 0 ctx = self.ctx processes = {} total = len(settings_list) pool_size = env.multirun_pool_size socket_path = '/tmp/fab.%s' % uuid4() server = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM) server.bind(socket_path) server.listen(pool_size) for client_id in range(min(pool_size, total)): from_parent, to_child = pipe() pid = fork() if pid: processes[client_id] = [from_parent, to_child, pid, idx] idx += 1 write(to_child, pack('H', idx)) else: atfork() def die(*args): if quiet_exit: output.status = False sys.exit() signal(SIGALRM, die) if condensed: sys.__ori_stdout__ = sys.stdout sys.__ori_stderr__ = sys.stderr sys.stdout = sys.stderr = DEVNULL while 1: alarm(env.multirun_child_timeout) data = read(from_parent, INDEX_HEADER_SIZE) alarm(0) idx = unpack('H', data)[0] - 1 if idx == -1: die() try: if callable_command: with settings( ctx=ctx, warn_only=warn_only, **settings_list[idx] ): try: response = command() except Exception, error: handle_failure(command, warn_only) response = error else: with settings( ctx=ctx, warn_only=warn_only, **settings_list[idx] ): response = run( command, shell, pty, combine_stderr, dir, format ) except BaseException, error: response = error client = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM) client.connect(socket_path) client.send(dumps((client_id, idx, response))) client.close()
def shell( self, builtins=SHELL_BUILTINS, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True, dir=None, format=True, warn_only=True ): ctx = self.ctx settings_list = self._settings if not settings_list: return global SHELL_HISTORY_FILE if (not SHELL_HISTORY_FILE) and readline: SHELL_HISTORY_FILE = expanduser(env.shell_history_file) try: readline.read_history_file(SHELL_HISTORY_FILE) except IOError: pass atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, SHELL_HISTORY_FILE) fastprint("shell mode\n\n", 'system') spec = ShellSpec( shell=shell, pty=pty, combine_stderr=combine_stderr, dir=dir, format=format ) r = run count = 0 prefix = '>> ' if env.colors: prefix = env.color_settings['prefix'](prefix) try: while 1: try: command = raw_input(prefix).strip() except EOFError: raise KeyboardInterrupt if not command: continue builtin_cmd = 0 if command.startswith('.'): if (len(command) > 1) and command[1].isalpha(): builtin_cmd = 1 if builtin_cmd: command = command.split(' ', 1) if len(command) == 1: command = command[0] arg = '' else: command, arg = command command = command[1:].strip() if not command: continue command = command.replace('_', '-') if command not in builtins: warn("Couldn't find builtin command %r" % command) continue command = builtins[command] if hasattr(command, '__single__'): with settings(ctx=ctx, warn_only=warn_only): try: command(spec, arg) except Exception: handle_failure(command, warn_only) continue for kwargs in settings_list: with settings(ctx=ctx, warn_only=warn_only, **kwargs): try: if builtin_cmd: try: command(spec, arg) except Exception: handle_failure(command, warn_only) else: r(command,, spec.pty, spec.combine_stderr, spec.dir, spec.format) except KeyboardInterrupt: print count += 1 if count > 2: raise KeyboardInterrupt count = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: print print fastprint("shell mode terminated\n", 'system')