Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_find_all_links():
    prefix = "a little something before, "
    suffix = " a bit of another after."

    for content, expected_links in FAL_TESTS:
        text = prefix + content + suffix

        links = find_all_links(text)
        assert len(links) == len(expected_links)

        for link, expected in zip(links, expected_links):
            assert link.to_text(full_quote=False) == expected

        link_tokens = find_all_links(text, with_text=True)
        assert link_tokens[0].startswith(prefix)
        assert link_tokens[-1].endswith(suffix)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def links(res: requests.models.Response,
          search: str = None,
          pattern: str = None) -> list:
    """Get the links of the page.

        res (requests.models.Response): The response of the page.
        search (str, optional): Defaults to None. Search the links you want.
        pattern (str, optional): Defaults to None. Search the links use a regex pattern.

        list: The links you want.
    absolute_hrefs = [link.to_text() for link in find_all_links(res.text)]
    relative_hrefs = Selector(text=res.text).css('a::attr(href)').extract()
    relative_hrefs = [
        rehref for rehref in relative_hrefs if not rehref.startswith('http')
    domain = f'https://{urlparse(res.url).netloc}'
    hrefs = [
        *[urljoin(domain, rehref) for rehref in relative_hrefs]
    if search:
        hrefs = [href for href in hrefs if search in href]
    if pattern:
        hrefs = [href for href in hrefs if re.findall(pattern, href)]
    return list(set(hrefs))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_find_all_links_basic():
    target = """hi my name is prince nigeria, please visit my website
    http://richprince.biz or if that's blocked try
    https://getprince.ly! Thanks for your attention.bye!

    PS if those ports are blocked, how about trying

    PPS if all else fails you can always mailto:[email protected]

    urls = find_all_links(target)
    assert len(urls) == 2
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def prepare_urls(self, msg_or_text, direct_urls=False):
     if isinstance(msg_or_text, Message):
         urls = []
         url_entities = msg_or_text.parse_entities(
         for entity in url_entities:
             url_str = url_entities[entity]
             logger.debug("Entity URL Parsed: %s", url_str)
             if "://" not in url_str:
                 url_str = "http://{}".format(url_str)
         text_link_entities = msg_or_text.parse_entities(
         for entity in text_link_entities:
             url_str = entity.url
             logger.debug("Entity Text Link Parsed: %s", url_str)
         urls = find_all_links(msg_or_text, default_scheme="http")
     urls_dict = {}
     for url in urls:
         url_text = url.to_text(True)
         url_parts_num = len([part for part in url.path_parts if part])
             if (
                     # SoundCloud: tracks, sets and widget pages, no /you/ pages
                 (self.SITES["sc"] in url.host and
                  (2 <= url_parts_num <= 3
                   or self.SITES["scapi"] in url_text) and
                  (not "you" in url.path_parts)) or
                     # Bandcamp: tracks and albums
                 (self.SITES["bc"] in url.host and
                  (2 <= url_parts_num <= 2)) or
                     # YouTube: videos and playlists
                 (self.SITES["yt"] in url.host and
                  ("youtu.be" in url.host or "watch" in url.path
                   or "playlist" in url.path))):
                 if direct_urls or self.SITES["yt"] in url.host:
                     urls_dict[url_text] = get_direct_urls(url_text)
                     urls_dict[url_text] = "http"
             elif not any(
                 (site in url.host for site in self.SITES.values())):
                 urls_dict[url_text] = get_direct_urls(url_text)
         except ProcessExecutionError:
             logger.debug("youtube-dl get url failed: %s", url_text)
         except URLError as exc:
             urls_dict[url_text] = exc.status
     return urls_dict
Ejemplo n.º 5
def links(res: requests.models.Response,
          search: str = None,
          pattern: str = None) -> list:
    """Get the links of the page.

        res (requests.models.Response): The response of the page.
        search (str, optional): Defaults to None. Search the links you want.
        pattern (str, optional): Defaults to None. Search the links use a regex pattern.

        list: All the links of the page.
    hrefs = [link.to_text() for link in find_all_links(res.text)]
    if search:
        hrefs = [href for href in hrefs if search in href]
    if pattern:
        hrefs = [href for href in hrefs if re.findall(pattern, href)]
    return list(set(hrefs))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def prepare_urls(self, msg=None, text=None, get_direct_urls=False):
     if text:
         urls = find_all_links(text, default_scheme="http")
     elif msg:
         urls = []
         for url_str in msg.parse_entities(types=["url"]).values():
             if "://" not in url_str:
                 url_str = "http://" + url_str
         logger.debug("Text or msg is required")
     urls_dict = {}
     for url in urls:
         url_text = url.to_text(True)
         url_parts_num = len([part for part in url.path_parts if part])
         if (
                 # SoundCloud: tracks, sets and widget pages
             (self.SITES["sc"] in url.host and
              (2 <= url_parts_num <= 3 or self.SITES["scapi"] in url_text))
                 # Bandcamp: tracks and albums
             (self.SITES["bc"] in url.host and (2 <= url_parts_num <= 2)) or
                 # YouTube: videos and playlists
             (self.SITES["yt"] in url.host and
              ("youtu.be" in url.host or "watch" in url.path
               or "playlist" in url.path))):
             if get_direct_urls or self.SITES["yt"] in url.host:
                 direct_urls = self.youtube_dl_get_direct_urls(url_text)
                 if direct_urls:
                     urls_dict[url_text] = direct_urls
                 urls_dict[url_text] = "http"
         elif not any((site in url.host for site in self.SITES.values())):
             direct_urls = self.youtube_dl_get_direct_urls(url_text)
             if direct_urls:
                 urls_dict[url_text] = direct_urls
     if not urls_dict:
         logger.info("No supported URLs found")
     return urls_dict
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def resolve_links(self, info):
     for link in urlutils.find_all_links(self.text):
         DBG(f'Found link: {link}')
         yield link