Ejemplo n.º 1
def reset(request):
    """Once deactivated, allow for changing the password via activation key"""
    rdict = request.matchdict

    username = rdict.get('username', None)
    activation_key = rdict.get('reset_key', None)

    # this can only be visited if user is visiting the reset with the right key
    # for the username in the url
    user = ActivationMgr.get_user(username, activation_key)

    if user is None:
        # just 404 if we don't have an activation code for this user
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    return {
        'user': user,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reset(request):
    """Once deactivated, allow for changing the password via activation key"""
    rdict = request.matchdict
    params = request.params

    # This is an initial request to show the activation form.
    username = rdict.get('username', None)
    activation_key = rdict.get('reset_key', None)
    user = ActivationMgr.get_user(username, activation_key)

    if user is None:
        # just 404 if we don't have an activation code for this user
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    if 'code' in params:
        # This is a posted form with the activation, attempt to unlock the
        # user's account.
        username = params.get('username', None)
        activation = params.get('code', None)
        password = params.get('new_password', None)
        new_username = params.get('new_username', None)
        error = None

        if not UserMgr.acceptable_password(password):
            # Set an error message to the template.
            error = "Come on, pick a real password please."
            res = ActivationMgr.activate_user(username, activation, password)
            if res:
                # success so respond nicely
                AuthLog.reactivate(username, success=True, code=activation)

                # if there's a new username and it's not the same as our current
                # username, update it
                if new_username and new_username != username:
                        user = UserMgr.get(username=username)
                        user.username = new_username
                    except IntegrityError, exc:
                        error = 'There was an issue setting your new username'
                AuthLog.reactivate(username, success=False, code=activation)
                error = 'There was an issue attempting to activate this account.'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def reset(request):
    """Once deactivated, allow for changing the password via activation key"""
    rdict = request.matchdict
    params = request.params

    # This is an initial request to show the activation form.
    username = rdict.get('username', None)
    activation_key = rdict.get('reset_key', None)
    user = ActivationMgr.get_user(username, activation_key)

    if user is None:
        # just 404 if we don't have an activation code for this user
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    if 'code' in params:
        # This is a posted form with the activation, attempt to unlock the
        # user's account.
        username = params.get('username', None)
        activation = params.get('code', None)
        password = params.get('new_password', None)
        new_username = params.get('new_username', None)
        error = None

        if not UserMgr.acceptable_password(password):
            # Set an error message to the template.
            error = "Come on, pick a real password please."
            res = ActivationMgr.activate_user(username, activation, password)
            if res:
                # success so respond nicely
                AuthLog.reactivate(username, success=True, code=activation)

                # if there's a new username and it's not the same as our current
                # username, update it
                if new_username and new_username != username:
                        user = UserMgr.get(username=username)
                        user.username = new_username
                    except IntegrityError, exc:
                        error = 'There was an issue setting your new username'
                AuthLog.reactivate(username, success=False, code=activation)
                error = 'There was an issue attempting to activate this account.'
Ejemplo n.º 4
def reset(request):
    """Once deactivated, allow for changing the password via activation key"""
    rdict = request.matchdict

    username = rdict.get('username', None)
    activation_key = rdict.get('reset_key', None)


    # this can only be visited if user is visiting the reset with the right key
    # for the username in the url
    user = ActivationMgr.get_user(username, activation_key)

    if user is None:
        # just 404 if we don't have an activation code for this user
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    return {
        'user': user,
Ejemplo n.º 5
def reset(request):
    """Once deactivated, allow for changing the password via activation key"""
    rdict = request.matchdict
    params = request.params

    # This is an initial request to show the activation form.
    username = rdict.get('username', None)
    activation_key = rdict.get('reset_key', None)
    user = ActivationMgr.get_user(username, activation_key)

    if user is None:
        # just 404 if we don't have an activation code for this user
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    if 'code' in params:
        # This is a posted form with the activation, attempt to unlock the
        # user's account.
        username = params.get('username', None)
        activation = params.get('code', None)
        password = params.get('new_password', None)
        new_username = params.get('new_username', None)
        error = None

        if not UserMgr.acceptable_password(password):
            # Set an error message to the template.
            error = "Come on, pick a real password please."
            res = ActivationMgr.activate_user(username, activation, password)
            if res:
                # success so respond nicely
                AuthLog.reactivate(username, success=True, code=activation)

                # if there's a new username and it's not the same as our
                # current username, update it
                if new_username and new_username != username:
                        user = UserMgr.get(username=username)
                        user.username = new_username
                    except IntegrityError:
                        error = 'There was an issue setting your new username'
                AuthLog.reactivate(username, success=False, code=activation)
                error = ('There was an issue attempting to activate'
                         'this account.')

        if error:
            return {'message': error, 'user': user}
            # Log the user in and move along.
            headers = remember(request, user.id, max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 30)
            user.last_login = datetime.utcnow()

            # log the successful login
            AuthLog.login(user.username, True)

            # we're always going to return a user to their own /recent after a
            # login
            return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url(
                'user_bmark_recent', username=user.username),


        if user is None:
            # just 404 if we don't have an activation code for this user
            raise HTTPNotFound()

        return {
            'user': user,
Ejemplo n.º 6
def reset(request):
    """Once deactivated, allow for changing the password via activation key"""
    rdict = request.matchdict
    params = request.params

    # This is an initial request to show the activation form.
    username = rdict.get("username", None)
    activation_key = rdict.get("reset_key", None)
    user = ActivationMgr.get_user(username, activation_key)

    if user is None:
        # just 404 if we don't have an activation code for this user
        raise HTTPNotFound()

    if "code" in params:
        # This is a posted form with the activation, attempt to unlock the
        # user's account.
        username = params.get("username", None)
        activation = params.get("code", None)
        password = params.get("new_password", None)
        new_username = params.get("new_username", None)
        error = None

        if not UserMgr.acceptable_password(password):
            # Set an error message to the template.
            error = "Come on, pick a real password please."
            res = ActivationMgr.activate_user(username, activation, password)
            if res:
                # success so respond nicely
                AuthLog.reactivate(username, success=True, code=activation)

                # if there's a new username and it's not the same as our
                # current username, update it
                if new_username and new_username != username:
                        user = UserMgr.get(username=username)
                        user.username = new_username
                    except IntegrityError:
                        error = "There was an issue setting your new username"
                AuthLog.reactivate(username, success=False, code=activation)
                error = "There was an issue attempting to activate" "this account."

        if error:
            return {"message": error, "user": user}
            # Log the user in and move along.
            headers = remember(request, user.id, max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 30)
            user.last_login = datetime.utcnow()

            # log the successful login
            AuthLog.login(user.username, True)

            # we're always going to return a user to their own /recent after a
            # login
            return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url("user_bmark_recent", username=user.username), headers=headers)


        if user is None:
            # just 404 if we don't have an activation code for this user
            raise HTTPNotFound()

        return {"user": user}