Ejemplo n.º 1
def timing(name=""):
    t = perf_counter()
    print("%s: %0.06f" % (name, perf_counter() - t))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def json(self, path, wcontext=None, ext=".json", conditional=True,
             postprocess=True, save_to_cache=True, extra_context=None,
             searcher=None, allow_redirect=False):
        store = self.store
        path = self._check_source(path)
        jsonpath = paths.basepath(path) + ext

        if wcontext is None:
            wcontext = self.wiki_context(
                path, conditional=conditional, save_to_cache=save_to_cache,
            if extra_context:
            old_context = wcontext
            wcontext = wcontext.push({"path": path})
            wcontext.searcher = searcher or old_context.searcher
            wcontext.pages = self

        # Set up holders for cached and parse times in the context; these may
        # be useful for debugging
        if "parse_time" not in wcontext:
            wcontext["parse_time"] = {}
        if "cached" not in wcontext:
            wcontext["cached"] = set()
        times = wcontext["parse_time"]
        cached = wcontext["cached"]
        jsondata = None

        # Try to get the JSON data from the cache
        if wcontext.get("conditional") and self.caching:
            jsondata = self.get_cached_json(path, jsonpath)
            if jsondata is not None:
                # print("From cache", path)
                # Add the file to the context's debug list of cached files

        if jsondata is None:
            # It wasn't in the cache, so we'll have to load and parse it
            t = compat.perf_counter()
            # Load the content of the file
            source = store.content(path, "utf8")
            # Parse the wiki markup
            jsondata = parse_string(source)
            # Run preprocessers
            self.pre_pipe().apply(jsondata, wcontext)
            # Store the parsing time in the context for debugging
            times[path] = compat.perf_counter() - t

            # If we're caching, save the parsed JSON to a file in the cache.
            # Note that we don't add the json data to the mem cache here; we
            # only do that when a cached json file is loaded. This has the
            # effect of only caching a document in memory if it's been accessed
            # at least *twice*.
            if self.caching and save_to_cache:
                jsonified = json.dumps(jsondata)
                self.put_cache_file(jsonpath, jsonified.encode("utf8"))

        if postprocess:
            # Run postprocessors
            self.post_pipe().apply(jsondata, wcontext)

        attrs = jsondata.get("attrs")
        if allow_redirect and attrs and "redirect" in attrs:
            fullpath = self.full_path(path, attrs["redirect"])
            raise Redirect(fullpath)

        return jsondata
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update(self, pages, prefix="", clean=False):
        if clean:
            schema = self.searchables.schema()
            self.index = index.create_in(self.indexdir, schema=schema)
        idx = self.index

        # self.logger.info("Indexing %s files to %s",
        #                  ("all" if clean else "changed"), self.indexdir)
        doccount = 0
        pagecount = 0

        t = compat.perf_counter()
            w = idx.writer()
        except index.LockError:
            raise LockError
        new, changed, deleted = self._find_files(pages, prefix, w.reader(),
        didsomething = False
        if new or changed or deleted:
            if deleted:
                didsomething = True
                for delpath in sorted(changed | deleted):
                    delpath = paths.basepath(delpath)
                    self.logger.info("Deleting %s from index", delpath)
                    # w.delete_unique("path", delpath)
                    w.delete_by_query(query.Term("path", delpath))
                                                   delpath + "#"))

            for addpath in sorted(new | changed):
                addpath = paths.basepath(addpath)
                added = False

                if addpath in changed:
                    self.logger.info("Removing %s from index", addpath)
                    w.delete_by_query(query.Term("path", addpath))
                    w.delete_by_query(query.Prefix("path", addpath + "#"))
                    didsomething = True

                for doc in self.documents(pages, addpath):

                    self.logger.debug("Indexing %s", doc["path"])
                        if clean or "#" in doc["path"]:
                    except ValueError:
                        self.logger.error("Error indexing %r", doc)

                    added = True
                    doccount += 1

                if added:
                    pagecount += 1
                    didsomething = True

        if didsomething:
            self.logger.info("Committing index changes")
            self.logger.info("Indexed %d docs from %d pages in %.06f seconds",
                             doccount, pagecount, compat.perf_counter() - t)
            # self.logger.info("No changes to commit")

        return didsomething