Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_mult():
    s = "1024x768"
    rule = wg.context["mult"]
    out, i = rule.accept(s, 4, wg.context)
    assert out == compat.unichr(215)

    s = "Up to 3x faster"
    rule = wg.context["mult"]
    out, i = rule.accept(s, 7, wg.context)
    assert out == compat.unichr(215)

    s = "Up to 3x faster"
    rule = wg.context["para"]
    out, i = rule.accept(s, 0, wg.context)
    assert out == {"type": "para", "indent": 0, "text": [u"Up to 3", u"\u00d7", u" faster"]}

    from bookish.grammars.wiki import mult, para
    from bookish.parser import condition_string
    from bookish.parser.bootstrap import bootstrap_context

    s = condition_string(s)
    ctx = bootstrap_context()

    out, i = mult(s, 7, ctx)
    assert out is not p.Miss
    assert out == compat.unichr(215)

    out, i = para(s, 0, ctx)
    assert out == {"type": "para", "indent": 0, "text": [u"Up to 3", u"\u00d7", u" faster"]}
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_escape():
    assert bs.escchar.test2("\\n") == ("\n", 2)
    assert bs.escchar.test2("\\r") == ("\r", 2)
    assert bs.escchar.test2("\\t") == ("\t", 2)
    assert bs.escchar.test2("\\b") == ("\b", 2)
    assert bs.escchar.test2("\\f") == ("\f", 2)
    assert bs.escchar.test2('\\"') == ('"', 2)
    assert bs.escchar.test2("\\'") == ("'", 2)
    assert bs.escchar.test2("\\xFF", context=_ctx()) == (unichr(255), 4)
    assert bs.escchar.test2("\\\\") == ("\\", 2)
    assert bs.escchar.test("\\") is p.Miss
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_entity():
    sigma = compat.unichr(963)

    rule = wg.context["entity"]
    out, i = rule.accept("σ", 0, wg.context)
    assert out == sigma

    rule = wg.context["entity"]
    out, i = rule.accept("σ", 0, wg.context)
    assert out == sigma

    rule = wg.context["entity"]
    out, i = rule.accept("σ", 0, wg.context)
    assert out == sigma
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_escape():
    rule = _boot_parse(r"""
escchar = '\\' ('n' -> "\n"
                | 'r' -> "\r"
                | 't' -> "\t"
                | 'b' -> "\b"
                | 'f' -> "\f"
                | '"' -> '"'
                | '\'' -> "'"
                | 'x' <hexdigit hexdigit>:d -> compat.unichr(int(d, 16))
                | '\\' -> "\\")

    assert _test_rule(rule, "\\n") == "\n"
    assert _test_rule(rule, "\\r") == "\r"
    assert _test_rule(rule, "\\t") == "\t"
    assert _test_rule(rule, "\\b") == "\b"
    assert _test_rule(rule, "\\f") == "\f"
    assert _test_rule(rule, '\\"') == '"'
    assert _test_rule(rule, "\\'") == "'"
    assert _test_rule(rule, "\\xFF") == unichr(255)
    assert _test_rule(rule, "\\\\") == "\\"
    assert _test_rule(rule, "\\") is p.Miss
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_embedded_entity():
    rule = wg.context["blocks"]
    s = "(&sigma;<sup>2</sup>)"
    out, i = rule.accept(s, 0, wg.context)
    assert out is not p.Miss
    assert out["text"] == ["(", compat.unichr(963), {"type": "xml", "tag": "sup", "attrs": {}, "text": ["2"]}, ")"]
Ejemplo n.º 6
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import textwrap

    from html.parser import HTMLParser
except ImportError:
    from HTMLParser import HTMLParser

from bookish.compat import StringIO
from bookish.compat import string_type
from bookish.compat import unichr

_charmap = [
    (unichr(8221), '"'),
    (unichr(8220), '"'),

    (unichr(8217), "'"),
    (unichr(8212), "---"),
    (unichr(8211), "--"),

    (unichr(8592), "<-"),
    (unichr(8594), "->"),
    (unichr(8804), "<="),
    (unichr(8805), ">="),
    (unichr(8660), "<=>"),

    (unichr(188), "1/4"),
    (unichr(189), "1/2"),
    (unichr(190), "3/4"),