Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _process_doc(self, pages, path, root, block, doc):
        # Add Houdini-specific fields to each document
        path = paths.basepath(path)
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})

        doctype = attrs.get("type", "").strip()
        context = attrs.get("context", "").strip().replace(",", "") or None

        if doctype == "node":
            if context in ("pop", "part") or context.endswith("_state"):
            internal = attrs.get("internal")
            if internal:
                doc["grams"] += " %s" % internal

        if doc.get("category") == "_":
            if path.startswith("/shelf/"):
                doc["category"] = "tool"
            elif path.startswith("/ref/util/"):
                doc["category"] = "utility"
            elif path.startswith("/gallery/shop/"):
                doc["category"] = "gallery/shop"
            elif doctype == "node":
                doc["category"] = "%s/%s" % (doctype, context)
                doc["grams"] += " %s" % context
            elif doctype in ("hscript", "expression", "example", "homclass",
                             "hommodule", "vex"):
                doc["category"] = doctype

        replaces = attrs.get("replaces")
        rsection = functions.subblock_by_id(block, "replaces")
        if rsection:
            rlist = " ".join(link.get("fullpath", "") for link
                             in functions.find_links(rsection))
            if replaces:
                replaces = replaces + " " + rlist
                replaces = rlist

            "context": context,
            "bestbet": attrs.get("bestbet"),
            "helpid": attrs.get("helpid"),
            "superclass": attrs.get("superclass"),
            "version": attrs.get("version"),
            "replaces": replaces or None,
            "examplefor": root.get("examplefor"),
            "examplefile": root.get("examplefile"),
            "group": attrs.get("group"),

        # Add example file info
        if root is block and "examplefile" in root:
            otlpath = root["examplefile"]
            # Usages file should be in the same location with .usages ext
            usagespath = paths.basepath(otlpath) + ".usages"
            if pages.exists(usagespath):
                usagescontent = pages.content(usagespath)
                usages = ws_exp.split(usagescontent)
                doc["uses"] = " ".join(usages)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _apply(context, item, basepath, depth, maxdepth):
        pages = context.pages

        # Find the first link in the item and use its path
        text = item.get("text")
        link = functions.first_span_of_type(text, "link")
        if not link:
        ref = link.get("value")
        if not ref or ":" in ref:

        fullpath = pages.full_path(basepath, ref)
        if not pages.exists(fullpath):

        # Load the referenced page
        json = pages.json(fullpath, context)
        # Find the subtopics section
        subtopics = functions.subblock_by_id(json, "subtopics")
        if not subtopics:

        # Copy the subtopics onto this topic's body
        if "body" in subtopics:
            body = copy.deepcopy(subtopics["body"])
            # Collapse certain block types
            body = functions.collapse(body, ("col_group", "col"))
            item["body"] = body

        if depth < maxdepth:
            # Recurse on the loaded subtopics
            topics = functions.find_items(subtopics, "subtopics_item")
            for subitem in topics:
                Toc._apply(context, subitem, fullpath, depth + 1, maxdepth)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _get_method_names(self, block):
     methodnames = set()
     section = functions.subblock_by_id(block, "methods")
     if section:
         for methblock in functions.find_items(section, "methods_item"):
             text = functions.string(methblock.get("text"))
             name = text.split("(")[0]
     return methodnames
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _make_doc(self, pages, path, root, block, text):
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})
        blocktype = block.get("type")
        body = block.get("body")
        is_root = blocktype == "root"

        # If a title was not passed in: if this is the root, look for a title
        # block, otherwise use the block text
        title = self._get_title(block) or paths.basename(path)

        container = False
        path = paths.basepath(path)
        if is_root:
            # Store a boolean if this page has subtopics
            subtopics = functions.subblock_by_id(block, "subtopics")
            container = subtopics and bool(subtopics.get("body"))
            blockid = functions.block_id(block)
            path = "%s#%s" % (path, blockid)

        # Look for a summary block
        summary = self._get_block_text(body, "summary")

        # Look for tags in the page attributes
        tags = attrs.get("tags", "").strip().replace(",", "")

        # Find outgoing links
        outgoing = []
        for link in functions.find_links(block):
            val = link.get("value")
            if val:
                outgoing.append(pages.full_path(path, val))
        outgoing = " ".join(outgoing)

        doctype = attrs.get("type")

        d = {
            "path": path,
            "status": attrs.get("status"),
            "category": "_",
            "content": functions.string(text),
            "title": title,
            "sortkey": attrs.get("sortkey") or title.lower(),
            "summary": summary,
            "grams": title,
            "type": doctype,
            "tags": tags,
            "icon": attrs.get("icon"),
            "links": outgoing,
            "container": container,
            "parent": self._get_path_attr(block, path, attrs, "parent"),
            "bestbet": attrs.get("bestbet"),
        return d
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def apply(self, block, context):
        basepath = paths.basepath(context.get("path"))

        # Find the subtopics section
        subtopics = functions.subblock_by_id(block, "subtopics")
        if not subtopics:

        attrs = subtopics.get("attrs", {})
        maxdepth = int(attrs.get("maxdepth", "0"))
        if not maxdepth:

        topics = functions.find_items(subtopics, "subtopics_item")
        for item in topics:
            self._apply(context, item, basepath, 1, maxdepth)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def find_parm(root, parmid, label):
    Tries to find a parameter in a help document, based on the parameter ID and
    its label.

    from bookish.util import dump_tree

    section = functions.subblock_by_id(root, "parameters")
    if section:
        parameters = functions.find_items(section, "parameters_item")
        for parmblock in parameters:
            if functions.block_id(parmblock) == parmid:
                return parmblock
            elif functions.string(parmblock.get("text")).strip() == label:
                return parmblock
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _parent_info(json, path):
        # Find the subtopics section
        subtopics = functions.subblock_by_id(json, "subtopics")
        if subtopics:
            stbody = subtopics.get("body")
            if stbody:
                # Remove
                body = functions.collapse(stbody, ("col_group", "col"))
                subtopics["body"] = body

        return {
            "path": path,
            "basepath": paths.basepath(path),
            "title": json.get("title", ()),
            "summary": json.get("summary", ()),
            "attrs": json.get("attrs", {}),
            "subtopics": subtopics,
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def apply(self, block, context):
     btype = block.get("type")
     if btype == "root":
         attrs = block.get("attrs", {})
         if attrs.get("type") == "node":
             parmsblock = functions.subblock_by_id(block, "parameters")
             if parmsblock:
                 self.apply(parmsblock, context)
     elif block.get("type") == "dt":
         block["type"] = "parameters_item"
         block["role"] = "item"
     elif block.get("type") == "dt_group":
         block["type"] = "parameter_group"
         for subblock in block.get("body", ()):
             self.apply(subblock, context)
     elif block.get("container"):
         for subblock in block.get("body", ()):
             self.apply(subblock, context)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def title_block(self, block):
     if self.pagetype == "hscript":
         self.emit_block_text(block, indent=-4)
     elif self.pagetype == "expression":
         name = functions.string(block.get("text"))
         # Pull out the usage section
         usage = functions.subblock_by_id(self.root, "usage")
         if usage and "body" in usage and usage["body"]:
             firstb = usage["body"][0]
             varnames = [functions.string(span) for span
                         in functions.find_spans_of_type(firstb, "var")]
             self.emit(name + u" " + u" ".join(varnames))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _superclasses(self, pages, methodnames, context, block, history=None):
        # Recursively loads the doc pointed to by the block's "superclass"
        # attribute and yields a (path, rootblock) pair for each superclass

        history = history or set()
        attrs = block.get("attrs", {})
        superclass = attrs.get("superclass")
        if superclass:
            path = "/hom/" + superclass.replace(".", "/")
            spath = pages.source_path(path)

            if pages.exists(spath):
                if spath in history:
                    raise Exception("Circular superclass structure")

                doc = pages.json(spath, conditional=context.get("conditional"),

                titleblock = functions.first_subblock_of_type(doc, "title")
                if titleblock:
                    title = functions.string(titleblock.get("text"))
                    title = superclass

                # Find the method items on the superclass
                section = functions.subblock_by_id(doc, "methods")
                methods = []
                if section:
                    for methblock in functions.find_items(doc, "methods_item"):
                        text = methblock.get("text")
                        name = functions.string(text).split("(")[0]
                        attrs = methblock.get("attrs", {})
                        body = methblock.get("body", [])

                        # If this name is in the set of seen methods, it's
                        # overridden, so we should skip it
                        if name in methodnames:

                        # Copy information about the method into a dict
                        summary = functions.first_subblock_string(methblock)
                        methdict = {
                            "name": name,
                            "text": text,
                            "summary": summary,
                            "more": len(body) > 1,
                        if "status" in attrs:
                            methdict["status"] = attrs["status"]

                yield {
                    "path": path,
                    "title": title,
                    "methods": methods
                for x in self._superclasses(pages, methodnames, context, doc,
                    yield x