def respond_to_edit_request(self, message): """ Responds to an edit request. The bot will parse the body of the message, looking for verse quotations. These will replace the quotations that were placed in the original response to the user. Once the comment has been successfully edited, the bot then sends a message to the user letting them know that their verse quotations have been updated. """ try: comment_url = message.body[1:message.body.find("}")] comment = self.r.get_submission(comment_url) except: try: message.reply("An error occurred while processing your edit request. " "Please make sure that you do not modify the subject line of your message to %s." % REDDIT_USERNAME) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass return if == and comment: verses = find_verses(message.body) if verses is not None: for reply in comment.comments[0].replies: if str( == REDDIT_USERNAME: try:"%s has requested a comment edit..." % link = reply.permalink[24:comment.permalink.find("/", 24)] response = Response(message, self.parser, comment_url) for verse in verses: book_name = books.get_book(verse[0]) if book_name is not None: v = Verse(book_name, # Book verse[1], # Chapter verse[3], # Translation, # User link, # Subreddit verse[2]) # Verse if not response.is_duplicate_verse(v): response.add_verse(v) if len(response.verse_list) != 0: message_response = ("*^This ^comment ^has ^been ^edited ^by ^%s.*\n\n" % message_response += response.construct_message() if message_response is not None:"Editing %s's comment with updated verse quotations..." % database.remove_invalid_statistics(reply.body, link) reply.edit(message_response) database.update_db_stats(response.verse_list) try: message.reply("[Your triggered %s response](%s) has been successfully edited to reflect" " your updated quotations." % (REDDIT_USERNAME, comment_url)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass break except: raise self.log.warning("Comment edit failed. Will try again later...") break
def index_books(index_path, ids): connection = indexer_connection(index_path) try: for bookid in ids: book = books.get_book(bookid) doc = BookIndexer(book).document() connection.replace(doc) print 'indexed book:', bookid finally: connection.flush() connection.close()
def index_all(bookid, index_path): connection = indexer_connection(index_path) try: book = books.get_book(bookid) for obj in book.walk(): indexer = Indexer.get(obj) doc = indexer(obj).document() connection.replace(doc) finally: connection.flush() connection.close()
def index_books(index_path, ids): connection = indexer_connection(index_path) try: for bookid in ids: book = books.get_book(bookid) doc = BookIndexer(book).document() connection.replace(doc) print "indexed book:", bookid finally: connection.flush() connection.close()
def respond_to_username_mention(self, msg): """ Responds to a username mention. This could either contain one or more valid Bible verse quotation requests, or it could simply be a username mention without any valid Bible verses. If there are valid Bible verses, VerseBot generates a response that contains the text from these quotations. Otherwise, the message is forwarded to the VerseBot admin for review. :param msg: The message that contains the username mention """ verses = find_verses(msg.body) if verses is not None: response = Response(msg, self.parser) for verse in verses: book_name = books.get_book(verse[0]) if book_name is not None: v = Verse( book_name, # Book verse[1], # Chapter verse[3], # Translation, # User msg.subreddit.display_name, # Subreddit verse[2]) # Verse if not response.is_duplicate_verse(v): response.add_verse(v) if len(response.verse_list) != 0: message_response = response.construct_message() if message_response is not None:"Replying to %s with verse quotations..." % try: msg.reply(message_response) database.update_db_stats(response.verse_list) database.increment_comment_count() except praw.errors.Forbidden: # This message is unreachable. pass except praw.errors.APIException as err: if err.error_type in ("TOO_OLD", "DELETED_LINK", "DELETED_COMMENT"): self.log.warning("An error occurred while replying" " with error_type %s." % err.error_type) else:"No verses found in this message. " "Forwarding to /u/%s..." % VERSEBOT_ADMIN) try: self.r.send_message( VERSEBOT_ADMIN, "Forwarded VerseBot Message", "%s\n\n[[Link to Original Message](%s)]" % (msg.body, msg.permalink)) except requests.ConnectionError: pass
def respond_to_username_mention(self, msg): """ Responds to a username mention. This could either contain one or more valid Bible verse quotation requests, or it could simply be a username mention without any valid Bible verses. If there are valid Bible verses, VerseBot generates a response that contains the text from these quotations. Otherwise, the message is forwarded to the VerseBot admin for review. :param msg: The message that contains the username mention """ verses = find_verses(msg.body) if verses is not None: response = Response(msg, self.parser) for verse in verses: book_name = books.get_book(verse[0]) if book_name is not None: v = Verse(book_name, # Book verse[1], # Chapter verse[3], # Translation, # User msg.subreddit.display_name, # Subreddit verse[2]) # Verse if not response.is_duplicate_verse(v): response.add_verse(v) if len(response.verse_list) != 0: message_response = response.construct_message() if message_response is not None:"Replying to %s with verse quotations..." % try: msg.reply(message_response) database.update_db_stats(response.verse_list) database.increment_comment_count() except praw.errors.Forbidden: # This message is unreachable. pass except praw.errors.APIException as err: if err.error_type in ("TOO_OLD", "DELETED_LINK", "DELETED_COMMENT"): self.log.warning("An error occurred while replying" " with error_type %s." % err.error_type) else:"No verses found in this message. " "Forwarding to /u/%s..." % VERSEBOT_ADMIN) try: self.r.send_message(VERSEBOT_ADMIN, "Forwarded VerseBot Message", "%s\n\n[[Link to Original Message](%s)]" % (msg.body, msg.permalink)) except requests.ConnectionError: pass
def get_reviews_by_book(cur, start, amount, bid, current_user_id): total_pages = get_total_pages(cur, QUERIES['reviews_by_book_count'] % bid) query = QUERIES['select_reviews_where'] % ('WHERE review.book_id = %s', '%s', '%s') book_info = books.get_book(cur,bid,current_user_id) cur.execute(query, (bid, amount, start)) review_info = {'book_info': book_info, 'reviews': []} for review_id, core_id, book_id, book_title, reviewer, login_name, date_reviewed, review_text in cur: review_info['reviews'].append({'core_id':core_id, 'id':review_id, 'book_id': book_id, 'book_title':book_title.decode('utf8', 'xmlcharrefreplace'), 'reviewer':reviewer, 'reviewer_name': login_name, 'date_reviewed': date_reviewed, 'review_text':review_text}) return total_pages, review_info
def book(id): book = books.get_book(id) admin = users.is_admin() return render_template("book.html", name=book[0], genre=book[1], author=book[2], id=id, admin=admin, publisher=book[3], published_in=book[4], year=book[5], isbn=book[6])
def reviewsit(id): book = books.get_book(id) name = book[0] reviewsit = reviews.get_reviews(id) count = reviews.get_count(id) if count == None: count = 0 else: count = count[0] return render_template("reviews.html", reviews=reviewsit, id=id, count=count, name=name)
def get_review(cur,review_id): cur.execute(''' SELECT review_id, core_id, book_id, book_title, reviewer, login_name, to_char(date_reviewed,'Mon. DD, YYYY'), review_text FROM review JOIN book USING (book_id) JOIN book_core USING (core_id) JOIN booknet_user ON reviewer = user_id WHERE review_id = %s ''', (review_id,)) review_info = {} for review_id, core_id, book_id, book_title, reviewer, login_name, date_reviewed, review_text in cur: review_info = {'core_id':core_id, 'id':review_id, 'book_id': book_id, 'book_title':book_title.decode('utf8', 'xmlcharrefreplace'), 'user_id':reviewer, 'reviewer': login_name, 'date_reviewed': date_reviewed, 'review_text':review_text} review_info['book'] = books.get_book(cur, review_info['book_id']) return review_info
def remove_book_from_list(cur, book_id, list_id): print "Book id for removing rating: %s" % book_id book_info = books.get_book(cur, book_id) # try: cur.execute(''' DELETE FROM book_list WHERE book_id = %s AND list_id = %s ''', (book_id, list_id)) # first two queries should be able to be combined if cur.rowcount == 1: message = "Book removed from list %s!" % (book_info['title'], list_id) else: message = "Unknown error!" # except Exception, e: # message = errorcodes.lookup(e.pgcode[:2]) # else: # message = "User not currently authenticated!" return message
async def send_verses(self, body, verses, user, channel, websocket): if verses is not None: response = Response(body, self.parser) for verse in verses: book_name = books.get_book(verse[0]) if book_name is not None: v = Verse(book_name, verse[1], verse[3], user, channel, verse[2]) if not response.is_duplicate_verse(v): response.add_verse(v) if len(response.verse_list) != 0: message_response = response.construct_message() if message_response is not None: await self.send_message(message_response, channel, websocket) else: pass
def add_book_to_list(cur, user_id, form): create_status = True message = [] book_id = form['book_id'] if form['listRadioGroup'] == 'new': create_status, message, list_id = create_list(cur, form['newInputListName'], form['newInputListDesc'], user_id) if not create_status: return create_status, message, list_id else: list_id = form['inputListID'] print "Book id for adding list: %s" % book_id book_info = books.get_book(cur, book_id) # try: cur.execute(''' SELECT booklist_id FROM book_list WHERE book_id = %s AND list_id = %s ''', (book_id, list_id)) # first two queries should be able to be combined if cur.rowcount == 1: message.append("%s already in list %s!" % (book_info['title'], list_id)) else: cur.execute(''' INSERT INTO book_list (book_id, list_id, date_added) VALUES(%s, %s, current_timestamp) RETURNING booklist_id ''', (book_info['core_id'], list_id)) if cur.rowcount == 1: message.append("%s added to list %s!" % (book_info['title'], list_id)) else: message.append("Unknown error!") # else: # message = "User not currently authenticated!" return create_status, message, list_id
def get_log(cur,log_id): cur.execute(''' SELECT log_id, core_id, book_id, book_title, reader, login_name, log_text, status, pages_read, to_char(date_started,'Mon. DD, YYYY') as date_started, to_char(date_completed,'Mon. DD, YYYY') as date_completed FROM user_log JOIN book USING (book_id) JOIN book_core USING (core_id) JOIN booknet_user ON reader = user_id WHERE log_id = %s ''', (log_id,)) log_info = {} for id, core_id, book_id, book_title, reader, login_name, log_text, status, pages_read, date_started, date_completed in cur: if status == 1: status_text = "In-progress" elif status == 2: status_text = "Completed" else: status_text = "Unknown" log_info = {'core_id':core_id, 'id':id, 'book_id': book_id, 'book_title':book_title.decode('utf8', 'xmlcharrefreplace'), 'user_id':reader, 'reader': login_name, 'log_text': log_text, 'status': status, 'pages_read': pages_read, 'status_text': status_text, 'date_started': date_started, 'date_completed':date_completed} log_info['book'] = books.get_book(cur, log_info['book_id']) return log_info
def kirjantiedot(id): list = books.get_book(id) return render_template("book.html", id=id, book=list)
def respond_to_edit_request(self, msg): """ Responds to an edit request. The bot will parse the body of the message, looking for verse quotations. These will replace the quotations that were placed in the original response to the user. Once the comment has been successfully edited, the bot then sends a message to the user letting them know that their verse quotations have been updated. :param msg: The message that contains the edit request """ try: comment_url ="\{(.*?)\}", msg.body).group(1) comment = self.r.get_submission(comment_url) except: try: msg.reply("An error occurred while processing your edit " "request. Please make sure that you do not modify " "the subject line of your message to %s." % REDDIT_USERNAME) except requests.ConnectionError: pass return if == and comment: verses = find_verses(msg.body) if verses is not None: for reply in comment.comments[0].replies: if str( == REDDIT_USERNAME: try:"%s has requested a comment edit..." % sub ="/r/(.*?)/", comment_url).group(1) response = Response(msg, self.parser, comment_url) for verse in verses: book_name = books.get_book(verse[0]) if book_name is not None: v = Verse(book_name, # Book verse[1], # Chapter verse[3], # Translation, # User sub, # Subreddit verse[2]) # Verse if not response.is_duplicate_verse(v): response.add_verse(v) if len(response.verse_list) != 0: msg_response = ("*^This ^comment ^has ^been " "^edited ^by ^%s.*\n\n" % msg_response += response.construct_message() if msg_response is not None:"Editing %s's comment with " "updated verse quotations..." % database.remove_invalid_stats(reply.body, sub) reply.edit(msg_response) database.update_db_stats( response.verse_list) try: msg.reply("[Your triggered %s " "response](%s) has been " "successfully edited to " "reflect your updated " "quotations." % (REDDIT_USERNAME, comment_url)) except requests.ConnectionError: pass break except: self.log.warning("Comment edit failed. " "Will try again later...")
def respond_to_edit_request(self, msg): """ Responds to an edit request. The bot will parse the body of the message, looking for verse quotations. These will replace the quotations that were placed in the original response to the user. Once the comment has been successfully edited, the bot then sends a message to the user letting them know that their verse quotations have been updated. :param msg: The message that contains the edit request """ try: comment_url ="\{(.*?)\}", msg.body).group(1) comment = self.r.get_submission(comment_url) except: try: msg.reply("An error occurred while processing your edit " "request. Please make sure that you do not modify " "the subject line of your message to %s." % REDDIT_USERNAME) except requests.ConnectionError: pass return if == and comment: verses = find_verses(msg.body) if verses is not None: for reply in comment.comments[0].replies: if str( == REDDIT_USERNAME: try: "%s has requested a comment edit..." % sub ="/r/(.*?)/", comment_url).group(1) response = Response(msg, self.parser, comment_url) for verse in verses: book_name = books.get_book(verse[0]) if book_name is not None: v = Verse( book_name, # Book verse[1], # Chapter verse[3], # Translation, # User sub, # Subreddit verse[2]) # Verse if not response.is_duplicate_verse(v): response.add_verse(v) if len(response.verse_list) != 0: msg_response = ("*^This ^comment ^has ^been " "^edited ^by ^%s.*\n\n" % msg_response += response.construct_message() if msg_response is not None: "Editing %s's comment with " "updated verse quotations..." % database.remove_invalid_stats( reply.body, sub) reply.edit(msg_response) database.update_db_stats( response.verse_list) try: msg.reply( "[Your triggered %s " "response](%s) has been " "successfully edited to " "reflect your updated " "quotations." % (REDDIT_USERNAME, comment_url)) except requests.ConnectionError: pass break except: self.log.warning("Comment edit failed. " "Will try again later...")
def respond_to_edit_request(self, message): """ Responds to an edit request. The bot will parse the body of the message, looking for verse quotations. These will replace the quotations that were placed in the original response to the user. Once the comment has been successfully edited, the bot then sends a message to the user letting them know that their verse quotations have been updated. """ try: comment_url = message.body[1:message.body.find("}")] comment = self.r.get_submission(comment_url) except: try: message.reply( "An error occurred while processing your edit request. " "Please make sure that you do not modify the subject line of your message to %s." % REDDIT_USERNAME) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass return if == and comment: verses = find_verses(message.body) if verses is not None: for reply in comment.comments[0].replies: if str( == REDDIT_USERNAME: try: "%s has requested a comment edit..." % link = reply.permalink[24:comment.permalink. find("/", 24)] response = Response(message, self.parser, comment_url) for verse in verses: book_name = books.get_book(verse[0]) if book_name is not None: v = Verse( book_name, # Book verse[1], # Chapter verse[3], # Translation, # User link, # Subreddit verse[2]) # Verse if not response.is_duplicate_verse(v): response.add_verse(v) if len(response.verse_list) != 0: message_response = ( "*^This ^comment ^has ^been ^edited ^by ^%s.*\n\n" % message_response += response.construct_message( ) if message_response is not None: "Editing %s's comment with updated verse quotations..." % database.remove_invalid_statistics( reply.body, link) reply.edit(message_response) database.update_db_stats( response.verse_list) try: message.reply( "[Your triggered %s response](%s) has been successfully edited to reflect" " your updated quotations." % (REDDIT_USERNAME, comment_url)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass break except: raise self.log.warning( "Comment edit failed. Will try again later...") break
def test_book_standardization(self): """ Tests book conversion to standardized book names. """ self.assertTrue(books.get_book("1 Jn") == "1 John") self.assertTrue(books.get_book("ti") == "Titus") self.assertTrue(books.get_book("thisisntabook") == False)
def test_book_standardization(self): """ Tests book conversion to standardized book names. """ self.assertTrue(books.get_book("1 Jn") == "1 John") self.assertTrue(books.get_book("ti") == "Titus") self.assertTrue(books.get_book("thisisntabook") is None)