Ejemplo n.º 1
    def init_where_boolean_tree(self):
        self.where_tree = None
        where_section = self.sql_statement.get_where_section()

        if where_section != None and len(where_section) > 0:
            tokenizer = Tokenizer( where_section )
            where_tokens = list(tokenizer)

            if where_tokens != None and len(where_tokens) > 0:
                self.where_tree = BooleanExpressionTree(where_tokens, DataQueryEngine.where_evaluation_engine)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class DataQueryEngine(object):
    where_evaluation_engine = WhereClauseEvaluationEngine()

    def __init__(self, data, sql_str):
        self.data = data
        self.sql_statement = SQLStatement(sql_str)
        self.results = None

    def init_from_roots(self):
        from_section = self.sql_statement.get_from_section()

        if from_section != None and len(from_section) > 0:
            exists, self.from_roots = get_elements_by_path( self.data, from_section )

            if not exists or len(self.from_roots) == 0:
                raise FromClauseException("Could not find path %s." % from_section)
            self.from_roots = [self.data]

    def init_where_boolean_tree(self):
        self.where_tree = None
        where_section = self.sql_statement.get_where_section()

        if where_section != None and len(where_section) > 0:
            tokenizer = Tokenizer( where_section )
            where_tokens = list(tokenizer)

            if where_tokens != None and len(where_tokens) > 0:
                self.where_tree = BooleanExpressionTree(where_tokens, DataQueryEngine.where_evaluation_engine)

    def query(self):
        select_section = self.sql_statement.get_select_section()
        select_items = split_on_any( select_section, frozenset((',',' ','\t','\n','\r')) )

        self.results = []

        for root in self.from_roots:
            if isinstance(root, tuple) or isinstance(root, list):    
                for node in root:
                    result_data = self.query_node(node, select_items)

                    if result_data != None:
                        self.results.append( result_data )

            elif isinstance(root, dict):
                results = self.query_node(root, select_items)

                if results != None:

    def query_node(self, node, select_items):
        if self.matches_where(node):
            node_data = {}
            for item in select_items:
                if item.endswith('/'):
                    item += '*'
                selecet_path_elements = split_on_any(item, frozenset(('/','\\','.')))
                select_data = self.find_selected_items(node, selecet_path_elements)
                if select_data != None:
                    node_data.update( select_data )   

            return node_data         

            return None

    def find_selected_items(self, node, select_path_elements):
        matching_data = {}

        current = node
        destination = matching_data
        parent_dest = matching_data
        current_key = None
        element = None

        num_elements = len(select_path_elements)
        for i,element in enumerate(select_path_elements):
            if i < num_elements - 1:
                if element not in current:
                    return None
                elif element not in destination:
                    destination[element] = {}

                current_key = element
                current = current[element]
                parent_dest = destination
                destination = destination[element]
                if element == '*':
                    if current_key != None:
                        parent_dest[current_key] = current
                        matching_data = current
                    if element in current:
                        destination[element] = current[element]
                        destination[element] = None

        return matching_data

    def matches_where(self, node):
        if self.where_tree == None:
            return True
            return self.where_tree.evaluate(node)

    def get_results(self):
        return self.results