Ejemplo n.º 1
    def GetImage(self, request, context):
        """The image service's GetImage implementation that gets the latest image capture from
        all the image sources specified in the request.

            request (image_pb2.GetImageRequest): The image request, which specifies the image sources to
                                                 query, and other format parameters.
            context (GRPC ClientContext): tracks internal grpc statuses and information.

            The ImageSource and Image data for the last captured image from each image source name
            specified in the request.
        response = image_pb2.GetImageResponse()
        for img_req in request.image_requests:
            img_resp = response.image_responses.add()
            src_name = img_req.image_source_name
            if src_name not in self.image_sources and src_name not in self.image_name_to_video:
                # This camera is not known, therefore set a failure status in the response message.
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_UNKNOWN_CAMERA

            if src_name in self.image_sources:
                # Couldn't find the image source information for the device name.
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_SOURCE_DATA_ERROR

            if src_name not in self.image_name_to_video:
                # Couldn't find the image capture information for the device name.
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_IMAGE_DATA_ERROR

            capture_instance = self.image_name_to_video[src_name]
            frame, img_time = capture_instance.get_last_frame()
            if frame is None or img_time is None:
                response.header.error.code = header_pb2.CommonError.CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
                response.header.error.message = 'Failed to capture an image from {} on the server.'.format(
                return response

            # Convert the image capture time from the local clock time into the robot's time. Then set it as
            # the acquisition timestamp for the image data.
            img_resp.shot.image.rows = int(frame.shape[0])
            img_resp.shot.image.cols = int(frame.shape[1])

            # Determine the pixel format for the data.
            if frame.shape[2] == 3:
                # RGB image.
                img_resp.shot.image.pixel_format = image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_U8
            elif frame.shape[2] == 1:
                # Greyscale image.
                img_resp.shot.image.pixel_format = image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_GREYSCALE_U8
            elif frame.shape[2] == 4:
                # RGBA image.
                img_resp.shot.image.pixel_format = image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_U8
                # The number of pixel channels did not match any of the known formats.
                img_resp.shot.image.pixel_format = image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN

            # Note, we are currently not setting any information for the transform snapshot or the frame
            # name for an image sensor since this information can't be determined with openCV.

            # Set the image data.
            if img_req.image_format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_RAW:
                img_resp.shot.image.data = np.ndarray.tobytes(frame)
                img_resp.shot.image.format = image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_RAW
            elif img_req.image_format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_JPEG:
                # If the image format is requested as UNKNOWN or JPEG, return a JPEG. Since this service
                # is for a webcam, we choose a sane default for the return if the request format is unpopulated.
                quality = self.default_jpeg_quality
                if img_req.quality_percent > 0 and img_req.quality_percent <= 100:
                    # A valid image quality percentage was passed with the image request,
                    # so use this value instead of the service's default.
                    quality = img_req.quality_percent
                encode_param = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), quality]
                img_resp.shot.image.data = cv2.imencode(
                    '.jpg', frame, encode_param)[1].tostring()
                img_resp.shot.image.format = image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_JPEG
                # If the image format is requested as UNKNOWN, return a JPEG. Since this service
                # is for a webcam, we choose a sane default for the return if the request "image_format"
                # field is unpopulated.
                quality = self.default_jpeg_quality
                if img_req.quality_percent > 0 and img_req.quality_percent <= 100:
                    # A valid image quality percentage was passed with the image request,
                    # so use this value instead of the service's default.
                    quality = img_req.quality_percent
                encode_param = [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), quality]
                img_resp.shot.image.data = cv2.imencode(
                    '.jpg', frame, encode_param)[1].tostring()
                img_resp.shot.image.format = image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_JPEG

            # Set that we successfully got the image.
            if img_resp.status == image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_UNKNOWN:
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_OK

        # No header error codes, so set the response header as CODE_OK.
        populate_response_header(response, request)
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def GetImage(self, request, context):
        """Gets the latest image capture from all the image sources specified in the request.

            request (image_pb2.GetImageRequest): The image request, which specifies the image sources to
                                                 query, and other format parameters.
            context (GRPC ClientContext): tracks internal grpc statuses and information.

            The ImageSource and Image data for the last captured image from each image source name
            specified in the request.
        response = image_pb2.GetImageResponse()
        for img_req in request.image_requests:
            img_resp = response.image_responses.add()
            src_name = img_req.image_source_name
            if src_name not in self.image_sources_mapped:
                # The requested camera source does not match the name of the Ricoh Theta camera, so if cannot
                # be completed and will have a failure status in the response message.
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_UNKNOWN_CAMERA
                self.logger.warning("Camera source '%s' is unknown.", src_name)

            # Set the image source information in the response.

            # Set the image capture parameters in the response.

            captured_image, img_time_seconds = self.image_sources_mapped[
            if captured_image is None or img_time_seconds is None:
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_IMAGE_DATA_ERROR
                error_message = "Failed to capture an image from %s on the server." % src_name
                response.header.error.message = error_message

            # Convert the image capture time from the local clock time into the robot's time. Then set it as
            # the acquisition timestamp for the image data.

            img_resp.shot.image.rows = img_resp.source.rows
            img_resp.shot.image.cols = img_resp.source.cols

            # Set the image data.
            img_resp.shot.image.format = img_req.image_format
            success = self._set_format_and_decode(captured_image,
            if not success:
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMAT_REQUESTED

            # Set that we successfully got the image.
            if img_resp.status == image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_UNKNOWN:
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_OK

        # No header error codes, so set the response header as CODE_OK.
        populate_response_header(response, request)
        return response
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def GetImage(self, request, context):
        """The image service's GetImage implementation that gets the latest image from the ricoh theta
        camera. This will return the last "processed" image; the Ricoh Theta camera will processes the
        images internally before outputting a jpeg.
        Note, this can take upwards of 3 seconds, so the image could be slightly older.

            request (image_pb2.GetImageRequest): The image request, which specifies the image sources to
                                                 query, and other format parameters.
            context (GRPC ClientContext): tracks internal grpc statuses and information.

            The ImageSource and Image data for the last captured image from the Ricoh Theta camera.
        response = image_pb2.GetImageResponse()
        for img_req in request.image_requests:
            img_resp = response.image_responses.add()
            if img_req.image_source_name != self.device_name:
                # The requested camera source does not match the name of the Ricoh Theta camera, so if cannot
                # be completed and will have a failure status in the response message.
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_UNKNOWN_CAMERA
                _LOGGER.info("Camera source '%s' is unknown to the Ricoh Theta image service.", img_req.image_source_name)
            # Set the image source information for the Ricoh Theta camera.

            # Set the image capture parameters.

            # Get the last image from the camera.
            img_info_json, img_bytes = None, None
            camera_acquisition_errored = False
                img_info_json, img_bytes = self.get_last_processed_image()
            except Exception as err:
                _LOGGER.info("GetImage request threw an error: %s %s", str(type(err)), str(err))
                camera_acquisition_errored = True

            if camera_acquisition_errored:
                # Image acquisition request failed (and the camera connection is working).
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_IMAGE_DATA_ERROR
                _LOGGER.info("Setting status DATA_ERROR for the GetImage request because the get_last_processed_image() "
                            "function threw an error.")
                # Trigger a fault for the capture failure.
                fault = CAPTURE_FAILURE_FAULT
                fault.error_message = "Failed to get an image for %s." % img_req.image_source_name
                # No camera errors. Clear faults for any capture failures or initialization failures since
                # images are being captured and no weird HTTP error codes are being thrown for the post
                # requests to get the images.

            if img_info_json is None or img_bytes is None:
                # Could not get the image data from the Ricoh Theta camera.
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_IMAGE_DATA_ERROR

            # Read the image into local memory. Apparently, the action of reading the buffer can only be performed
            # one time unless it is converted to a stream or copied.
            img_bytes_read = img_bytes.read()

            # Split on the "-" to remove the timezone information from the string.
            date_time = img_info_json["dateTimeZone"].split("-")[0]
            # Shorten the year (the first value) from a four digit year to two digit value such that the format
            # matches the datetime expectation. (Ex. 2021 --> 21).
            date_time_str = date_time[2:]
            # Convert from string to an actual datetime object
            date_time_obj = datetime.strptime(date_time_str, "%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")
            # Convert from a datetime object to a time object (seconds) in the local clock's time.
            time_obj = time.mktime(date_time_obj.timetuple())
            # Convert the time object in local clock into the robot's clock, and set it as the acquisition timestamp
            # for the image.

            # Set the height and width of the image.
            if "width" in img_info_json:
                img_resp.shot.image.cols = int(img_info_json["width"])
            if "height" in img_info_json:
                img_resp.shot.image.rows = int(img_info_json["height"])

            # Ricoh Theta takes colored JPEG images, so it's pixel type is RGB.
            img_resp.shot.image.pixel_format = image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_U8

            # Note, we are currently not setting any information for the transform snapshot or the frame
            # name for an image sensor since this information can't be determined with HTTP calls to ricoh
            # theta's api.

            # Set the image data.
            if img_req.image_format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_RAW:
                # Note, the returned raw bytes array from the Ricoh Theta camera is often around 8MB, so the GRPC server
                # must be setup to have an increased message size limit. The run_ricoh_image_service script does increase
                # the size to allow for the larger raw images.
                pil_image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(img_bytes_read))
                compressed_byte_buffer = io.BytesIO()
                # PIL will not do any JPEG compression if the quality is specifed as 100. It effectively treats
                # requests with quality > 95 as a request for a raw image.
                pil_image.save(compressed_byte_buffer, format=pil_image.format, quality=100)
                img_resp.shot.image.data = compressed_byte_buffer.getvalue()
                img_resp.shot.image.format = image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_RAW
            elif img_req.image_format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_JPEG or img_req.image_format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_UNKNOWN:
                # Choose the best image format if the request does not specify the image format, which is JPEG since it matches
                # the output of the ricoh theta camera and is compact enough to transmit.
                # Decode the bytes into a PIL jpeg image. This allows for the formatting to be compressed. This is then
                # converted back into a bytes array.
                pil_image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(img_bytes_read))
                compressed_byte_buffer = io.BytesIO()
                quality = self.default_jpeg_quality
                if img_req.quality_percent > 0 and img_req.quality_percent <= 100:
                    # A valid image quality percentage was passed with the image request,
                    # so use this value instead of the service's default.
                    if img_req.quality_percent > 95:
                        # PIL will not do any JPEG compression if the quality is specifed as 100. It effectively treats
                        # requests with quality > 95 as a request for a raw image.
                        quality = 95
                        quality = img_req.quality_percent
                pil_image.save(compressed_byte_buffer, format=pil_image.format, quality=int(quality))
                img_resp.shot.image.data = compressed_byte_buffer.getvalue()
                img_resp.shot.image.format = image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_JPEG
                # Don't support RLE for ricoh theta cameras.
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_REQUESTED_IMAGE_FORMAT
                _LOGGER.info("GetImage request for unsupported format %s", str(image_pb2.Image.Format.Name(img_req.image_format)))

            # Set that we successfully got the image.
            if img_resp.status == image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_UNKNOWN:
                img_resp.status = image_pb2.ImageResponse.STATUS_OK

        # Set the header after all image sources requested have been processed.
        populate_response_header(response, request)
        return response