Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, message, code=ErrorCodes.KEYCLOAK_EXCEPTION):
        Custom HTTP error class for converting a KeyCloakError exception into a JsonResponse

            message (str): Error message to send back to user

        Note: If called in an exception handler, expects the exception to be a KeyCloakError

        ex = sys.exc_info()[1]

        self.status_code = ex.status if ex else RESP_CODES[code]
        data = {
            'status': self.status_code,
            'code': ErrorCodes.KEYCLOAK_EXCEPTION,
            'message': message

        if ex:

        msg = "BossKeycloakError"
        for k in data:
            msg += " - {}: {}".format(k.capitalize(), data[k])

        log = BossLogger().logger

        super(BossKeycloakError, self).__init__(data)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, message, code=ErrorCodes.KEYCLOAK_EXCEPTION):
        Custom HTTP error class for converting a KeyCloakError exception into a JsonResponse

            message (str): Error message to send back to user

        Note: If called in an exception handler, expects the exception to be a KeyCloakError

        ex = sys.exc_info()[1]

        self.status_code = ex.status if ex else RESP_CODES[code]
        data = {
            'status': self.status_code,
            'code': ErrorCodes.KEYCLOAK_EXCEPTION,
            'message': message

        if ex:
            if isinstance(ex.data, str):
                val = json.loads(ex.data)
                val = ex.data

        msg = "BossKeycloakError"
        for k in data:
            msg += " - {}: {}".format(k.capitalize(), data[k])

        log = BossLogger().logger

        super(BossKeycloakError, self).__init__(data)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, message, code):
        Custom HTTP error class
        :param status: HTTP Status code
        :type status: int
        :param code: An optional, arbitrary, and unique code to identify where the error was generated
        :type code: int
        :param message: Message to provide feedback to the user
        # Set status code
        self.status_code = RESP_CODES[code]

        # Log
        blog = BossLogger().logger
        blog.info("BossHTTPError - Status: {0} - Code: {1} - Message: {2}".format(self.status_code, code, message))

        # Return
        data = {'status': self.status_code, 'code': code, 'message': message}
        super(BossHTTPError, self).__init__(data)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, message, code):
        Custom HTTP error class
        :param status: HTTP Status code
        :type status: int
        :param code: An optional, arbitrary, and unique code to identify where the error was generated
        :type code: int
        :param message: Message to provide feedback to the user
        # Set status code
        self.status_code = RESP_CODES[code]

        # Log
        blog = BossLogger().logger
        blog.info("BossHTTPError - Status: {0} - Code: {1} - Message: {2}".format(self.status_code, code, message))

        # Return
        data = {'status': self.status_code, 'code': code, 'message': message}
        super(BossHTTPError, self).__init__(data)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, *args):

            *args: arg[0] should be message and arg[1] should be SpdbError.

        # Log
        # TODO: Look into removing boss logger dependency
        if len(args) > 1:
            blog = BossLogger().logger
            blog.error("SpdbError - Message: {0} - Code: {1}".format(args[0], args[1]))
            self.message = args[0]
            self.error_code = args[1]

        if len(args) == 1:
            self.message = args[0]
            self.error_code = ErrorCodes.SPDB_ERROR

        self.message = 'No error message given.'
        self.error_code = ErrorCodes.SPDB_ERROR
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def post(self, request, ingest_job_id):
        Signal an ingest job is complete and should be cleaned up by POSTing to this view

            request: Django Rest framework Request object
            ingest_job_id: Ingest job id


            blog = BossLogger().logger
            ingest_mgmr = IngestManager()
            ingest_job = ingest_mgmr.get_ingest_job(ingest_job_id)

            if ingest_job.status == IngestJob.PREPARING:
                # If status is Preparing. Deny
                return BossHTTPError(
                    "You cannot complete a job that is still preparing. You must cancel instead.",
            elif ingest_job.status == IngestJob.UPLOADING:
                # Check if user is the ingest job creator or the sys admin
                if not self.is_user_or_admin(request, ingest_job):
                    return BossHTTPError(
                        "Only the creator or admin can start verification of an ingest job",

                # Disable verification until it is reworked and always return
                # success for now.
                    'Telling client job complete - completion/verificcation to be fixed later.'
                return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
                blog.info('Verifying ingest job {}'.format(ingest_job_id))

                # Start verification process
                if not ingest_mgmr.verify_ingest_job(ingest_job):
                    # Ingest not finished
                    return Response(status=status.HTTP_202_ACCEPTED)

                # Verification successful, fall through to the complete process.

            elif ingest_job.status == IngestJob.COMPLETE:
                # If status is already Complete, just return another 204
                return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
            elif ingest_job.status == IngestJob.DELETED:
                # Job had already been cancelled
                return BossHTTPError("Ingest job has already been cancelled.",
            elif ingest_job.status == IngestJob.FAILED:
                # Job had failed
                return BossHTTPError(
                    "Ingest job has failed during creation. You must Cancel instead.",

            # Complete the job.
            blog.info("Completing Ingest Job {}".format(ingest_job_id))

            # Check if user is the ingest job creator or the sys admin
            if not self.is_user_or_admin(request, ingest_job):
                return BossHTTPError(
                    "Only the creator or admin can complete an ingest job",

            # TODO SH This is a quick fix to make sure the ingest-client does not run close option.
            #      the clean up code commented out below, because it is not working correctly.
            return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)

            # if ingest_job.ingest_type == IngestJob.TILE_INGEST:
            #     # Check if any messages remain in the ingest queue
            #     ingest_queue = ingest_mgmr.get_ingest_job_ingest_queue(ingest_job)
            #     num_messages_in_queue = int(ingest_queue.queue.attributes['ApproximateNumberOfMessages'])
            #     # Kick off extra lambdas just in case
            #     if num_messages_in_queue:
            #         blog.info("{} messages remaining in Ingest Queue".format(num_messages_in_queue))
            #         ingest_mgmr.invoke_ingest_lambda(ingest_job, num_messages_in_queue)
            #         # Give lambda a few seconds to fire things off
            #         time.sleep(30)
            #     ingest_mgmr.cleanup_ingest_job(ingest_job, IngestJob.COMPLETE)
            # elif ingest_job.ingest_type == IngestJob.VOLUMETRIC_INGEST:
            #     ingest_mgmr.cleanup_ingest_job(ingest_job, IngestJob.COMPLETE)
            # # ToDo: call cleanup method for volumetric ingests.  Don't want
            # # to cleanup until after testing with real data.
            # #ingest_mgmr.cleanup_ingest_job(ingest_job, IngestJob.COMPLETE)
            # blog.info("Complete successful")
            # return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
        except BossError as err:
            return err.to_http()
        except Exception as err:
            blog.error('Caught general exception: {}'.format(err))
            return BossError("{}".format(err),
Ejemplo n.º 7
import json
from functools import wraps

from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response

from bosscore.error import BossKeycloakError, BossHTTPError, ErrorCodes
from bosscore.models import BossRole
from bosscore.serializers import UserSerializer, BossRoleSerializer
from bosscore.privileges import check_role, BossPrivilegeManager

from bossutils.keycloak import KeyCloakClient, KeyCloakError
from bossutils.logger import BossLogger

LOG = BossLogger().logger

## Should there be a hard coded list of valid roles, or shoulda all methods defer
## to Keycloak to make the check that the role is valid. Basically, do we expect
## for different applications to have their own roles?
VALID_ROLES = ('admin', 'user-manager', 'resource-manager')

def validate_role(arg=3, kwarg="role_name"):
    """ Validate the role / role_name function argument
            kwarg (string): The index into the kwargs dictionary of keyword arguments

        Note: either arg or kwarg should be specified, based on the argument to check
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def get(self, request, collection, experiment, channel):
        """View to provide a channel's downsample status and properties

            request: DRF Request object
            collection (str): Unique Collection identifier, indicating which collection you want to access
            experiment (str): Experiment identifier, indicating which experiment you want to access
            channel (str): Channel identifier, indicating which channel you want to access


        if "iso" in request.query_params:
            if request.query_params["iso"].lower() == "true":
                iso = True
                iso = False
            iso = False

        # Process request and validate
            request_args = {
                "service": "downsample",
                "collection_name": collection,
                "experiment_name": experiment,
                "channel_name": channel
            req = BossRequest(request, request_args)
        except BossError as err:
            return err.to_http()

        # Convert to Resource
        resource = project.BossResourceDjango(req)

        # Get Status
        channel = resource.get_channel()
        experiment = resource.get_experiment()
        to_renderer = {"status": channel.downsample_status}

        # Check Step Function if status is in-progress and update
        if channel.downsample_status == "IN_PROGRESS":
            lookup_key = resource.get_lookup_key()
            _, exp_id, _ = lookup_key.split("&")
            # Get channel object
            channel_obj = Channel.objects.get(name=channel.name, experiment=int(exp_id))
            # Update the status from the step function
            session = bossutils.aws.get_session()
            status = bossutils.aws.sfn_status(session, channel_obj.downsample_arn)
            if status == "SUCCEEDED":
                # Change to DOWNSAMPLED
                channel_obj.downsample_status = "DOWNSAMPLED"
                to_renderer["status"] = "DOWNSAMPLED"

                # DP NOTE: This code should be moved to spdb when change
                #          tracking is added to automatically calculate
                #          frame extents for the user
                # DP NOTE: Clear the cache of any cubes for the channel
                #          This is to prevent serving stale data after
                #          (re)downsampling
                log = BossLogger().logger
                for pattern in ("CACHED-CUBOID&"+lookup_key+"&*",
                    log.debug("Clearing cache of {} cubes".format(pattern))
                        cache = RedisKVIO(settings.KVIO_SETTINGS)
                        pipe = cache.cache_client.pipeline()
                        for key in cache.cache_client.scan_iter(match=pattern):
                    except Exception as ex:
                        log.exception("Problem clearing cache after downsample finished")

            elif status == "FAILED" or status == "TIMED_OUT":
                # Change status to FAILED
                channel_obj = Channel.objects.get(name=channel.name, experiment=int(exp_id))
                channel_obj.downsample_status = "FAILED"
                to_renderer["status"] = "FAILED"

        # Get hierarchy levels
        to_renderer["num_hierarchy_levels"] = experiment.num_hierarchy_levels

        # Gen Voxel dims
        voxel_size = {}
        voxel_dims = resource.get_downsampled_voxel_dims(iso=iso)
        for res, dims in enumerate(voxel_dims):
            voxel_size["{}".format(res)] = dims

        to_renderer["voxel_size"] = voxel_size

        # Gen Extent dims
        extent = {}
        extent_dims = resource.get_downsampled_extent_dims(iso=iso)
        for res, dims in enumerate(extent_dims):
            extent["{}".format(res)] = dims
        to_renderer["extent"] = extent

        # Get Cuboid dims
        cuboid_size = {}
        for res in range(0, experiment.num_hierarchy_levels):
            cuboid_size["{}".format(res)] = CUBOIDSIZE[res]
        to_renderer["cuboid_size"] = cuboid_size

        # Send data to renderer
        return Response(to_renderer)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def write_cuboid(self, resource, corner, resolution, cuboid_data, time_sample_start=0, iso=False):
        """ Write a 3D/4D volume to the key-value store. Used by API/cache in consistent mode as it reconciles writes

        If cuboid_data.ndim == 4, data in time-series format - assume t,z,y,x
        If cuboid_data.ndim == 3, data not in time-series format - assume z,y,x

            resource (project.BossResource): Data model info based on the request or target resource
            corner ((int, int, int)): the xyz locatiotn of the corner of the cuout
            resolution (int): the resolution level
            cuboid_data (numpy.ndarray): Matrix of data to write as cuboids
            time_sample_start (int): if cuboid_data.ndim == 3, the time sample for the data
                                     if cuboid_data.ndim == 4, the time sample for cuboid_data[0, :, :, :]
            iso (bool): Flag indicating if you want to write to the "isotropic" version of a channel, if available

        boss_logger = BossLogger()
        blog = boss_logger.logger

        # Check if the resource is locked
        if self.resource_locked(resource.get_lookup_key()):
            raise SpdbError('Resource Locked',
                            'The requested resource is locked due to excessive write errors. Contact support.',

        # TODO LR: This is temporary logic that will be removed after finalizing the current large data ingest. 
        # Check to make sure the user is writing data at the BASE RESOLUTION or BASE RESOLUTION + 1
        channel = resource.get_channel()
        if channel.base_resolution != resolution and resolution != channel.base_resolution+1:
            raise SpdbError('Resolution Mismatch',
                            "You can only write data to a channel's base resolution or one resolution above it. Base Resolution: {}, Request Resolution: {}".format(channel.base_resolution, resolution),

        # Check if time-series
        if cuboid_data.ndim == 4:
            # Time-series - coords in xyz, data in zyx so shuffle to be consistent and drop time value
            dim = cuboid_data.shape[::-1][:-1]
            time_sample_stop = time_sample_start + cuboid_data.shape[0]

        elif cuboid_data.ndim == 3:
            # Not time-series - coords in xyz, data in zyx so shuffle to be consistent
            dim = cuboid_data.shape[::-1]
            cuboid_data = np.expand_dims(cuboid_data, axis=0)
            time_sample_stop = time_sample_start + 1
            raise SpdbError('Invalid Data Shape', 'Matrix must be 4D or 3D',

        # Get the size of cuboids
        [x_cube_dim, y_cube_dim, z_cube_dim] = cube_dim = CUBOIDSIZE[resolution]

        # Round to the nearest larger cube in all dimensions
        [x_start, y_start, z_start] = list(map(floordiv, corner, cube_dim))

        z_num_cubes = (corner[2] + dim[2] + z_cube_dim - 1) // z_cube_dim - z_start
        y_num_cubes = (corner[1] + dim[1] + y_cube_dim - 1) // y_cube_dim - y_start
        x_num_cubes = (corner[0] + dim[0] + x_cube_dim - 1) // x_cube_dim - x_start

        [x_offset, y_offset, z_offset] = list(map(mod, corner, cube_dim))

        # Populate the data buffer
        data_buffer = np.zeros([time_sample_stop - time_sample_start] +
                               [z_num_cubes * z_cube_dim, y_num_cubes * y_cube_dim, x_num_cubes * x_cube_dim],
                               dtype=cuboid_data.dtype, order="C")

        data_buffer[:, z_offset:z_offset + dim[2],
                       y_offset:y_offset + dim[1],
                       x_offset:x_offset + dim[0]] = cuboid_data

        # Get keys ready
        experiment = resource.get_experiment()
        if iso is True and resolution > resource.get_isotropic_level() and experiment.hierarchy_method.lower() == "anisotropic":
            base_write_cuboid_key = "WRITE-CUBOID&ISO&{}&{}".format(resource.get_lookup_key(), resolution)
            base_write_cuboid_key = "WRITE-CUBOID&{}&{}".format(resource.get_lookup_key(), resolution)

        blog.info("Writing Cuboid - Base Key: {}".format(base_write_cuboid_key))

        # Get current cube from db, merge with new cube, write back to the to db
        # TODO: Move splitting up data and computing morton into c-lib as single method
        page_out_cnt = 0
        for z in range(z_num_cubes):
            for y in range(y_num_cubes):
                for x in range(x_num_cubes):
                    # Get the morton ID for the cube
                    morton_idx = ndlib.XYZMorton([x + x_start, y + y_start, z + z_start])

                    # Get sub-cube
                    temp_cube = Cube.create_cube(resource, [x_cube_dim, y_cube_dim, z_cube_dim],
                                                 [time_sample_start, time_sample_stop])
                    temp_cube.data = np.ascontiguousarray(data_buffer[:,
                                                          z * z_cube_dim:(z + 1) * z_cube_dim,
                                                          y * y_cube_dim:(y + 1) * y_cube_dim,
                                                          x * x_cube_dim:(x + 1) * x_cube_dim], dtype=data_buffer.dtype)

                    # For each time sample put cube into write-buffer and add to temp page out key
                    for t in range(time_sample_start, time_sample_stop):
                        # Add cuboid to write buffer
                        write_cuboid_key = self.kvio.insert_cube_in_write_buffer(base_write_cuboid_key, t, morton_idx,

                        # Page Out Attempt Loop
                        temp_page_out_key = "TEMP&{}".format(uuid.uuid4().hex)
                        # Check for page out
                        if self.cache_state.in_page_out(temp_page_out_key, resource.get_lookup_key(),
                                                        resolution, morton_idx, t):
                            blog.info("Writing Cuboid - Delayed Write: {}".format(write_cuboid_key))
                            # Delay Write!
                            # You are done. continue
                            # Attempt to get write slot by checking page out
                            in_page_out = self.cache_state.add_to_page_out(temp_page_out_key,

                            if not in_page_out:
                                # Good to trigger lambda!
                                self.objectio.trigger_page_out({"kv_config": self.kv_config,
                                                                "state_config": self.state_conf,
                                                                "object_store_config": self.object_store_config},
                                page_out_cnt += 1
                                # All done. continue.
                                # Ended up in page out during transaction. Make delayed write.
                                blog.info("Writing Cuboid - Delayed Write: {}".format(write_cuboid_key))
                                                                      t, resource.to_json())
        blog.info("Triggered {} Page Out Operations".format(page_out_cnt))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def cutout(self, resource, corner, extent, resolution, time_sample_range=None, filter_ids=None, iso=False, access_mode="cache"):
        """Extract a cube of arbitrary size. Need not be aligned to cuboid boundaries.

        corner represents the location of the cutout and extent the size.  As an example in 1D, if asking for
        a corner of 3 and extent of 2, this would be the values at 3 and 4.

        Provide a list of ids to filter the cutout contents if desired.  The list must be convertible to a numpy array
        via numpy.asarray().

            resource (spdb.project.BossResource): Data model info based on the request or target resource
            corner ((int, int, int)): the xyz location of the corner of the cutout
            extent ((int, int, int)): the xyz extents
            resolution (int): the resolution level
            time_sample_range (list((int)):  a range of time samples to get [start, stop). Default is [0,1) if omitted
            filter_ids (optional[list]): Defaults to None. Otherwise, is a list of uint64 ids to filter cutout by.
            iso (bool): Flag indicating if you want to get to the "isotropic" version of a cuboid, if available
            access_mode (str): Indicates one of three possible modes.
                cache = Will use cache and check for dirty keys
                no_cache = Will skip checking the cache but check for dirty keys
                raw = Will skip checking the cache and dirty keys

            cube.Cube: The cutout data stored in a Cube instance

        boss_logger = BossLogger()
        blog = boss_logger.logger

        if not time_sample_range:
            # If not time sample list defined, used default of 0
            time_sample_range = [0, 1]

        # if cutout is below resolution, get a smaller cube and scaleup
        # ONLY FOR ANNO CHANNELS - if data is missing on the current resolution but exists elsewhere...extrapolate
        # resource.get_channel().base_resolution is the "base" resolution and you assume data exists there.
        # If downsampled you don't have to worry about this.
        # currently we don't upsample annotations when hardening the database, so don't need to check for propagated.

        # Create namedtuple for consistency with re-sampling paths through the code
        result_tuple = namedtuple('ResampleCoords',
                                  ['corner', 'extent', 'x_pixel_offset', 'y_pixel_offset'])

        # Check if you need to scale a cutout due to off-base resolution cutout and the downsample state
        channel = resource.get_channel()
        if not channel.is_image():
            # The channel is an annotation so we can dynamically re-sample
            base_res = channel.base_resolution

            if base_res > resolution and not resource.is_downsampled():
                # Desired cutout is below base res in hierarchy (higher res image). Must up-sample cutout dynamically
                # Find the effective dimensions of the up-sampled cutout
                raise SpdbError('Not Implemented',
                                'Dynamic resolution up-sampling not yet implemented.',

                # cutout_coords = self._up_sample_cutout(resource, corner, extent, resolution)

                # [x_cube_dim, y_cube_dim, z_cube_dim] = cube_dim = CUBOIDSIZE[base_res]
                # cutout_resolution = base_res

            elif not channel.is_image() and base_res < resolution and not resource.is_downsampled():
                # Currently, let's not support this. We can cutout a smaller cube and up-sample for the user, but do not
                # want to deal with cutting out large regions and down-sampling
                raise SpdbError('Not Implemented',
                                'Dynamic resolution down-sampling not yet implemented.',
                # If cutout is an annotation channel, above base resolution (lower res), and NOT propagated, down-sample
                # cutout_coords = self._down_sample_cutout(resource, corner, extent, resolution)

                # [x_cube_dim, y_cube_dim, z_cube_dim] = cube_dim = CUBOIDSIZE[base_res]
                # cutout_resolution = base_res
                # this is the default path when not DYNAMICALLY scaling the resolution

                # get the size of the image and cube
                [x_cube_dim, y_cube_dim, z_cube_dim] = cube_dim = CUBOIDSIZE[resolution]
                cutout_resolution = resolution

                # Create namedtuple for consistency with re-sampling paths through the code
                cutout_coords = result_tuple(corner, extent, None, None)
            # Resource is an image channel, so no re-sampling
            # get the size of the image and cube
            [x_cube_dim, y_cube_dim, z_cube_dim] = cube_dim = CUBOIDSIZE[resolution]
            cutout_resolution = resolution

            # Create namedtuple for consistency with re-sampling paths through the code
            cutout_coords = result_tuple(corner, extent, None, None)

        # Round to the nearest larger cube in all dimensions
        z_start = cutout_coords.corner[2] // z_cube_dim
        y_start = cutout_coords.corner[1] // y_cube_dim
        x_start = cutout_coords.corner[0] // x_cube_dim

        z_num_cubes = (cutout_coords.corner[2] + cutout_coords.extent[2] + z_cube_dim - 1) // z_cube_dim - z_start
        y_num_cubes = (cutout_coords.corner[1] + cutout_coords.extent[1] + y_cube_dim - 1) // y_cube_dim - y_start
        x_num_cubes = (cutout_coords.corner[0] + cutout_coords.extent[0] + x_cube_dim - 1) // x_cube_dim - x_start

        # Initialize the final output cube (before trim operation since adding full cuboids)
        out_cube = Cube.create_cube(resource,
                                    [x_num_cubes * x_cube_dim, y_num_cubes * y_cube_dim, z_num_cubes * z_cube_dim],

        # Build a list of indexes to access
        # TODO: Move this for loop directly into c-lib
        list_of_idxs = []
        for z in range(z_num_cubes):
            for y in range(y_num_cubes):
                for x in range(x_num_cubes):
                    morton_idx = ndlib.XYZMorton([x + x_start, y + y_start, z + z_start])

        # Sort the indexes in Morton order

        # xyz offset stored for later use
        lowxyz = ndlib.MortonXYZ(list_of_idxs[0])

        # If the user specifies the access_mode to be raw, then the system will bypass checking for dirty keys. 
        # This option is only recommended for large quickly scaling ingest jobs. 
        if access_mode == "raw":
            blog.info("In access_mode {}, bypassing write check of dirty keys".format(access_mode))
            missing_key_idx = []
            cached_key_idx = []
            all_keys = self.kvio.generate_cached_cuboid_keys(resource, cutout_resolution,
                                                             list(range(*time_sample_range)), list_of_idxs, iso=iso)

        # If the user specified either no_cache or cache as the access_mode. Then the system will check for dirty keys. 
            # Get index of missing keys for cuboids to read
            blog.info("In access_mode {}, checking for dirty keys".format(access_mode))
            missing_key_idx, cached_key_idx, all_keys = self.kvio.get_missing_read_cache_keys(resource,
            # Wait for cuboids that are currently being written to finish
            start_time = datetime.now()
            dirty_keys = all_keys
            blog.debug("Waiting for {} writes to finish before read can complete".format(len(dirty_keys)))
            while dirty_keys:
                dirty_flags = self.kvio.is_dirty(dirty_keys)
                dirty_keys_temp, clean_keys = [], []
                for key, flag in zip(dirty_keys, dirty_flags):
                    (dirty_keys_temp if flag else clean_keys).append(key)
                dirty_keys = dirty_keys_temp

                if (datetime.now() - start_time).seconds > self.dirty_read_timeout:
                    # Took too long! Something must have crashed
                    raise SpdbError('{} second timeout reached while waiting for dirty cubes to be flushed.'.format(
                # Sleep a bit so you don't kill the DB

        # All dirty cubes flushed, can begin reading.

        s3_key_idx = []
        cache_cuboids = []
        s3_cuboids = []
        zero_cuboids = []

        # If access_mode is either raw or no_cache, then bypass the cache and load all cuboids directly from S3
        if access_mode == "no_cache" or access_mode == "raw":
            blog.info("In access_mode {}, bypassing cache".format(access_mode))
            # If not using the cache or raw flags, then consider all keys are missing.
            missing_key_idx = [i for i in range(len(all_keys))]

        if len(missing_key_idx) > 0:
            # There are keys that are missing in the cache
            # Get index of missing keys that are in S3
            s3_key_idx, zero_key_idx = self.objectio.cuboids_exist(all_keys, missing_key_idx)

            if len(s3_key_idx) > 0:
                if access_mode == "no_cache" or access_mode == "raw":
                    temp_keys = self.objectio.cached_cuboid_to_object_keys(itemgetter(*s3_key_idx)(all_keys))

                    # Get objects
                    temp_cubes = self.objectio.get_objects(temp_keys)
                    # keys will be just the morton id and time sample.
                    keys_and_cubes = []
                    for key, cube in zip(temp_keys, temp_cubes):
                        vals = key.split("&")
                        keys_and_cubes.append((int(vals[-1]), int(vals[-2]), cube))
                    s3_cuboids = self.sort_cubes(resource, keys_and_cubes)
                    # Load data into cache.
                    blog.debug("Data missing from cache, but present in S3")

                    if len(s3_key_idx) > self.read_lambda_threshold:
                        # Trigger page-in of available blocks from object store and wait for completion
                        blog.debug("Triggering Lambda Page-in")
                        # Read cuboids from S3 into cache directly
                        # Convert cuboid-cache keys to object keys
                        blog.debug("Paging-in Keys Directly")
                        temp_keys = self.objectio.cached_cuboid_to_object_keys(itemgetter(*s3_key_idx)(all_keys))

                        # Get objects
                        temp_cubes = self.objectio.get_objects(temp_keys)

                        # write to cache
                        blog.debug("put keys on direct page in: {}".format(itemgetter(*s3_key_idx)(all_keys)))
                        self.kvio.put_cubes(itemgetter(*s3_key_idx)(all_keys), temp_cubes)

            if len(zero_key_idx) > 0:
                if  access_mode == "cache":
                    blog.debug("Data missing in cache, but not in S3")
                    blog.debug("No data for some keys, making cuboids with zeros")

                # Keys that don't exist in object store render as zeros
                [x_cube_dim, y_cube_dim, z_cube_dim] = CUBOIDSIZE[resolution]
                for idx in zero_key_idx:
                    parts, m_id = all_keys[idx].rsplit("&", 1)
                    _, t_start = parts.rsplit("&", 1)
                    temp_cube = Cube.create_cube(resource, [x_cube_dim, y_cube_dim, z_cube_dim], [int(t_start), int(t_start) + 1])
                    temp_cube.morton_id = int(m_id)

        # Get cubes from the cache database (either already there or freshly paged in)
        if  access_mode =="cache":
            blog.info("In access_mode {}, using cache".format(access_mode))
            # TODO: Optimize access to cache data and checking for dirty cubes
            if len(s3_key_idx) > 0:
                blog.debug("Get cubes from cache that were paged in from S3")

                s3_cuboids = self.get_cubes(resource, itemgetter(*s3_key_idx)(all_keys))

                # Record misses that were found in S3 for possible pre-fetching

            # Get previously cached cubes, waiting for dirty cubes to be updated if needed
            if len(cached_key_idx) > 0:
                blog.debug("Get cubes that were already present in the cache")

                # Get the cached keys once in list form
                cached_keys_list = itemgetter(*cached_key_idx)(all_keys)
                if isinstance(cached_keys_list, str):
                    cached_keys_list = [cached_keys_list]
                if isinstance(cached_keys_list, tuple):
                    cached_keys_list = list(cached_keys_list)

                # Split clean and dirty keys
                dirty_flags = self.kvio.is_dirty(cached_keys_list)
                dirty_keys, clean_keys = [], []
                for key, flag in zip(cached_keys_list, dirty_flags):
                    (dirty_keys if flag else clean_keys).append(key)

                # Get all the clean cubes immediately, removing them from the list of cached keys to get
                for k in clean_keys:
                cache_cuboids.extend(self.get_cubes(resource, clean_keys))

                # Get the dirty ones when you can with a timeout
                start_time = datetime.now()
                while dirty_keys:
                    dirty_flags = self.kvio.is_dirty(cached_keys_list)
                    dirty_keys, clean_keys = [], []
                    for key, flag in zip(cached_keys_list, dirty_flags):
                        (dirty_keys if flag else clean_keys).append(key)

                    if clean_keys:
                        # Some keys are ready now. Remove from list and get them
                        for k in clean_keys:
                        cache_cuboids.extend(self.get_cubes(resource, clean_keys))

                    if (datetime.now() - start_time).seconds > self.dirty_read_timeout:
                        # Took too long! Something must have crashed
                        raise SpdbError('{} second timeout reached while waiting for dirty cubes to be flushed.'.format(self.dirty_read_timeout),

                    # Sleep a bit so you don't kill the DB
        if access_mode != "cache" and access_mode != "no_cache" and access_mode != "raw":
            raise SpdbError('The access_mode "{}" specified is not valid'.format(access_mode), ErrorCodes.SPDB_ERROR)
        # At this point, have all cuboids whether or not the cache was used.

        # Add all cuboids (which have all time samples packed in already) to final cube of data
        for cube in cache_cuboids + s3_cuboids + zero_cuboids:
            # Compute offset so data inserted properly
            curxyz = ndlib.MortonXYZ(cube.morton_id)
            offset = [curxyz[0] - lowxyz[0], curxyz[1] - lowxyz[1], curxyz[2] - lowxyz[2]]

            # add it to the output cube
            out_cube.add_data(cube, offset)

        # A smaller cube was cutout due to off-base resolution query: up-sample and trim
        base_res = channel.base_resolution
        if not channel.is_image() and base_res > resolution and not resource.is_downsampled():
            raise SpdbError('Not Implemented',
                            'Dynamic resolution up-sampling not yet implemented.',
            # TODO: implement dynamic re-sampling
            # out_cube.zoomData(base_res - resolution)

            # need to trim based on the cube cutout at new resolution
            # out_cube.trim(corner[0] % (x_cube_dim * (2 ** (base_res - resolution))) + cutout_coords.x_pixel_offset,
            #               extent[0],
            #               corner[1] % (y_cube_dim * (2 ** (base_res - resolution))) + cutout_coords.y_pixel_offset,
            #               extent[1],
            #               corner[2] % z_cube_dim,
            #               extent[2])

        # A larger cube was cutout due to off-base resolution query: down-sample and trim
        elif not channel.is_image() and base_res < resolution and not resource.is_downsampled():
            raise SpdbError('Not Implemented',
                            'Dynamic resolution down-sampling not yet implemented.',
            # out_cube.downScale(resolution - base_res)
            # # need to trim based on the cube cutout at new resolution
            # out_cube.trim(corner[0] % (x_cube_dim * (2 ** (base_res - resolution))),
            #               extent[0],
            #               corner[1] % (y_cube_dim * (2 ** (base_res - resolution))),
            #               extent[1],
            #               corner[2] % z_cube_dim,
            #               extent[2])

        # Trim cube since cutout was not cuboid aligned
        elif extent[0] % x_cube_dim == 0 and \
             extent[1] % y_cube_dim == 0 and \
             extent[2] % z_cube_dim == 0 and \
             corner[0] % x_cube_dim == 0 and \
             corner[1] % y_cube_dim == 0 and \
             corner[2] % z_cube_dim == 0:
            # Cube is already the correct dimensions
            out_cube.trim(corner[0] % x_cube_dim,
                          corner[1] % y_cube_dim,
                          corner[2] % z_cube_dim,

        # Filter out ids not in list.
        if filter_ids is not None:
                out_cube.data = ndlib.filter_ctype_OMP(out_cube.data, filter_ids)
            except ValueError as ve:
                raise SpdbError(
                    'filter_ids probably not convertible to numpy uint64 array: {}'.format(ve),
                    ErrorCodes.DATATYPE_MISMATCH) from ve
                raise SpdbError('unknown error filtering cutout', ErrorCodes.SPDB_ERROR)

        return out_cube