def test_ccode_with_unicode(): domein = 'test' tests = [(u'key1',u'leftcode'), (u'key2',u'~!@#$%^&*()_+}{:";][=-/.,<>?`'), (u'key3',u'?érýúíó?ás??lzcn?'), (u'key4',u'?ë?ÿüïöä´¨???è?ùì'), (u'key5',u'òà???UIÕÃ?Ñ`~'), (u'key6',u"a\xac\u1234\u20ac\U00008000"), (u'key7',u"abc_\u03a0\u03a3\u03a9.txt"), (u'key8',u"?ÉRÝÚÍÓ?ÁS??LZCN??"), (u'key9',u"Ë?¨YܨIÏÏÖÄ???È?ÙÌÒ`À`Z?"), ] try: #clean before test botslib.changeq(u'''DELETE FROM ccode ''') botslib.changeq(u'''DELETE FROM ccodetrigger''') except: print 'Error while deleting: ',botslib.txtexc() raise try: botslib.changeq(u'''INSERT INTO ccodetrigger (ccodeid) VALUES (%(ccodeid)s)''', {'ccodeid':domein}) for key,value in tests: botslib.changeq(u'''INSERT INTO ccode (ccodeid_id,leftcode,rightcode,attr1,attr2,attr3,attr4,attr5,attr6,attr7,attr8) VALUES (%(ccodeid)s,%(leftcode)s,%(rightcode)s,'1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1')''', {'ccodeid':domein,'leftcode':key,'rightcode':value}) except: print 'Error while updating: ',botslib.txtexc() raise try: for key,value in tests: print 'key',key for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT rightcode FROM ccode WHERE ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s AND leftcode = %(leftcode)s''', {'ccodeid':domein,'leftcode':key}): print ' ',key, type(row['rightcode']),type(value) if row['rightcode'] != value: print 'failure in test "%s": result "%s" is not equal to "%s"'%(key,row['rightcode'],value) else: print ' OK' break; else: print '??can not find testentry %s %s in db'%(key,value) except: print 'Error while quering db: ',botslib.txtexc() raise
def change_communication_type(idchannel, to_type): botslib.changeq( u'''UPDATE channel SET type = %(to_type)s WHERE idchannel = %(idchannel)s ''', { 'to_type': to_type, 'idchannel': idchannel })
def change_communication_type(idchannel, to_type): botslib.changeq( """UPDATE channel SET type = %(to_type)s WHERE idchannel = %(idchannel)s """, { "to_type": to_type, "idchannel": idchannel }, )
def indicate_rereceive(): count = 0 for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT idta FROM filereport ORDER BY idta DESC '''): count += 1 botslib.changeq(u'''UPDATE filereport SET retransmit = 1 WHERE idta=%(idta)s ''', {'idta': row[str('idta')]}) if count >= 2: break
def indicate_rereceive(): count = 0 for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT idta FROM filereport ORDER BY idta DESC '''): count += 1 botslib.changeq(u'''UPDATE filereport SET retransmit = 1 WHERE idta=%(idta)s ''',{'idta':row[str('idta')]}) if count >= 2: break
def indicate_send(): count = 0 for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT idta FROM ta WHERE status=%(status)s ORDER BY idta DESC ''', {'status': EXTERNOUT}): count += 1 botslib.changeq(u'''UPDATE ta SET retransmit = %(retransmit)s WHERE idta=%(idta)s ''', {'retransmit': True, 'idta': row[str('idta')]}) if count >= 2: break
def indicate_send(): count = 0 for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT idta FROM ta WHERE status=%(status)s ORDER BY idta DESC ''',{'status':EXTERNOUT}): count += 1 botslib.changeq(u'''UPDATE ta SET retransmit = %(retransmit)s WHERE idta=%(idta)s ''',{'retransmit':True,'idta':row[str('idta')]}) if count >= 2: break
def test_ccode_with_unicode(): domein = 'test' tests = [ (u'key1', u'leftcode'), (u'key2', u'~!@#$%^&*()_+}{:";][=-/.,<>?`'), (u'key3', u'?érýúíó?ás??lzcn?'), (u'key4', u'?ë?ÿüïöä´¨???è?ùì'), (u'key5', u'òà???UIÕÃ?Ñ`~'), (u'key6', u"a\xac\u1234\u20ac\U00008000"), (u'key7', u"abc_\u03a0\u03a3\u03a9.txt"), (u'key8', u"?ÉRÝÚÍÓ?ÁS??LZCN??"), (u'key9', u"Ë?¨YܨIÏÏÖÄ???È?ÙÌÒ`À`Z?"), ] try: #clean before test botslib.changeq(u'''DELETE FROM ccode ''') botslib.changeq(u'''DELETE FROM ccodetrigger''') except: print('Error while deleting: ', botslib.txtexc()) raise try: botslib.changeq( u'''INSERT INTO ccodetrigger (ccodeid) VALUES (%(ccodeid)s)''', {'ccodeid': domein}) for key, value in tests: botslib.changeq( u'''INSERT INTO ccode (ccodeid_id,leftcode,rightcode,attr1,attr2,attr3,attr4,attr5,attr6,attr7,attr8) VALUES (%(ccodeid)s,%(leftcode)s,%(rightcode)s,'1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1')''', { 'ccodeid': domein, 'leftcode': key, 'rightcode': value }) except: print('Error while updating: ', botslib.txtexc()) raise try: for key, value in tests: print('key', key) for row in botslib.query( u'''SELECT rightcode FROM ccode WHERE ccodeid_id = %(ccodeid)s AND leftcode = %(leftcode)s''', { 'ccodeid': domein, 'leftcode': key }): print(' ', key, type(row[str('rightcode')]), type(value)) if row[str('rightcode')] != value: print( 'failure in test "%s": result "%s" is not equal to "%s"' % (key, row['rightcode'], value)) else: print(' OK') break else: print('??can not find testentry %s %s in db' % (key, value)) except: print('Error while quering db: ', botslib.txtexc()) raise
def main(inn,out): transform.inn2out(inn,out) #997 is 'copied' as output, gets formatted as xmlnocheck) reference = inn.get({'BOTSID':'ST'},{'BOTSID':'AK1','AK102':None}) #~ print reference,inn.ta_info['frompartner'],inn.ta_info['topartner'] botslib.changeq('''UPDATE ta SET confirmed=%(confirmed)s, confirmidta=%(confirmidta)s WHERE reference=%(reference)s AND status=%(status)s AND confirmasked=%(confirmasked)s AND confirmtype=%(confirmtype)s AND frompartner=%(frompartner)s AND topartner=%(topartner)s ''', {'status':MERGED,'reference':reference,'confirmed':True,'confirmtype':'ask-x12-997','confirmidta':inn.ta_info['idta_fromfile'], 'confirmasked':True,'frompartner':inn.ta_info['topartner'],'topartner':inn.ta_info['frompartner']})
def indicate_rereceive(): count = 0 for row in botslib.query("""SELECT idta FROM filereport ORDER BY idta DESC """): count += 1 botslib.changeq( """UPDATE filereport SET retransmit = 1 WHERE idta=%(idta)s """, {"idta": row[str("idta")]}, ) if count >= 2: break
def main(inn, out): out.ta_info['statust'] = DONE #indicate: no output form translation. reference = inn.get({'BOTSID': 'ST'}, {'BOTSID': 'AK1', 'AK102': None}) botslib.changeq( '''UPDATE ta SET confirmed=%(confirmed)s, confirmidta=%(confirmidta)s WHERE reference=%(reference)s AND status=%(status)s AND confirmasked=%(confirmasked)s AND confirmtype=%(confirmtype)s AND frompartner=%(frompartner)s AND topartner=%(topartner)s ''', { 'status': MERGED, 'reference': reference, 'confirmed': True, 'confirmtype': 'ask-x12-997', 'confirmidta': inn.ta_info['idta_fromfile'], 'confirmasked': True, 'frompartner': inn.ta_info['topartner'], 'topartner': inn.ta_info['frompartner'] })
def indicate_send(): count = 0 for row in botslib.query( """SELECT idta FROM ta WHERE status=%(status)s ORDER BY idta DESC """, {"status": EXTERNOUT}, ): count += 1 botslib.changeq( """UPDATE ta SET retransmit = %(retransmit)s WHERE idta=%(idta)s """, { "retransmit": True, "idta": row[str("idta")] }, ) if count >= 2: break
def main(inn, out): transform.inn2out( inn, out) #997 is 'copied' as output, gets formatted as xmlnocheck) reference = inn.get({'BOTSID': 'ST'}, {'BOTSID': 'AK1', 'AK102': None}) #~ print reference,inn.ta_info['frompartner'],inn.ta_info['topartner'] botslib.changeq( '''UPDATE ta SET confirmed=%(confirmed)s, confirmidta=%(confirmidta)s WHERE reference=%(reference)s AND status=%(status)s AND confirmasked=%(confirmasked)s AND confirmtype=%(confirmtype)s AND frompartner=%(frompartner)s AND topartner=%(topartner)s ''', { 'status': MERGED, 'reference': reference, 'confirmed': True, 'confirmtype': 'ask-x12-997', 'confirmidta': inn.ta_info['idta_fromfile'], 'confirmasked': True, 'frompartner': inn.ta_info['topartner'], 'topartner': inn.ta_info['frompartner'] })
def change_communication_type(idchannel, to_type): botslib.changeq(u'''UPDATE channel SET type = %(to_type)s WHERE idchannel = %(idchannel)s ''', {'to_type': to_type, 'idchannel': idchannel})