def player_selection_to_bot(selection): if selection == 1: return gofish.HumanController() elif selection == 2: return bots.RandomBot() elif selection == 3: return bots.BadBot() elif selection == 4: return bots.GoodBot(default_ask='random_high') elif selection == 5: return bots.GoodBot(default_ask='same_high') elif selection == 6: return bots.GoodBot(default_ask='random_all') raise ValueError('Incorrect Selection')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Apr 3 07:23:14 2020 @author: terrylines """ import OX_short import DP_bot import bots import MonteCarloEpsilonGreedy_bot player1 = bots.RandomBot("Terry") player2 = bots.RandomBot("Mikey") player3 = bots.OXMasterBot("Peter") player4 = DP_bot.OXDynamicProgrammingBot("Nick") player5 = DP_bot.OXDynamicProgrammingBot("Rob") # show that two random players get a zero avg scroe scores2 =, reward=bots.marginReward, opponents=[player1], repeats=1) sum(scores2) / 10000 # a simple tactic of taking centre gets an 0.2 avg score scores3 =, reward=bots.marginReward, opponents=[player1], repeats=10000)
import gofish_env import bots replay_buffer_size = 20000 fc_layer_params = (256,64) learning_rate = 5e-5 init_collection_steps = 10000 num_iterations = 100000 collect_steps_per_iteration = 1 log_interval = 100 eval_interval = 10000 num_eval_episodes = 100 train_reward_run_amount = 0.99 bot = bots.RandomBot() memory_features = True lose_on_illegal_move = False drawless = False conv_features = True train_py_environment = gofish_env.GoFishEnv(bot, max_visible_opponent_hand_size=10, max_visible_deck_size=10, drawless=drawless, lose_on_illegal_move=lose_on_illegal_move, memory_features=memory_features, conv_features=conv_features) print('Validating env.') utils.validate_py_environment(train_py_environment, episodes=5) print('Validation complete.') eval_py_environment = gofish_env.GoFishEnv(bot, max_visible_opponent_hand_size=10, max_visible_deck_size=10, drawless=drawless, lose_on_illegal_move=lose_on_illegal_move, memory_features=memory_features, conv_features=conv_features) train_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(train_py_environment) eval_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(eval_py_environment)
def main(argv): if len(argv) == 1: print( 'To play against bot or local, run binary with appropriate flags:') print('\tpython3 bot') print('\tpython3 remote SERVER_ADDRESS') window = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, WIDTH)) pygame.display.set_caption("Split") opponent = 'local' if len(argv) == 1 else argv[1] # bot/local/remote if opponent == 'remote': host = argv[2] ui_state = UIState( window, players=[remote_play.RemotePlayer(host), game.GamePlayer()]) if ui_state.players[0].client_id == 0: temp_p = ui_state.players.pop(0) ui_state.players.append(temp_p) else: opponent_player = bots.RandomBot( ) if opponent == 'bot' else game.GamePlayer() ui_state = UIState(window, players=[opponent_player, game.GamePlayer()]) random.shuffle(ui_state.players) run = True while run: current_player = ui_state.players[ui_state.state.next_player - 1] other_player = ui_state.players[2 - ui_state.state.next_player] if not current_player.local_human: if ui_state.intro_state == 1: choice = current_player.choose_color(ui_state.state) ui_state.choose_color(choice) other_player.update_color_choice(choice) else: move = current_player.get_move(ui_state.state) ui_state.make_move(move) other_player.update_move(move) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() # Reverse transform mouse mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos() mouse_position = game.GamePoint( (mouse_position[0] - ui_state.pan[0]) / ui_state.zoom, (mouse_position[1] - ui_state.pan[1]) / ui_state.zoom) if ui_state.can_draw_fill(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 4: ui_state.zoom *= 1.5 elif event.button == 5: ui_state.zoom /= 1.5 elif event.button == 3: ui_state.cancel_move() else: ui_state.mouse_click(mouse_position) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: ui_state.mouse_move(mouse_position) keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() #checking pressed keys if keys[pygame.K_w]: ui_state.pan[1] += 1 if keys[pygame.K_a]: ui_state.pan[0] += 1 if keys[pygame.K_s]: ui_state.pan[1] -= 1 if keys[pygame.K_d]: ui_state.pan[0] -= 1 if ui_state.can_choose_color(): if keys[pygame.K_1]: ui_state.choose_color(True) if keys[pygame.K_2]: ui_state.choose_color(False) ui_state.render()
def test(): p1 = bots.RandomBot(consts.X) p2 = bots.RandomBot(consts.O) game = TicTacToe(p1, p2)