Ejemplo n.º 1
def cat_boxlist(bboxes):
    Concatenates a list of BoxList (having the same image size) into a
    single BoxList

        bboxes (list[BoxList])
    assert isinstance(bboxes, (list, tuple))
    assert all(isinstance(bbox, BoxList) for bbox in bboxes)

    size = bboxes[0].size
    assert all(bbox.size == size for bbox in bboxes)

    mode = bboxes[0].mode
    assert all(bbox.mode == mode for bbox in bboxes)

    fields = set(bboxes[0].fields())
    assert all(set(bbox.fields()) == fields for bbox in bboxes)

    cat_boxes = BoxList(_cat([bbox.bbox for bbox in bboxes], dim=0), size,

    for field in fields:
        data = _cat([bbox.get_field(field) for bbox in bboxes], dim=0)
        cat_boxes.add_field(field, data)

    return cat_boxes
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def single_fmps_process(self, location, pred_cls, pred_box,
                            pred_centerness, image_sizes):
        B, H, W, C = pred_cls.shape

        pred_cls = pred_cls.view(B, -1, C).sigmoid()
        pred_box = pred_box.view(B, -1, 4)
        pred_centerness = pred_centerness.view(B, -1).sigmoid()

        # multiply the classification scores with centerness scores
        pred_cls = pred_cls * pred_centerness[:, :, None]

        cls_mask = pred_cls > self.conf_thresh
        cls_mask_top_n = cls_mask.view(B, -1).sum(1)
        cls_mask_top_n = cls_mask_top_n.clamp(max=self.nms_thresh_topN)

        res = []
        for b in range(B):
            per_cls = pred_cls[b]
            per_cls_mask = cls_mask[b]
            per_cls = per_cls[per_cls_mask]

            per_cls_mask_nonzeros = per_cls_mask.nonzero()

            per_box_loc = per_cls_mask_nonzeros[:, 0]
            per_box_cls = per_cls_mask_nonzeros[:, 1] + 1  # class index

            per_box = pred_box[b]
            per_box = per_box[per_box_loc]
            per_location = location[per_box_loc]
            per_cls_mask_top_n = cls_mask_top_n[b]

            if per_cls_mask.sum().item() > per_cls_mask_top_n.item():
                per_cls, top_k_idx = per_cls.topk(per_cls_mask_top_n,
                per_box_cls = per_box_cls[top_k_idx]
                per_box = per_box[top_k_idx]
                per_location = per_location[top_k_idx]

            detections = torch.stack([
                per_location[:, 0] - per_box[:, 0],
                per_location[:, 1] - per_box[:, 1],
                per_location[:, 0] + per_box[:, 2],
                per_location[:, 1] + per_box[:, 3],

            h, w = image_sizes[0]
            box_list = BoxList(detections, (w, h), mode='xyxy')
            box_list.add_field('labels', per_box_cls)
            box_list.add_field('scores', per_cls)
            box_list = box_list.clip_to_image(remove_empty=False)

        return res
def select_layers(loc, cls, box, centerness, img_size):

    batch, channel, height, width = cls.shape
    cls = cls.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
    cls = cls.reshape(batch, -1, channel).sigmoid()
    box = box.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
    box = box.reshape(batch, -1, 4)
    centerness = centerness.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
    centerness = centerness.reshape(batch, -1).sigmoid()

    select_id = cls > PRE_NMS_THRESH
    num_id = select_id.view(batch, -1).sum(1)
    num_id = num_id.clamp(max=PRE_NMS_TOK_K)

    cls = cls * centerness[:, :, None]

    res = []

    for i in range(batch):
        cls_i = cls[i]
        select_id_i = select_id[i]
        cls_i = cls_i[select_id_i]
        per_candidate_nonzeros = select_id_i.nonzero()
        loc_i = per_candidate_nonzeros[:, 0]
        per_class = per_candidate_nonzeros[:, 1] + 1

        box_i = box[i]
        box_i = box_i[loc_i]
        per_locs = loc[loc_i]

        tok_k = num_id[i]

        if select_id_i.sum().item() > tok_k.item():
            cls_i, top_k_index = cls_i.topk(tok_k, sorted=False)
            per_class = per_class[top_k_index]
            box_i = box_i[top_k_index]
            per_locs = per_locs[top_k_index]

        l_ = per_locs[:, 0] - box_i[:, 0]
        t_ = per_locs[:, 1] - box_i[:, 1]
        r_ = per_locs[:, 0] + box_i[:, 2]
        b_ = per_locs[:, 1] + box_i[:, 3]

        regs = torch.stack([l_, t_, r_, b_], dim=1)
        h, w = img_size[i]
        boxlist = BoxList(regs, (int(w), int(h)), mode='xyxy')
        boxlist.add_field("labels", per_class)
        boxlist.add_field("scores", cls_i)
        boxlist = boxlist.clip_to_image(remove_empty=False)
        # boxlist = remove_small_boxes(boxlist, self.min_size)

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def select_over_all_levels(self, boxlists):
        num_imgs = len(boxlists)
        results = []

        for i in range(num_imgs):
            scores = boxlists[i].get_field("scores")
            labels = boxlists[i].get_field("labels")
            boxes = boxlists[i].bbox
            boxlist = boxlists[i]
            result = []
            # skip the background
            for j in range(1, self.num_classes + 1):
                idx = (labels == j).nonzero().view(-1)
                scores_j = scores[idx]
                boxes_j = boxes[idx, :].view(-1, 4)

                boxlist_for_class = BoxList(boxes_j, boxlist.size, mode="xyxy")
                boxlist_for_class.add_field("scores", scores_j)
                boxlist_for_class = boxlist_nms(boxlist_for_class,
                num_labels = len(boxlist_for_class)
                labels_cur = torch.full((num_labels, ),
                boxlist_for_class.add_field('labels', labels_cur)

            result = cat_boxlist(result)
            number_of_detections = len(result)
            # Limit to max_per_image detections **over all classes**
            if number_of_detections > self.nms_thresh_topN > 0:
                cls_scores = result.get_field("scores")
                image_thresh, _ = torch.kthvalue(
                    number_of_detections - self.nms_thresh_topN + 1)
                keep = cls_scores >= image_thresh.item()
                keep = torch.nonzero(keep).squeeze(1)
                result = result[keep]
        return results
def select_over_all_levels(boxlist):
    num_images = len(boxlist)
    results = []

    for i in range(num_images):
        scores = boxlist[i].get_field("scores")
        labels = boxlist[i].get_field("labels")
        boxes = boxlist[i].bbox
        boxlist = boxlist[i]
        result = []

        for j in range(1, CLASS):
            inds = (labels == j).nonzero().view(-1)
            scores_j = scores[inds]
            boxes_j = boxes[inds, :].view(-1, 4)
            boxlist_for_class = BoxList(boxes_j, boxlist.size, mode="xyxy")
            boxlist_for_class.add_field("scores", scores_j)
            boxlist_for_class = boxlist_nms(boxlist_for_class,
            num_labels = len(boxlist_for_class)
                torch.full((num_labels, ),
        result = cat_boxlist(result)
        number_of_detections = len(result)

        if number_of_detections > FPN_POS_NMS_TOP_K > 0:
            cls_scores = result.get_field("scores")
            image_thresh, _ = torch.kthvalue(
                cls_scores.cpu(), number_of_detections - FPN_POS_NMS_TOP_K + 1)
            keep = cls_scores >= image_thresh.item()
            keep = torch.nonzero(keep).squeeze(1)
            result = result[keep]
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 6
def calc_detection_voc_prec_rec(gt_boxlists, pred_boxlists, iou_thresh=0.5):
    """Calculate precision and recall based on evaluation code of PASCAL VOC.
    This function calculates precision and recall of
    predicted bounding boxes obtained from a dataset which has :math:`N`
    The code is based on the evaluation code used in PASCAL VOC Challenge.
    n_pos = defaultdict(int)
    score = defaultdict(list)
    match = defaultdict(list)
    gt_labels = []
    for gt_boxlist, pred_boxlist in zip(gt_boxlists, pred_boxlists):
        # pred_bbox = pred_boxlist.bbox.numpy()
        # pred_label = pred_boxlist.get_field("labels").numpy()
        # pred_score = pred_boxlist.get_field("scores").numpy()
        # gt_bbox = gt_boxlist.bbox.numpy()
        # gt_label = gt_boxlist.get_field("labels").numpy()
        # gt_difficult = gt_boxlist.get_field("difficult").numpy()
        pred_bbox = pred_boxlist.bbox
        pred_label = pred_boxlist.get_field("labels")
        pred_score = pred_boxlist.get_field("scores")
        gt_bbox = gt_boxlist.bbox
        gt_label = gt_boxlist.get_field("labels")
        gt_difficult = gt_boxlist.get_field("difficult")

        for l in np.unique(np.concatenate((pred_label, gt_label)).astype(int)):
            pred_mask_l = pred_label == l
            pred_bbox_l = pred_bbox[pred_mask_l]
            pred_score_l = pred_score[pred_mask_l]
            # sort by score
            order = pred_score_l.argsort()[::-1]
            pred_bbox_l = pred_bbox_l[order]
            pred_score_l = pred_score_l[order]

            gt_mask_l = gt_label == l
            gt_bbox_l = gt_bbox[gt_mask_l]
            gt_difficult_l = gt_difficult[gt_mask_l]

            n_pos[l] += np.logical_not(gt_difficult_l).sum()

            if len(pred_bbox_l) == 0:
            if len(gt_bbox_l) == 0:
                match[l].extend((0, ) * pred_bbox_l.shape[0])

            # VOC evaluation follows integer typed bounding boxes.
            pred_bbox_l = pred_bbox_l.copy()
            pred_bbox_l[:, 2:] += 1
            gt_bbox_l = gt_bbox_l.copy()
            gt_bbox_l[:, 2:] += 1
            # iou = boxlist_iou(
            #     BoxList(pred_bbox_l, gt_boxlist.size),
            #     BoxList(gt_bbox_l, gt_boxlist.size),
            # ).numpy()
            iou = boxlist_iou(
                BoxList(pred_bbox_l, gt_boxlist.size),
                BoxList(gt_bbox_l, gt_boxlist.size),

            gt_index = iou.argmax(axis=1)
            # set -1 if there is no matching ground truth
            gt_index[iou.max(axis=1) < iou_thresh] = -1
            del iou

            selec = np.zeros(gt_bbox_l.shape[0], dtype=bool)
            for gt_idx in gt_index:
                if gt_idx >= 0:
                    if gt_difficult_l[gt_idx]:
                        if not selec[gt_idx]:
                    selec[gt_idx] = True

    # n_fg_class = max(n_pos.keys()) + 1
    # prec = [None] * n_fg_class
    # rec = [None] * n_fg_class
    gt_labels = np.concatenate(gt_labels)
    n_pos = {}
    for l in np.unique(gt_labels.astype(int)):
        m1 = np.sum(gt_labels == l)
        m2 = np.sum(gt_labels.astype(int) == l)
        if m1 != m2:
            print(m1, m2)
        n_pos[l] = m2

    prec = {}
    rec = {}
    n_fp = {}
    n_tp = {}

    for l in n_pos.keys():
        score_l = np.array(score[l])
        match_l = np.array(match[l], dtype=np.int8)

        order = score_l.argsort()[::-1]
        match_l = match_l[order]

        tp = np.cumsum(match_l == 1)
        fp = np.cumsum(match_l == 0)

        n_tp[l] = np.sum(match_l == 1)
        n_fp[l] = np.sum(match_l == 0)

        # If an element of fp + tp is 0,
        # the corresponding element of prec[l] is nan.
        prec[l] = tp / (fp + tp)
        # If n_pos[l] is 0, rec[l] is None.
        if n_pos[l] > 0:
            rec[l] = tp / n_pos[l]
            rec[l] = None

    return prec, rec, n_tp, n_fp, n_pos