Ejemplo n.º 1
def split(nxpe, nype, path="data", output="./", informat="nc", outformat=None):
    """Split restart files across NXPE x NYPE processors.

    Returns True on success

    if outformat == None:
        outformat = informat

    mxg = 2
    myg = 2
    npes = nxpe * nype

    if npes <= 0:
        print "ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors"
        return False
    if path == output:
        print "ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files"
        return False

    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))
    nfiles = len(file_list)

    if nfiles == 0:
        print "ERROR: No restart files found"
        return False

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(os.path.join(path, file_list[0]))

    # Get list of variables
    var_list = f.list()
    if len(var_list) == 0:
        print "ERROR: No data found"
        return False
    old_npes = f.read('NPES')
    old_nxpe = f.read('NXPE')

    if nfiles != old_npes:
        print "WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES"
        print "Setting nfiles = " + str(old_npes)
        nfiles = old_npes

    if old_npes % old_nxpe != 0:
        print "ERROR: Old NPES is not a multiple of old NXPE"
        return False

    old_nype = old_npes / old_nxpe

    if nype % old_nype != 0:
        print "SORRY: New nype must be a multiple of old nype"
        return False

    if nxpe % old_nxpe != 0:
        print "SORRY: New nxpe must be a multiple of old nxpe"
        return False

    # Get dimension sizes

    old_mxsub = 0
    old_mysub = 0
    mz = 0
    for v in var_list:
        if f.ndims(v) == 3:
            s = f.size(v)
            old_mxsub = s[0] - 2*mxg
            old_mysub = s[1] - 2*myg
            mz = s[2]

    # Calculate total size of the grid
    nx = old_mxsub * old_nxpe
    ny = old_mysub * old_nype
    print "Grid sizes: ", nx, ny, mz
    # Create the new restart files
    for mype in range(npes):
        # Calculate X and Y processor numbers
        pex = mype % nxpe
        pey = int(mype / nxpe)

        old_pex = int(pex / xs)
        old_pey = int(pey / ys)

        old_x = pex % xs
        old_y = pey % ys

        # Old restart file number
        old_mype = old_nxpe * old_pey + old_pex

        # Calculate indices in old restart file
        xmin = old_x*mxsub
        xmax = xmin + mxsub - 1 + 2*mxg
        ymin = old_y*mysub
        ymax = ymin + mysub - 1 + 2*myg

        print "New: "+str(mype)+" ("+str(pex)+", "+str(pey)+")"
        print " =>  "+str(old_mype)+" ("+str(old_pex)+", "+str(old_pey)+") : ("+str(old_x)+", "+str(old_y)+")"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def redistribute(npes, path="data", nxpe=None, output=".", informat=None, outformat=None, mxg=2, myg=2):
    """Resize restart files across NPES processors.

    Does not check if new processor arrangement is compatible with the branch cuts. In this respect restart.split is safer. However, BOUT++ checks the topology during initialisation anyway so this is not too serious.

    npes : int
        number of processors for the new restart files
    path : string, optional
        location of old restart files
    nxpe : int, optional
        number of processors to use in the x-direction (determines split: npes = nxpe * nype). Default is None which uses the same algorithm as BoutMesh (but without topology information) to determine a suitable value for nxpe.
    output : string, optional
        location to save new restart files
    informat : string, optional
        specify file format of old restart files (must be a suffix understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default uses the format of the first 'BOUT.restart.*' file listed by glob.glob.
    outformat : string, optional
        specify file format of new restart files (must be a suffix understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default is to use the same as informat.

    True on success

    if npes <= 0:
        print("ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors")
        return False

    if path == output:
        print("ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files")
        return False

    if informat == None:
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

    # Get list of variables
    var_list = f.list()
    if len(var_list) == 0:
        print("ERROR: No data found")
        return False

    old_npes = f.read('NPES')
    old_nxpe = f.read('NXPE')
    old_nype = int(old_npes/old_nxpe)

    if nfiles != old_npes:
        print("WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES")
        print("Setting nfiles = " + str(old_npes))
        nfiles = old_npes

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    informat = file_list[0].split(".")[-1]
    if outformat == None:
        outformat = informat

    old_mxsub = 0
    old_mysub = 0
    mz = 0

    for v in var_list:
        if f.ndims(v) == 3:
            s = f.size(v)
            old_mxsub = s[0] - 2*mxg
            if old_mxsub < 0:
                if s[0] == 1:
                    old_mxsub = 1
                    mxg = 0
                elif s[0] == 3:
                    old_mxsub = 1
                    mxg = 1
                    print("Number of x points is wrong?")
                    return False

            old_mysub = s[1] - 2*myg
            if old_mysub < 0:
                if s[1] == 1:
                    old_mysub = 1
                    myg = 0
                elif s[1] == 3:
                    old_mysub = 1
                    myg = 1
                    print("Number of y points is wrong?")
                    return False

            mz = s[2]

    # Calculate total size of the grid
    nx = old_mxsub * old_nxpe
    ny = old_mysub * old_nype
    print("Grid sizes: ", nx, ny, mz)

    if nxpe == None: # Copy algorithm from BoutMesh for selecting nxpe
        ideal = sqrt(float(nx) * float(npes) / float(ny)) # Results in square domain

        for i in range(1,npes+1):
            if npes%i == 0 and nx%i == 0 and int(nx/i) >= mxg and ny%(npes/i) == 0:
                # Found an acceptable value
                # Warning: does not check branch cuts!

                if nxpe==None or abs(ideal - i) < abs(ideal - nxpe):
                    nxpe = i # Keep value nearest to the ideal

        if nxpe == None:
            print("ERROR: could not find a valid value for nxpe")
            return False

    nype = int(npes/nxpe)

    outfile_list = []
    for i in range(npes):
        outpath = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)
        outfile_list.append(DataFile(outpath, write=True, create=True))
    infile_list = []
    for i in range(old_npes):
        inpath = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)

    old_mxsub = int(nx/old_nxpe)
    old_mysub = int(ny/old_nype)
    mxsub = int(nx/nxpe)
    mysub = int(ny/nype)
    for v in var_list:
          ndims = f.ndims(v)

          #collect data
          if ndims == 0:
              data = f.read(v)
          elif ndims == 2:
              data = numpy.zeros( (nx+2*mxg,ny+2*nyg) )
              for i in range(old_npes):
                  ix = i%old_nxpe
                  iy = int(i/old_nxpe)
                  ixstart = mxg
                  if ix == 0:
                      ixstart = 0
                  ixend = -mxg
                  if ix == old_nxpe-1:
                      ixend = 0
                  iystart = myg
                  if iy == 0:
                      iystart = 0
                  iyend = -myg
                  if iy == old_nype-1:
                      iyend = 0
                  data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend]
          elif ndims == 3:
              data = numpy.zeros( (nx+2*mxg,ny+2*myg,mz) )
              for i in range(old_npes):
                  ix = i%old_nxpe
                  iy = int(i/old_nxpe)
                  ixstart = mxg
                  if ix == 0:
                      ixstart = 0
                  ixend = -mxg
                  if ix == old_nxpe-1:
                      ixend = 0
                  iystart = myg
                  if iy == 0:
                      iystart = 0
                  iyend = -myg
                  if iy == old_nype-1:
                      iyend = 0
                  data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, :] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, :]
              print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,",ndims,v)
              return False

          # write data
          for i in range(npes):
              ix = i%nxpe
              iy = int(i/nxpe)
              outfile = outfile_list[i]
              if v == "NPES":
              elif v == "NXPE":
              elif ndims == 0:
                  # scalar
              elif ndims == 2:
                  # Field2D
                  outfile.write(v,data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg])
              elif ndims == 3:
                  # Field3D
                  outfile.write(v,data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg, :])
                  print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,",f.ndims(v))

    for infile in infile_list:
    for outfile in outfile_list:

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
            print ("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' "\
                             "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")

# Loop means more than one variable can be loaded
# Perhaps better implemented as a function
c = 0
while c == 0:
    # An iterator to loop over all of the variables in the file
    it = f.handle.variables.__iter__()
    print 'Variable Number' + '\t' + 'Name' + '\t' + '\t' + 'Dims.'
    # For all variables in the file, print the identifier in
    # the dictionary, its name and the number of dimensions
    for i in range(np.shape(f.handle.variables.keys())[0]):
        print str(i) + '\t' +  f.handle.variables.keys()[i] + '\t' + '\t' + str(np.shape(f.size(it.next()))[0])
    print '\n' + 'Variable number to load?'
    v = raw_input()
    print 'Importing variable : ' + f.handle.variables.keys()[v]
    # If the variable has 4D data, recommend slicing it up
    if np.shape(f.size(f.handle.variables.keys()[v]))[0] == 4:
        print 'Time slices (-1 for all), Range=', t
        # Takes the Max and Min slice range from the user, places into list
        # that's passed to the collect routine later
        tind = [int(raw_input('min: ')), int(raw_input('max: '))]
        # If the minimum or maximum lie outside the range, just choose everything
        # This is probably not ideal
        if np.min(tind) < 0 or np.max(tind) > t[1]:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def redistribute(npes, path="data", nxpe=None, output=".", informat=None, outformat=None, mxg=2, myg=2):
    """Resize restart files across NPES processors.

    Does not check if new processor arrangement is compatible with the branch cuts. In this respect restart.split is safer. However, BOUT++ checks the topology during initialisation anyway so this is not too serious.

    npes : int
        number of processors for the new restart files
    path : string, optional
        location of old restart files
    nxpe : int, optional
        number of processors to use in the x-direction (determines split: npes = nxpe * nype). Default is None which uses the same algorithm as BoutMesh (but without topology information) to determine a suitable value for nxpe.
    output : string, optional
        location to save new restart files
    informat : string, optional
        specify file format of old restart files (must be a suffix understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default uses the format of the first 'BOUT.restart.*' file listed by glob.glob.
    outformat : string, optional
        specify file format of new restart files (must be a suffix understood by DataFile, e.g. 'nc'). Default is to use the same as informat.

    True on success

    if npes <= 0:
        print("ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors")
        return False

    if path == output:
        print("ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files")
        return False

    if informat == None:
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*"))
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat))

    nfiles = len(file_list)

    # Read old processor layout
    f = DataFile(file_list[0])

    # Get list of variables
    var_list = f.list()
    if len(var_list) == 0:
        print("ERROR: No data found")
        return False

    old_npes = f.read('NPES')
    old_nxpe = f.read('NXPE')
    old_nype = int(old_npes/old_nxpe)

    if nfiles != old_npes:
        print("WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES")
        print("Setting nfiles = " + str(old_npes))
        nfiles = old_npes

    if nfiles == 0:
        print("ERROR: No restart files found")
        return False

    informat = file_list[0].split(".")[-1]
    if outformat == None:
        outformat = informat

    old_mxsub = 0
    old_mysub = 0
    mz = 0

    for v in var_list:
        if f.ndims(v) == 3:
            s = f.size(v)
            old_mxsub = s[0] - 2*mxg
            if old_mxsub < 0:
                if s[0] == 1:
                    old_mxsub = 1
                    mxg = 0
                elif s[0] == 3:
                    old_mxsub = 1
                    mxg = 1
                    print("Number of x points is wrong?")
                    return False

            old_mysub = s[1] - 2*myg
            if old_mysub < 0:
                if s[1] == 1:
                    old_mysub = 1
                    myg = 0
                elif s[1] == 3:
                    old_mysub = 1
                    myg = 1
                    print("Number of y points is wrong?")
                    return False

            mz = s[2]

    # Calculate total size of the grid
    nx = old_mxsub * old_nxpe
    ny = old_mysub * old_nype
    print("Grid sizes: ", nx, ny, mz)

    if nxpe == None: # Copy algorithm from BoutMesh for selecting nxpe
        ideal = sqrt(float(nx) * float(npes) / float(ny)) # Results in square domain

        for i in range(1,npes+1):
            if npes%i == 0 and nx%i == 0 and int(nx/i) >= mxg and ny%(npes/i) == 0:
                # Found an acceptable value
                # Warning: does not check branch cuts!

                if nxpe==None or abs(ideal - i) < abs(ideal - nxpe):
                    nxpe = i # Keep value nearest to the ideal

        if nxpe == None:
            print("ERROR: could not find a valid value for nxpe")
            return False

    nype = int(npes/nxpe)

    outfile_list = []
    for i in range(npes):
        outpath = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)
        outfile_list.append(DataFile(outpath, write=True, create=True))
    infile_list = []
    for i in range(old_npes):
        inpath = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat)

    old_mxsub = int(nx/old_nxpe)
    old_mysub = int(ny/old_nype)
    mxsub = int(nx/nxpe)
    mysub = int(ny/nype)
    for v in var_list:
          ndims = f.ndims(v)

          #collect data
          if ndims == 0:
              data = f.read(v)
          elif ndims == 2:
              data = numpy.zeros( (nx+2*mxg,ny+2*nyg) )
              for i in range(old_npes):
                  ix = i%old_nxpe
                  iy = int(i/old_nxpe)
                  ixstart = mxg
                  if ix == 0:
                      ixstart = 0
                  ixend = -mxg
                  if ix == old_nxpe-1:
                      ixend = 0
                  iystart = myg
                  if iy == 0:
                      iystart = 0
                  iyend = -myg
                  if iy == old_nype-1:
                      iyend = 0
                  data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend]
          elif ndims == 3:
              data = numpy.zeros( (nx+2*mxg,ny+2*myg,mz) )
              for i in range(old_npes):
                  ix = i%old_nxpe
                  iy = int(i/old_nxpe)
                  ixstart = mxg
                  if ix == 0:
                      ixstart = 0
                  ixend = -mxg
                  if ix == old_nxpe-1:
                      ixend = 0
                  iystart = myg
                  if iy == 0:
                      iystart = 0
                  iyend = -myg
                  if iy == old_nype-1:
                      iyend = 0
                  data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, :] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, :]
              print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,",ndims,v)
              return False

          # write data
          for i in range(npes):
              ix = i%nxpe
              iy = int(i/nxpe)
              outfile = outfile_list[i]
              if v == "NPES":
              elif v == "NXPE":
              elif ndims == 0:
                  # scalar
              elif ndims == 2:
                  # Field2D
                  outfile.write(v,data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg])
              elif ndims == 3:
                  # Field3D
                  outfile.write(v,data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg, :])
                  print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,",f.ndims(v))

    for infile in infile_list:
    for outfile in outfile_list:

    return True