def check_and_store_info(self,

        # Note: This object (self) may be new or it may have
        #       been used previously.  In the latter case,
        #       "info" should still be available in "self".
        #       We only need info if MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV.
        self.format = 'NCGS'
        self.file_name = file_name
        self.time_index = 0
        self.grid_name = grid_name

        # This was used by rts_files.check_and_store_info()
        # but is not appropriate here because we need to
        # know nx, ny, dx and dy for the netCDF file.
        ### if not(MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV): return

        # Was "info" argument provided ?
        NEW_INFO = True
        if (info is None):
                info =
                self.nx = info.ncols  ###
                self.ny = info.nrows
                NEW_INFO = False
                ## print 'Found info in state.'
                # Try to find RTI file to copy info from.
                # Don't create a new RTI file.
                RTI_file = rti_files.try_to_find_rti_file(file_name)
                if (RTI_file != 'none'):
                    print 'Reading info from: ' + RTI_file
                    info = rti_files.read_info(RTI_file)
                    print 'ERROR during open_new_file():'
                    print '   Could not find RTI file and "info"'
                    print '   argument was not provided.'
                    print ' '

        # Update "info" as necessary
        info.grid_file = file_name
        info.data_type = rti_files.get_rti_data_type(dtype)
        info.data_source = 'TopoFlow 3.0'
        info.gmin = -9999.0
        info.gmax = -9999.0

        # If new "info" was provided, store it
        if (NEW_INFO):
   = info
            self.nx = info.ncols
            self.ny = info.nrows
            ## print 'Stored new info in state.'

        # Write RTI file ?
        if (MAKE_RTI):
            prefix = rti_files.get_file_prefix(file_name)
            RTI_file = (prefix + '.rti')
            rti_files.write_info(RTI_file, info)
            # print 'Wrote grid info to: ' + RTI_file   ######

        # Write BOV file ?
        if (MAKE_BOV):
            bov_files.write_info_as_bov(file_name, info, grid_name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def check_and_store_info(self, file_name, info=None,
                             MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False):

        # Note: This object (self) may be new or it may have
        #       been used previously.  In the latter case,
        #       "info" should still be available in "self".
        #       We only need info if MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV.
        self.format = 'RTG'
        self.file_name = file_name
        if not(MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV): return

        # Was "info" argument provided ?
        NEW_INFO = True
        if (info == None):
                info =
                NEW_INFO = False
                ## print 'Found info in state.'
                # Try to find RTI file to copy info from.
                # Don't create a new RTI file.
                RTI_file = rti_files.try_to_find_rti_file( file_name )
                if (RTI_file != 'none'):
                    info = rti_files.read_info( RTI_file )
                    ## print 'Reading info from: ' + RTI_file
                    print 'ERROR during open_new_file():'
                    print '   Could not find RTI file and "info"'
                    print '   argument was not provided.'
                    print ' '

        # Update "info" as necessary
        info.grid_file   = file_name
        info.data_type   = rti_files.get_rti_data_type( dtype )
        info.data_source = 'TopoFlow 3.0'
        info.gmin        = -9999.0
        info.gmax        = -9999.0
        # If new "info" was provided, store it
        if (NEW_INFO):
   = info
            self.nx   = info.ncols
            self.ny   = info.nrows           
            ## print 'Stored new info in state.'
##        if (info != None):
##            #------------------------------
##            # Save info to a new RTI file
##            #------------------------------
##            prefix   = rti_files.get_file_prefix( file_name )
##            RTI_file = (prefix + '.rti')
##            rti_files.write_info( RTI_file, info )          
##        else:
##            #------------------------------------------
##            # Try to find RTI file to copy info from.
##            # Don't create a new RTI file.
##            #------------------------------------------
##            RTI_file = rti_files.try_to_find_rti_file( file_name )
##            if (RTI_file != 'none'):
##                info = rti_files.read_info( RTI_file )
##                info.file_name = file_name
##                info.data_type = rti_files.get_rti_data_type( dtype )
##            else:
##                print 'ERROR during open_new_file():'
##                print '   Could not find RTI file and "info"'
##                print '   argument was not provided.'
##                print ' '
##                return

        # Write RTI file ?
        if (MAKE_RTI):
            prefix   = rti_files.get_file_prefix( file_name )
            RTI_file = (prefix + '.rti')
            rti_files.write_info( RTI_file, info )
            # print 'Wrote grid info to: ' + RTI_file   ######
        # Write BOV file ?
        if (MAKE_BOV):
            bov_files.write_info_as_bov( file_name, info, var_name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def check_and_store_info(
        self, file_name, info=None, grid_name="UNKNOWN", dtype="float32", MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # Note: This object (self) may be new or it may have
        #       been used previously.  In the latter case,
        #       "info" should still be available in "self".
        #       We only need info if MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV.
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        self.format = "NCGS"
        self.file_name = file_name
        self.time_index = 0
        self.grid_name = grid_name

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # This was used by rts_files.check_and_store_info()
        # but is not appropriate here because we need to
        # know nx, ny, dx and dy for the netCDF file.
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        ### if not(MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV): return

        # ---------------------------------
        # Was "info" argument provided ?
        # ---------------------------------
        NEW_INFO = True
        if info == None:
                info =
                self.nx = info.ncols  ###
                self.ny = info.nrows
                NEW_INFO = False
                ## print 'Found info in state.'
                # ------------------------------------------
                # Try to find RTI file to copy info from.
                # Don't create a new RTI file.
                # ------------------------------------------
                RTI_file = rti_files.try_to_find_rti_file(file_name)
                if RTI_file != "none":
                    print "Reading info from: " + RTI_file
                    info = rti_files.read_info(RTI_file)
                    print "ERROR during open_new_file():"
                    print '   Could not find RTI file and "info"'
                    print "   argument was not provided."
                    print " "

        # -----------------------------
        # Update "info" as necessary
        # -----------------------------
        info.grid_file = file_name
        info.data_type = rti_files.get_rti_data_type(dtype)
        info.data_source = "TopoFlow 3.0"
        info.gmin = -9999.0
        info.gmax = -9999.0

        # ---------------------------------------
        # If new "info" was provided, store it
        # ---------------------------------------
        if NEW_INFO:
   = info
            self.nx = info.ncols
            self.ny = info.nrows
            ## print 'Stored new info in state.'

        # -------------------
        # Write RTI file ?
        # -------------------
        if MAKE_RTI:
            prefix = rti_files.get_file_prefix(file_name)
            RTI_file = prefix + ".rti"
            rti_files.write_info(RTI_file, info)
            # print 'Wrote grid info to: ' + RTI_file   ######

        # -------------------
        # Write BOV file ?
        # -------------------
        if MAKE_BOV:
            bov_files.write_info_as_bov(file_name, info, grid_name)