Ejemplo n.º 1
    def add_area(self, name: str, n: int, k: int, beta: float) -> None:
        """Add an area to this brain, randomly connected to all other areas and stimulus.

        Initialize each synapse weight to have a value of 0 or 1 with probability 'p'.
        Initialize incoming and outgoing connectomes as empty arrays.
        Initialize incoming betas as 'beta'.
        Initialize outgoing betas as the target area.beta

        :param name: Name of area
        :param n: Number of neurons in the new area
        :param k: Number of winners in the new area
        :param beta: plasticity parameter of connectomes coming INTO this area.
                The plasticity parameter of connectomes FROM this area INTO other areas are decided by
                the betas of those other areas.
        self.areas[name] = Area(name, n, k, beta)

        # This should be replaced by conectomes_init_area(self, self.areas[name], beta).
        # (From here to the end of the function).
        for stim_name, stim_connectomes in self.stimuli_connectomes.items():
            stim_connectomes[name] = np.empty(
                0)  # TODO: Should this be np.empty((0,0))?
            self.areas[name].stimulus_beta[stim_name] = beta

        new_connectomes: Dict[str, ndarray] = {}
        for key in self.areas:
            new_connectomes[key] = np.empty((0, 0))
            if key != name:
                self.connectomes[key][name] = np.empty((0, 0))
            self.areas[key].area_beta[name] = self.areas[key].beta
            self.areas[name].area_beta[key] = beta
        self.connectomes[name] = new_connectomes
Ejemplo n.º 2
Logger(base_path / 'log').__enter__()

# Protect RAM from program using up all memory
# Allows program to use only half of free memory

# Create graph for presenting the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.title('Assemblies Merge')
plt.xlabel('t (Repeat Parameter)')
plt.ylabel('Overlap %')

# Create basic brain model
stimulus = Stimulus(STIMULUS_SIZE)
area1 = Area(AREA_SIZE)
area2 = Area(AREA_SIZE)
area3 = Area(AREA_SIZE)
area4 = Area(AREA_SIZE)
assembly1 = Assembly([stimulus], area1)
assembly2 = Assembly([stimulus], area2)

print(f"Writing simulation to {base_path}")
begin_time = time.time()
for merge_stabilization, repeats in TESTS:
    recipe = BrainRecipe(area1, area2, area3, area4, stimulus, assembly1,
    # Define assembly out of recipe,
    # that way merge can done manually!
    assembly3 = (assembly1 + assembly2) >> area3