Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_cluster_already_filtered(filterable_cluster):
    # Filter our good cluster.
    with session_scope() as session:
        cluster = session.query(Cluster).first()
        fcluster = cluster.filter()

    # Add check we can't filter it again.
    with pytest.raises(AlreadyFiltered):
        with session_scope() as session:
            fcluster = session.merge(fcluster)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_cluster_emptied(filterable_cluster):
    # Modify our cluster to make it bad.
    with session_scope() as session:
        quote = session.query(Quote).filter(Quote.sid == 0).one()
        timestamps = quote.url_timestamps.copy()
        timestamps[1] = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=81)
        quote.url_timestamps = timestamps

    # Now check our cluster gets filtered out.
    with session_scope() as session:
        cluster = session.query(Cluster).first()
        assert cluster.filter() is None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_filter_clusters_emptied(filterable_cluster):
    # Modify our cluster to make it bad.
    with session_scope() as session:
        quote = session.query(Quote).filter(Quote.sid == 0).one()
        timestamps = quote.url_timestamps.copy()
        timestamps[1] = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=81)
        quote.url_timestamps = timestamps

    # Check our cluster gets filtered out.
    with session_scope() as session:
        assert session.query(Cluster)\
            .filter(Cluster.filtered.is_(True)).count() == 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_filter_clusters_limit(filterable_cluster):
    # Our cluster gets all its quotes filtered out but one (#0),
    # and is then kept.
    with session_scope() as session:
        assert session.query(Cluster)\
            .filter(Cluster.filtered.is_(True)).count() == 0

    with session_scope() as session:
        fcluster = session.query(Cluster)\
        assert fcluster.size == 1
        assert fcluster.quotes.first().sid == 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def load_mt_frequency_and_tokens():
    """Compute MemeTracker frequency codings and the list of available tokens.

    Iterate through the whole MemeTracker dataset loaded into the database to
    count word frequency and make a list of tokens encountered. Frequency
    codings are then saved to :data:`~.settings.FREQUENCY`, and the list of
    tokens is saved to :data:`~.settings.TOKENS`. The MemeTracker dataset must
    have been loaded and filtered previously, or an excetion will be raised
    (see :ref:`usage` or :mod:`.cli` for more about that). Progress is printed
    to stdout.


    logger.info('Computing memetracker frequencies and token list')
    click.echo('Computing MemeTracker frequencies and token list...')

    # See if we should count frequency of tokens or lemmas.
    source_type, _ = SubstitutionFeaturesMixin.__features__['frequency']
    logger.info('Frequencies will be computed on %s', source_type)

    with session_scope() as session:
        quote_ids = session.query(Quote.id).filter(Quote.filtered.is_(True))

        # Check we have filtered quotes.
        if quote_ids.count() == 0:
            raise Exception('Found no filtered quotes, aborting.')
        quote_ids = [id for (id,) in quote_ids]

    # Compute frequencies and token list.
    frequencies = defaultdict(int)
    tokens = set()
    for quote_id in ProgressBar()(quote_ids):
        with session_scope() as session:
            quote = session.query(Quote).get(quote_id)
            for word in getattr(quote, source_type):
                frequencies[word] += quote.frequency
    # Convert frequency back to a normal dict.
    frequencies = dict(frequencies)

    logger.debug('Saving memetracker frequencies to pickle')
    with open(settings.FREQUENCY, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(frequencies, f)
    logger.debug('Saving memetracker token list to pickle')
    with open(settings.TOKENS, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(tokens, f)

    click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)
    logger.info('Done computing memetracker frequencies and token list')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_cluster(some_clusters):
    """Test base functionality of :class:`~.db.Cluster`."""

    # Test empty cluster attributes.
    cluster = Cluster()
    assert cluster.size == 0
    assert cluster.size_urls == 0
    assert cluster.frequency == 0
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert 'No urls' in str(excinfo.value)
    assert cluster.urls == []

    # Test clusters from database.
    with session_scope() as session:
        assert session.query(Cluster).count() == 5
        assert session.query(Cluster.sid).all() == \
            [(i,) for i in some_clusters]
        assert session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=0).one().size == 0
        assert session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=0).one().size_urls == 0
        assert session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=0).one().frequency == 0
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        assert 'No urls' in str(excinfo.value)
        assert session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=0).one().urls == []

        assert session.query(Cluster).get(1).format_copy() == \
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_cluster_cascade_to_quotes(some_quotes):
    """Check deleting a :class:`~.db.Cluster` also deletes its
    :class:`~.db.Quote`\ s."""

    with session_scope() as session:
        assert session.query(Quote).count() == 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_quote_cascade_to_substitutions(some_substitutions):
    """Check deleting a :class:`~.db.Quote` also deletes its
    :class:`~.db.Substitution`\ s."""

    with session_scope() as session:
        assert session.query(Substitution).count() == 0
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _copy(string, table, columns):
    """Execute a PostgreSQL COPY command.

    COPY is one of the fastest methods to import data in bulk into PostgreSQL.
    This function executes this operation through the raw psycopg2
    :class:`cursor` object.

    string : file-like object
        Contents of the data to import into the database, formatted for the
        COPY command (see `PostgreSQL's documentation
        <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/sql-copy.html>`_ for more
        details). Can be an :class:`io.StringIO` if you don't want to use a
        real file in the filesystem.
    table : str
        Name of the table into which the data is imported.
    columns : list of str
        List of the column names encoded in the `string` parameter. When
        `string` is produced using :meth:`Quote.format_copy` or
        :meth:`Cluster.format_copy` you can use the corresponding
        :attr:`Quote.format_copy_columns` or
        :attr:`Cluster.format_copy_columns` for this parameter.

    See Also
    save_by_copy, Quote.format_copy, Cluster.format_copy


    with session_scope() as session:
        cursor = session.connection().connection.cursor()
        cursor.copy_from(string, table, columns=columns)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_cluster_too_long(filterable_cluster):
    # Modify our cluster to make it too long after quote filtering.
    with session_scope() as session:
        cluster = session.query(Cluster).first()
        # This quote is all good, but is too far from quote sid=0, leading
        # the cluster span to be too long.
        quote = Quote(sid=5, string='a string with enough '
                                    'words and no problems')
            Url(timestamp=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=80, hours=1),
                frequency=2, url_type='M', url='some-url')

    # Now check our cluster gets filtered out.
    with session_scope() as session:
        cluster = session.query(Cluster).first()
        assert cluster.filter() is None
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_cluster_kept(filterable_cluster):
    # Our cluster gets all its quotes filtered out but one (#0),
    # and is then kept.
    with session_scope() as session:
        cluster = session.query(Cluster).first()
        fcluster = cluster.filter()

        assert fcluster.size == 1
        assert fcluster.quotes.first().sid == 0
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_quote_add_url_sealed(some_quotes):
    """Check you can't add :class:`~.db.Url`\ s to a :class:`~.db.Quote` where
    you've already access :class:`~.utils.cache`\ d attributes."""

    with pytest.raises(SealedException):
        with session_scope() as session:
            u = Url(timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), frequency=1,
                    url_type='B', url='some url 1')
            q = session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=0).one()
            assert q.size == len(q.urls)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_url(some_urls):
    """Test base functionality of :class:`~.db.Url`."""

    with session_scope() as session:
        q0 = session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=0).one()
        q3 = session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=3).one()

        basedate = datetime(year=2008, month=1, day=1)
        assert q0.urls[0].timestamp == basedate
        assert q3.urls[0].timestamp == basedate + timedelta(days=3)

        assert q0.size == 2
        assert q0.frequency == 4
        assert q0.span == timedelta(days=10)

        assert q0.urls[0].occurrence == 0
        assert q0.urls[1].occurrence == 1
        assert q3.urls[0].occurrence == 0
        assert q3.urls[1].occurrence == 1

        c0 = session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=0).one()
        assert c0.size == 2
        assert c0.size_urls == 4
        assert c0.frequency == 8
        assert c0.span == timedelta(days=15)
        assert c0.urls[0].timestamp == basedate

        assert q0.format_copy() == \
            ('{}'.format(q0.id) +
             '\t1\t0\tFalse\tSome quote to tokenize 0\t'
             '{2008-01-01 00:00:00, 2008-01-11 00:00:00}\t'
             '{2, 2}\t{B, B}\t'
             '{"Url with \\\\" and \' 0", "Url with \\\\" and \' 10"}')

    with pytest.raises(DataError):
        with session_scope() as session:
            quote = session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=1).one()
                              url='some url'))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def some_substitutions(some_clusters, some_quotes, some_urls):
    """Get a handle to a temporary database filled with a few clusters, quotes,
    urls, and substitutions all wiped on teardown.

    The substitutions are assigned to two different substitution models
    (although their actual occurrences don't fit with those models).

    See the source code if you need details on the clusters', quotes', and
    urls' exact attributes.


    model1 = Model(Time.discrete, Source.majority, Past.last_bin, Durl.all, 1)
    model2 = Model(Time.discrete, Source.majority, Past.all, Durl.all, 1)
    with session_scope() as session:
        c0 = session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=0).one()
        c1 = session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=1).one()
        q10 = Quote(sid=10, cluster=c0,
                    string="Don't do it! I know I wouldn't")
        q11 = Quote(sid=11, cluster=c0, string="I know I hadn't")
        q12 = Quote(sid=12, cluster=c0, string="some string")
        q13 = Quote(sid=13, cluster=c0, string="some other string")
        q14 = Quote(sid=14, cluster=c1, string="some other string 2")
        q15 = Quote(sid=15, cluster=c1, string="some other string 3")
        session.add(Substitution(source=q10, destination=q11,
                                 occurrence=0, start=5,
                                 position=3, model=model1))
        # Same durl (destination, occurrence) as above, but different source,
        # different start and different destination position.
        session.add(Substitution(source=q12, destination=q11,
                                 occurrence=0, start=2,
                                 position=2, model=model1))
        # Same destination but different occurrence (so different durl).
        session.add(Substitution(source=q13, destination=q11,
                                 occurrence=1, start=5,
                                 position=3, model=model1))
        # Different destination altogether.
        session.add(Substitution(source=q13, destination=q12,
                                 occurrence=0, start=0,
                                 position=1, model=model2))
        # Different cluster.
        session.add(Substitution(source=q14, destination=q15,
                                 occurrence=0, start=0,
                                 position=1, model=model2))

    return model1, model2
Ejemplo n.º 15
def filter_quote_offset():
    """Get the offset to add to filtered :class:`~.db.Quote` ids.

    A filtered :class:`~.db.Quote`'s id will be its original
    :class:`~.db.Quote`'s id plus this offset.  The function is
    :func:`~.utils.memoized` since it is called so often.


    from brainscopypaste.db import Quote
    with session_scope() as session:
        maxid = session.query(func.max(Quote.id)).scalar()
        return _top_id(maxid)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def some_clusters(tmpdb):
    """Get a handle to a temporary database filled with a few empty clusters,
    wiped on teardown.

    See the source code if you need details on the clusters' exact attributes.


    sids = range(5)
    with session_scope() as session:
        session.add_all(Cluster(sid=i, source='test') for i in sids)

    return sids
Ejemplo n.º 17
def filterable_cluster(tmpdb):
    with session_scope() as session:
        cluster = Cluster(sid=0, source='test')
        cluster.quotes = [
            # Quote 0 is good.
            Quote(sid=0, string='a string with enough words and no problems'),
            # Quote 1 has not enough words.
            Quote(sid=1, string='not enough words here'),
            # Quote 2 is not in English.
            Quote(sid=2, string="ceci n'est pas de l'anglais "
                                "mais a assez de mots"),
            # Quote 3 spans too long.
            Quote(sid=3, string="a quote that spans too long"),
            # Quote 4 has no urls at all.
            Quote(sid=4, string="a quote without any urls")
        # Quote 0 is good.
            Url(timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), frequency=2,
                url_type='M', url='some-url'),
            Url(timestamp=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=80, hours=-1),
                frequency=2, url_type='M', url='some-url')
        # Quote 1 has not enough words.
            Url(timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), frequency=2,
                url_type='M', url='some-url')
        # Quote 2 is not in English.
            Url(timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), frequency=2,
                url_type='M', url='some-url')
        # Quote 3 spans too long.
            Url(timestamp=datetime.utcnow(), frequency=2,
                url_type='M', url='some-url'),
            Url(timestamp=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=80, hours=1),
                frequency=2, url_type='M', url='some-url')
        # Quote 4 has no urls at all.

        # Save all this.
Ejemplo n.º 18
def drop_filtered(obj):
    """Drop filtered rows (Clusters, Quotes)."""

    click.secho('Dropping filtered rows will also drop any substitutions '
                'mined beforehand', bold=True)

    if confirm('the filtered rows (clusters, quotes) and '
               'any mined substitutions attached to them'):
        logger.info('Dropping filtered rows (quotes and clusters) and '
                    'substitutions from database')

        with session_scope() as session:
            click.secho('Dropping filtered rows and substitutions... ',

        click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)
        logger.info('Done dropping filtered rows and substitutions')
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def _check(self):
        """Check the consistency of the database with `self._checks`.

        The original MemeTracker dataset specifies the number of quotes and
        frequency for each cluster, and the number of urls and frequency for
        each quote. This information is saved in `self._checks` during parsing.
        This method iterates through the whole database of saved
        :class:`~.db.Cluster`\ s and :class:`~.db.Quote`\ s to check that their
        counts correspond to what the MemeTracker dataset says (as stored in

            If any count in the database differs from its specification in


        for id, check in ProgressBar()(self._checks.items()):
            logger.debug('Checking cluster #%s consistency', id)

            with session_scope() as session:
                # Check the cluster itself.
                cluster = session.query(Cluster).get(id)
                err_end = (' #{} does not match value'
                           ' in file').format(cluster.sid)
                if check['cluster']['size'] != cluster.size:
                    raise ValueError("Cluster size" + err_end)
                if check['cluster']['frequency'] != cluster.frequency:
                    raise ValueError("Cluster frequency" + err_end)

                # Check each quote.
                for quote in cluster.quotes:
                    quote_check = check['quotes'][quote.id]
                    err_end = (' #{} does not match value'
                               ' in file').format(quote.sid)
                    if quote_check['size'] != quote.size:
                        raise ValueError("Quote size" + err_end)
                    if quote_check['frequency'] != quote.frequency:
                        raise ValueError("Quote frequency" + err_end)

        self._checks = {}
Ejemplo n.º 20
def some_quotes(some_clusters):
    """Get a handle to a temporary database filled with a few clusters and
    quotes, wiped on teardown.

    See the source code if you need details on the clusters' and quotes' exact


    sids = range(10)
    with session_scope() as session:
        clusters = session.query(Cluster)
        # Insert quotes in reverse order to check ordering
                              cluster=clusters.filter_by(sid=i % 5).one(),
                              string='Some quote to tokenize {}'.format(i))
                        for i in sids[::-1])

    return sids
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_clone_cluster(some_urls):
    """Test cloning of a :class:`~.db.Cluster`."""

    with session_scope() as session:
        cluster = session.query(Cluster).get(1)
        cloned = cluster.clone()
        assert cloned.id is None
        assert cloned.sid == cluster.sid
        assert cloned.filtered == cluster.filtered
        assert cloned.source == cluster.source
        assert cloned.quotes.all() == []

        cloned = cluster.clone(id=500, filtered=True, source='another')
        assert cloned.id == 500
        assert cloned.id != cluster.id
        assert cloned.sid == cluster.sid
        assert cloned.filtered is True
        assert cloned.filtered != cluster.filtered
        assert cloned.source == 'another'
        assert cloned.source != cluster.source
        assert cloned.quotes.all() == []
Ejemplo n.º 22
def some_urls(some_clusters, some_quotes):
    """Get a handle to a temporary database filled with a few clusters, quotes,
    and urls, all wiped on teardown.

    See the source code if you need details on the clusters', quotes', and
    urls' exact attributes.


    ids = range(20)
    with session_scope() as session:
        quotes = session.query(Quote)
        # Insert urls in reverse order to check ordering
        for i in ids[::-1]:
            quotes.filter_by(sid=i % 10).one()\
                .add_url(Url(timestamp=(datetime(year=2008, month=1, day=1) +
                             frequency=2, url_type='B',
                             url='Url with " and \' {}'.format(i)))

    return ids
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_substitution(some_substitutions):
    """Test base functionality of :class:`~.db.Substitution`."""

    model1, model2 = some_substitutions
    with session_scope() as session:
        q10 = session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=10).one()
        q11 = session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=11).one()
        assert q10.substitutions_source.count() == 1
        assert q10.substitutions_destination.count() == 0
        assert q11.substitutions_source.count() == 0
        assert q11.substitutions_destination.count() == 3

        # Check relationships for a single substitution.
        s1 = q10.substitutions_source.first()
        assert q11.substitutions_destination\
            .order_by(Substitution.id).first() == s1
        assert s1.source == q10
        assert s1.destination == q11

        # Check linguistic variables.
        assert s1.tokens == ('would', 'had')
        assert s1.lemmas == ('would', 'have')
        assert s1.tags == ('MD', 'VHD')

        # We can filter substitutions by mining model.
        assert session.query(Substitution)\
            .filter(Substitution.model == model1).count() == 3
        assert session.query(Substitution)\
            .filter(Substitution.model == model2).count() == 2
        model3 = Model(Time.continuous, Source.majority,
                       Past.last_bin, Durl.all, 1)
        assert session.query(Substitution)\
            .filter(Substitution.model == model3).count() == 0
        model4 = Model(Time.discrete, Source.majority,
                       Past.last_bin, Durl.all, 2)
        assert session.query(Substitution)\
            .filter(Substitution.model == model4).count() == 0
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_clone_quote(some_urls):
    """Test cloning of a :class:`~.db.Quote`."""

    with session_scope() as session:
        quote = session.query(Quote).get(1)
        cloned = quote.clone()
        assert cloned.id is None
        assert cloned.cluster_id == quote.cluster_id
        assert cloned.sid == quote.sid
        assert cloned.filtered == quote.filtered
        assert cloned.string == quote.string
        for url in cloned.urls:
            assert url.quote == cloned
        # Urls are the same apart from parent quotes
        for url1, url2 in zip(quote.urls, cloned.urls):
            url1.quote = None
            url2.quote = None
        assert cloned.urls == quote.urls

        cloned = quote.clone(id=600, filtered=True,
                             cluster_id=125, string='hello')
        assert cloned.id == 600
        assert cloned.id != quote.id
        assert cloned.cluster_id == 125
        assert cloned.cluster_id != quote.cluster_id
        assert cloned.sid == quote.sid
        assert cloned.filtered is True
        assert cloned.filtered != quote.filtered
        assert cloned.string == 'hello'
        assert cloned.string != quote.string
        for url in cloned.urls:
            assert url.quote == cloned
        # Urls are the same apart from parent quotes
        for url1, url2 in zip(quote.urls, cloned.urls):
            url1.quote = None
            url2.quote = None
        assert cloned.urls == quote.urls
Ejemplo n.º 25
def filter_clusters(limit=None):
    """Filter the whole MemeTracker dataset by copying all valid
    :class:`~.db.Cluster`\ s and :class:`~.db.Quote`\ s and setting their
    `filtered` attributes to `True`.

    Iterate through all the MemeTracker :class:`~.db.Cluster`\ s, and filter
    each of them to see if it's worth keeping. If a :class:`~.db.Cluster` is to
    be kept, the function creates a copy of it and all of its kept
    :class:`~.db.Quote`\ s, marking them as filtered. Progress of this
    operation is printed to stdout.

    Once the operation finishes, a VACUUM and an ANALYZE operation are run on
    the database so that it recomputes its optimisations.

    limit : int, optional
        If not `None`, stop filtering after `limit` clusters have been seen
        (useful for testing purposes).

        If there are already some filtered :class:`~.db.Cluster`\ s or
        :class:`~.db.Quote`\ s stored in the database (indicating another
        filtering operation has already been completed, or started and


    from brainscopypaste.db import Session, Cluster, save_by_copy

    logger.info('Filtering memetracker clusters')
    if limit is not None:
        logger.info('Filtering is limited to %s clusters', limit)

    click.echo('Filtering all clusters{}...'
               .format('' if limit is None else ' (limit={})'.format(limit)))

    # Check this isn't already done.
    with session_scope() as session:

        if session.query(Cluster)\
           .filter(Cluster.filtered.is_(True)).count() > 0:
            raise AlreadyFiltered('There are already some filtered '
                                  'clusters, aborting.')

        query = session.query(Cluster.id)
        if limit is not None:
            query = query.limit(limit)
        cluster_ids = [id for (id,) in query]

    logger.info('Got %s clusters to filter', len(cluster_ids))

    # Filter.
    objects = {'clusters': [], 'quotes': []}

    for cluster_id in ProgressBar()(cluster_ids):
        with session_scope() as session:

            cluster = session.query(Cluster).get(cluster_id)
            fcluster = cluster.filter()

            if fcluster is not None:
                logger.debug('Cluster #%s is kept with %s quotes',
                             cluster.sid, fcluster.size)
                logger.debug('Cluster #%s is dropped', cluster.sid)

    click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)
    logger.info('Kept %s clusters and %s quotes after filtering',
                len(objects['clusters']), len(objects['quotes']))

    # Save.
    logger.info('Saving filtered clusters to database')

    # Vacuum analyze.
    logger.info('Vacuuming and analyzing database')
    click.echo('Vacuuming and analyzing... ', nl=False)
    execute_raw(Session.kw['bind'], 'VACUUM ANALYZE')
    click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_quote(some_quotes):
    """Test base functionality of :class:`~.db.Quote`."""

    # Test empty quote attributes.
    quote = Quote()
    assert quote.size == 0
    assert quote.frequency == 0
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert 'No urls' in str(excinfo.value)
    assert quote.urls == []
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert 'No string' in str(excinfo.value)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert 'No string' in str(excinfo.value)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert 'No string' in str(excinfo.value)

    # Test quotes from database.
    with session_scope() as session:
        assert session.query(Quote).count() == 10

        assert session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=0).one().cluster.sid == 0
        assert session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=2).one().cluster.sid == 2
        assert session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=4).one().cluster.sid == 4
        assert session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=6).one().cluster.sid == 1
        assert session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=6).one().tokens == \
            ('some', 'quote', 'to', 'tokenize', '6')
        assert session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=6).one().tags == \
            ('DT', 'NN', 'TO', 'VV', 'CD')
        assert session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=6).one().lemmas == \
            ('some', 'quote', 'to', 'tokenize', '6')

        assert set([quote.sid for quote in
                    session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=3).one().quotes]) == \
            set([3, 8])
        q1 = session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=1).one()
        assert session.query(Cluster.sid)\
            .filter(Cluster.quotes.contains(q1)).one() == (1,)
        q7 = session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=7).one()
        assert session.query(Cluster.sid)\
            .filter(Cluster.quotes.contains(q7)).one() == (2,)

        assert session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=0).one().size == 0
        assert session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=0).one().frequency == 0
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        assert 'No urls' in str(excinfo.value)
        assert session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=0).one().urls == []
        assert session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=3).one().size == 2
        assert session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=3).one().size_urls == 0
        assert session.query(Cluster).filter_by(sid=3).one().frequency == 0
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        assert 'No urls' in str(excinfo.value)

        q0 = session.query(Quote).filter_by(sid=0).one()
        assert q0.format_copy() == ('{}'.format(q0.id) +
                                    "\t1\t0\tFalse\tSome quote to "
                                    "tokenize 0\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}")
Ejemplo n.º 27
def mine_substitutions_with_model(model, limit=None):
    """Mine all substitutions in the MemeTracker dataset conforming to `model`.

    Iterates through the whole MemeTracker dataset to find all substitutions
    that are considered valid by `model`, and save the results to the database.
    The MemeTracker dataset must have been loaded and filtered previously, or
    an excetion will be raised (see :ref:`usage` or :mod:`.cli` for more about
    that). Mined substitutions are saved each time the function moves to a new
    cluster, and progress is printed to stdout. The number of substitutions
    seen and the number of substitutions kept (i.e. validated by
    :meth:`SubstitutionValidatorMixin.validate`) are also printed to stdout.

    model : :class:`Model`
        The substitution model to use for mining.
    limit : int, optional
        If not `None` (default), mining will stop after `limit` clusters have
        been examined.

        If no filtered clusters are found in the database, or if there already
        are some substitutions from model `model` in the database.


    from brainscopypaste.db import Cluster, Substitution

    logger.info('Mining clusters for substitutions')
    if limit is not None:
        logger.info('Mining is limited to %s clusters', limit)

    click.echo('Mining clusters for substitutions with {}{}...'
               .format(model, '' if limit is None
                       else ' (limit={})'.format(limit)))

    # Check we haven't already mined substitutions with this model.
    with session_scope() as session:
        substitution_count = session.query(Substitution)\
            .filter(Substitution.model == model).count()
        if substitution_count != 0:
            raise Exception(('The database already contains substitutions '
                             'mined with this model ({} - {} substitutions). '
                             'You should drop these before doing anything '
                             'else.'.format(model, substitution_count)))

    # Check clusters have been filtered.
    with session_scope() as session:
        if session.query(Cluster)\
           .filter(Cluster.filtered.is_(True)).count() == 0:
            raise Exception('Found no filtered clusters, aborting.')

        query = session.query(Cluster.id).filter(Cluster.filtered.is_(True))
        if limit is not None:
            query = query.limit(limit)
        cluster_ids = [id for (id,) in query]

    logger.info('Got %s clusters to mine', len(cluster_ids))

    # Mine.
    seen = 0
    kept = 0
    for cluster_id in ProgressBar()(cluster_ids):
        with session_scope() as session:
            cluster = session.query(Cluster).get(cluster_id)
            for substitution in cluster.substitutions(model):
                seen += 1
                if substitution.validate():
                    logger.debug('Found valid substitution in cluster #%s',
                    kept += 1
                    logger.debug('Dropping substitution from cluster #%s',

    # Sanity check. This session business is tricky.
    with session_scope() as session:
        assert session.query(Substitution)\
            .filter(Substitution.model == model).count() == kept

    click.secho('OK', fg='green', bold=True)
    logger.info('Seen %s candidate substitutions, kept %s', seen, kept)
    click.echo('Seen {} candidate substitutions, kept {}.'.format(seen, kept))