Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Convert bounding box file(s) from one format to the other',
        usage='%(prog)s inputformat inputpath outputformat outputpath [optional arguments]',
        epilog=f'Posible formats are: {list(bbb.formats.keys())}',

    parser.add_argument('inputformat', metavar='inputformat', choices=bbb.formats.keys(), help='Input format')
    parser.add_argument('inputpath', help='Bounding box file, folder or file sequence')
    parser.add_argument('outputformat', metavar='outputformat', choices=bbb.formats.keys(), help='Ouput format')
    parser.add_argument('outputpath', help='Output file or folder')
    parser.add_argument('--stride', '-s', metavar='N', type=int, default=1, help='If a sequence expression is given as input, this stride is used')
    parser.add_argument('--offset', '-o', metavar='N', type=int, default=0, help='If a sequence expression is given as input, this offset is used')
    parser.add_argument('--kwargs', '-k', metavar='KW=V', help='Keyword arguments for the parser', nargs='*', action=StoreKwargs, default={})
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Parse arguments
    indir = os.path.split(args.inputpath)[0]
    if not os.path.exists(indir):
        sys.exit(f'Input directory {indir} does not exist')

    if os.path.splitext(args.outputpath)[1] != '':
        outdir = os.path.split(args.outputpath)[0]
        outdir = args.outputpath

    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    # Convert
    bbox = bbb.parse(args.inputformat, args.inputpath, stride=args.stride, offset=args.offset, **args.kwargs)
    bbb.generate(args.outputformat, bbox, args.outputpath, **args.kwargs)
    print(f'Converted {len(bbox)} files')
    def __init__(self, anno_format, anno_filename, input_dimension, class_label_map=None, identify=None, img_transform=None, anno_transform=None, **kwargs):
        self.img_tf = img_transform
        self.anno_tf = anno_transform
        if callable(identify):
            self.id = identify
            self.id = lambda name: os.path.splitext(name)[0] + '.png'

        # Get annotations
        self.annos = bbb.parse(anno_format, anno_filename, identify=lambda f: f, class_label_map=class_label_map, **kwargs)
        self.keys = list(self.annos)

        # Add class_ids
        if class_label_map is None:
            log.warn(f'No class_label_map given, annotations wont have a class_id values for eg. loss function')
        for k, annos in self.annos.items():
            for a in annos:
                if class_label_map is not None:
                        a.class_id = class_label_map.index(a.class_label)
                    except ValueError as err:
                        raise ValueError(f'{a.class_label} is not found in the class_label_map') from err
                    a.class_id = 0

        log.info(f'Dataset loaded: {len(self.keys)} images')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parse_detections(format,
    dets = bbb.parse(format, input, identify_fun, class_label_map=clslabelmap)
    bbb.modify(dets, [bbb.AspectRatioModifier(.41)])
                       [bbb.HeightRangeFilter((50 / 1.25, float('Inf')))])
    return dets
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.boxes = bbb.parse(args.format, args.file, **args.kwargs)
        self.ids = sorted(list(self.boxes.keys()))
        self.faded = eval(args.faded) if args.faded is not None else None

        self.folder = args.imagefolder
        self.ext = args.extension
        if args.extension != '' and args.extension[0] != '.':
            self.ext = '.' + args.extension
        self.labels = args.show_labels
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.annoname, fmt = self._split_format_path(args.anno)
        self.annos = bbb.parse(fmt, self.annoname, **args.kwargs)
        self.ids = sorted(list(self.annos.keys()))

        self.dets = []
        self.detnames = []
        if args.det is not None:
            for det in args.det:
                name, fmt = self._split_format_path(det)
                self.dets.append(bbb.parse(fmt, name, **args.kwargs))

        self.folder = args.imagefolder
        self.ext = args.extension
        if args.extension != '' and args.extension[0] != '.':
            self.ext = '.' + args.extension

        self.anno_labels = args.show_anno_labels
        self.det_labels = args.show_det_labels
Ejemplo n.º 6
def process(name, verbose=True):
    config_dict = {
        'train': ('training',   TRAINSET),
        'valid': ('validation', VALIDSET),
        'test':  ('testing',    TESTSET),

    name = name.lower()
    assert name in config_dict
    description, DATASET = config_dict[name]

    if len(DATASET) == 0:

    print('Getting {description} annotation filenames'.format(description=description))
    dataset = []
    for (year, img_set) in DATASET:
        filename = '{ROOT}/VOCdevkit/VOC{year}/ImageSets/Main/{img_set}.txt'.format(ROOT=ROOT, year=year, img_set=img_set)
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            ids = f.read().strip().split()
        dataset += [
            '{ROOT}/VOCdevkit/VOC{year}/Annotations/{xml_id}.xml'.format(ROOT=ROOT, year=year, xml_id=xml_id)
            for xml_id in ids

    if verbose:
        print('\t{len} xml files'.format(

    print('Parsing {description} annotation files'.format(description=description))
    dataset_annos = bbb.parse('anno_pascalvoc', dataset, identify)

    print('Generating {description} annotation file'.format(description=description))
    bbb.generate('anno_pickle', dataset_annos, '{ROOT}/{name}.pkl'.format(ROOT=ROOT, name=name))

Ejemplo n.º 7
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Getting training annotation filenames')
    train = []
    for (year, img_set) in TRAINSET:
        with open(f'{ROOT}/VOC{year}/ImageSets/Main/{img_set}.txt', 'r') as f:
            ids = f.read().strip().split()
        train += [
            f'{ROOT}/VOC{year}/Annotations/{xml_id}.xml' for xml_id in ids

    if DEBUG:
        print(f'\t{len(train)} xml files')

    print('Parsing training annotation files')
    train_annos = bbb.parse('anno_pascalvoc', train, identify)
    # Remove difficult for training
    for k, annos in train_annos.items():
        for i in range(len(annos) - 1, -1, -1):
            if annos[i].difficult:
                del annos[i]

    print('Generating training annotation file')
    bbb.generate('anno_pickle', train_annos, f'{ROOT}/onedet_cache/train.pkl')


    print('Getting testing annotation filenames')
    test = []
    for (year, img_set) in TESTSET:
        with open(f'{ROOT}/VOC{year}/ImageSets/Main/{img_set}.txt', 'r') as f:
Ejemplo n.º 8
import os
import numpy as np
import brambox.boxes as bbb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.interpolate
import glob

filename_detection = 'results/detection_results.json'

identify = lambda f: os.path.splitext("/".join(f.rsplit('/')[-3:]))[0]

# parse ground truth from all videos in all sets
ground_truth = bbb.parse('anno_dollar',
                         occlusion_tag_map=[0.0, 0.25, 0.75])
# print(identify)
# filter ground truth by marking boxes with the ignore flag
        bbb.ClassLabelFilter(['person']),  # only consider 'person' objects
            (50, float('Inf'))),  # select instances of 50 pixels or higher
        bbb.OcclusionAreaFilter((0.65, float('Inf')))
    ])  # only include objects that are 65% visible or more

for _, annos in ground_truth.items():
    for i in range(len(annos)):
        annos[i].class_label = 'person'
    return f'{root_dir}/{folder}/JPEGImages/{filename}'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Getting training annotation filenames')
    train = []
    for (year, img_set) in TRAINSET:
        with open(f'{ROOT}/VOC{year}/ImageSets/Main/{img_set}.txt', 'r') as f:
            ids = f.read().strip().split()
        train += [f'{ROOT}/VOC{year}/Annotations/{xml_id}.xml' for xml_id in ids]

    if DEBUG:
        print(f'\t{len(train)} xml files')

    print('Parsing training annotation files')
    train_annos = bbb.parse('anno_pascalvoc', train, identify)
    # Remove difficult for training
    for k,annos in train_annos.items():
        for i in range(len(annos)-1, -1, -1):
            if annos[i].difficult:
                del annos[i]

    print('Generating training annotation file')
    bbb.generate('anno_pickle', train_annos, f'{ROOT}/onedet_cache/train.pkl')


    print('Getting testing annotation filenames')
    test = []
    for (year, img_set) in TESTSET:
        with open(f'{ROOT}/VOC{year}/ImageSets/Main/{img_set}.txt', 'r') as f:
Ejemplo n.º 10
                                                       det[2][0] / img_w,
                                                       det[2][1] / img_h,
                                                       det[2][2] / img_w,
                                                       det[2][3] / img_h

            # Parse detections into brambox detection format
            bounding_box = bbb.annotations.DarknetAnnotation().deserialize(darknet_string, classes, img_w, img_h)
            detection = bbb.Detection.create(bounding_box)
            detection.confidence = det[1]

        detections[image.split('.')[0]] = data

    # Read annotations file
    annotations = bbb.parse('anno_darknet', args.annotations_path, image_width=img_w, image_height=img_h, class_label_map=classes)

    # Generate PR-curve and compute AP for every individual class.

    for c in classes:
        anno_c = bbb.filter_discard(copy.deepcopy(annotations), [lambda anno: anno.class_label == c])
        det_c = bbb.filter_discard(copy.deepcopy(detections), [lambda det: det.class_label == c])
        p, r = bbb.pr(det_c, anno_c)
        ap = bbb.ap(p, r)
        plt.plot(r, p, label=f'{c}: {round(ap * 100, 2)}%')

    plt.gcf().suptitle('PR-curve individual')
    plt.gca().set_xlim([0, 1])
Ejemplo n.º 11
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Convert bounding box file(s) from one format to the other',
        '%(prog)s inputformat inputpath outputformat outputpath [optional arguments]',
        epilog=f'Posible formats are: {list(bbb.formats.keys())}',

        help='Input format',
                        help='Bounding box file, folder or file sequence')
        help='Ouput format',
    parser.add_argument('outputpath', help='Output file or folder')
        help='If a sequence expression is given as input, this stride is used',
        help='If a sequence expression is given as input, this offset is used',
        help='Keyword arguments for the parser',
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Parse arguments
    if bbb.formats[args.outputformat].parser_type == bbb.ParserType.MULTI_FILE:
        out = Path(args.outputpath)
        if not out.is_dir() and len(out.suffixes) > 0:
                f'Output format [{args.outputformat}] requires a path to a directory'
        if not out.exists():
                f'[{args.outputformat}] folder does not exist, creating...')

    # Convert
    bbox = bbb.parse(
    bbb.generate(args.outputformat, bbox, args.outputpath, **args.kwargs)
    print(f'Converted {len(bbox)} files')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def meanAP_LogAverageMissRate():

    identify = lambda f: os.path.splitext("/".join(f.rsplit('/')[-3:]))[0]

    # parse ground truth from all videos in all sets
    ground_truth = bbb.parse('anno_dollar', 'annotations/*/*/*.txt', identify, occlusion_tag_map=[0.0, 0.25, 0.75])
    # print(len(ground_truth))
    # print(identify)
    # filter ground truth by marking boxes with the ignore flag
    bbb.filter_ignore(ground_truth, [bbb.ClassLabelFilter(['person']),  # only consider 'person' objects
                                     bbb.HeightRangeFilter((50, float('Inf'))),  # select instances of 50 pixels or higher
                                         (0.65, float('Inf')))])  # only include objects that are 65% visible or more

    for _, annos in ground_truth.items():
        for i in range(len(annos)):
            annos[i].class_label = 'person'

    # modify ground truth aspect ratio
    bbb.modify(ground_truth, [bbb.AspectRatioModifier(.41, modify_ignores=False)]);

    # split and copy to day and night ground truth
    ground_truth_day = {key: values for key, values in ground_truth.items() if
                        key.startswith('set06') or key.startswith('set07') or key.startswith('set08')}
    ground_truth_night = {key: values for key, values in ground_truth.items() if
                          key.startswith('set09') or key.startswith('set10') or key.startswith('set11')}

    def parse_detections(format, input, identify_fun=identify, clslabelmap=['person']):
        dets = bbb.parse(format, input, identify_fun, class_label_map=clslabelmap)
        bbb.modify(dets, [bbb.AspectRatioModifier(.41)])
        bbb.filter_discard(dets, [bbb.HeightRangeFilter((50 / 1.25, float('Inf')))])
        return dets

    detections_all = {}

    # detections_all['current'] = parse_detections('det_coco', 'results/conditioning/condition86e_mAP.json')
    # path_source = os.getcwd()
    # path_source = os.path.join(path_source, 'detection_results.json')
    path_source = 'results/detection_results.json'
    # print(path_source)
    detections_all['current'] = parse_detections('det_coco', path_source)

    # detections_all['Our: TD(V,V)'] = parse_detections('det_coco','results/adaptation/1_Visible_15e.json')
    # detections_all['Our: TD(T,T)'] = parse_detections('det_coco','results/adaptation/1_Thermal_15e.json')
    # detections_all['Our: TD(VT,T)'] = parse_detections('det_coco','results/adaptation/1_15e_toFT_34elike30e.json')
    # detections_all['Our: BU(VAT,T)'] = parse_detections('det_coco','results/adaptation/1_Adap30layers_From15_000014_best.json')
    # detections_all['Our: BU(VLT,T)'] = parse_detections('det_coco','results/adaptation/1_Layerwise5layers_from15e_000020_best.json')

    # detections_all['MSDS'] = parse_detections('det_coco','results/SOTA/MSDS.json')
    # detections_all['MSDS_sanitized'] = parse_detections('det_coco','results/SOTA/MSDS_sanitized.json')

    # split and copy to day and night detections
    detections_day = {}
    detections_night = {}
    for label, detections in detections_all.items():
        detections_day[label] = {key: values for key, values in detections.items() if
                                 key.startswith('set06') or key.startswith('set07') or key.startswith('set08')}
        detections_night[label] = {key: values for key, values in detections.items() if
                                   key.startswith('set09') or key.startswith('set10') or key.startswith('set11')}

    detectors_to_plot = ['current']
    # detectors_to_plot = ['Our: BU(VLT,T)', 'condition 86e map','Our: TD(V,V)','Our: TD(T,T)','Our: TD(VT,T)','Our: BU(VAT,T)','MSDS']

    def lamr(miss_rate, fppi, num_of_samples=9):
        """ Compute the log average miss-rate from a given MR-FPPI curve.
        The log average miss-rate is defined as the average of a number of evenly spaced log miss-rate samples
        on the :math:`{log}(FPPI)` axis within the range :math:`[10^{-2}, 10^{0}]`

            miss_rate (list): miss-rate values
            fppi (list): FPPI values
            num_of_samples (int, optional): Number of samples to take from the curve to measure the average precision; Default **9**

            Number: log average miss-rate
        samples = np.logspace(-2., 0., num_of_samples)
        m = np.array(miss_rate)
        f = np.array(fppi)
        interpolated = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(f, m, fill_value=(1., 0.), bounds_error=False)(samples)
        #     print('interpolated: ')
        #     print(interpolated)
        for i, value in enumerate(interpolated):
            if value <= 0:
                interpolated[i] = interpolated[i - 1]

        log_interpolated = np.log(interpolated)
        avg = sum(log_interpolated) / len(log_interpolated)
        return np.exp(avg)

    def generate_curves(ground_truth, results, pr=True, title="", saveplot="", overlap=0.5, only_plot=None,
                        linewidth=2, figsize=(8, 6), legendloc=3):
        curves = []
        scores = {}
        # colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
        #     colors = ['#1919ff', '#ff7f0e', '#ff1919', '#ff19ff', '#19ff19', '#19ff19']
        colors = ['#1919ff', '#ff7f0e', '#ff1919', '#ff19ff', '#19ff19']
        i = 0
        linestyles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':']
        for label, detections in results.items():
            ### because YOLO has stuck in small object, so the paper of this code on CVPRW prefer chose overlap 0.4, but here we choose 0.5 for all.
            #         if label=='YOLO_TLV' or label=='Ours: TD(V,V)' or label=='Ours: TD(T,T)' or label=='Ours: TD(VT,T)' or label=='Ours: BU(VAT,T)' or label == 'Ours: BU(VLT,T)':
            #             print(label)
            #             overlap = 0.4
            if pr:
                ys, xs = bbb.pr(detections, ground_truth, overlap)
                score = round(bbb.ap(ys, xs) * 100, 2)
                ys, xs = bbb.mr_fppi(detections, ground_truth, overlap)
                score = round(lamr(ys, xs) * 100, 2)
            color = colors[i % len(colors)]
            linestyle = linestyles[i % len(linestyles)]

            if only_plot is None or label in only_plot:
                i += 1
            curves += [(label, ys, xs, score, color, linestyle)]
            scores[label] = score

        # if pr:
        #     # sort from highest ap to lowest
        #     sorted_curves = sorted(curves, key=lambda curve: curve[3], reverse=True)
        # else:
        #     # sort from lowest to highest
        #     sorted_curves = sorted(curves, key=lambda curve: curve[3])

        # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)

        # for label, ys, xs, score, color, linestyle in sorted_curves:
        #     # skip curves not mensioned in only_plot
        #     if only_plot is not None and label not in only_plot:
        #         continue

        #     if pr:
        #         plt.plot(xs, ys, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, label=f"{score}%  {label}", linewidth=linewidth)
        #     else:
        #         plt.loglog(xs, ys, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, label=f"{score}%  {label}", linewidth=linewidth)
        # plt.legend(loc=legendloc)
        # plt.gcf().suptitle(title, weight='bold')

        # if pr:
        #     plt.grid(which='major')
        #     plt.gca().set_ylabel('Precision')
        #     plt.gca().set_xlabel('Recall')
        #     plt.gca().set_xlim([0, 1])
        #     plt.gca().set_ylim([0, 1])
        # else:
        #     # modify the y axis a bit
        #     from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter, LogLocator
        #     subs = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.4, 8.0]  # ticks to show per decade
        #     ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(LogLocator(subs=subs))
        #     ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(FormatStrFormatter("%.2f"))
        #     ax.yaxis.grid(which='minor')
        #     ax.xaxis.grid(which='major')
        #     plt.setp(ax.get_ymajorticklabels(), visible=False)  # disable major labels
        #     plt.gca().set_ylabel('Miss rate')
        #     plt.gca().set_xlabel('FPPI')
        #     plt.gca().set_ylim([0.1, 1])
            # plt.gca().set_xlim([0, 10])

        # if saveplot:
        # plt.savefig(saveplot, format='eps', dpi=1200)

        return scores

    scores_all_ap = generate_curves(ground_truth, detections_all, True, title="Day and night time",
                                    saveplot="all_pr.eps", only_plot=detectors_to_plot)
    scores_all_lamr = generate_curves(ground_truth, detections_all, False, title="Day and night time",
                                      saveplot="all_mr_fppi.eps", only_plot=detectors_to_plot)

    scores_day_ap = generate_curves(ground_truth_day, detections_day, True, title="Day time",
                                    saveplot="day_pr.eps", only_plot=detectors_to_plot, figsize=(8,6))
    scores_day_lamr = generate_curves(ground_truth_day, detections_day, False, title="Day time",
                                      saveplot="day_mr_fppi.eps", only_plot=detectors_to_plot, figsize=(8,6))

    scores_night_ap = generate_curves(ground_truth_night, detections_night, True, title="Night time",
                                      saveplot="night_pr.eps", only_plot=detectors_to_plot, figsize=(8,6))
    scores_night_lamr = generate_curves(ground_truth_night, detections_night, False, title="Night time",
                                        saveplot="night_mr_fppi.eps", only_plot=detectors_to_plot, figsize=(8,6), legendloc='lower left')
    # plt.show()

    # print(scores_all_ap['current'])
    # print(scores_day_ap['current'])
    # print(scores_night_ap['current'])
    # print(scores_all_lamr['current'])
    # print(scores_day_lamr['current'])
    # print(scores_night_lamr['current'])
    return  scores_all_ap['current'],scores_day_ap['current'],scores_night_ap['current'],scores_all_lamr['current'],scores_day_lamr['current'],scores_night_lamr['current']