def _save_painting_to_tag(self, painting, tag): tag["Dir"] = TAG_Byte(painting.direction) tag["Motive"] = TAG_String(painting.motive) # Both tile and position will be the center of the image. tag["TileX"] = TAG_Int(painting.location.pos.x) tag["TileY"] = TAG_Int(painting.location.pos.y) tag["TileZ"] = TAG_Int(painting.location.pos.z)
def _save_level_to_tag(self, level): tag = NBTFile() = "" tag["Data"] = TAG_Compound() tag["Data"]["RandomSeed"] = TAG_Long(level.seed) tag["Data"]["SpawnX"] = TAG_Int(level.spawn[0]) tag["Data"]["SpawnY"] = TAG_Int(level.spawn[1]) tag["Data"]["SpawnZ"] = TAG_Int(level.spawn[2]) return tag
def _save_tile_to_tag(self, tile): tag = NBTFile() = "" tag["id"] = TAG_String( tag["x"] = TAG_Int(tile.x) tag["y"] = TAG_Int(tile.y) tag["z"] = TAG_Int(tile.z) self._tile_savers[](tile, tag) return tag
def _save_chunk_to_tag(self, chunk): tag = NBTFile() = "" level = TAG_Compound() tag["Level"] = level level["xPos"] = TAG_Int(chunk.x) level["zPos"] = TAG_Int(chunk.z) level["HeightMap"] = TAG_Byte_Array() level["BlockLight"] = TAG_Byte_Array() level["SkyLight"] = TAG_Byte_Array() level["Sections"] = TAG_List(type=TAG_Compound) for i, s in enumerate(chunk.sections): if s: section = TAG_Compound() = "" section["Y"] = TAG_Byte(i) section["Blocks"] = TAG_Byte_Array() section["Blocks"].value = s.blocks.tostring() section["Data"] = TAG_Byte_Array() section["Data"].value = pack_nibbles(s.metadata) section["SkyLight"] = TAG_Byte_Array() section["SkyLight"].value = pack_nibbles(s.skylight) level["Sections"].tags.append(section) level["HeightMap"].value = chunk.heightmap.tostring() level["BlockLight"].value = pack_nibbles(chunk.blocklight) level["TerrainPopulated"] = TAG_Byte(chunk.populated) level["Entities"] = TAG_List(type=TAG_Compound) for entity in chunk.entities: try: entitytag = self._save_entity_to_tag(entity) level["Entities"].tags.append(entitytag) except KeyError: log.msg("Unknown entity %s" % level["TileEntities"] = TAG_List(type=TAG_Compound) for tile in chunk.tiles.itervalues(): try: tiletag = self._save_tile_to_tag(tile) level["TileEntities"].tags.append(tiletag) except KeyError: log.msg("Unknown tile entity %s" % return tag
def _save_level_to_tag(self, level): tag = NBTFile() = "" tag["Data"] = TAG_Compound() tag["Data"]["RandomSeed"] = TAG_Long(level.seed) tag["Data"]["SpawnX"] = TAG_Int(level.spawn[0]) tag["Data"]["SpawnY"] = TAG_Int(level.spawn[1]) tag["Data"]["SpawnZ"] = TAG_Int(level.spawn[2]) tag["Data"]["Time"] = TAG_Long(level.time) # Beta version and accounting. # Needed for Notchian tools to be able to comprehend this world. tag["Data"]["version"] = TAG_Int(19132) tag["Data"]["LevelName"] = TAG_String("Generated by Bravo :3") return tag
def _save_level_to_tag(self, level): tag = Alpha._save_level_to_tag(self, level) # Beta version and accounting. # Needed for Notchian tools to be able to comprehend this world. tag["Data"]["version"] = TAG_Int(19132) tag["Data"]["LevelName"] = TAG_String("Generated by Bravo :3") return tag
def test_load_entity_from_tag_painting(self): tag = TAG_Compound() tag["Pos"] = TAG_List(type=TAG_Double) tag["Pos"].tags = [TAG_Double(10), TAG_Double(5), TAG_Double(-15)] tag["Rotation"] = TAG_List(type=TAG_Double) tag["Rotation"].tags = [TAG_Double(90), TAG_Double(0)] tag["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1) tag["id"] = TAG_String("Painting") tag["Dir"] = TAG_Byte(1) tag["Motive"] = TAG_String("Sea") tag["TileX"] = TAG_Int(32) tag["TileY"] = TAG_Int(32) tag["TileZ"] = TAG_Int(32) entity = self.s._load_entity_from_tag(tag) self.assertEqual(entity.motive, "Sea") self.assertEqual(entity.direction, 1)