def _print_disp(obj):
    global _working_obj_l

    disp = gen_util.convert_to_list(obj.get('disp'))
    to_print_l = list()
    for b_obj in _working_obj_l:
        for buf in disp:
            for d in gen_util.convert_to_list(obj.get('replace')):
                buf = buf.replace(d['t'], str(b_obj.r_get(d['r'])))
    if len(to_print_l) > 0:
        brcdapi_log.log(to_print_l, True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _zoneobj_add_to_content(obj, b_obj, c_obj, content):
    """Same as _basic_add_to_content() but assumes the data are WWNs and converts them to aliases"""
    start = len(content)
    if obj is not None:
        for k, v in obj.items():
            buf = str(k)
            for mem_d in gen_util.convert_to_list(v.get('_members')):
                _content_append(dict(font='std', align='wrap', disp=(buf, mem_d['b'], mem_d['c'], mem_d['r'])), content)
                buf = ''
            for mem_d in gen_util.convert_to_list(v.get('_pmembers')):
                _content_append(dict(font='std', align='wrap', disp=(buf, mem_d['b'], mem_d['c'], mem_d['r'])), content)
                buf = ''
    if len(content) == start:
        content.append(dict(merge=4, font='std', align='wrap', disp=('No changes',)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _print_summary(switch_d_list):
    """Enable switch

    :param switch_d_list: List of switch dictionaries
    :type switch_d_list: list
    ml = ['\nSummary', '_______']
    for switch_d in switch_d_list:
        ml.append('\nFID: ' + str(switch_d.get('fid')))
            '  Switch Name:            ' +
            brcddb_switch.best_switch_name(switch_d.get('switch_obj'), True))
        ml.append('  Switch Created:         ' + str(switch_d.get('created')))
            ml.append('  Ports Added:            ' +
            ml.append('  Ports Removed:          ' +
            ml.append('  Online Ports Not Moved: ' +
            ml.append('  Ports Not Found:        ' +
            pass  # We should never get here but I'm not changing working code.
        err_msgs = gen_util.convert_to_list(switch_d.get('err_msgs'))
        if len(err_msgs) > 0:
            ml.append('  Error Messages:         ')
            ml.extend(['    ' + buf for buf in err_msgs])
    brcdapi_log.log(ml, True)
def _format_fault(obj, line_num, file_content):
    """Formats a fault into printable text

    :param obj: Dictionary as defined in Return 'changes"
    :type obj: dict
    :param line_num: Line number
    :type line_num: int
    :return: Formatted text
    :rtype: str
        buf = str(file_content[line_num])
    except BaseException as e:
        buf = 'Unknown exception: ' + str(e)
    msg_l = [
        'Line:    ' + str(line_num + 1),
        'Input:   ' + buf,
        'changed: ' + str(obj.get('changed')),
        'fail:    ' + str(obj.get('fail')),
        'io:      ' + str(obj.get('io')),
        'Status:  ' + str(obj.get('status')),
        'Reason:  ' + str(obj.get('reason')),
        ['  ' + buf for buf in gen_util.convert_to_list(obj.get('err_msg'))])
    return '\n'.join(msg_l)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _cli_via_ssh(ip, user_id, pw, fid, cmd_in):
    """Issues CLI commands to the switch.

    Note: As of FOS 9.0.0b, the ability to bind port address was not yet exposed in the API so an SSH session is created
    to issue CLI commands to bind the port addresses.

    :param ip: IP address
    :type ip: str
    :param user_id: User ID
    :type user_id: str
    :param pw: Password
    :type pw: str
    :param fid: Fabric ID
    :type fid: int
    :param cmd_in: List of CLI commands to execute
    :type cmd_in: list, str, None
    :return: Exit code
    :rtype: int
    ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_OK
    cmd_l = gen_util.convert_to_list(cmd_in)
    if len(cmd_l) == 0:
        return ec

    # Login
    brcdapi_log.log('Attempting SSH login', True)
    el, ssh = brcdapi_cli.login(ip, user_id, pw)
    if len(el) > 0:
        brcdapi_log.log(el, True)
        return brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_INPUT_ERROR

    # Send the commands
    # Programmers note: I don't know why setcontext didn't work so I wrapped all the commands in fosexec.
    brcdapi_log.log('Sending CLI commands', True)
    for cmd in [
            'fosexec --fid ' + str(fid) + ' -cmd "' + buf + '"'
            for buf in cmd_l
        el, ml = brcdapi_cli.send_command(ssh, cmd)
        all_msgs = ml + el
        if len(el) > 0:
            ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_INPUT_ERROR
        brcdapi_log.log(['CLI Send: ' + cmd, 'Response: '] + all_msgs)
        if 'failed' in ''.join(all_msgs).lower():
            brcdapi_log.log('Failed: ' + cmd, True)
            ec = brcddb_common.EXIT_STATUS_ERROR

    # Logout and close the session
    brcdapi_log.log('Logout of SSH session')

    return ec
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _get_ports(switch_obj, ports):
    """Returns a list of port objects matching the user input.

    :param switch_obj: Project object
    :type switch_obj: brcddb.classes.ProjectObj
    :param ports: Port or list of port types. See -p parameter in parse_args()
    :type ports: str
    :return: List of port objects (brcddb.classes.PortObj)
    :rtype: list
    r = list()
    for port in gen_util.convert_to_list(ports.split(',')):
        if port in _port_match:
            r.extend(_ports(switch_obj, port))

    return gen_util.remove_duplicates(r)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _add_graphs(wb, tc_page, t_content, start_i, switch_obj, graph_list):
    """Add the individual port pages to the workbook

    Note: If there is a way to add multiple lines to a graph that aren't in neighboring columns, I haven't figured out
    how. So what we do here is add a worksheet that is a copy of the data from the different ports and or statistics
    and add it to the end. If there was just one item to plot, I wouldn't have to add another sheet but this algorithm
    is simple. It just creates a worksheet and adds columns as necessary, even if it's just one.

    :param wb: Excel workbook object
    :type wb: Workbook object
    :param tc_page: Name of table of contents page
    :type tc_page: str
    :param t_content: Table of contents
    :type t_content: list
    :param start_i: Starting index (where first port goes)
    :param switch_obj: Base switch object
    :type switch_obj: brcddb.classes.switch.SwitchObj
    :param graph_list: List of graph dictionaries, see graph in _write_report() for details
    :type graph_list: list, tuple
    :return: List of warnings or errors.
    :rtype: list
    global _sheet_map

    ml = list()
    proj_obj = switch_obj.r_project_obj()
    switch_obj_l = [
        proj_obj.r_switch_obj(wwn) for wwn in proj_obj.r_get('switch_list')
    if _DEBUG:
        switch_obj_l = switch_obj_l[:6]
    if len(switch_obj_l) < 1:
        brcdapi_log('Nothing to graph. No data collected.', True)
        return ml
    sheet_index = start_i
    last_disp = {'font': 'std', 'align': 'wrap'}
    std_disp = last_disp.copy()
    std_disp.update({'new_row': False})

    graph_num = 0
    for graph_obj in graph_list:

        # Create the graph data page and figure out the common graphing request
        sname = 'graph_' + str(graph_num)
        brcdapi_log.log('Processing graph for: ' + sname, True)
        data_sheet = wb.create_sheet(title=sname + '_data')
        data_sheet.page_setup.paperSize = data_sheet.PAPERSIZE_LETTER
        data_sheet.page_setup.orientation = data_sheet.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
        port = graph_obj.get('port')
        stat = graph_obj.get('stat')
        y_name = 'Programming error. Neither port or stat specified.'
        title = ''
        last_time = ''

        if port is not None:

            # Set up the title and chart references
            port_obj = switch_obj.r_port_obj(port)
            if port_obj is None:
                ml.append('Statistics for port ' + port +
                          ' were not collected. Skipping.')
            col_ref = port
            port_page = '=' + port.replace('/', '_') + '!'

            # Find all the time stamps, reference sheets, and column references for the data reference sheet
            rd = dict()
            sheet = _sheet_map[port]
            data_sheet['A1'] = 'Time'  # Column header for the time stamp
            col = 2
            for stat in gen_util.convert_to_list(graph_obj.get('parms')):
                    stat_ref = stat if rt.Port.port_display_tbl['fibrechannel-statistics/' + stat]['d'] is None else \
                        rt.Port.port_display_tbl['fibrechannel-statistics/' + stat]['d']
                except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
                    stat_ref = stat
                cell = report_utils.cell_match_val(sheet, stat_ref, None, 2, 1)
                if cell is None:
                    ml.append('Could not find statistical count ' + stat +
                              ' for port ' + port + '. Skipping')
                ref_col = column_index_from_string(
                rd.update({stat: ref_col})
                data_sheet[xl.get_column_letter(col) + '1'] = port_page + cell
                col += 1
            max_col = len(rd.keys())

            # Add the time stamp
            x = port_obj.r_get('fibrechannel-statistics/time-generated')
            if x == None:
                ml.append('Invalid sample for port ' + port + '. Skipping.')
            title = 'Statistics for port ' + port + 'beginning: ' + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                x).strftime('%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S')
            row = 2
            for port_obj in [obj.r_port_obj(port) for obj in switch_obj_l]:
                x = None if port_obj is None else port_obj.r_get(
                if x is None:
                        'Port ' + port +
                        ' appears to have gone off line after ' + last_time,
                last_time = x
                data_sheet['A' + str(row)] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                col = 2
                for ref_col in rd.values():
                    data_sheet[xl.get_column_letter(col) + str(row)] = port_page + xl.get_column_letter(ref_col) +\
                                                                       str(row + 1)
                    col += 1
                row += 1

        elif stat is not None:

            # Figure out the title and graph Y axis title
            y_name = stat.split('/').pop()
                col_ref = y_name if rt.Port.port_display_tbl[stat][
                    'd'] is None else rt.Port.port_display_tbl[stat]['d']
            except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
                col_ref = y_name

            # Find all the time stamps, reference sheets, and columns
            tl = list()
            rl = list()
            for port in gen_util.convert_to_list(graph_obj.get('parms')):
                port_obj = switch_obj_l[0].r_port_obj(port)
                if port_obj is None:
                    ml.append('Could not find port ' + port)
                sheet = _sheet_map[port]
                cell = report_utils.cell_match_val(sheet, col_ref, None, 2, 1)
                if cell is None:
                    ml.append('Could not find column for port ' + port +
                              ', statistic ' + stat)
                         name=port.replace('/', '_'),
                if len(tl) == 0:
                        x = switch_obj_l[0].r_port_obj(port).r_get(
                    except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
                        x = None
                    if x == None:
                        ml.append('Invalid sample for port ' + port +
                                  '. Skipping')
                    title = 'Statistics beginning: ' + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                        x).strftime('%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S')
                    for port_obj in [
                            obj.r_port_obj(port) for obj in switch_obj_l
                        x = port_obj.r_get(
                        if x is None:
                                'Port ' + port +
                                ' appears to have gone off line after ' +
                                last_time, True)
                        last_time = x

            # Add all the data references
            max_col = len(rl)
            if max_col > 0:
                data_sheet['A1'] = 'Time'  # Column header for the time stamp
                for row in range(0, len(tl)):  # Fill in the time stamp.
                    data_sheet['A' + str(row + 2)] = tl[row]
                for col in range(0,
                                 len(rl)):  # Now add the port column headers
                    data_sheet[xl.get_column_letter(col + 2) +
                               '1'] = "'" + rl[col]['port']
                for row in range(
                        0, len(switch_obj_l)
                ):  # Now add all the statistical data for the ports
                    col = 2
                    for ref in rl:  # One for each port
                        data_sheet[xl.get_column_letter(col) + str(row + 2)] = \
                            '=' + ref['name'] + '!' + xl.get_column_letter(ref['col']) + str(row + 3)
                        col += 1

            brcdapi_log.exception(y_name, True)

        # Create the Worksheet and add it to the table of contents
        max_row = len(switch_obj_l) + 1
            wb, tc_page, sname, sheet_index,
                 x=dict(title='Time', min_col=1, min_row=1, max_row=max_row),
                        max_col=max_col + 1,
                 hyper='#' + sname + '!A1',

        sheet_index += 1
        graph_num += 1

    return ml