def main(): lidar = Lidar(device='/dev/ttyACM0') slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), map_size_pixels=MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, map_size_meters=MAP_SIZE_METERS) display = SlamShow(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS*1000/MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, 'SLAM') #image_thread = threading.Thread(target=save_image, args=[display]) #image_thread.start() mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) while True: slam.update(lidar.getScan()) x, y, theta = slam.getpos() #print(x, y, theta) slam.getmap(mapbytes) display.displayMap(mapbytes) display.setPose(x, y, theta) #display.save_image() display.save_pgm(mapbytes) if not display.refresh(): exit(0)
def __init__(self, readFrom): ''' Takes no args. Maybe we could specify colors, lidar params, etc. ''' self.bytesFromLIDAR = [] # No scan data to start self.scandata = [] self.scanCount = 0 self.running = True self.readFrom = readFrom if readFrom == READ_FROM_FILE: ##read from log file self.file = open('urg04-LX-log', 'rb') self.bytesFromLIDAR = self.scanIndex = 0 elif readFrom == READ_FROM_SERIAL: # Create a URG04LX object and connect to it self.lidar = URG04LX(URG_DEVICE) #thread.start_new_thread( grab_scan, (self,) ) else: self.lidar = URG04LX(URG_DEVICE) self.readScanFromLidarAndWriteToFile()
def __init__(self): ''' Takes no args. Maybe we could specify colors, lidar params, etc. ''' # Create the frame tk.Frame.__init__(self, borderwidth=4, relief='sunken') self.master.geometry( str(DISPLAY_CANVAS_SIZE_PIXELS) + "x" + str(DISPLAY_CANVAS_SIZE_PIXELS)) self.master.title('Hokuyo URG04LX [ESC to quit]') self.grid() self.master.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.master.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.grid(sticky=tk.W + tk.E + tk.N + tk.S) self.background = DISPLAY_CANVAS_COLOR # Add a canvas for drawing self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, \ width = DISPLAY_CANVAS_SIZE_PIXELS, \ height = DISPLAY_CANVAS_SIZE_PIXELS,\ background = DISPLAY_CANVAS_COLOR) self.canvas.grid(row = 0, column = 0,\ rowspan = 1, columnspan = 1,\ sticky = tk.W+tk.E+tk.N+tk.S) # Set up a key event for exit on ESC self.bind('<Key>', self._key) # This call gives the frame focus so that it receives input self.focus_set() # No scanlines initially self.lines = [] # Create a URG04LX object and connect to it self.lidar = URG04LX(URG_DEVICE) # No scan data to start self.scandata = [] # Pre-compute some values useful for plotting scan_angle_rad = [radians(-URG_DETECTION_DEG/2 + (float(k)/URG_SCAN_SIZE) * \ URG_DETECTION_DEG) for k in range(URG_SCAN_SIZE)] self.half_canvas_pix = DISPLAY_CANVAS_SIZE_PIXELS / 2 scale = self.half_canvas_pix / float(URG_MAX_SCAN_DIST_MM) self.cos = [-cos(angle) * scale for angle in scan_angle_rad] self.sin = [sin(angle) * scale for angle in scan_angle_rad] # Add scan lines to canvas, to be modified later self.lines = [self.canvas.create_line(\ self.half_canvas_pix, \ self.half_canvas_pix, \ self.half_canvas_pix + self.sin[k] * URG_MAX_SCAN_DIST_MM,\ self.half_canvas_pix + self.cos[k] * URG_MAX_SCAN_DIST_MM) for k in range(URG_SCAN_SIZE)] [ self.canvas.itemconfig(line, fill=DISPLAY_SCAN_LINE_COLOR) for line in self.lines ] # Start a new thread and set a flag to let it know when we stop running thread.start_new_thread(grab_scan, (self, )) self.running = True
MAP_SIZE_PIXELS = 500 MAP_SIZE_METERS = 10 LIDAR_DEVICE = '/dev/ttyACM0' from breezyslam.algorithms import RMHC_SLAM from breezyslam.sensors import URG04LX as LaserModel from breezylidar import URG04LX as Lidar from pltslamshow import SlamShow if __name__ == '__main__': # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display display = SlamShow(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS * 1000 / MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, 'SLAM') # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) while True: # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan slam.update(lidar.getScan())
from time import time lidarMin = 114 lidarMax = 568 nearMin = 158 nearMax = 524 farMin = 318 farMax = 364 stepDeg = 682 / 240 degStep = 240 / 682 lidarPort = '/dev/ttyACM0' laser = URG04LX(lidarPort) failCount = 0 print('Started Lidar\n===================') data = [] for i in range(0, 682): data.append(0) for i in range(0, 5): scan = laser.getScan() for j in range(0, len(scan)): data[j] += scan[j] for j in range(0, len(scan)): data[j] /= 5 farSum = 0
def __init__(self): laser = URG04LX(DEVICE) self.deq = collections.deque(maxlen=1) _thread.start_new_thread(producer, (self.deq, laser))
def main(): laser = URG04LX('/dev/ttyACM0') while True: scan = laser.getScan() print(scan)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from breezylidar import URG04LX import sys import json from time import time f = open('log.json', 'a+') DEVICE = '/dev/ttyACM0' NITER = 10 laser = URG04LX(DEVICE) print('===============================================================') print('Detected lidar') print(laser) print('===============================================================') while True: start_sec = time() count = 0 for i in range(1, NITER + 1): sys.stdout.write('Iteration: %3d: ' % i) data = laser.getScan()
MAP_SIZE_PIXELS = 500 MAP_SIZE_METERS = 10 LIDAR_DEVICE = '/dev/ttyACM0' from breezyslam.algorithms import RMHC_SLAM from breezyslam.sensors import URG04LX as LaserModel from breezylidar import URG04LX as Lidar from roboviz import MapVisualizer if __name__ == '__main__': # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) while True: # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan slam.update(lidar.getScan())