Ejemplo n.º 1
import brian2
from brian2.core.preferences import brian_prefs

from .environment import running_from_ipython

__all__ = ["get_logger", "BrianLogger"]

# ===============================================================================
# Global options for logging
# ===============================================================================
    Whether to delete the log and script file on exit.
    If set to ``True`` (the default), log files (and the copy of the main
    script) will be deleted after the brian process has exited, unless an
    uncaught exception occured. If set to ``False``, all log files will be kept.

# ===============================================================================
# Initial setup
# ===============================================================================

# get the root logger
logger = logging.getLogger("")

# Log to a file
Ejemplo n.º 2
Memory management
from numpy import zeros, dtype

from brian2.core.preferences import brian_prefs

__all__ = ['allocate_array',

brian_prefs.define('default_scalar_dtype', float,
    Default dtype for all arrays of scalars (state variables, weights, etc.).
    ''', validator=dtype)

def allocate_array(shape, dtype=None):
    Allocates a 1D array initialised to 0
    shape : (int, tuple)
        The shape of the array.
    dtype : dtype, optional
        The numpy datatype of the array. If not specified, use the
        :bpref:`default_scalar_dtype` preference. 
    arr : ndarray
        The allocated array (initialised to zero).