def main(): """ $ brownie run --network rinkeby :return: """ acct = accounts.load('flyer') Token.deploy("My Real Token", "RLT", 18, 1e28, {'from': acct})
def main(): deployer = accounts.load('deployer') lp_token = Token.deploy(" BUSD/USDC/USDT", "3EPS", 0, {"from": deployer}) fee_converter = FeeConverter.deploy({"from": deployer}) airdrop_distro = MerkleDistributor.deploy( deployer, "0x7EeAC6CDdbd1D0B8aF061742D41877D7F707289a", {'from': deployer}) coins = [ "0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56", # busd "0x8AC76a51cc950d9822D68b83fE1Ad97B32Cd580d", # usdc "0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955" # usdt ] swap = StableSwap.deploy( deployer, coins, # coins, lp_token, 1500, # A 4000000, # fee 5000000000, # admin fee fee_converter, {"from": deployer}, ) lp_token.set_minter(swap, {"from": deployer}) initial_supply = TOTAL_SUPPLY // 5 + (5000 * 10**18) eps = Token.deploy("Ellipsis", "EPS", initial_supply, {"from": deployer}) cake = Contract('0x05ff2b0db69458a0750badebc4f9e13add608c7f') tx = cake.addLiquidityETH(eps, 5000 * 10**18, 5000 * 10**18, 10**18, deployer, 2000000000, {'from': deployer}) cakelp =['PairCreated']['pair'] per_period = [ int(i * 100000) * TOTAL_SUPPLY // 100000 for i in REWARD_AMOUNTS ] durations = [ REWARD_OFFSETS[i + 1] - REWARD_OFFSETS[i] for i in range(len(REWARD_OFFSETS) - 1) ] rewards_per_block = [ per_period[i] // durations[i] for i in range(len(durations)) ] + [0] offsets = [i + LAUNCH_OFFSET for i in REWARD_OFFSETS] lp_staker = LpTokenStaker.deploy(offsets, rewards_per_block, cakelp, {"from": deployer}) lp_staker.addPool(lp_token, 0, {'from': deployer}) eps_staker = MultiFeeDistribution.deploy(eps, [lp_staker, airdrop_distro], {"from": deployer}) eps_staker.addReward(coins[0], fee_converter, {'from': deployer}) lp_staker.setMinter(eps_staker, {"from": deployer}) eps.set_minter(eps_staker, {'from': deployer}) fee_converter.setFeeDistributor(eps_staker, {"from": deployer}) airdrop_distro.setMinter(eps_staker, {'from': deployer})
def main(): A = Token.deploy("Token A", "TOKA", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]}) B = Token.deploy("Token B", "TOKB", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]}) man = Manager.deploy(A, B, 10, 0, {'from': accounts[0]}) # A=Token.deploy("Token A", "TOKA", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]}) # B=Token.deploy("Token B", "TOKB", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]}) # man=Manager.deploy(A, B, 10, 0,{'from': accounts[0]})
def main(): acct = accounts.load("AAVE") A = Token.deploy("Token A", "TOKA", 18, 0, {'from': acct}) B = Token.deploy("Token B", "TOKB", 18, 0, {'from': acct}) Stable = Token.deploy("Dai Stablecoin", "Dai", 18, 10000000000, {'from': acct}) man = Manager.deploy(A, B, Stable, 10, 0, {'from': acct}) A.transferPower(man, {'from': acct}) B.transferPower(man, {'from': acct})
def main(): #user1 = accounts.load("user1") acct = accounts.load("AAVE") A ="0x982328095bC12d3a8b0B75be1e9FDce4c011202a") man ="0x7927b309535ba4B1D6F42c1aF76a6757Fe45AB58") print("BEFORE REDEEM Atoken and Eth balance") # #token A balance print(A.balanceOf(acct)) # # eth balance print(acct.balance()) man.requestState("0x4712020ca7e184c545fd2483696c9dc36cb7c36a", "ca0d86424890466f856de3e868087f81", {'from': acct}) time.sleep(90) man.redeem({'from': acct}) print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") print("post redeem, pre fufill") #token A balance print(A.balanceOf(acct)) # eth balance print(user1.balance()) print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") print("post redeem, POST FUFILL") #token A balance print(A.balanceOf(user1)) # eth balance print(user1.balance())
def main(): print(f"You are using the '{network.show_active()}' network") account_name = input(f"What account to use?: ") dev = accounts.load(account_name) print(f"You are using: 'dev' [{dev.address}]") token ="ERC20 Token: ")) #token ="0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F") #gov = get_address("yEarn Governance: ") gov = dev #rewards = get_address("Rewards contract: ") rewards = dev #name = input(f"Set description ['yearn {}']: ") or "" name = "yDAI Test Vault V2" #symbol = input(f"Set symbol ['y{token.symbol()}']: ") or "" symbol = 'ytDAI' print(f""" Vault Parameters version: {PACKAGE_VERSION} token: {token.address} governer: {gov} rewards: {rewards} name: '{name or 'yearn ' +}' symbol: '{symbol or 'y' + token.symbol()}' """) if input("Deploy New Vault? y/[N]: ").lower() != "y": return print("Deploying Vault...") vault = Vault.deploy(token, gov, rewards, name, symbol, { 'from': dev, 'gas_price': Wei("15 gwei") })
def test_transfer_adjusts_sender_balance(): token = Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 10**21, {'from': accounts[0]}) balance = token.balanceOf(accounts[0]) token.transfer(accounts[1], 10**18, {'from': accounts[0]}) assert token.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == balance - 10**18
def main(): token = Token.deploy({'from': accounts[0]}) dao = Dao.deploy(token, {'from': accounts[0]}) for account in accounts: token.transfer(account, Wei('1 ether')) token.approve(dao.address, Wei('0.1 ether'), {'from': account}) dao.deposit(Wei('0.01 ether'), {'from': account}) print(len(Dao))
def main(): acct = accounts[0] token = Token.deploy("My Real Token", "RLT", 18, 1e28, {'from': acct}) curve = '0x93054188d876f558f4a66B2EF1d97d16eDf0895B' registry = '0xe80d347df1209a76dd9d2319d62912ba98c54ddd' wbtc = '0x2260FAC5E5542a773Aa44fBCfeDf7C193bc2C599' adapter = CurveExchangeAdapter.deploy(curve, registry, wbtc, acct, token, {'from': acct})
def main(): tk = Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]}) ac0 = accounts[0] ac1 = accounts[1] ac2 = accounts[2] print(tk.balanceOf(ac0)) print(tk.balanceOf(ac1)) tk.transfer(ac1, 5000, {'from': ac0}) print(tk.balanceOf(ac0)) print(tk.balanceOf(ac1))
def main(): print(f"You are using the '{network.show_active()}' network") dev = accounts.load("dev") print(f"You are using: 'dev' [{dev.address}]") token ="ERC20 Token: ")) gov = get_address("Yearn Governance: ") rewards = get_address("Rewards contract: ") name = input(f"Set description ['yearn {}']: ") or "" symbol = input(f"Set symbol ['y{token.symbol()}']: ") or "" print(f""" Vault Parameters version: {PACKAGE_VERSION} token: {token.address} governer: {gov} rewards: {rewards} name: '{name or 'yearn ' +}' symbol: '{symbol or 'y' + token.symbol()}' """) if input("Deploy New Vault? y/[N]: ").lower() != "y": return print("Deploying Vault...") vault = dev.deploy(Vault, token, gov, rewards, name, symbol)
def main(): token = Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 1e20, {'from': accounts[1]}) transfer = Transfer.deploy({"from": accounts[0]}) print(f"Gas used to deploy the contract {transfer.tx.gas_used}") print(f"------------------------------------------------------") t = accounts[0].transfer(transfer.address, 10**18) print(f"Gas used to pay ETH {t.gas_used}") print(f"------------------------------------------------------") t = transfer.transfer(ZERO_ADDRESS, accounts[1], 10**17, {'from': accounts[0]}) print(f"Gas used to pay ETH using the contract contract {t.gas_used}") print(f"------------------------------------------------------") t = transfer.transferAndDestruct(ZERO_ADDRESS, accounts[1], 10**17, {'from': accounts[0]}) print(f"Gas used to pay ETH by destoying the contract {t.gas_used}") print(f"------------------------------------------------------") # Token gas usage transfer = Transfer.deploy({"from": accounts[0]}) t = token.transfer(transfer.address, 10**18, {'from': accounts[1]}) print(f"Gas used to send ERC20 to a contract {t.gas_used}") print(f"------------------------------------------------------") t = transfer.transfer(token.address, accounts[1], 10**17, {'from': accounts[0]}) print(f"Gas used to send ERC20 using the contract {t.gas_used}") print(f"------------------------------------------------------") t = transfer.transferAndDestruct(token.address, accounts[1], 10**17, {'from': accounts[0]}) print(f"Gas used to send ERC20 by destoying the contract {t.gas_used}") print(f"------------------------------------------------------")
def main(): click.echo(f"You are using the '{network.show_active()}' network") dev = accounts.load(click.prompt("Account", type=click.Choice(accounts.load()))) click.echo(f"You are using: 'dev' [{dev.address}]") registry = get_address("Vault Registry", default="v2.registry.ychad.eth") ) latest_release = Version(registry.latestRelease()) num_releases = registry.numReleases() - 1 target_release_index = num_releases release_delta = 0 click.echo( f""" Release Information latest release version: {latest_release} latest release index: {num_releases} local package version: {PACKAGE_VERSION} """ ) use_proxy = False # NOTE: Use a proxy to save on gas for experimental Vaults if Version(PACKAGE_VERSION) <= latest_release: click.echo( f""" Recommended Releases DO NOT USE => 0-2 0.3.2 => 3 0.3.3 => 4 0.3.4 => 5 (DO NOT USE) 0.3.5 => 6 0.4.0 => 7 (DO NOT USE) 0.4.1 => 8 """ ) target_release_index = click.prompt( "Please select a target release index from options or press enter for latest release:", type=click.Choice([str(i) for i in range(num_releases + 1)]), default=num_releases, ) if click.confirm("Deploy a Proxy Vault", default="Y"): use_proxy = True elif Version(PACKAGE_VERSION) > latest_release: target_release_index = num_releases + 1 if not click.confirm(f"Deploy {PACKAGE_VERSION} as new release"): return token ="ERC20 Token")) if use_proxy: gov_default = ( "0x16388463d60FFE0661Cf7F1f31a7D658aC790ff7" # strategist msig, no ENS ) else: gov_default = "ychad.eth" gov = get_address("Yearn Governance", default=dev.address) rewards = get_address("Rewards contract", default="treasury.ychad.eth") guardian = get_address("Vault Guardian", default="dev.ychad.eth") management = get_address("Vault Management", default="brain.ychad.eth") name = click.prompt(f"Set description", default=DEFAULT_VAULT_NAME(token)) symbol = click.prompt(f"Set symbol", default=DEFAULT_VAULT_SYMBOL(token)) release_delta = num_releases - target_release_index target_release = ( if release_delta >= 0 else PACKAGE_VERSION ) click.echo( f""" Vault Deployment Parameters use proxy: {use_proxy} target release: {target_release} release delta: {release_delta} token address: {token.address} token symbol: {DEFAULT_VAULT_SYMBOL(token)} governance: {gov} management: {management} rewards: {rewards} guardian: {guardian} name: '{name}' symbol: '{symbol}' """ ) if click.confirm("Deploy New Vault"): args = [ token, gov, rewards, # NOTE: Empty string `""` means no override (don't use click default tho) name if name != DEFAULT_VAULT_NAME(token) else "", symbol if symbol != DEFAULT_VAULT_SYMBOL(token) else "", ] if use_proxy: # NOTE: Must always include guardian, even if default args.insert(2, guardian) args.append(release_delta) txn_receipt = registry.newExperimentalVault(*args, {"from": dev, "gas_price": Wei('9 gwei'), "required_confs": 0}) vault =["NewExperimentalVault"]["vault"]) click.echo(f"Experimental Vault deployed [{vault.address}]") click.echo(" NOTE: Vault is not registered in Registry!") else: args.append(guardian) args.append(management) vault = Vault.deploy({"from": dev, "gas_price": Wei('9 gwei'), "required_confs": 0}) vault.initialize(*args) click.echo(f"New Vault Release deployed [{vault.address}]") click.echo( " NOTE: Vault is not registered in Registry, please register!" )
def main(): print(f"You are using the '{network.show_active()}' network") bot = accounts.load("bot") print(f"You are using: 'bot' [{bot.address}]") # TODO: Allow adding/removing strategies during operation strategies = [interface.StrategyAPI(get_address("Strategy to farm: "))] while input("Add another strategy? (y/[N]): ").lower() == "y": strategies.append(interface.StrategyAPI(get_address("Strategy to farm: "))) vault =[0].vault()) want = for strategy in strategies: assert ( strategy.keeper() == bot.address ), "Bot is not set as keeper! [{strategy.address}]" assert ( strategy.vault() == vault.address ), f"Vault mismatch! [{strategy.address}]" while True: starting_balance = bot.balance() calls_made = 0 total_gas_estimate = 0 for strategy in strategies: # Display some relevant statistics symbol = want.symbol() credit = vault.creditAvailable(strategy) / 10 ** vault.decimals() print(f"[{strategy.address}] Credit Available: {credit:0.3f} {symbol}") debt = vault.debtOutstanding(strategy) / 10 ** vault.decimals() print(f"[{strategy.address}] Debt Outstanding: {debt:0.3f} {symbol}") starting_gas_price = next(gas_strategy.get_gas_price()) try: tend_gas_estimate = int( GAS_BUFFER * strategy.tend.estimate_gas({"from": bot}) ) total_gas_estimate += tend_gas_estimate except ValueError: print(f"[{strategy.address}] `tend` estimate fails") tend_gas_estimate = None try: harvest_gas_estimate = int( GAS_BUFFER * strategy.harvest.estimate_gas({"from": bot}) ) total_gas_estimate += harvest_gas_estimate except ValueError: print(f"[{strategy.address}] `harvest` estimate fails") harvest_gas_estimate = None if harvest_gas_estimate and strategy.harvestTrigger( harvest_gas_estimate * starting_gas_price ): try: strategy.harvest({"from": bot, "gas_price": gas_strategy}) calls_made += 1 except: print(f"[{strategy.address}] `harvest` call fails") elif tend_gas_estimate and strategy.tendTrigger( tend_gas_estimate * starting_gas_price ): try: strategy.tend({"from": bot, "gas_price": gas_strategy}) calls_made += 1 except: print(f"[{strategy.address}] `tend` call fails") # Check running 10 `tend`s & `harvest`s per strategy at estimated gas price # would empty the balance of the bot account if bot.balance() < 10 * total_gas_estimate * starting_gas_price: print(f"Need more ether please! {bot.address}") # Wait a minute if we didn't make any calls if calls_made > 0: gas_cost = (starting_balance - bot.balance()) / 10 ** 18 num_harvests = bot.balance() // (starting_balance - bot.balance()) print(f"Made {calls_made} calls, spent {gas_cost} ETH on gas.") print( f"At this rate, it'll take {num_harvests} harvests to run out of gas." ) else: print("Sleeping for 60 seconds...") sleep(60)
def main(): acct = accounts.load("AAVE") return Token.deploy("Token A", "TOKA", 18, 1e21, {'from': acct})
def main(): acct = accounts.load("metamask") return Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 1e21, {'from': acct})
def main(): acct = accounts.load('stg') return Token.deploy("Stegos", "STG", 6, 1e15, {'from': acct})
def main(): accounts.load('metamask') return Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]})
def test_transfer_fails_from_insufficient_balance(): token = Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 10**21, {'from': accounts[0]}) with brownie.reverts("Insufficient balance"): token.transfer(accounts[2], 10**18, {'from': accounts[1]})
def main(): # return Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]}) return Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 100, {'from': accounts[0]})
def main(): click.echo(f"You are using the '{network.show_active()}' network") dev = accounts.load( click.prompt("Account", type=click.Choice(accounts.load()))) click.echo(f"You are using: 'dev' [{dev.address}]") registry = get_address("Vault Registry", default="v2.registry.ychad.eth")) latest_release = Version(registry.latestRelease()) use_proxy = False # NOTE: Use a proxy to save on gas for experimental Vaults if Version(PACKAGE_VERSION) < latest_release: click.echo("Cannot deploy Vault for old API version") return elif Version(PACKAGE_VERSION) > latest_release: if not click.confirm(f"Deploy {PACKAGE_VERSION} as new release"): return else: if not click.confirm("Deploy Experimental Vault"): return use_proxy = True token ="ERC20 Token")) gov = get_address("Yearn Governance", default="ychad.eth") rewards = get_address("Rewards contract", default="0x93A62dA5a14C80f265DAbC077fCEE437B1a0Efde") guardian = get_address("Vault Guardian", default=dev.address) name = click.prompt(f"Set description", default=DEFAULT_VAULT_NAME(token)) symbol = click.prompt(f"Set symbol", default=DEFAULT_VAULT_SYMBOL(token)) click.echo(f""" Vault Parameters version: {PACKAGE_VERSION} token: {token.address} governer: {gov} rewards: {rewards} guardian: {guardian} name: '{name}' symbol: '{symbol}' """) if click.confirm("Deploy New Vault"): args = [ token, gov, rewards, # NOTE: Empty string `""` means no override (don't use click default tho) name if name != DEFAULT_VAULT_NAME(token) else "", symbol if symbol != DEFAULT_VAULT_SYMBOL(token) else "", ] if use_proxy: # NOTE: Must always include guardian, even if default args.insert(3, guardian) txn_receipt = registry.newExperimentalVault(*args, {"from": dev}) vault =["NewExperimentalVault"]["vault"]) click.echo(f"Experimental Vault deployed [{vault.address}]") click.echo(" NOTE: Vault is not registered in Registry!") else: if guardian != dev.address: # NOTE: Only need to include if guardian is not self args.push(guardian) vault = dev.deploy(Vault) vault.initialize(*args) click.echo(f"New Vault Release deployed [{vault.address}]") click.echo( " NOTE: Vault is not registered in Registry, please register!" )
def main(): return Token.deploy("Token B", "TOKB", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]})
def token(): return Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 10**21, {'from': accounts[0]})
def main(): t = Token.deploy("Test Token", "TST", 18, 1e21, {'from': accounts[0]}) print('owner balance: ', t.balanceOf(accounts[0])) return t
def sign_token_permit( token: Token, owner: Account, # NOTE: Must be a eth_key account, not Brownie spender: str, allowance: int = 2**256 - 1, # Allowance to set with `permit` deadline: int = 0, # 0 means no time limit override_nonce: int = None, ): chain_id = 1 # ganache bug if override_nonce: nonce = override_nonce else: nonce = token.nonces(owner.address) data = { "types": { "EIP712Domain": [ { "name": "name", "type": "string" }, { "name": "version", "type": "string" }, { "name": "chainId", "type": "uint256" }, { "name": "verifyingContract", "type": "address" }, ], "Permit": [ { "name": "owner", "type": "address" }, { "name": "spender", "type": "address" }, { "name": "value", "type": "uint256" }, { "name": "nonce", "type": "uint256" }, { "name": "deadline", "type": "uint256" }, ], }, "domain": { "name":, "version": "1", "chainId": chain_id, "verifyingContract": str(token), }, "primaryType": "Permit", "message": { "owner": owner.address, "spender": spender, "value": allowance, "nonce": nonce, "deadline": deadline, }, } permit = encode_structured_data(data) return owner.sign_message(permit)