Ejemplo n.º 1
def increment_using_rpc(current_node):
    # create a server socket
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    # connect to the server socket
    s.connect(('localhost', 50001))

    # Connects via socket to RPC peer node
    rpc = JSONRpc(s)

    # Get a RPC peer proxy object
    server = rpc.get_peer_proxy()

    # Serialize the graph as a dictionary
    # Dictionary structure
    # {"root_object_id": {"name": "root",
    # 						"level": 0,
    # 						"value": 0,
    # 						"children":["leaf1_object_id", "leaf1_object_id", "leaf2_object_id"]
    # 						},
    # 	"leaf1_object_id": {.....
    # }
    ser_graph = object_to_dictionary(current_node)

    # Remote procedure call using the serialized tree and the root node name
    result = server.server_increment(ser_graph)

    # Close thr RPC.
    # Closes the socket 's' also

    # construct the tree using objects
    # from the serialized output received from the RPC
    current_node = dictionary_to_object(result)

    # return the root node
    return current_node
Ejemplo n.º 2
# minimalistic client example from
# https://github.com/seprich/py-bson-rpc/blob/master/README.md#quickstart

import socket
from bsonrpc import JSONRpc
from bsonrpc.exceptions import FramingError
from bsonrpc.framing import (JSONFramingNetstring, JSONFramingNone,

# Cut-the-corners TCP Client:
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('localhost', 50002))

rpc = JSONRpc(s, framing_cls=JSONFramingNone)
server = rpc.get_peer_proxy()
# Execute in server:
result = server.swapper('Hello World!')
# "!dlroW olleH"

print(server.nop({1: [2, 3]}))

rpc.close()  # Closes the socket 's' also
            Root_List[len(Root_List) - 1].val = Node_Dic[i]['val']
    #Will return the last node in the List which is the root of the tree
    return Root_List[len(Root_List) - 1]

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('localhost', 50001))
rpc = JSONRpc(s, framing_cls=JSONFramingNone)
server = rpc.get_peer_proxy()

leaf1 = node("leaf1")
leaf2 = node("leaf2")
root = node("root", [leaf1, leaf1, leaf2])

print("graph before increment")

Dict_Root = []
    'name': root.name,
    'val': root.val,
    'children': ChildrenList(root)
Dict_Root = Node_into_Dictionary(root, Dict_Root)
# do this increment remotely:
Incremented_Dict = server.increment(Dict_Root)
print("graph after increment")
root = Dictionary_into_Node(Incremented_Dict)