Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_integral_non_uniform_repeated(self):
        for order in range(2, 8, 2):
            # Create a spline with three segments
            aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
            kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(4)
            kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(4)
            # Choose a non-uniform knot sequence.
            knots = numpy.linspace(0.0, (kr - 1), kr)
            knots = knots * knots
            for i in range(0, len(knots)):
                if i & 1 > 0:
                    knots[i] = knots[i - 1]

            cp = numpy.random.random(kc)
            cpa = numpy.array([cp])

            aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
            aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cpa)
            fspl = (knots, cp, order - 1)

            for a in numpy.arange(aspl.t_min(), aspl.t_max() - 1e-15, 0.4):
                for i in numpy.arange(aspl.t_min(), aspl.t_max() - 1e-15, 0.4):
                    print "Eval at %f\n" % (i)
                    f = fp.splint(a, float(i), fspl)
                    b = aspl.evalI(a, i)
                        "order %d spline integral evaluated on [%f,%f] (%f != %f) was not right"
                        % (order, a, i, float(b), f))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_new_segment(self):
        # This function tests adding a new segment to the curve.
        for order in range(2, 10):
            # Create a spline with two segments
            aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)

            kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(order + 1)
            kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(order + 1)
            # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
            knots = numpy.linspace(0.0, kr - 1, kr)
            cp = numpy.random.random(kc)
            # build a vector-valued spline
            cpa = numpy.array([cp, cp * cp, cp * cp * cp])
            aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cpa)
            # Store a reference spline that doesn't get modified.
            aspl_ref = bsplines.BSpline(order)
            aspl_ref.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cpa)
            # Now add a segment to the spline.
            ti = aspl.timeInterval()
            # the current set of knots is uniformly spaced with spacing 1.0
            # Let's muck around with that.
            t_k = ti[1] + 0.5
            p_k = numpy.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
            aspl.addCurveSegment(t_k, p_k)
            # This function doesn't necessarily preserve the existing curve. It
            # does, however, preserve the curve at ti[0] (all derivatives) and
            # interpolate the value at ti[1]. Verify this.
            # For all derivatives at ti[0]
            for d in range(0, order):
                # Evaluate the new curve and the reference curve
                ref_p = aspl_ref.evalD(ti[0], d)
                p = aspl.evalD(ti[0], d)
                #print "[%f %f] S^%d(%f,%d) = %s, %s" % (ti[0], ti[1], order,t,d,ref_p,p)
                # Check that they are almost equal
                for i in range(0, p.size):
                        msg="[%f %f] S^%d(%f,%d) = %s, %s" %
                        (ti[0], ti[1], order, ti[0], d, ref_p, p))
            # Now check that it interpolates the position at ti[1]
            # Evaluate the new curve and the reference curve
            ref_p = aspl_ref.evalD(ti[1], 0)
            p = aspl.evalD(ti[1], 0)
            # Check that they are almost equal
            for i in range(0, p.size):
                    msg="[%f %f] S^%d(%f,%d) = %s, %s" %
                    (ti[0], ti[1], order, ti[1], d, ref_p, p))
            # Now check that the curve interpolates p_k at t_k
            curve_p_k = aspl.evalD(t_k, 0)
            for i in range(0, p.size):
                                       msg="[%f %f] S^%d(%f,%d) = %s, %s" %
                                       (ti[0], ti[1], order, t_k, d, ref_p, p))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def initBiasSplines(self, poseSpline, splineOrder, biasKnotsPerSecond):
        start = poseSpline.t_min()
        end = poseSpline.t_max()
        seconds = end - start
        knots = int(round(seconds * biasKnotsPerSecond))

        print "Initializing the bias splines with %d knots" % (knots)

        #initialize the bias splines
        self.gyroBias = bsplines.BSpline(splineOrder)
        self.gyroBias.initConstantSpline(start, end, knots, self.GyroBiasPrior)

        self.accelBias = bsplines.BSpline(splineOrder)
        self.accelBias.initConstantSpline(start, end, knots, np.zeros(3))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_init(self):
     # Test the initialization from two times and two positions.
     p_0 = numpy.array([1, 2, 3])
     p_1 = numpy.array([2, 4, 6])
     t_0 = 0.0
     t_1 = 0.1
     dt = t_1 - t_0
     v = (p_1 - p_0) / dt
     for order in range(2, 10):
         aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
         #print "order: %d" % order
         #print "p_0: %s" % p_0
         #print "p_1: %s" % p_1
         # Initialize the spline with these two times
         aspl.initSpline(t_0, t_1, p_0, p_1)
         b_0 = aspl.eval(t_0)
         b_1 = aspl.eval(t_1)
         v_0 = aspl.evalD(t_0, 1)
         v_1 = aspl.evalD(t_1, 1)
         #print "b_0: %s" % b_0
         #print "b_1: %s" % b_1
         for j in range(0, p_0.size):
             # Keep the threshold low for even power cases.
             self.assertAlmostEqual(p_0[j], b_0[j], places=2)
             self.assertAlmostEqual(p_1[j], b_1[j], places=2)
             self.assertAlmostEqual(v_0[j], v[j], places=2)
             self.assertAlmostEqual(v_1[j], v[j], places=2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_U_D_B_c(self):
     # Test that the linear algebra of Phi(t) * c is equivalent to the evaluation
     # of the spline curve at t: b(t)
     for order in range(2, 10):
         aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
         kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(3)
         kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(3)
         # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
         knots = numpy.linspace(0.0, kr * 1.0, kr)
         cp = numpy.linspace(1.0, kc, kc)
         # build a vector-valued spline
         cpa = numpy.array([cp, cp * cp, cp * cp * cp])
         aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cpa)
         for t in numpy.linspace(aspl.t_min(), aspl.t_max(), 10):
             for i in range(0, order):
                 # Check that Phi(t) c(t) = s(t)
                 s = aspl.evalD(t, i)
                 U = aspl.U(t, 0)
                 M = aspl.Mi(aspl.segmentIndex(t))
                 D = aspl.Di(aspl.segmentIndex(t))
                 # Evaluate the derivative as matrix multiplication
                 for d in range(0, i):
                     M = numpy.dot(D, M)
                 c = aspl.localCoefficientVector(t)
                 sprime = numpy.dot(U.T, numpy.dot(M, c))
                 for j in range(0, sprime.size):
                     self.assertAlmostEqual(s[j], sprime[j])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def createUniformKnotOldBSpline(order,segments,dim,knotSpacing=1.0):
    aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
    kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(segments)
    kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(segments);
    knots = numpy.linspace(-order,kr - 1 - order, kr)*knotSpacing
    cp = numpy.random.random([dim,kc])
    aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cp)
    return aspl
Ejemplo n.º 7
def createUniformKnotBSpline(order, segments, dim, knotSpacing=1.0):
    aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
    kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(segments)
    kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(segments)
    # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
    knots = numpy.linspace(0.0, kr - 1, kr) * knotSpacing
    cp = numpy.random.random([dim, kc])
    aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cp)
    return (aspl, (knots, cp, order - 1))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_remove_segment(self):
        for order in range(2, 10):
            # Create a spline with two segments
            aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)

            kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(order + 1)
            kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(order + 1)
            # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
            knots = numpy.linspace(0.0, kr - 1, kr)
            cp = numpy.random.random(kc)
            # build a vector-valued spline
            cpa = numpy.array([cp, cp * cp, cp * cp * cp])
            aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cpa)
            # Store a reference spline that doesn't get modified.
            aspl_ref = bsplines.BSpline(order)
            aspl_ref.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cpa)
            # Now remove a curve segment
            # Check that the knot sequence is good.
            ref_knots = aspl_ref.knots()
            knots = aspl.knots()
            self.assertEqual(knots.size, ref_knots.size - 1)
            for i in range(0, knots.size):
                self.assertEqual(knots[i], ref_knots[i + 1])
            # Check that the time range is still good.
            self.assertEqual(aspl.t_min(), aspl_ref.timeInterval(0)[1])
            # Check that the coefficients survived.
            ref_coeff = aspl_ref.coefficients()
            coeff = aspl.coefficients()
            self.assertEqual(coeff.shape[1], ref_coeff.shape[1] - 1)
            for r in range(0, coeff.shape[0]):
                for c in range(0, coeff.shape[1]):
                        coeff[r, c],
                        ref_coeff[r, c + 1],
                        msg="Order %s, coeff[%d,%d] %f != %f\n%s\n%s" %
                        (order, r, c, coeff[r, c], ref_coeff[r, c + 1], coeff,
            # Now we check that the curve still evaluates well.
            for t in numpy.linspace(aspl.t_min(), aspl.t_max(), 0.01):
                for d in range(0, order):
                    # Exactly equal...not approximately equal.
                    self.assertEqual(aspl.evalD(t, d), aspl_ref.evalD(t, d))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def createRandomKnotBSpline(order, segments, dim):
    aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
    kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(segments)
    kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(segments)
    # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
    knots = numpy.random.random(kr) * 10
    cp = numpy.random.random([dim, kc])
    aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cp)
    return (aspl, (knots, cp, order - 1))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def createExponentialKnotBSpline(order, segments, dim, knotSpacing=1.0):
    aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
    kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(segments)
    kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(segments)
    # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
    knots = numpy.zeros(kr)
    for i in range(0, kr):
        knots[i] = knotSpacing * 2**i
    cp = numpy.random.random([dim, kc])
    aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cp)
    return (aspl, (knots, cp, order - 1))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_integral(self):
        for order in range(2,8,2):
            for dt in numpy.arange(0.1,2.0,0.1): 
                # Create a spline with three segments
                aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
                kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(4)
                kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(4);
                # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
                knots = numpy.linspace(0.0, (kr - 1)*dt, kr)
                cp = numpy.random.random(kc);
                cpa = numpy.array([cp])

                aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order);
                fspl = (knots,cp,order-1)
                for a in numpy.arange(aspl.t_min(),aspl.t_max()-1e-15,0.4*dt):
                    for i in numpy.arange(aspl.t_min(), aspl.t_max()-1e-15, 0.4*dt):
                        print("Eval at %f\n" % (i))
                        f = fp.splint(a,float(i),fspl)
                        b = aspl.evalI(a,i)
                        self.assertAlmostEqual(b, f, msg="order %d spline integral evaluated on [%f,%f] (%f != %f) was not right" % (order, a,i,float(b),f))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def createRandomRepeatedKnotBSpline(order,segments,dim):
    aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
    kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(segments)
    kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(segments);
    # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
    knots = numpy.random.random(kr)*10
    for i in range(0,len(knots)):
        if i&1:
            knots[i-1] = knots[i]
    cp = numpy.random.random([dim,kc])
    aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cp)
    return (aspl,(knots,cp,order-1))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_constant_init(self):
     tmin = 0.0
     tmax = 5.0
     for order in range(2,6):
         for dim in range(1,4):
             for segs in range(1,4):
                 c = numpy.random.random([dim])
                 # Initialize a constant spline
                 aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
                 # Test the time boundaries
                 # Test the value.
                 for t in numpy.arange(aspl.t_min(),aspl.t_max(),0.1):
                     self.assertMatricesEqual(aspl.evalD(t,0),c,1e-15,"Error getting back the constant value")
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_random(self):

        for order in range(2, 10):
            aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)

            kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(3)
            kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(3)
            knots = numpy.random.random([kr]) * 10
            cp = numpy.random.random([kc])
            cpa = numpy.array([cp])

            aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cpa)
            fspl = (knots, cp, order - 1)
            for i in numpy.linspace(aspl.t_min(), aspl.t_max(), 10):
                f = fp.spalde(float(i), fspl)
                a = aspl.eval(i)
                for j in range(0, f.shape[0]):
                    a = aspl.evalD(i, j)
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(a, f[j])
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_phi_c(self):
     # Test that the linear algebra of Phi(t) * c is equivalent to the evaluation
     # of the spline curve at t: b(t)
     for order in range(2, 10):
         aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
         kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(3)
         kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(3)
         # Choose a uniform knot sequence.
         knots = numpy.linspace(0.0, kr * 1.0, kr)
         cp = numpy.linspace(1.0, kc, kc)
         # build a vector-valued spline
         cpa = numpy.array([cp, cp * cp, cp * cp * cp])
         aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cpa)
         for t in numpy.linspace(aspl.t_min(), aspl.t_max(), 10):
             for i in range(0, order):
                 # Check that Phi(t) c(t) = s(t)
                 s = aspl.evalD(t, i)
                 Phi = aspl.Phi(t, i)
                 c = aspl.localCoefficientVector(t)
                 sprime = numpy.dot(Phi, c)
                 for j in range(0, sprime.size):
                     self.assertAlmostEqual(s[j], sprime[j])
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_time_interval(self):
     # Test two functions:
     for order in range(2, 10):
         nSegments = 3
         aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)
         kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(nSegments)
         kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(nSegments)
         # Choose a uniform knot sequence at 0.0, 1.0, ...
         knots = numpy.linspace(0.0, kr - 1, kr)
         cp = numpy.linspace(1.0, kc, kc)
         # build a vector-valued spline
         cpa = numpy.array([cp, cp * cp, cp * cp * cp])
         aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cpa)
         # Check that the time interval function works.
         ti = aspl.timeInterval()
         self.assertEqual(ti[0], aspl.t_min())
         self.assertEqual(ti[1], aspl.t_max())
         # Check that the individual segment time interval function works
         for i in range(0, 3):
             ti = aspl.timeInterval(i)
             self.assertEqual(ti[0], order - 1 + i)
             self.assertEqual(ti[1], order + i)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_repeated(self):
        for order in range(2, 10):
            aspl = bsplines.BSpline(order)

            kr = aspl.numKnotsRequired(3)
            kc = aspl.numCoefficientsRequired(3)
            # Make a knot sequence that is all zeros at one end and all ones at the other.
            knots = numpy.zeros(kr)
            for i in range(0, knots.size):
                if i >= knots.size * 0.5:
                    knots[i] = 1.0

            cp = numpy.random.random([kc])
            cpa = numpy.array([cp])

            aspl.setKnotVectorAndCoefficients(knots, cpa)
            fspl = (knots, cp, order - 1)
            for i in numpy.linspace(aspl.t_min(), aspl.t_max() - 1e-15, 10):
                f = fp.spalde(float(i), fspl)
                a = aspl.eval(i)
                for j in range(0, f.shape[0]):
                    a = aspl.evalD(i, j)
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(a, f[j])
Ejemplo n.º 18
def createExpBSpline(geometry, splineOrder, time_min, time_max, segmentNumber):
    bs = bsplines.BSpline(splineOrder)
    bs.initConstantSpline(time_min, time_max, segmentNumber, numpy.array(
        (0, )))
    return ExponentialBSpline(geometry, bs)
Ejemplo n.º 19
import bsplines as asp
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
from quaternions import qdot, qlog, qexp, qinv

bs = asp.BSpline(4)
bs.initConstantSpline(0, 12, 12, np.array([0]))
    np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]))
T = np.arange(0, 12.0, 0.01)
val = np.array([bs.eval(t) for t in T])

# This is the regular basis function.

val3 = np.array([bs.evalI(0, t) for t in T])

def evalCum(bs, t):
    rval = 0
    for i in range(0, 4):
        rval += bs.eval(t + i)
    return rval

T = np.arange(0, 8.0, 0.01)
val2 = np.array([evalCum(bs, t) for t in T])
Ejemplo n.º 20
import roslib
import bsplines as asp
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl

bs = asp.BSpline(4)
T = np.arange(0,12.0,0.01)
val = np.array( [ bs.eval(t) for t in T ] )

# This is the regular basis function.

def evalCum(bs,t):
    rval = 0
    for i in range(0,4):
        rval += bs.eval(t + i)
    return rval
T8 = np.arange(0,8.0,0.01)
val2 = np.array( [ evalCum(bs,t) for t in T8 ] )

def evalLocalBi(bs, t, i):
    return bs.getLocalBi(t)[i - bs.segmentIndex(t)] if i >= bs.segmentIndex(t) and i <= bs.segmentIndex(t) + 3 else 0

def getLocalCumulativeBi(bs, t, i):