Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_space(ne, p, order=None, xmin=0., xmax=1.):
    grid  = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, ne+1)
    knots = make_knots(grid, p, periodic=False)
    spans = elements_spans(knots, p)

    # In[6]:
    nelements = len(grid) - 1
    nbasis    = len(knots) - p - 1

    # we need the value a B-Spline and its first derivative
    nderiv = 1

    # create the gauss-legendre rule, on [-1, 1]
    if order is None:
        order = p
    u, w = gauss_legendre( order )

    # for each element on the grid, we create a local quadrature grid
    points, weights = quadrature_grid( grid, u, w )

    # for each element and a quadrature points,
    # we compute the non-vanishing B-Splines
    basis = basis_ders_on_quad_grid( knots, p, points, nderiv )

    return SplineSpace(knots=knots,
Ejemplo n.º 2
print('Pyccelization done!')

# ... parameters
Nel = 1800
p = 3
Lz = 325.
el_b = np.linspace(0., Lz, Nel + 1)
bc = False

Nbase0 = Nel + p - bc * p
Nbase1 = Nbase0 - 1 + bc

delta = Lz / Nel

T0 = bsp.make_knots(el_b, p, bc)
T1 = T0[1:-1]

Np = int(5e6)

xi = 0.862
rel = 1
dt = 0.04

pp0 = np.asfortranarray(
    [[1 / 6, -1 / (2 * delta), 1 / (2 * delta**2), -1 / (6 * delta**3)],
     [2 / 3, 0., -1 / delta**2, 1 / (2 * delta**3)],
     [1 / 6, 1 / (2 * delta), 1 / (2 * delta**2), -1 / (2 * delta**3)],
     [0., 0., 0., 1 / (6 * delta**3)]])
pp1 = np.asfortranarray([[1 / 2, -1 / delta, 1 /
                          (2 * delta**2)], [1 / 2, 1 / delta, -1 / delta**2],
Ejemplo n.º 3
#===== Maxwellian for control variate ===============================================
maxwell = lambda vx, vy, vz: nh / (
    (2 * np.pi)**(3 / 2) * wpar * wperp**2) * np.exp(-vz**2 / (2 * wpar**2) -
                                                     (vx**2 + vy**2) /
                                                     (2 * wperp**2))

#===== sampling distribution for initial markers ====================================
g_sampling = lambda vx, vy, vz: 1 / (
    (2 * np.pi)**(3 / 2) * wpar * wperp**2) * np.exp(-vz**2 / (2 * wpar**2) -
                                                     (vx**2 + vy**2) /
                                                     (2 * wperp**2)) * 1 / Lz

#===== spline knot vector, global mass matrices (in V0 and V1) and gradient matrix ==
Tz = bsp.make_knots(el_b, p, True)
tz = Tz[1:-1]

M0, C0 = utils_opt.matrixAssembly_V0(p, Nbase, Tz, True)
M1 = utils_opt.matrixAssembly_V1(p, Nbase, Tz, True)

G = utils_opt.GRAD_1d(p, Nbase, True)

print('matrix assembly done!')

#===== reserve memory for unknowns ==================================================
ex = np.empty(Nbase_0)
ey = np.empty(Nbase_0)
bx = np.empty(Nbase_0)
by = np.empty(Nbase_0)
#===== masking function to damp wave fields near boundaries =========================
def damp(z):

    if z <= Ld:
        return np.sin(np.pi * z / (2 * Ld))
    elif z >= Lz - Ld:
        return np.sin(np.pi * (Lz - z) / (2 * Ld))
        return 1.0


#===== spline knot vector, global mass matrices (in V0 and V1) and gradient matrix ==
Tz = bsp.make_knots(el_b, p, False)
tz = Tz[1:-1]

M0, C0 = utils_opt.matrixAssembly_V0(p, Nbase0, Tz, False)
M1 = utils_opt.matrixAssembly_V1(p, Nbase0, Tz, False)
Mb = utils_opt.matrixAssembly_backgroundField(p, Nbase0, Tz, False,

G = utils_opt.GRAD_1d(p, Nbase0, False)

D = bsp.collocation_matrix(tz, p - 1, eva_points_Bx, False, normalize=True)

print('matrix assembly done!')

#===== reserve memory for unknowns ==================================================
                      knotlist[iknot + 1],

    return S

# ---------------------------------- MAIN FUNCTION --------------------------------------- #
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # degree
    p = 2
    ne = 9
    knotlist = make_knots(ne, p)

    bsp = Bspline(knotlist, p)

    n = len(knotlist) - p  # number of control points
    m = len(knotlist) - p - 1  # number of B-Splines

    # building matrices
    F = discretizeSecondMember(bsp, knotlist, p, 300)
    S = stiffnessMatrix(bsp, knotlist, p, 300)

    a = knotlist[0]
    b = knotlist[-1]

    # analytic solution computing
    t = np.linspace(a, b, 20)