Ejemplo n.º 1
class BinarySearchTree:
# Part 0: setting up our BST
    # my_bst = BinarySearchTree()
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None
        self.size = 0
    # my_bst.length()
    def length(self):
        return self.size
    # len(my_bst)
    def __len__(self):
        return self.size 
# Part 1: Inserting a key/value pair into a BST

    # function for external use
    def put(self, key, value):
        if not self.root:
            # creates root if tree is empty
            self.root = BSTNode(key, value)
            # otherwise call helper function to do the work
            self._put(key, value, self.root)
        self.size = self.size + 1
    # internal helper function for node insertion 
    # "_" is a convention for internal-use only functions
    # recursive
    def _put(self, key, value, current_node):
        # case 1: go to left subtree
        if key < current_node.key:
            # go to the subtree recursively
            if current_node.left_child:
                self._put(key, value, current_node.left_child)
            # or add a leaf if no left_child (base case)
                current_node.left_child = BSTNode(key, value, parent = current_node)
        # case 2: found the key, do an update (base case)
        elif key == current_node.key:
            current_node.value = value
        # case 3: go right (key is bigger than current node's key)
            if current_node.right_child:
                self._put(key, value, current_node.right_child)
                current_node.right_child = BSTNode(key, value, parent = current_node) 
    # lets us do my_bst[key] = value      
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.put(key, value)
# Part 2: Getting a value for a given key in a BST  
    def get(self, key):
        # if tree is not empty
        if self.root:
            # use helper function to get the node with that key
            result_node = self._get(key, self.root)
            # if result_node is not None, we found the key
            if result_node:
                return result_node.value
            # if result_node is None, then we didn't find the key
                return None
        # if tree is empty, return None
            return None
    # get helper function
    # recursive function, either returns node with matching key
    # or returns None if key is not in the bst
    def _get(self, key, current_node):
        # two base cases, not found and found
        if current_node is None:
            return None
        elif current_node.key == key:
            return current_node
        # make one of two recursive calls
        elif current_node.key > key:
            # search left subtree
            return self._get(key, current_node.left_child)
            # search right subtree
            return self._get(key, current_node.right_child)
    # lets us do print(my_bst[key]) and get the value, like a dictionary    
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.get(key)
# Part 3: Check if a key is in a BST
    def __contains__(self, key):
        if self._get(key, self.root) is not None:
            return True
        return False 
# Part 4: Delete a node from a BST
    def delete(self, key):
        if self.size > 1:
            node_to_remove = self._get(key, self.root)
            if node_to_remove:
                self.size = self.size - 1
                raise KeyError
        elif self.size == 1 and self.root.key == key:
            self.root = None
            self.size = self.size - 1
            raise KeyError('Error: Key is not in tree')
    # lets us use "del" operator   
    def __delitem__(self, key):
    # does the actual work of removing a node
    # the tree will need to be restructered and there are multiple cases
    def remove(self, current_node):
        # Case 1: removing a node with no children
        if current_node.is_leaf():
            if current_node.is_left_child():
                current_node.parent.left_child = None
                current_node.parent.right_child = None
        # Case 2: removing a node with only one child
        elif not current_node.has_both_children():
            # if the child it has is the left_child
            if current_node.left_child:
                # A
                if current_node.is_left_child():
                    current_node.left_child.parent = current_node.parent
                    current_node.parent.left_child = current_node.left_child
                # C
                elif current_node.is_right_child():
                    current_node.right_child.parent = current_node.parent
                    current_node.parent.right_child = current_node.right_child
                # root with left child
                    current_node.replace_node_data(current_node.left_child.key, \
                                                   current_node.left_child.value, \
                                                   current_node.left_child.left_child, \
            # do the same thing except for right_child
                # B
                if current_node.is_left_child():
                    current_node.right_child.parent = current_node.parent
                    current_node.parent.left_child = current_node.right_child
                # D
                elif current_node.is_right_child():
                    current_node.right_child.parent = current_node.parent
                    current_node.parent.right_child = current_node.right_child
                # root with right child
                    current_node.replace_node_data(current_node.right_child.key, \
                                                   current_node.right_child.value, \
                                                   current_node.right_child.left_child, \
        # Case 3: removing a node with both children
            successor = current_node.find_successor()
            current_node.key = successor.key
            current_node.value = successor.value
# Part 5: Iterate over a BST
    def __iter__(self):
        # calls __iter__ in BSTNode
        return self.root.__iter__()