Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_p2sh() -> None:
    # https://medium.com/@darosior/bitcoin-raw-transactions-part-2-p2sh-94df206fee8d
    network = "mainnet"
    address = "37k7toV1Nv4DfmQbmZ8KuZDQCYK9x5KpzP"
    script_pub_key = serialize([

    assert script_pub_key.hex() == "6e879169a77ca787"
    assert address == b58.p2sh(script_pub_key, network)

    script_hash = hash160(script_pub_key)
    assert ("p2sh", script_hash, network) == b58.h160_from_address(address)
    assert ("p2sh", script_hash,
            network) == b58.h160_from_address(" " + address + " ")

    assert script_hash.hex() == "4266fc6f2c2861d7fe229b279a79803afca7ba34"
    script_sig: List[Command] = ["OP_HASH160", script_hash.hex(), "OP_EQUAL"]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_p2pkh_from_pub_key() -> None:
    # https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Technical_background_of_version_1_Bitcoin_addresses
    pub_key = "02 50863ad64a87ae8a2fe83c1af1a8403cb53f53e486d8511dad8a04887e5b2352"
    address = "1PMycacnJaSqwwJqjawXBErnLsZ7RkXUAs"
    assert address == b58.p2pkh(pub_key)
    assert address == b58.p2pkh(pub_key, compressed=True)
    _, h160, _ = b58.h160_from_address(address)
    assert h160 == hash160(pub_key)

    # trailing/leading spaces in address string
    assert address == b58.p2pkh(" " + pub_key)
    assert h160 == hash160(" " + pub_key)
    assert address == b58.p2pkh(pub_key + " ")
    assert h160 == hash160(pub_key + " ")

    uncompr_pub_key = bytes_from_point(point_from_octets(pub_key),
    uncompr_address = "16UwLL9Risc3QfPqBUvKofHmBQ7wMtjvM"
    assert uncompr_address == b58.p2pkh(uncompr_pub_key, compressed=False)
    assert uncompr_address == b58.p2pkh(uncompr_pub_key)
    _, uncompr_h160, _ = b58.h160_from_address(uncompr_address)
    assert uncompr_h160 == hash160(uncompr_pub_key)

    err_msg = "not a private or uncompressed public key: "
    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
        assert uncompr_address == b58.p2pkh(pub_key, compressed=False)

    err_msg = "not a private or compressed public key: "
    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
        assert address == b58.p2pkh(uncompr_pub_key, compressed=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_exceptions() -> None:

    pub_key = "02 50863ad64a87ae8a2fe83c1af1a8403cb53f53e486d8511dad8a04887e5b2352"
    payload = b"\xf5" + hash160(pub_key)
    invalid_address = b58encode(payload)
    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError,
                       match="invalid base58 address prefix: "):

    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError,
                       match="not a private or public key: "):
        b58.p2pkh(pub_key + "00")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_address_from_wif() -> None:

    q = 0x19E14A7B6A307F426A94F8114701E7C8E774E7F9A47E2C2035DB29A206321725

    test_cases: List[Tuple[bool, str, str, str]] = [
    for compressed, network, wif, address in test_cases:
        assert wif == b58.wif_from_prv_key(q, network, compressed)
        assert prv_keyinfo_from_prv_key(wif) == (q, network, compressed)
        assert address == b58.p2pkh(wif)
        script_type, payload, net = b58.h160_from_address(address)
        assert net == network
        assert script_type == "p2pkh"

        if compressed:
            b32_address = b32.p2wpkh(wif)
            assert (0, payload, net) == b32.witness_from_address(b32_address)

            b58_address = b58.p2wpkh_p2sh(wif)
            script_bin = hash160(b"\x00\x14" + payload)
            assert ("p2sh", script_bin,
                    net) == b58.h160_from_address(b58_address)

            err_msg = "not a private or compressed public key: "
            with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
                b32.p2wpkh(wif)  # type: ignore
            with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
                b58.p2wpkh_p2sh(wif)  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_address_from_h160() -> None:
    address = "1PMycacnJaSqwwJqjawXBErnLsZ7RkXUAs"
    assert address == b58.address_from_h160(*b58.h160_from_address(address))

    address = "16UwLL9Risc3QfPqBUvKofHmBQ7wMtjvM"
    assert address == b58.address_from_h160(*b58.h160_from_address(address))

    address = "37k7toV1Nv4DfmQbmZ8KuZDQCYK9x5KpzP"
    assert address == b58.address_from_h160(*b58.h160_from_address(address))

    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match="invalid script type: "):
        b58.address_from_h160("p2pk", b"\x00" * 20)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def assert_as_valid(msg: Octets,
                    addr: String,
                    sig: Union[Sig, String],
                    lower_s: bool = True) -> None:
    # Private function for test/dev purposes
    # It raises Errors, while verify should always return True or False

    if isinstance(sig, Sig):
        sig = Sig.b64decode(sig)

    # first two bits in rf are reserved for key_id
    #    key_id = 00;     key_id = 01;     key_id = 10;     key_id = 11
    # 27-27 = 000000;  28-27 = 000001;  29-27 = 000010;  30-27 = 000011
    # 31-27 = 000100;  32-27 = 000101;  33-27 = 000110;  34-27 = 000111
    # 35-27 = 001000;  36-27 = 001001;  37-27 = 001010;  38-27 = 001011
    # 39-27 = 001100;  40-27 = 001101;  41-27 = 001110;  42-27 = 001111
    key_id = sig.rf - 27 & 0b11
    magic_msg = magic_message(msg)
    Q = dsa.recover_pub_key(key_id, magic_msg, sig.dsa_sig, lower_s, sha256)
    compressed = sig.rf > 30
    # signature is valid only if the provided address is matched
    pub_key = bytes_from_point(Q, compressed=compressed)

    if has_segwit_prefix(addr):
        wit_ver, h160, _ = witness_from_address(addr)
        if wit_ver != 0 or len(h160) != 20:
            raise BTClibValueError(f"not a p2wpkh address: {addr!r}")
        if not (30 < sig.rf < 35 or sig.rf > 38):
            raise BTClibValueError(
                f"invalid p2wpkh address recovery flag: {sig.rf}")
        if hash160(pub_key) != h160:
            raise BTClibValueError(f"invalid p2wpkh address: {addr!r}")

    script_type, h160, _ = h160_from_address(addr)

    if script_type == "p2pkh":
        if sig.rf > 34:
            raise BTClibValueError(
                f"invalid p2pkh address recovery flag: {sig.rf}")
        if hash160(pub_key) != h160:
            raise BTClibValueError(f"invalid p2pkh address: {addr!r}")

    # must be P2WPKH-P2SH
    if not 30 < sig.rf < 39:
        raise BTClibValueError(
            f"invalid p2wpkh-p2sh address recovery flag: {sig.rf}")
    script_pk = b"\x00\x14" + hash160(pub_key)
    if hash160(script_pk) != h160:
        raise BTClibValueError(f"invalid p2wpkh-p2sh address: {addr!r}")
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def from_address(cls: Type["ScriptPubKey"],
                     addr: String,
                     check_validity: bool = True) -> "ScriptPubKey":
        "Return the ScriptPubKey of the input bech32/base58 address."

        if b32.has_segwit_prefix(addr):
            wit_ver, wit_prg, network = b32.witness_from_address(addr)
            return cls(serialize([op_int(wit_ver), wit_prg]), network,

        script_type, h160, network = b58.h160_from_address(addr)
        if script_type == "p2sh":
            commands: List[Command] = ["OP_HASH160", h160, "OP_EQUAL"]
        else:  # it must be "p2pkh"
            commands = [
        return cls(serialize(commands), network, check_validity)