Ejemplo n.º 1
def Start_alg():
    global data, size, crono

    if alg_menu.get() == "Bubble Sort": # if buble sort selected:
        start = time.perf_counter() # start a timer
        bubble_sort(data, drawdata, 0)  # call the sort function
        end = time.perf_counter()   # stop the timer when the function ends
        timetext = str(f'Bubble {size} en {round(end - start, 2)} \n')  # write the timing in the program
        crono.insert(0.0, str(timetext))    
        dbb_alg = "Bubble"  # create variables to insert them in the SQL table
        dbb_size = size
        dbb_sec = round(end - start, 2)
        sqlformula = "INSERT INTO sortdata (alg, size, sec) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
        dades = (dbb_alg, dbb_size, dbb_sec)
        # insert the data

    elif alg_menu.get() == "Selection Sort":
        start = time.perf_counter()
        selection(data, drawdata, 0)
        end = time.perf_counter()
        drawdata(data, ['green' for x in range(len(data))])
        timetext = str(f'Selection {size} en {round(end - start, 2)} \n')
        crono.insert(0.0, str(timetext))
        dbm_alg = "selection"
        dbm_size = size
        dbm_sec = round(end - start, 2)
        sqlformula = "INSERT INTO sortdata (alg, size, sec) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
        dades = (dbm_alg, dbm_size, dbm_sec)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def startAlgorithm():
    global data
    if not data: return

    if algMenu.get() == 'Quick Sort':
        quick_sort(data, 0, len(data) - 1, drawData, speedScale.get())

    elif algMenu.get() == 'Bubble Sort':
        bubble_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())

    elif algMenu.get() == 'Insertion Sort':
        insertion_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())

    elif algMenu.get() == 'Merge Sort':
        merge_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())

    elif algMenu.get() == 'Selection Sort':
        selection_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())

    elif algMenu.get() == 'Selection Sort':
        selection_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())

    elif algMenu.get() == 'Radix Sort':
        radix_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())
    drawData(data, ['green' for x in range(len(data))])
def StartAlgorithm():
    global data
    if not data: return

    if algMenu.get() == 'Quick Sort':
        quick_sort(data, 0, len(data) - 1, drawData, speedScale.get())
        drawData(data, ['green' for x in range(len(data))])

    elif algMenu.get() == 'Bubble Sort':
        bubble_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())
Ejemplo n.º 4
def satrtAlgo():
    global data
    if not data: return
    if (algMenu.get() == 'Quick Sort'):
        quick_sort(data, 0, len(data) - 1, drawData, speedScale.get())
    elif (algMenu.get() == 'Bubble Sort'):
        bubble_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())
    elif (algMenu.get() == 'Merge Sort'):
        merge_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())
    drawData(data, ['green' for x in range(len(data))])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def StartAlgorithm():
    #print("Starting Algorithm .....")
    global data 
    if not data:

    if (algoMenu.get() == "Quick Sort"):
        quick_sort(data, 0, len(data)-1, drawData, speedScale.get())
        drawData(data, ['green' for x in range(len(data))])
    elif (algoMenu.get() == 'Bubble Sort'):
        bubble_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())
Ejemplo n.º 6
def startAlgorith():
    global data
    #Calling the necessary algorith
    if alg_menu.get() == 'BubbleSort':
        bubble_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())

    elif alg_menu.get() == 'InsertionSort':
        insertion_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())

    elif alg_menu.get() == 'MergeSort':
        merge_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())
Ejemplo n.º 7
def startAlgo():
    global data
    if not data: return
    if algMenu.get() == 'Quick Sort':
        quick_sort(data, 0,
                   len(data) - 1, drawData, speedScale.get(), sizeEntry.get())
    elif algMenu.get() == 'Bubble Sort':
        bubble_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get(), sizeEntry.get())
    elif algMenu.get() == 'Merge Sort':
        start_mergeSort(data, drawData, speedScale.get(), sizeEntry.get())
    drawData(data, sizeEntry.get(), ['navy' for x in range(len(data))])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def startAlgorithm():
    global array
    if not array:

    # get the speed of the algorithm visualiser
    sizeNum = sizeEntry.get()
    speed = 10 / (sizeNum * pow(sizeNum, 0.5))

    # visualise an algorithm
    if algoMenu.get() == "Insertionsort":
        insertion_sort(array, drawArray, speed)
    if algoMenu.get() == "Mergesort":
        merge_sort(array, drawArray, speed)
    if algoMenu.get() == "Bubblesort":
        bubble_sort(array, drawArray, speed)
    if algoMenu.get() == "Quicksort":
        quick_sort(array, drawArray, speed)
    if algoMenu.get() == "Heapsort":
        heap_sort(array, drawArray, speed)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def StartAlgorithm():
    global data
    start = time.time()
    data2 = copy.deepcopy(data)

    if (selected_alg.get() == 'Quick Sort'):
        quickSort(data, 0, len(data) - 1, drawData, speedScale.get())

    if (selected_alg.get() == 'Bubble Sort'):
        bubble_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())

    if (selected_alg.get() == 'Merge Sort'):
        merge_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())

    drawData(data, ['green' for x in range(len(data))])
    data = data2
        "Data Sorted!: ",
        f"Sorting algorithm used: {selected_alg.get()} \nSpeed Scale: {speedScale.get()} \nTotal time taken: {time.time()-start} "
Ejemplo n.º 10
def start_algo():
    global data
    if not data: return

    if algoMenu.get() == 'Quick Sort':
        quick_sort(data, 0, len(data) - 1, draw_Data, speedScale.get())

    elif algoMenu.get() == 'Bubble sort':
        bubble_sort(data, draw_Data, speedScale.get())

    elif algoMenu.get() == 'Merge Sort':
        merge_sort(data, draw_Data, speedScale.get())

    elif algoMenu.get() == 'Insertion Sort':
        insertion_sort(data, draw_Data, speedScale.get())

    elif algoMenu.get() == 'Heap Sort':
        heap_sort(data, draw_Data, speedScale.get())

    draw_Data(data, ['green' for x in range(len(data))])
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--n', type=int, default=8)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    total_number = args.n

    input_list = np.random.randint(10, total_number*10, total_number)


    print('What are you looking for?')
    target = int(input('>> '))

    index = binary_search(input_list, target, 0, total_number)

    if index < 0:
        print('{0} is not found in the tuple'.format(target))
def startAlgorithm_1():
    global data
    bubble_sort(data, bar)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main():
	target = 5
	unsortedList = [64,6,10,84,4163,5454,1,2,4,4584,5,42,18]
	sortedList = bubble_sort(unsortedList)
	print("Using :", sortedList)
	binary_search(sortedList, target)
def StartAlgorithm():
    global data
    bubble_sort(data, drawData, speedScale.get())
Ejemplo n.º 15
from selectionSort import selection_sort
from insertionSort import insertion_sort
from bubbleSort import bubble_sort
from binarySearch import binary_search
import random

random_array = [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(100)]

print("Selection sort time:")

print(binary_search(random_array, 76))

print("Insertion sort time:")

print("Bubble sort time:")
Ejemplo n.º 16
def start_sort():
    global data
    bubble_sort(data, draw_data)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def main():
    from quickSort import q_count


    # instantiate write to file
    write_file = WriteToFile()
    merge_sort = MergeSort()

    # 100 list
    first_list, second_list, third_list, fourth_list = arrayGenerator.generate_random_list_number(100)
    print("{}, {}, {}, {}".format(len(first_list), len(second_list), len(third_list), len(fourth_list)))

    # sorting 100 list with bubblesort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    first_list, comparisons = bubbleSort.bubble_sort(first_list)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Bubble Sort time: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
    print("Bubble Sort comparisions: ", comparisons)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    first_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(first_list)

    # sorting 100 semisorted list with bubblesort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    first_list, semisorted_comparisons = bubbleSort.bubble_sort(first_list)
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Bubble Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    print("Bubble Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Bubble Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Bubble Sort', 'O(n^2)', 'O(n)', 100, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)

    # sorting 100 list with selectionsort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    second_list, comparisons = selectionSort.selection_sort(second_list)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Selection Sort time: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
    print("Selection Sort comparisions: ", comparisons)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    second_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(second_list)

    # sorting 100 semisorted list with selectionsort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    second_list, semisorted_comparisons = selectionSort.selection_sort(first_list)
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Selection Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    print("Selection Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Selection Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Selection Sort', 'O(n^2)', 'O(n^2)', 100, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)
    # sorting 100 list with mergesort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    third_list = merge_sort.merge_sort(third_list)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Merge Sort time: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
    comparisons = merge_sort.count
    print("Merge Sort comparisions: ", merge_sort.count)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    third_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(third_list)

    # sorting 100 semisorted list with mergesort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    third_list = merge_sort.merge_sort(third_list)
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Merge Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    semisorted_comparisons = merge_sort.count
    print("Merge Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Merge Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Merge Sort', 'O(nlog(n))', 'O(nlog(n))', 100, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)
    # sorting 100 list with quicksort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Quick Sort time: %s seconds " % (end_time - start_time))
    comparisons = quickSort.q_count
    print("Quick Sort comparisions: ", quickSort.q_count)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    fourth_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(fourth_list)

    # sorting 100 semisorted list with quicksort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Quick Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    semisorted_comparisons = quickSort.q_count
    print("Quick Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Quick Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Quick Sort', 'O(n^2)', 'O(nlog(n))', 100, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)

    # 1000 list
    first_list, second_list, third_list, fourth_list = arrayGenerator.generate_random_list_number(1000)
    print("{}, {}, {}, {}".format(len(first_list), len(second_list), len(third_list), len(fourth_list)))
    # sorting 1000 list with bubblesort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    first_list, comparisons = bubbleSort.bubble_sort(first_list)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Bubble Sort time: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
    print("Bubble Sort comparisions: ", comparisons)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    first_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(first_list)

    # sorting 1000 semisorted list with bubblesort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    first_list, semisorted_comparisons = bubbleSort.bubble_sort(first_list)
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Bubble Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    print("Bubble Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Bubble Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Bubble Sort', 'O(n^2)', 'O(n)', 1000, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)

    # sorting 1000 list with selectionsort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    second_list, comparisons = selectionSort.selection_sort(second_list)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Selection Sort time: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
    print("Selection Sort comparisions: ", comparisons)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    second_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(second_list)

    # sorting 1000 semisorted list with selectionsort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    second_list, semisorted_comparisons = selectionSort.selection_sort(first_list)
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Selection Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    print("Selection Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Selection Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Selection Sort', 'O(n^2)', 'O(n^2)', 1000, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)
    # sorting 1000 list with mergesort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    third_list = merge_sort.merge_sort(third_list)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Merge Sort time: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
    print("Merge Sort comparisions: ", merge_sort.count)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    third_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(third_list)

    # sorting 1000 semisorted list with mergesort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    third_list = merge_sort.merge_sort(third_list)
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Merge Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    semisorted_comparisons = merge_sort.count
    print("Merge Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Merge Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Merge Sort', 'O(nlog(n))', 'O(nlog(n))', 1000, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)

    # sorting 1000 list with quicksort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Quick Sort time: %s seconds " % (end_time - start_time))
    comparisons = quickSort.q_count
    print("Quick Sort comparisions: ", quickSort.q_count)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    fourth_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(fourth_list)

    # sorting 1000 semisorted list with quicksort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Quick Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    semisorted_comparisons = quickSort.q_count
    print("Quick Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Quick Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Quick Sort', 'O(n^2)', 'O(nlog(n))', 1000, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)

    # 10000 list
    first_list, second_list, third_list, fourth_list = arrayGenerator.generate_random_list_number(10000)
    print("{}, {}, {}, {}".format(len(first_list), len(second_list), len(third_list), len(fourth_list)))

    # sorting 10000 list with bubblesort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    first_list, comparisons = bubbleSort.bubble_sort(first_list)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Bubble Sort time: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
    print("Bubble Sort comparisions: ", comparisons)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    first_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(first_list)

    # sorting 10000 semisorted list with bubblesort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    first_list, semisorted_comparisons = bubbleSort.bubble_sort(first_list)
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Bubble Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    print("Bubble Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Bubble Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Bubble Sort', 'O(n^2)', 'O(n)', 10000, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)

    # sorting 10000 list with selectionsort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    second_list, comparisons = selectionSort.selection_sort(second_list)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Selection Sort time: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
    print("Selection Sort comparisions: ", comparisons)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    second_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(second_list)

    # sorting 10000 semisorted list with selectionsort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    second_list, semisorted_comparisons = selectionSort.selection_sort(first_list)
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Selection Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    print("Selection Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Selection Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Selection Sort', 'O(n^2)', 'O(n^2)', 10000, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)
    # sorting 10000 list with mergesort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    third_list = merge_sort.merge_sort(third_list)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Merge Sort time: %s seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
    print("Merge Sort comparisions: ", merge_sort.count)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    third_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(third_list)

    # sorting 10000 semisorted list with mergesort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    third_list = merge_sort.merge_sort(third_list)
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Merge Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    semisorted_comparisons = merge_sort.count
    print("Merge Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Merge Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Merge Sort', 'O(nlog(n))', 'O(nlog(n))', 10000, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)

    # sorting 10000 list with quicksort
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    print("Quick Sort time: %s seconds " % (end_time - start_time))
    comparisons = quickSort.q_count
    print("Quick Sort comparisions: ", quickSort.q_count)

    # Creating the semisorted list
    fourth_list = arrayGenerator.randomizer(fourth_list)

    # sorting 10000 semisorted list with quicksort
    start_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    end_time_semisorted = time.perf_counter()
    print("Quick Sort time on semisorted array: %s seconds" % (end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted))
    semisorted_comparisons = quickSort.q_count
    print("Quick Sort comparisions on semisorted array: ", semisorted_comparisons)

    # Writing the Quick Sort data to the file
    write_file.write_to_file('Quick Sort', 'O(n^2)', 'O(nlog(n))', 10000, end_time - start_time, comparisons, end_time_semisorted - start_time_semisorted, semisorted_comparisons)

Ejemplo n.º 18
e5 = time.clock()
print 'quick_sort:', e5-s5

s6 = time.clock()
e6 = time.clock()
print 'qSort:', e6-s6

s3 = time.clock()
e3 = time.clock()
print 'insertionSort:', e3-s3

s8 = time.clock()
insertionSort.insertSort(data8, 0, len(data8))
e8 = time.clock()
print 'insertSort:', e8-s8

s4 = time.clock()
e4 = time.clock()
print 'selectionSort:', e4-s4

s2 = time.clock()
bubbleSort.bubble_sort(data2, 0, len(data2))
e2 = time.clock()
print 'bubble_sort:', e2-s2

from quickSort import quick_sort
from selectionSort import selection_sort
from shellSort import shell_sort

from random import randint

how_many = 1000
lower_integer = 0
upper_integer = 999

if __name__ == "__main__":
    array = []
    for i in range(how_many):
        array.append(randint(lower_integer, upper_integer))
    temp = array[:]
    temp = array[:]
    bucket_sort(temp, how_many // 100)
    temp = array[:]
    temp = array[:]
    temp = array[:]
    temp = array[:]
    temp = array[:]
    temp = array[:]
    temp = array[:]