Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_static_mapping_list(yaml_reader):

    static_task_list = []

    app_id = 0
    #walk for all apps into yaml file
    for app_n in yaml_reader["apps"]:

        app_name = app_n["name"]

            #Test if a given app have the static_mapping tag
            static_mapping_tasks = yaml_reader["apps"][app_id][

            #In this point can be concluded that the app have some static mapping
            #Then, list all tasks from app_name
            app_task_list = get_app_task_name_list(".", app_name)

            task_id = 0

            #Walk over all static tasks
            for static_task in static_mapping_tasks:

                if static_task in app_task_list:

                    static_task_id = app_task_list.index(static_task)

                    task_rel_id = app_id << 8 | static_task_id
                    x_address = int(static_mapping_tasks[static_task]
                                    [0])  # Gets the x value
                    y_address = int(static_mapping_tasks[static_task]
                                    [1])  # Gets the y value

                    task_static_map = x_address << 8 | y_address

                    static_task_list.append([task_rel_id, task_static_map])

                    print("[WARNING]: Static task name [" + static_task +
                          "] does not belong to application [" + app_name +
                          "], it will be ignored in static mapping\n")
            pass  # This means that the application not has any task mapped statically

        app_id = app_id + 1

    return static_task_list
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_static_mapping_list(yaml_reader):
    static_task_list = []
    app_id = 0
    #walk for all apps into yaml file
    for app_n in yaml_reader["apps"]:
        app_name = app_n["name"]
            #Test if a given app have the static_mapping tag
            static_mapping_tasks = yaml_reader["apps"][app_id]["static_mapping"]
            #In this point can be concluded that the app have some static mapping
            #Then, list all tasks from app_name
            app_task_list = get_app_task_name_list(".", app_name)
            task_id = 0
            #Walk over all static tasks
            for static_task in static_mapping_tasks:
                if static_task in app_task_list:
                    static_task_id = app_task_list.index(static_task)
                    task_rel_id = app_id << 8 | static_task_id
                    x_address = int( static_mapping_tasks[static_task][0] ) # Gets the x value
                    y_address = int( static_mapping_tasks[static_task][1] ) # Gets the y value
                    task_static_map = x_address << 8 | y_address
                    static_task_list.append([task_rel_id, task_static_map])
                    print "[WARNING]: Static task name ["+static_task+"] does not belong to application [" + app_name+ "], it will be ignored in static mapping\n"
            pass # This means that the application not has any task mapped statically
        app_id = app_id + 1
    return static_task_list
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_app_info_list(yaml_reader, testcase_path):
    #Start of processing to extracts the information of task statically mapped
    app_start_list = []  
    yaml_app_index = 0
    app_id = 0
    for app_reader in yaml_reader["apps"]:
        app_name = app_reader["name"]
        #Then, list all tasks from app_name
        app_task_list = get_app_task_name_list(testcase_path, app_name)
        task_number = len(app_task_list)
        #If the time is not configured - default is zero
        start_time_ms = 0
        cluster = -1
            start_time_ms = int(app_reader["start_time_ms"])
            cluster = app_reader["cluster"]
        #Test if a given app have the static_mapping tag
        static_mapping_tasks = []
            static_mapping_tasks = yaml_reader["apps"][app_id]["static_mapping"]
            pass # This means that the application not has any task mapped statically
        task_id = 0
        #Checks for typing error in the task name
        for static_task in static_mapping_tasks:
            if static_task not in app_task_list: 
                print "[WARNING]: Static task name ["+static_task+"] does not belong to application [" + app_name+ "], it will be ignored in static mapping\n"
        static_task_list = []
        #Walk over all tasks of app
        for task_name in app_task_list:
            #Walk over all tasks signaled within static mapping flag
            if task_name in static_mapping_tasks:
                x_address = int( static_mapping_tasks[task_name][0] ) # Gets the x address value
                y_address = int( static_mapping_tasks[task_name][1] ) # Gets the y address value
                task_static_map = x_address << 8 | y_address
                static_task_list.append([task_id, task_static_map])
                static_task_list.append([task_id, -1]) #Signals a dynamic mapping
            task_id = task_id + 1
        #Create a new object of Application info gathering all information previously extracted from yaml
        app_start_list.append( ApplicationInfo(app_name, start_time_ms, task_number, cluster, static_task_list) )
        app_id = app_id + 1

    # Sort the list in place.  See more in : https://wiki.python.org/moin/HowTo/Sorting
    app_start_list.sort(key=lambda app: app.start_time_ms)
    return app_start_list
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_app_info_list(yaml_reader, testcase_path):
    #Start of processing to extracts the information of task statically mapped
    app_start_list = []  
    yaml_app_index = 0
    app_id = 0
    for app_reader in yaml_reader["apps"]:
        app_name = app_reader["name"]
        #Then, list all tasks from app_name
        app_task_list = get_app_task_name_list(testcase_path, app_name)
        task_number = len(app_task_list)
        #If the time is not configured - default is zero
        start_time_ms = 0
        cluster = -1
            start_time_ms = int(app_reader["start_time_ms"])
            cluster = app_reader["cluster"]
        #Test if a given app have the static_mapping tag
        static_mapping_tasks = []
            static_mapping_tasks = yaml_reader["apps"][app_id]["static_mapping"]
            pass # This means that the application not has any task mapped statically
        task_id = 0
        #Checks for typing error in the task name
        for static_task in static_mapping_tasks:
            if static_task not in app_task_list: 
                print "[WARNING]: Static task name ["+static_task+"] does not belong to application [" + app_name+ "], it will be ignored in static mapping\n"
        static_task_list = []
        #Walk over all tasks of app
        for task_name in app_task_list:
            #Walk over all tasks signaled within static mapping flag
            if task_name in static_mapping_tasks:
                x_address = int( static_mapping_tasks[task_name][0] ) # Gets the x address value
                y_address = int( static_mapping_tasks[task_name][1] ) # Gets the y address value
                task_static_map = x_address << 8 | y_address
                static_task_list.append([task_id, task_static_map])
                static_task_list.append([task_id, -1]) #Signals a dynamic mapping
            task_id = task_id + 1
        #Create a new object of Application info gathering all information previously extracted from yaml
        app_start_list.append( ApplicationInfo(app_name, start_time_ms, task_number, cluster, static_task_list) )
        app_id = app_id + 1

    # Sort the list in place.  See more in : https://wiki.python.org/moin/HowTo/Sorting
    app_start_list.sort(key=lambda app: app.start_time_ms)
    return app_start_list