Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_build_buildspecs():
    buildspec_paths = os.path.join(test_root, "buildsystem", "valid_buildspecs")
    buildtest_configuration = load_settings()

    class args:
        buildspec = [buildspec_paths]
        debug = False
        stage = None
        testdir = None
        exclude = None
        tags = None
        executor = None
        filter_tags = None
        rebuild = None

    #  testing buildtest build --buildspec tests/examples/buildspecs
    func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)

    class args:
        buildspec = [buildspec_paths]
        debug = False
        stage = None
        testdir = None
        exclude = [buildspec_paths]
        tags = None
        executor = None
        filter_tags = None
        rebuild = None

    #  testing buildtest build --buildspec tests/examples/buildspecs --exclude tests/examples/buildspecs
    # this results in no buildspecs built
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
        func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_build_by_stages():

    buildtest_configuration = load_settings()

    class args:
        buildspec = None
        debug = False
        stage = "parse"
        testdir = None
        exclude = None
        tags = ["python"]
        executor = None
        filter_tags = None
        rebuild = None

    # testing buildtest build --tags python --stage=parse
    func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)

    class args:
        buildspec = None
        debug = False
        stage = "build"
        testdir = None
        exclude = None
        tags = ["python"]
        executor = None
        filter_tags = None
        rebuild = None

    # testing buildtest build --tags tutorials --stage=build
    func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_cori():

    if os.getenv("NERSC_HOST") != "cori":
        pytest.skip("Test runs only on Cori")

    here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    cori_configuration = os.path.join(here, "settings", "cori.config.yml")
    settings = check_settings(cori_configuration, retrieve_settings=True)

    buildspec_files = os.path.join(here, "examples", "cori_buildspecs",

    class args:
        buildspec = [buildspec_files]
        debug = False
        stage = None
        testdir = None
        exclude = None
        tags = None
        executor = None
        filter_tags = None
        rebuild = None

    #  test job submission on Cori
    func_build_subcmd(args, settings)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_build_multi_executors():
    buildtest_configuration = load_settings()

    class args:
        executor = ["local.sh", "local.python"]
        buildspec = None
        debug = False
        stage = None
        testdir = None
        exclude = None
        tags = None
        filter_tags = None
        rebuild = None

    # testing buildtest build --executor local.sh --executor local.python
    func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_buildspec_tag_executor():
    buildtest_configuration = load_settings()

    class args:
        executor = ["local.sh"]
        tags = ["fail"]
        buildspec = None
        debug = False
        stage = None
        testdir = None
        exclude = None
        filter_tags = None
        rebuild = None

    # testing buildtest build --tags fail --executor local.sh
    func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_build_rebuild():

    buildtest_configuration = load_settings()
    buildspec_file = os.path.join(BUILDTEST_ROOT, "tutorials", "python-shell.yml")

    class args:
        buildspec = [buildspec_file]
        debug = False
        stage = None
        testdir = None
        exclude = None
        tags = None
        executor = None
        filter_tags = None
        rebuild = 5

    # rebuild 5 times (buildtest build -b tutorials/python-shell.yml --rebuild=5
    func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_build_by_tags():

    # ensure we rebuild cache file before running by tags
    # rerunning buildtest buildspec find without --rebuild option this will read from cache file
    class args:
        find = True
        rebuild = True
        root = None
        buildspec_files = False
        executors = False
        tags = False
        paths = False
        group_by_tags = False
        group_by_executor = False
        maintainers = False
        maintainers_by_buildspecs = False
        filter = None
        format = None
        helpfilter = False
        helpformat = False


    buildtest_configuration = load_settings()

    class args:
        buildspec = None
        debug = False
        stage = None
        testdir = None
        exclude = None
        tags = ["pass"]
        executor = None
        filter_tags = None
        rebuild = None

    #  testing buildtest build --tags pass
    func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)

    class args:
        buildspec = [os.path.join(test_root, "tutorials")]
        debug = False
        stage = None
        testdir = None
        exclude = None
        tags = ["fail", "python"]
        executor = None
        filter_tags = None
        rebuild = None

    #  testing buildtest build --tags fail --tags python
    func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)

    class args:
        buildspec = None
        debug = False
        stage = None
        testdir = None
        exclude = None
        tags = ["pass"]
        executor = None
        filter_tags = ["pass"]
        rebuild = None

    #  testing buildtest build --tags pass --tags pass
    func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
    """Entry point to buildtest."""

    # create a temporary file to store logfile and we don't delete file by setting 'delete=False'
    # by default tempfile will delete file upon exit.
    tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="buildtest_",
    dest_logfile = tf.name

    logger = init_logfile(dest_logfile)
    logger.info("Starting buildtest log")


    # Create a build test system, and check requirements
    # BuildTestSystem()

    parser = BuildTestParser()
    args = parser.parse_options()

    if args.debug:

    # invoking load_settings will attempt to initialize buildtest settings and
    # load the schema
    settings_file = resolve_settings_file()
    logger.info(f"Processing buildtest configuration file: {settings_file}")
    buildtest_configuration = check_settings(settings_file,

    if args.subcommands == "build":
        func_build_subcmd(args, buildtest_configuration)
        if args.subcommands and args.func:

    logdir = buildtest_configuration.get("logdir")

    if not logdir:
        print(f"Writing Logfile to: {dest_logfile}")

    logdir = resolve_path(logdir, exist=False)
    if logdir:
        fname = os.path.basename(dest_logfile)
        logpath = os.path.join(logdir, fname)
        shutil.copy2(dest_logfile, logpath)

        print(f"Writing Logfile to: {logpath}")
        print(f"Writing Logfile to: {dest_logfile}")

    # store copy of logfile at $BUILDTEST_ROOT/buildtest.log. A convenient location for user to
    # find logfile for last build, this will be overwritten for every subsequent build.
                 os.path.join(os.getenv("BUILDTEST_ROOT"), "buildtest.log"))