Ejemplo n.º 1
def checkout():
    'Checks out Python source.'

    run(['svn', 'co', PYTHON_SVN_URL, PYTHON_DIR])

    patch_cmd = get_patch_cmd()

    def banner_msg(s):
        print s

    def apply_patch(patchfile, strip_prefixes=0):
        assert os.path.isfile(patchfile)
        run([patch_cmd, '-p%d' % strip_prefixes, '-i', patchfile])

    with cd(PYTHON_DIR):
        if sys.opts.use_computed_goto:
            banner_msg('applying computed goto patch')

        banner_msg('applying assert mode patch')
        # this patch restores c assert()s and is made with
        # svn diff http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk@69494 http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk@69495

        banner_msg('applying file object close bug patch')
        # http://bugs.python.org/issue7079 -- remove once we update to a newer version of 2.6

        if USE_DEVENV and sys.opts.intel:
            banner_msg('applying intel project patch')
            apply_patch('../vs2008+intel.patch', 3)

        banner_msg('applying common controls patch')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def checkout():
    'Checks out Python source.'

    run(['svn', 'co', PYTHON_SVN_URL, PYTHON_DIR])

    patch_cmd = get_patch_cmd()

    def banner_msg(s):
        print s

    def apply_patch(patchfile, strip_prefixes=0):
        assert os.path.isfile(patchfile)
        run([patch_cmd, '-p%d' % strip_prefixes, '-i', patchfile])

    with cd(PYTHON_DIR):
        if sys.opts.use_computed_goto:
            banner_msg('applying computed goto patch')

        banner_msg('applying assert mode patch')
        # this patch restores c assert()s and is made with
        # svn diff http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk@69494 http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk@69495

        banner_msg('applying file object close bug patch')
        # http://bugs.python.org/issue7079 -- remove once we update to a newer version of 2.6

        if USE_DEVENV and sys.opts.intel:
            banner_msg('applying intel project patch')
            apply_patch('../vs2008+intel.patch', 3)

        banner_msg('applying common controls patch')
Ejemplo n.º 3

import shutil
import os
sys.path.append('..') if '..' not in sys.path else None
from buildutil import run, cd, tardep, unzip, filerepl, git, inform, timed, DEBUG, copy_different, DEPS_DIR, get_patch_cmd
from os import makedirs, environ
from os.path import isdir, abspath, exists, join as pathjoin, isfile
from constants import TARBALL_URL, WXWEBKIT_GIT_REPO
from shutil import move

thisdir = abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

zlib = tardep('http://symbolsystem.com/build/msvc2008/', 'zlib-1.2.3', '.zip', 629830)

patch_cmd = get_patch_cmd()

icu = tardep('http://download.icu-project.org/files/icu4c/49.1.2/', 'icu4c-49_1_2-Win32-msvc10', '.zip', 9327628, dirname='icu')

# WARNING: if the cURL version changes, make sure that the accompanying patch file (curl_patch) is updated
curl = tardep('http://curl.haxx.se/download/', 'curl-7.18.1', '.tar.bz2', 1700966)

# this patch hacks cURL to assume all URLS are UTF-8 encoded (which is true when they are coming from webkit,
# our only user of cURL. this fixes problems when accessing file:/// paths on the hard disk under non-english
# locales). applied only for windows.
curl_patch = 'curl_utf8_urls.diff'

jpeg = tardep('http://www.ijg.org/files/', 'jpegsrc.v7', '.tar.gz', 960379, dirname = 'jpeg-7')

Ejemplo n.º 4
import os.path
import shutil
import sys

sys.path.append('..') if '..' not in sys.path else None
from buildutil import run, fatal, inform, cd, wget_cached, untar, unzip, mkdirs, \
    filerepl, dpy, copy_different, DEBUG, DEBUG_POSTFIX, get_patch_cmd
from os.path import isdir, abspath, join as pathjoin

from compiledeps import libxml2_dirname, download_libxml2, libxslt

iconv_zipfile, iconv_zipfile_size = 'libiconv-1.9.2-1-lib.zip', 731496
iconv_url = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/gnuwin32/libiconv/1.9.2-1/' + iconv_zipfile
iconv_dirname = iconv_zipfile.replace('.zip', '')

patch_cmd = get_patch_cmd()
lxml_patch = r'..\patches\lxml.patch'
libxml2_patch = r'..\patches\libxml2.patch'

from buildutil import DEPS_DIR

CLEAN = 'clean' in sys.argv

def patch_libxml2_h(*path):
    # msvc 2008 defines _vsnprintf as an intrinsic (or something like that)
    # but libxml2 wants to #define it as something else, and things go
    # boom

    with cd(*path):
        with open('win32config.h') as f: