def prepare_ping(): j = parse_json_from_file(PROJECT_CONFIG_FILE) manager = Manager(server_file_name=j['servers_file'], binary=j['v2ray_binary']) choices = ["ping all"] l = manager.server_number for i in range(l): s = manager.get_server(i) choices.append(str(i + 1) + " " + s['ps'] + " " + s['host']) prompt = ScrollBar(height=10, choices=choices) result = prompt.launch() index = choices.index(result) print("index ps time") if index == 0: for i in range(l): s = manager.get_server(i) r = ping(host=s['host']) result = str(r) + "ms" if r != -1 else "timeout" print(str(i + 1) + " " + s['ps'] + " " + result) else: s = manager.get_server(index - 1) r = ping(host=s['host']) result = str(r) + "ms" if r != -1 else "timeout" print(str(index) + " " + s['ps'] + " " + result)
def select_a_program(self): playlist_links = set() cli = ScrollBar("Select a show: ", [*self.programs], pointer="🎵", height=6, align=5, margin=3) program = cli.launch() search_fill = self.PROG_SEARCH_FILL.copy( ) # make a copy of the dict in case we want to do another search search_fill['program'] = self.programs[program] search_url = "?".join([self.WMBR_SITE, parse.urlencode(search_fill)]) search_data = requests.get(search_url) search_parser = BeautifulSoup(search_data.content, "html.parser") playlist_a_tags = search_parser.find_all( "a", href=re.compile(r"playlist.php*")) for a in playlist_a_tags: playlist_links.add(a.get('href')) playlist_links = list(playlist_links) songz = [] for lonk in playlist_links: time.sleep(1) songz.extend(self.playlist_visitor(lonk)) playlist_id = self.mb.create_playlist(program) self.mb.add_songs_to_playlist(playlist_id, songz)
def issues(self): utils.clear() print('{}{}%s{}'.format(utils.Color.BOLD, utils.Color.BLUE, utils.Color.END) % self.title) count_score = 0 for key in self.question: if key[0] == MultidimensionalEvaluationTest.HAVE_CHOICE: answer_aux = ScrollBar(prompt=key[1], choices=key[2], indent=0, margin=2, pointer="★", pad_right=5) answer = answer_aux.launch() else: answer = input(key[1]) utils.line_break() key.append(answer) if key[0] == MultidimensionalEvaluationTest.HAVE_CHOICE: try: count_score += int(str(answer[1])) except ValueError: pass return count_score
def select_victim(self): """Ask to the hoster which victim he want to interact with.""" user_choice = None while True: try: self.wait_victims() except KeyboardInterrupt: break choices = [REFRESH, *self.victims, QUIT] cli = ScrollBar('Select your victim :' , choices=choices , height=SCROLL_HEIGHT) try: user_choice = cli.launch() except KeyboardInterrupt: break finally: utils.clearConsoleUp(SCROLL_HEIGHT - 1) if user_choice == QUIT: break if user_choice == REFRESH: continue return user_choice
def list(self, index): message = self.items[index]['message'] cli = ScrollBar(prompt=f' {message}', choices=self.items[index]['elements'], pointer_color=colors.foreground['cyan'], margin=2, height=10) answers = cli.launch() return answers
def select_users(): user_choice = None while True: wait_victims() choices = [QUIT, REFRESH, *victims] cli = ScrollBar('Select your victim :', choices=choices, height=SCROLL_HEIGHT) user_choice = cli.launch() utils.clearConsoleUp(SCROLL_HEIGHT) if user_choice == QUIT: return None if user_choice != REFRESH: print(f'You have selected \'{user_choice}\'.') return victims.get(user_choice)
def input_gerontologist(): print('{}{}## Ficha cadastral: {} \n'.format(Color.BOLD, Color.CYAN, Color.END)) inpt_primary_name = input('Gerontólogo(a), digite o seu nome: ').capitalize() inpt_last_name = input('Último nome: ').capitalize() inpt_num_membership_abg = input('Número de associação ABG (Associação Brasileira de Gerontologia): ') inpt_service_institution = input('Serviço/Instituíção: ').capitalize() inpt_is_elderly_interviewee_aux = ScrollBar('O entrevistado é o próprio idoso?: ', choices=['Sim', 'Não'], indent=0, margin=2, pointer="★", pad_right=5) inpt_is_elderly_interviewee = inpt_is_elderly_interviewee_aux.launch() inpt_evaluation_date = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") inpt_is_elderly_interviewee = (1 if (inpt_is_elderly_interviewee.upper() == 'S') else 0) gerontologist = Gerontologian(inpt_primary_name, inpt_last_name, inpt_num_membership_abg, inpt_service_institution, inpt_is_elderly_interviewee, inpt_evaluation_date) print('Bem vindo(a), %s. \n' % gerontologist.full_name) time.sleep(1) return gerontologist
def input_patient(): clear() print('{}{}## Dados de identificação do paciente: {} \n'.format(Color.BOLD, Color.CYAN, Color.END)) inpt_first_name = input('Primeiro nome: ').capitalize() inpt_last_name = input('Segundo nome: ').capitalize() inpt_adress = input('Endereço: ').capitalize() inpt_telephone = input('Telefone: ') inpt_date_birth = input('Data de nascimento (DD/MM/AAAA): ') inpt_age = input('Idade: ').capitalize() inpt_genre_aux = ScrollBar(prompt='Gênero: ', choices=['Feminino', 'Masculino', 'Prefiro não dizer'], indent=0, margin=2, pointer="★", pad_right=5) inpt_genre = inpt_genre_aux.launch() inpt_marital_status = input('Estado civíl: ').capitalize() inpt_scholarity = input('Escolaridade: ').capitalize() inpt_years_scholarity = input('De acordo com sua escolaridade, o(a) senhor(a) estudou,' ' formalmente durante quantos anos? ') inpt_retired = input('O(a) Sr(a) é aposentado? Se não, qual é a sua profissão atual? ') inpt_retired_pensioner = input('Caso seja aposentado ou pensionista,' ' qual a profissão que exerceu por mais tempo? ') inpt_paid_work = input('Exerce atualmente algum tipo de trabalho remunerado? Se sim, qual? ') inpt_individual_income = input('Renda individual: ') inpt_family_income = input('Renda familiar (se houver): ') inpt_live_with = input('Com quem mora: ').capitalize() inpt_have_relegion = input('Possui religião - Sim (S) | Não (N): ') inpt_have_relegion = (1 if (inpt_have_relegion.upper() == 'S') else 0) patient = Patient(inpt_first_name, inpt_last_name, inpt_adress, inpt_telephone, inpt_date_birth, inpt_age, inpt_genre, inpt_marital_status, inpt_scholarity, inpt_years_scholarity, inpt_retired, inpt_retired_pensioner, inpt_paid_work, inpt_individual_income, inpt_family_income, inpt_live_with, inpt_have_relegion) print('Iniciando a avaliação de %s... \n' % patient.full_name) return patient
def prompt_for_application(controller_service, prompt_header: str) -> int: result = controller_service.get_applications() if result.error is not None: exit_with_message( f"Error getting applications with status code {result.error.msg}") apps = cli = ScrollBar(prompt_header, [ for app in apps], height=15, align=5, margin=3, pointer=">", pointer_color=colors.foreground["cyan"], word_color=colors.foreground["white"], word_on_switch=colors.foreground["white"], background_color=colors.background["black"], background_on_switch=colors.background["black"]) application_name = cli.launch() application_id = next( for app in apps if == application_name) move_cursor_up_lines(len(apps) - 1 if len(apps) < 15 else 14) return application_id
def video_prompt(playlist_id: str, page_token: str = "") -> Tuple[Details, ScrollBar]: videos = get_videos(playlist_id=playlist_id, page=page_token) v_choices = ["[Range]", "[ALL VIDEOS]"] if videos.prev_page != "": v_choices.append("[Previous Page]") v_choices = v_choices + [v.title for v in videos.items] if videos.next_page != "": v_choices.append("[Next Page]") return videos, ScrollBar("Select a Video:", height=10, pointer="→ ", align=4, margin=1, choices=v_choices)
def _get_scroll_menu(self): return ScrollBar( self.menu_text, choices=self.menu_item_text_list, height=8, pointer=self.pointer, shift=1, indent=2, margin=2, pointer_color=self.pointer_color, background_color=self.background_color, background_on_switch=self.background_on_switch, word_color=self.word_color, word_on_switch=self.word_on_switch, )
def create_scrolling_prompt(prompt, choices, wrap=True, max_line_len=70): if wrap: prompt = wrap_text(prompt, max_line_len) return ScrollBar( prompt, choices, height=8, pointer="", shift=1, indent=0, margin=2, pointer_color=colors.foreground["default"], word_color=colors.foreground["default"], word_on_switch=colors.bright(colors.foreground["cyan"]), background_color=colors.background["default"], background_on_switch=colors.background["default"], )
def playlist_prompt(channel_id: str, page_token: str = "") -> Tuple[Details, ScrollBar]: playlists = get_playlists(channel_id=channel_id, page=page_token) pl_choices = [] if playlists.prev_page != "": pl_choices.append("[Previous Page]") pl_choices = pl_choices + [p.title for p in playlists.items] if playlists.next_page != "": pl_choices.append("[Next Page]") return playlists, ScrollBar( "Select a Playlist:", height=10, pointer="→ ", align=4, margin=1, choices=pl_choices, )
from bullet import ScrollBar from bullet import emojis from bullet import colors cli = ScrollBar( "How are you feeling today? ", emojis.feelings, height = 5, align = 5, margin = 0, pointer = "👉", background_on_switch = colors.background['default'], word_on_switch = colors.foreground['default'], return_index = True ) print('\n') result = cli.launch() print(result)
from bullet import ScrollBar from bullet import colors import random ''' Pumping bars. ''' n = [random.randint(0, 15) for _ in range(1000)] choices = [] # Do some interpolation for i in range(0, len(n) - 1): choices.append(n[i]) choices.append(int((n[i] + n[i + 1]) / 2)) choices = list(map(lambda i: "▉" * i, choices)) cli = ScrollBar(prompt="", choices=choices, height=1, pointer="", word_color=colors.bright(colors.foreground["cyan"]), word_on_switch=colors.bright(colors.foreground["cyan"]), background_color=colors.background["black"], background_on_switch=colors.background["black"]) print('\n') cli.launch()
from bullet import ScrollBar from bullet import emojis from bullet import colors cli = ScrollBar("How are you feeling today? ", emojis.feelings, height=5, align=5, margin=3, pointer="👉", pointer_color=colors.foreground["cyan"], word_color=colors.foreground["white"], word_on_switch=colors.foreground["white"], background_color=colors.background["black"], background_on_switch=colors.background["black"]) print('\n') result = cli.launch() print('\n')