Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_sort_no_prio(self):
     There was a bug if there were two things with the same priority
     (or without priority), it failed as it couldn't compare the dicts
     there. This tests it doesn't crash.
     configurator = Configurator(self, self.__specials)
     configurator._build_plan({}, {
                                      "c1": { 'kind': 'dispensable'},
                                      "c2": { 'kind': 'dispensable'}
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __do_switch(self, option, value):
     Start it with some component and then switch the configuration of the
     component. This will probably raise, as it is not yet supported.
     configurator = Configurator(self, self.__specials)
     compconfig = {
         'special': 'test',
         'process': 'process',
         'priority': 13,
         'kind': 'core'
     modifiedconfig = copy.copy(compconfig)
     modifiedconfig[option] = value
     return configurator._build_plan({'comp': (compconfig, None)},
                                     {'comp': modifiedconfig})
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_build_plan(self):
        Test building the plan correctly. Not complete yet, this grows as we
        add more ways of changing the plan.
        configurator = Configurator(self, self.__specials)
        plan = configurator._build_plan({}, self.__core)
        # This should have created the components
        self.assertEqual(self.__core_log_create, self.log)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(plan))
        for (task, name) in zip(plan, ['core1', 'core3', 'core2']):
            self.assertTrue('component' in task)
            self.assertEqual('start', task['command'])
            self.assertEqual(name, task['name'])
            component = task['component']

        # A plan to go from older state to newer one containing more components
        bigger = copy.copy(self.__core)
        bigger['additional'] = {
            'priority': 6,
            'special': 'test',
            'process': 'additional',
            'kind': 'dispensable' # need to be dispensable so it could restart
        self.log = []
        plan = configurator._build_plan(self.__build_components(self.__core),
        self.assertEqual([('additional', 'init'),
                          ('additional', 'dispensable')],
        self.assertEqual(1, len(plan))
        self.assertTrue('component' in plan[0])
        component = plan[0]['component']
        self.assertEqual('start', plan[0]['command'])
        self.assertEqual('additional', plan[0]['name'])

        # Now remove the one component again
        # We run the plan so the component is wired into internal structures
        # We should have the 'additional' component in the configurator.
        for count in [0, 1]:    # repeat two times, see below
            self.log = []
            plan = configurator._build_plan(self.__build_components(bigger),
            self.assertEqual([], self.log)
                        'command': 'stop',
                        'name': 'additional',
                        'component': component
                        }], plan)

            if count is 0:
                # We then emulate unexpected failure of the component (but
                # before it restarts).  It shouldn't confuse the
                # configurator in the second phase of the test
        # Run the plan, confirm the specified component is gone.
        # There shouldn't be any other object that has the same name
        self.assertFalse('additional' in configurator._components)

        # We want to switch a component. So, prepare the configurator so it
        # holds one
             self.__build_components(self.__core), bigger))
        # Get a different configuration with a different component
        different = copy.copy(self.__core)
        different['another'] = {
            'special': 'test',
            'process': 'another',
            'kind': 'dispensable'
        self.log = []
        plan = configurator._build_plan(self.__build_components(bigger),
        self.assertEqual([('another', 'init'), ('another', 'dispensable')],
        self.assertEqual(2, len(plan))
        self.assertEqual('stop', plan[0]['command'])
        self.assertEqual('additional', plan[0]['name'])
        self.assertTrue('component' in plan[0])
        self.assertEqual('start', plan[1]['command'])
        self.assertEqual('another', plan[1]['name'])
        self.assertTrue('component' in plan[1])

        # Some slightly insane plans, like missing process, having parameters,
        # no special, etc
        plan = configurator._build_plan({}, {
            'component': {
                'kind': 'needed',
                'params': ["1", "2"],
                'address': 'address'
        self.assertEqual(1, len(plan))
        self.assertEqual('start', plan[0]['command'])
        self.assertEqual('component', plan[0]['name'])
        component = plan[0]['component']
        self.assertEqual('component', component.name())
        self.assertEqual(["1", "2"], component._params)
        self.assertEqual('address', component._address)
        self.assertEqual('needed', component._kind)
        # We don't use isinstance on purpose, it would allow a descendant
        self.assertTrue(type(component) is Component)
        plan = configurator._build_plan({}, {
            'component': { 'kind': 'dispensable' }
        self.assertEqual(1, len(plan))
        self.assertEqual('start', plan[0]['command'])
        self.assertEqual('component', plan[0]['name'])
        component = plan[0]['component']
        self.assertEqual('component', component.name())
        self.assertEqual('dispensable', component._kind)