def test_pip_install(self): pip_satchel = get_satchel('pip') try: # Initialize tmp directory. d = '/tmp/test_pip_install' if os.path.isdir(d): shutil.rmtree(d) os.makedirs(d) # Install pip requirements. with set_cwd(d): # Create requirements file. os.makedirs('roles/all') with open('roles/all/pip-requirements.txt', 'w') as fout: print('PyYAML\n', file=fout) # Install without the quiet flag pip_satchel.verbose = GLOBAL_VERBOSE pip_satchel.env.quiet_flag = '' pip_satchel.configure() self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir('.env')) ret = getoutput('.env/bin/pip freeze | grep -i yaml') print('pip freeze:\n', ret) self.assertTrue('PyYAML' in ret) # Delete the virtualenv. shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(d, '.env')) # Install with the quiet flag pip_satchel.verbose = GLOBAL_VERBOSE pip_satchel.env.quiet_flag = ' -q ' pip_satchel.configure() self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir('.env')) ret = getoutput('.env/bin/pip freeze | grep -i yaml') print('pip freeze:\n', ret) self.assertTrue('PyYAML' in ret) finally: shutil.rmtree(d)
def test_diff(self): """ Confirm on a multi-site multi-host environment, apache correctly reports change. """ test = self.get_test_satchel() print('Setting paths...') #env.plan_storage = STORAGE_LOCAL env.disable_known_hosts = True burlap_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(burlap.__file__)[0]) print('Initializing tmp directory...') d = '/tmp/test_apache_change' if os.path.isdir(d): shutil.rmtree(d) os.makedirs(d) activate_cmd = '. {d}/.env/bin/activate;'.format(d=d) with set_cwd(d): print('Creating project skeleton...') project.create_skeleton( project_name='test_apache_change', roles='prod', components='apache', ) assert not os.path.isfile('%s/plans/prod/000/thumbprints/test-dj-migrate-1' % d) assert not os.path.isfile('%s/plans/prod/000/thumbprints/test-dj-migrate-2' % d) # Simulate multiple remote hosts by creating aliases of localhost. # Note, for testing this on your localhost for a user without passwordless sudo, # you may have to run: `sudo chmod 777 /etc/hosts` # This won't work on Travis, where these will instead be set in .travis.yml. print('Modifying /etc/hosts...') env.host_string = 'localhost' env.hosts = [env.host_string] env.user = getpass.getuser() hosts_updated = False with settings(warn_only=True): output ='cat /etc/hosts') if 'test-dj-migrate-1' not in output: for use_sudo in (False, True): print('Attempting to append to /etc/hosts with use_sudo=%s...' % use_sudo) #ret = append(filename='/etc/hosts', text=' test-dj-migrate-1\n127.0.0.1 test-dj-migrate-2', use_sudo=use_sudo) ret = test.append(filename='/etc/hosts', text=' test-dj-migrate-1\n127.0.0.1 test-dj-migrate-2', use_sudo=use_sudo) print('ret:', ret) print('Checking /etc/hosts content...') output ='cat /etc/hosts') print('output:', output) if 'test-dj-migrate-1' in output: hosts_updated = True print('Success!') break else: hosts_updated = True assert hosts_updated os.system('ln -s %s %s/' % (burlap_dir, d)) project.update_settings({ 'plan_storage': STORAGE_LOCAL, 'plan_data_dir': os.path.join(d, 'plans'), 'services': ['apache'], 'default_site': 'testsite1', 'default_role': 'prod', # This is necessary to stop get_current_hostname() from attempting to lookup our actual hostname. '_ip_to_hostname': { 'test-dj-migrate-1': 'test-dj-migrate-1', 'test-dj-migrate-2': 'test-dj-migrate-2', }, 'apache_application_name': 'testsite1', 'apache_server_admin_email': '*****@*****.**', 'apache_server_aliases_template': '{apache_locale}', 'apache_wsgi_dir_template': '/usr/local/{apache_application_name}/wsgi', 'apache_wsgi_processes': 1, 'apache_wsgi_threads': 0, }, role='all') project.update_settings({ 'hosts': ['test-dj-migrate-1', 'test-dj-migrate-2'], 'available_sites_by_host':{ 'test-dj-migrate-1': [ 'testsite1', ], 'test-dj-migrate-2': [ 'testsite2', ] }, 'sites': { 'testsite1': { 'apache_domain_template': '', }, 'testsite2': { 'apache_domain_template': '', }, }, }, role='prod') # Run a deployment preview. kwargs = dict( activate_cmd=activate_cmd, ) status, output = self.getstatusoutput('{activate_cmd} fab prod deploy.preview'.format(**kwargs)) print('output:\n%s' % output) assert not status # The deployment preview should include both hosts. assert "[test-dj-migrate-1] Executing task 'deploy.preview'" in output assert "[test-dj-migrate-2] Executing task 'deploy.preview'" in output assert not os.path.isfile('%s/plans/prod/000/thumbprints/test-dj-migrate-1' % d) assert not os.path.isfile('%s/plans/prod/000/thumbprints/test-dj-migrate-2' % d) status, output = self.getstatusoutput( '{activate_cmd} ' 'fab prod debug.set_satchel_value:apache,site,xyz ' 'debug.show_satchel_items:apache'.format(**kwargs)) assert not status assert ' = xyz' in output
def test_migrate(self): burlap_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(burlap.__file__)[0]) src_dir = '/tmp/test_dj_migrate/src' dj_version = [1, 10, 6] d = '/tmp/test_dj_migrate' if os.path.isdir(d): shutil.rmtree(d) os.makedirs(d) activate_cmd = '. {d}/.env/bin/activate;'.format(d=d) with set_cwd(d): project.create_skeleton( project_name='test_dj_migrate', roles='prod', components='dj', dj_version='.'.join(map(str, dj_version)), ) assert not os.path.isfile('/tmp/test_dj_migrate/plans/prod/000/thumbprints/test-dj-migrate-1') assert not os.path.isfile('/tmp/test_dj_migrate/plans/prod/000/thumbprints/test-dj-migrate-2') # Simulate multiple remote hosts my creating aliases of localhost. # Note, for testing this on your localhost for a user without passwordless sudo, # you may have to run: `sudo chmod 777 /etc/hosts` # This won't work on Travis, where these will instead be set in .travis.yml. print('Modifying /etc/hosts...') env.host_string = 'localhost' env.hosts = [env.host_string] env.user = getpass.getuser() with settings(warn_only=True): for use_sudo in (False, True): print('Trying with use_sudo:', use_sudo) try: ret = append(filename='/etc/hosts', text=' test-dj-migrate-1', use_sudo=use_sudo) ret = append(filename='/etc/hosts', text=' test-dj-migrate-2', use_sudo=use_sudo) if ret is None: break except NetworkError: print('Error modifying /etc/hosts using use_sudo=%s:' % use_sudo) traceback.print_exc() os.system('ln -s %s %s/' % (burlap_dir, d)) project.update_settings({ 'plan_storage': STORAGE_LOCAL, 'plan_data_dir': os.path.join(d, 'plans'), 'services': ['dj'], 'dj_settings_module': 'test_dj_migrate.settings', 'default_site': 'testsite1', 'default_role': 'prod', 'dj_local_project_dir': 'src', 'dj_project_dir': '%s/src' % d, 'dj_manage_media': False, 'dj_manage_migrations': True, 'dj_manage_cmd': '%s/.env/bin/python' % d, 'dj_version': dj_version, # This is necessary to stop get_current_hostname() from attempting to lookup our actual hostname. '_ip_to_hostname': { 'test-dj-migrate-1': 'test-dj-migrate-1', 'test-dj-migrate-2': 'test-dj-migrate-2', }, }, role='all') project.update_settings({ 'hosts': ['test-dj-migrate-1', 'test-dj-migrate-2'], 'available_sites_by_host':{ 'test-dj-migrate-1': [ 'testsite1', ], 'test-dj-migrate-2': [ 'testsite2', ] }, 'sites': { 'testsite1': { 'apache_domain_template': '', }, 'testsite2': { 'apache_domain_template': '', }, }, }, role='prod') # Confirm both hosts are shown. kwargs = dict( activate_cmd=activate_cmd, ) status, output = self.getstatusoutput('{activate_cmd} fab prod debug.list_hosts'.format(**kwargs)) print('output:', output) assert 'test-dj-migrate-1' in output assert 'test-dj-migrate-2' in output
def test_deploy(): """ Creates a multi-site Apache Django powered web server with a MySQL backend. """ try: # Delete any old tmp files PROJECT_DIR = '/tmp/burlap_test' if os.path.exists(PROJECT_DIR): shutil.rmtree(PROJECT_DIR) os.makedirs(PROJECT_DIR) # Create our test virtualenv. PYTHON_EXE = os.path.split(sys.executable)[-1] VIRTUALENV_DIR = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, '.env') BURLAP_DIR = os.path.abspath('./burlap') BURLAP_BIN = os.path.abspath('./bin/burlap') SITE_PACKAGES = os.path.join(VIRTUALENV_DIR, 'lib/%s/site-packages' % PYTHON_EXE) # Initialize project. kwargs = dict( project_dir=PROJECT_DIR, burlap_bin=BURLAP_BIN, ) assert not os.system( 'cd {project_dir}; {burlap_bin} skel multitenant'.format(**kwargs)) # Symlink burlap. assert not os.system('ln -s %s %s' % (BURLAP_DIR, SITE_PACKAGES)) # Add production role. VIRTUALENV_ACTIVATE = '. %s/bin/activate' % VIRTUALENV_DIR kwargs = dict( project_dir=PROJECT_DIR, activate=VIRTUALENV_ACTIVATE, burlap_bin=BURLAP_BIN, ) assert not os.system( 'cd {project_dir}; {burlap_bin} add-role prod'.format(**kwargs)) # Test logging in to VM. print('env.host_string:', env.host_string, print('env.user:'******'env.key_filename:', env.key_filename) env.ROLE = 'prod' prod_settings = Shelf(filename=PROJECT_DIR + '/roles/{role}/settings.yaml') prod_settings['hosts'] = [] if isinstance(, basestring) else #prod_settings['host_string'] prod_settings['user'] = env.user prod_settings['key_filename'] = env.key_filename prod_settings['is_local'] = False prod_settings['app_name'] = 'multitenant' kwargs = dict(project_dir=PROJECT_DIR, ) assert not os.system( 'cd {project_dir}; . ./shell; fab prod shell:command="echo hello"'. format(**kwargs)) out = getoutput( 'cd {project_dir}; . ./shell; fab prod shell:command="ifconfig"'. format(**kwargs)) print('out:', out) assert 'inet addr:' in out # Add services. services = prod_settings.get('services', []) services.extend([ 'apache', #'hostname', 'mysql', 'mysqlclient', 'ntpclient', 'packager', 'pip', 'sshnice', 'tarball', 'timezone', 'ubuntumultiverse', 'unattendedupgrades', #'user', ]) prod_settings.set('services', services) prod_settings.set( 'sites', { 'multitenant': { 'apache_domain_template': '', 'apache_domain_with_sub_template': '', 'apache_domain_without_sub_template': '', 'apache_server_aliases_template': '', 'apache_ssl': False, 'apache_auth_basic': False, 'apache_enforce_subdomain': False, } }) # Confirm deployment changes are detected. with set_cwd(PROJECT_DIR): #from burlap import role_prod as prod prod = load_role_handler('prod') # print('A', prod) prod() assert 'app_name' in env assert 'sites' in env env.host_string = env.hosts[0] # print('B') # print('env.host_string:', env.host_string, # print('env.user:'******'env.key_filename:', env.key_filename) changed_components, deploy_funcs = deploy_preview() print('changed_components:', changed_components) assert changed_components == [ 'MYSQLCLIENT', 'UBUNTUMULTIVERSE', 'PACKAGER', 'PIP', 'SSHNICE', 'TIMEZONE', 'UNATTENDEDUPGRADES', 'APACHE', 'MYSQL', 'NTPCLIENT', ] print('deploy_funcs:', deploy_funcs) assert deploy_funcs == [ ('mysqlclient.configure', None), ('ubuntumultiverse.configure', None), ('packager.configure', None), ('pip.configure', None), ('sshnice.configure', None), ('timezone.configure', None), ('unattendedupgrades.configure', None), ('apache.configure', None), ('mysql.configure', None), ('ntpclient.configure', None), ] # Deploy changes. # Confirm changes have been cleared. # Add Django site. finally: # Undo changes to the VM. pass
def test_diff(self): """ Confirm on a multi-site multi-host environment, apache correctly reports change. """ print('Setting paths...') #env.plan_storage = STORAGE_LOCAL env.disable_known_hosts = True burlap_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(burlap.__file__)[0]) print('Initializing tmp directory...') d = '/tmp/test_apache_change' if os.path.isdir(d): shutil.rmtree(d) os.makedirs(d) activate_cmd = '. {d}/.env/bin/activate;'.format(d=d) with set_cwd(d): print('Creating project skeleton...') project.create_skeleton( project_name='test_apache_change', roles='prod', components='apache', ) assert not os.path.isfile( '%s/plans/prod/000/thumbprints/test-dj-migrate-1' % d) assert not os.path.isfile( '%s/plans/prod/000/thumbprints/test-dj-migrate-2' % d) # Simulate multiple remote hosts my creating aliases of localhost. # Note, for testing this on your localhost for a user without passwordless sudo, # you may have to run: `sudo chmod 777 /etc/hosts` # This won't work on Travis, where these will instead be set in .travis.yml. print('Modifying /etc/hosts...') env.host_string = 'localhost' env.hosts = [env.host_string] env.user = getpass.getuser() with settings(warn_only=True): for use_sudo in (False, True): ret = append( filename='/etc/hosts', text= ' test-dj-migrate-1\n127.0.0.1 test-dj-migrate-2', use_sudo=use_sudo) if ret is None: break os.system('ln -s %s %s/' % (burlap_dir, d)) project.update_settings( { 'plan_storage': STORAGE_LOCAL, 'plan_data_dir': os.path.join(d, 'plans'), 'services': ['apache'], 'default_site': 'testsite1', 'default_role': 'prod', # This is necessary to stop get_current_hostname() from attempting to lookup our actual hostname. '_ip_to_hostname': { 'test-dj-migrate-1': 'test-dj-migrate-1', 'test-dj-migrate-2': 'test-dj-migrate-2', }, 'apache_application_name': 'testsite1', 'apache_server_admin_email': '*****@*****.**', 'apache_server_aliases_template': '{apache_locale}', 'apache_wsgi_dir_template': '/usr/local/{apache_application_name}/wsgi', 'apache_wsgi_processes': 1, 'apache_wsgi_threads': 0, }, role='all') project.update_settings( { 'hosts': ['test-dj-migrate-1', 'test-dj-migrate-2'], 'available_sites_by_host': { 'test-dj-migrate-1': [ 'testsite1', ], 'test-dj-migrate-2': [ 'testsite2', ] }, 'sites': { 'testsite1': { 'apache_domain_template': '', }, 'testsite2': { 'apache_domain_template': '', }, }, }, role='prod') # Run a deployment preview. kwargs = dict(activate_cmd=activate_cmd, ) status, output = self.getstatusoutput( '{activate_cmd} fab prod deploy.preview'.format(**kwargs)) assert not status # The deployment preview should include both hosts. assert "[test-dj-migrate-1] Executing task 'deploy.preview'" in output assert "[test-dj-migrate-2] Executing task 'deploy.preview'" in output assert not os.path.isfile( '%s/plans/prod/000/thumbprints/test-dj-migrate-1' % d) assert not os.path.isfile( '%s/plans/prod/000/thumbprints/test-dj-migrate-2' % d) status, output = self.getstatusoutput( '{activate_cmd} ' 'fab prod debug.set_satchel_value:apache,site,xyz ' 'debug.show_satchel_items:apache'.format(**kwargs)) assert not status assert ' = xyz' in output
def _test_deploy(self): """ Creates a multi-site Apache Django powered web server with a MySQL backend. """ try: set_verbose(True) assert 'apache_specifics' in env print('all_satchels:', sorted(all_satchels.keys())) assert len(all_satchels.keys()) == 61 print('env.host_string:', env.host_string) print('env.hosts:', env.hosts) print('env.user:'******'/tmp/burlap_test' if os.path.exists(PROJECT_DIR): #shutil.rmtree(PROJECT_DIR) os.system('rm -Rf %s/*' % PROJECT_DIR) else: os.makedirs(PROJECT_DIR) # Create our test virtualenv. PYTHON_EXE = os.path.split(sys.executable)[-1] VIRTUALENV_DIR = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, '.env') BURLAP_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'burlap')) BURLAP_BIN = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'bin/')) SITE_PACKAGES = os.path.join(VIRTUALENV_DIR, 'lib/%s/site-packages' % PYTHON_EXE) # Initialize project. kwargs = dict( project_dir=PROJECT_DIR, burlap_bin=BURLAP_BIN, ) print('Initializing project skeleton...') assert os.path.isdir(PROJECT_DIR) with set_cwd(PROJECT_DIR): _status, _output = self.bash( '{burlap_bin} skel multitenant'.format(**kwargs)) print('_status, _output:', _status, _output) assert not _status # Symlink burlap. _status, _output = self.bash('ln -s %s %s' % (BURLAP_DIR, SITE_PACKAGES)) #assert not _status # Add production role. VIRTUALENV_ACTIVATE = '. %s/bin/activate' % VIRTUALENV_DIR kwargs = dict( project_dir=PROJECT_DIR, activate=VIRTUALENV_ACTIVATE, burlap_bin=BURLAP_BIN, ) assert os.path.isdir(PROJECT_DIR) _status, _output = self.bash( '{burlap_bin} add-role prod'.format(**kwargs)) assert not _status # Test logging in to VM. print('env.host_string:', env.host_string) print('env.user:'******'env.key_filename:', env.key_filename) env.ROLE = 'prod' prod_settings = Shelf( filename='%s/roles/{role}/settings.yaml' % PROJECT_DIR) prod_settings['hosts'] = [env.host_string] assert prod_settings['hosts'][0] #prod_settings['host_string'] prod_settings['user'] = env.user prod_settings['key_filename'] = env.key_filename prod_settings['is_local'] = False prod_settings['app_name'] = 'multitenant' kwargs = dict(project_dir=PROJECT_DIR, ) self.bash('ls -lah .') assert os.path.isdir(PROJECT_DIR) print('Testing hello world...') _status, _output = self.bash( '.env/bin/fab prod:verbose=1 shell:command="echo hello"'. format(**kwargs)) print('_status, _output:', _status, _output) assert not _status _status, _output = self.bash('ls -lah .') print('_status, _output:', _status, _output) print('Testing ifconfig...') _status, _output = self.bash( '.env/bin/fab prod:verbose=1 shell:command="ifconfig"'. format(**kwargs)) print('_status, _output:', _status, _output) assert 'inet addr:' in _output # Add services. services = prod_settings.get('services', []) services.extend([ 'apache', #'hostname', 'mysql', 'mysqlclient', 'ntpclient', 'packager', 'pip', 'sshnice', 'tarball', 'timezone', 'ubuntumultiverse', 'unattendedupgrades', #'user', ]) prod_settings.set('services', services) prod_settings.set( 'sites', { 'multitenant': { 'apache_domain_template': '', 'apache_domain_with_sub_template': '', 'apache_domain_without_sub_template': '', 'apache_server_aliases_template': '', 'apache_ssl': False, 'apache_auth_basic': False, 'apache_enforce_subdomain': False, }, }) prod_settings.set('pip_requirements', 'pip-requirements.txt') prod_settings.set('packager_initial_upgrade', False) # Confirm deployment changes are detected. #from burlap import role_prod as prod prod = load_role_handler('prod') prod() assert 'app_name' in env assert 'sites' in env env.host_string = env.hosts[0] print('-' * 80) set_verbose(1) assert 'apache_specifics' in env print('Getting changed_components.verbose:', get_verbose()) changed_components, deploy_funcs = deploy_satchel.get_component_funcs( ) changed_components = sorted(changed_components) expected_components = [ 'APACHE', 'MYSQL', 'MYSQLCLIENT', 'NTPCLIENT', 'PACKAGER', 'PIP', 'SSHNICE', 'TARBALL', 'TIMEZONE', 'UBUNTUMULTIVERSE', 'UNATTENDEDUPGRADES', ] print('changed_components:', changed_components) print('expected_components:', expected_components) assert changed_components == expected_components deploy_funcs = sorted(deploy_funcs) print('deploy_funcs:', deploy_funcs) assert deploy_funcs == [ ('apache.configure', None), ('mysql.configure', None), ('mysqlclient.configure', None), ('ntpclient.configure', None), ('packager.configure', None), ('pip.configure', None), ('sshnice.configure', None), ('tarball.configure', None), ('timezone.configure', None), ('ubuntumultiverse.configure', None), ('unattendedupgrades.configure', None), ] # Deploy changes. # Confirm changes have been cleared. # Add Django site. finally: # Undo changes to the VM. pass
def _test_project(self): try: project_dir = '/tmp/burlap_test_project' #tempfile.mkdtemp() if not os.path.isdir(project_dir): os.makedirs(project_dir) bin_dir = os.path.split(sys.executable)[0] with set_cwd(project_dir): cmd = ('. {bin_dir}/activate; ' ' skel myproject').format(**locals()) print(cmd) ret = os.system(cmd) print('ret:', ret) assert not ret cmd = ('. {bin_dir}/activate; ' ' add-role prod dev').format(**locals()) print(cmd) ret = os.system(cmd) print('ret:', ret) assert not ret if not os.path.isdir('satchels'): os.makedirs('satchels') os.system('touch satchels/') open('satchels/', 'w').write(""" from burlap import Satchel from burlap.constants import * from burlap.decorators import task class JunkSatchel(Satchel): name = 'junk' def set_defaults(self): self.env.param = 'default' @task def show_param(self): print('param:%s' % self.env.param) @task def configure(self): self.show_param() junk = JunkSatchel() """) open('roles/all/settings.yaml', 'w').write( yaml.dump( dict( app_name='myproject_site', default_site='myproject', services=['junk'], sites={}, junk_param='allvalue', ))) open('roles/prod/settings.yaml', 'w').write( yaml.dump( dict( inherits='all', hosts=['localhost'], junk_enabled=True, junk_param='prodvalue', ))) open('roles/dev/settings.yaml', 'w').write( yaml.dump( dict( inherits='all', hosts=['localhost'], junk_enabled=True, junk_param='devvalue', ))) ## Check prod role. os.system('rm -Rf .burlap') cmd = ('. {bin_dir}/activate; ' 'fab prod junk.show_param').format(**locals()) print(cmd) status, output = getstatusoutput(cmd) print('output:', output) assert 'param:prodvalue' in output os.system('rm -Rf .burlap') cmd = ('. {bin_dir}/activate; ' 'fab prod deploy.preview:verbose=1').format(**locals()) print(cmd) status, output = getstatusoutput(cmd) print('output:', output) assert 'junk.configure' in output os.system('rm -Rf .burlap') cmd = ('. {bin_dir}/activate; ' 'fab prod').format(**locals()) print(cmd) status, output = getstatusoutput(cmd) print('output:', output) assert 'param:prodvalue' in output ## Check dev role. os.system('rm -Rf .burlap') cmd = ('. {bin_dir}/activate; ' 'fab dev junk.show_param').format(**locals()) print(cmd) status, output = getstatusoutput(cmd) print('output:', output) assert 'param:devvalue' in output os.system('rm -Rf .burlap') cmd = ('. {bin_dir}/activate; ' 'fab dev deploy.preview').format(**locals()) print(cmd) status, output = getstatusoutput(cmd) print('output:', output) assert 'junk.configure' in output os.system('rm -Rf .burlap') cmd = ('. {bin_dir}/activate; ' 'fab dev').format(**locals()) print(cmd) status, output = getstatusoutput(cmd) print('output:', output) assert 'param:devvalue' in output finally: #shutil.rmtree(project_dir) pass
def test_deploy(): """ Creates a multi-site Apache Django powered web server with a MySQL backend. """ try: # Delete any old tmp files PROJECT_DIR = '/tmp/burlap_test' if os.path.exists(PROJECT_DIR): shutil.rmtree(PROJECT_DIR) os.makedirs(PROJECT_DIR) # Create our test virtualenv. PYTHON_EXE = os.path.split(sys.executable)[-1] VIRTUALENV_DIR = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, '.env') BURLAP_DIR = os.path.abspath('./burlap') BURLAP_BIN = os.path.abspath('./bin/burlap') SITE_PACKAGES = os.path.join(VIRTUALENV_DIR, 'lib/%s/site-packages' % PYTHON_EXE) # Initialize project. kwargs = dict( project_dir=PROJECT_DIR, burlap_bin=BURLAP_BIN, ) assert not os.system('cd {project_dir}; {burlap_bin} skel multitenant'.format(**kwargs)) # Symlink burlap. assert not os.system('ln -s %s %s' % (BURLAP_DIR, SITE_PACKAGES)) # Add production role. VIRTUALENV_ACTIVATE = '. %s/bin/activate' % VIRTUALENV_DIR kwargs = dict( project_dir=PROJECT_DIR, activate=VIRTUALENV_ACTIVATE, burlap_bin=BURLAP_BIN, ) assert not os.system('cd {project_dir}; {burlap_bin} add-role prod'.format(**kwargs)) # Test logging in to VM. print('env.host_string:', env.host_string, print('env.user:'******'env.key_filename:', env.key_filename) env.ROLE = 'prod' prod_settings = Shelf(filename=PROJECT_DIR+'/roles/{role}/settings.yaml') prod_settings['hosts'] = [] if isinstance(, basestring) else #prod_settings['host_string'] prod_settings['user'] = env.user prod_settings['key_filename'] = env.key_filename prod_settings['is_local'] = False prod_settings['app_name'] = 'multitenant' kwargs = dict( project_dir=PROJECT_DIR, ) assert not os.system('cd {project_dir}; . ./shell; fab prod shell:command="echo hello"'.format(**kwargs)) out = getoutput('cd {project_dir}; . ./shell; fab prod shell:command="ifconfig"'.format(**kwargs)) print('out:', out) assert 'inet addr:' in out # Add services. services = prod_settings.get('services', []) services.extend([ 'apache', #'hostname', 'mysql', 'mysqlclient', 'ntpclient', 'packager', 'pip', 'sshnice', 'tarball', 'timezone', 'ubuntumultiverse', 'unattendedupgrades', #'user', ]) prod_settings.set('services', services) prod_settings.set('sites', { 'multitenant': { 'apache_domain_template': '', 'apache_domain_with_sub_template': '', 'apache_domain_without_sub_template': '', 'apache_server_aliases_template': '', 'apache_ssl': False, 'apache_auth_basic': False, 'apache_enforce_subdomain': False, } }) # Confirm deployment changes are detected. with set_cwd(PROJECT_DIR): #from burlap import role_prod as prod prod = load_role_handler('prod') # print('A', prod) prod() assert 'app_name' in env assert 'sites' in env env.host_string = env.hosts[0] # print('B') # print('env.host_string:', env.host_string, # print('env.user:'******'env.key_filename:', env.key_filename) changed_components, deploy_funcs = deploy_preview() print('changed_components:', changed_components) assert changed_components == [ 'MYSQLCLIENT', 'UBUNTUMULTIVERSE', 'PACKAGER', 'PIP', 'SSHNICE', 'TIMEZONE', 'UNATTENDEDUPGRADES', 'APACHE', 'MYSQL', 'NTPCLIENT', ] print('deploy_funcs:', deploy_funcs) assert deploy_funcs == [ ('mysqlclient.configure', None), ('ubuntumultiverse.configure', None), ('packager.configure', None), ('pip.configure', None), ('sshnice.configure', None), ('timezone.configure', None), ('unattendedupgrades.configure', None), ('apache.configure', None), ('mysql.configure', None), ('ntpclient.configure', None), ] # Deploy changes. # Confirm changes have been cleared. # Add Django site. finally: # Undo changes to the VM. pass