def filesystemUpdate(name): """ :param name: :return: """ location = Q("location", "", str) file = os.path.join(__detect_app_dir(name), location) if not os.path.exists(file): raise ServiceException("待操作的文件不存在:%s" % location) # 优先判断是否为删除文件 if Q("del", 0, int) == 1: os.remove(file)"删除 %s/%s " % (name, location)) else: content = Q("content") if content is None: raise ServiceException("请输入更新的内容") with open(file, 'w', encoding=ENCODING) as f: f.write(content)"更新 %s/%s 的内容" % (name, location)) return jsonify(Result.ok())
def uploadNewVersion(): """ 上传 app 新版本资源 1. 若 app 存在( > 0) 从数据库中获取对应的 app 2. 若 app 不存在( 则 不能为空 创建新的 app :return: """ file = __detect_file() app = __detect_app() auto_create = is None if auto_create: db.session.add(app) # 保存文件到 attachments 目录 saved_file = getAttachPath(file.filename)"上传 %s 到 %s" % (file.filename, saved_file)) resource = Resource.fromFile(saved_file, app) db.session.add(resource) is_update = Q('update', 'true', str).upper() == str(True).upper() name, files = services.load_from_file(saved_file, app, is_update) db.session.commit() return jsonify(Result.ok("%s 应用新版本部署成功" % name, files))
def stats(): """ 查看应用状态,接受的参数为`name=n1,n2,n3` //查询成功返回示例 { "success":true, "data":{ "name1":-1, "name2":0, "name3":1 } } //查询失败返回示例 { "success":false, "message":"无法查询容器状态,请检查 Docker 是否运行" } :return: """ names = Q('names', "", str).split(",") containers = services.list_all_container(True)"当前所有容器状态:%s", containers) data = dict( (n, -1 if n not in containers else 1 if containers[n]['stat'] == 'running' else 0) for n in names) return jsonify(Result.ok(data=data))
def operate(name, op): if op not in services.OPERATIONS: raise ServiceException("无效的操作类型:{} (可选:{})".format( op, services.OPERATIONS))"即将对容器 %s 执行 %s 操作...", name, op) services.do_with_container(name, op) return jsonify(Result.ok("{} 执行 {} 操作成功".format(name, op)))
def lists(): name = Q('name') clauses = [] if name is not None: clauses += ["%{}%".format(name))] count, items = Application.query.pageFind(clauses) return jsonify(Result.ok(data=items, count=count))
def delete(aid=None): aid = aid if aid is not None else Q('ids', type=int) LOG.debug("客户端请求删除 ID=%d 的应用..." % aid) app = __loadApp(aid) db.session.delete(app) db.session.commit()"删除 ID=%d 的应用成功" % aid) return jsonify(Result.ok())
def filesystem(name): """ :param name: :return: """ location = Q("location", "", str) target_dir = os.path.join(__detect_app_dir(name), location) files = listDir(target_dir) if os.path.exists(target_dir) else [] return jsonify(Result.ok(data=files))
def global_error_handler(exception): """ 全局的异常处理: 1. 打印到 logger :以便记录异常信息 2. 封装成 Result 对象,以 json 格式返回到 Client :param exception: :return: """ LOG.error("%s\n%s", exception, traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(Result.error(exception)), 500
def clean(aid): LOG.debug("客户端请求清空 ID=%s 的应用数据..." % aid) app = __loadApp(aid) app_dir = services.detect_app_dir(app) if os.path.exists(app_dir): shutil.rmtree(app_dir)"删除 id={} 的应用数据:{}".format(aid, app_dir)) return jsonify(Result.ok())
def delete(aid=None): aid = aid if aid is not None else Q('ids', type=int)"客户端请求删除 ID=%d 的资源..." % aid) app = Resource.query.get(aid) if app: db.session.delete(app) db.session.commit()"成功删除 ID=%d 的资源" % aid) return jsonify(Result.ok()) else: raise ServiceException("ID=%d 的成功不存在故不能执行删除操作..." % aid)
def filesystemUpload(name): """ 上传新文件 :param name: :return: """ file = __detect_file() location = Q("location", "", str) target_file = os.path.join(__detect_app_dir(name), location, file.filename) # 如果文件已经存在,则取消上传 if os.path.exists(target_file): raise ServiceException("目标文件已经存在:%s/%s" % (location, file.filename)) return jsonify(Result.ok("文件成功上传到 %s/%s" % (location, file.filename)))
def filesystemUpdate(name): """ :param name: :return: """ location = Q("location", "", str) content = Q("content") if content is None: raise ServiceException("请输入更新的内容") file = os.path.join(__detect_app_dir(name), location) if not os.path.exists(file): raise ServiceException("待更新的文件不存在:%s" % location) with open(file, 'w', encoding=ENCODING) as f: f.write(content) return jsonify(Result.ok())
def add(): """ 录入新的应用 :return: """ ps = request.values name = ps.get('name') version = ps.get('version', default="1.0.0") notEmptyStr(name=name, version=version) id = ps.get('id') app = Application(name=name, id=id, version=version, remark=ps.get('remark')) if id and int(id) > 0: oldApp = Application.query.get(id) if oldApp is None: raise ServiceException("ID=%d 的应用不存在故不能编辑" % id) copyEntityBean(app, oldApp) else: # 判断应用名是否重复 oldApp = Application.query.getOne(name=name) if oldApp: raise ServiceException("应用 %s 已经存在,不能重复录入" % name) db.session.add(app) db.session.commit() op = "录入" if id is 0 else "编辑""%s应用 %s" % (op, app)) return jsonify(Result.ok("应用 %s %s成功(版本=%s)" % (name, op, version),
def filesystemContent(name): """ :param name: :return: """ location = Q("location", "", str) file = os.path.join(__detect_app_dir(name), location) if not os.path.exists(file): raise ServiceException("查询的文件不存在:%s" % location) # 读取前 1024 字节判断文本类型 raw = open(file, 'rb').read(min(512, os.path.getsize(file))) result = chardet.detect(raw) encoding = result['encoding'] with open(file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: try: return jsonify(Result.ok( except Exception as e: raise ServiceException("尝试用编码 {} 读取 {} 但不成功:{}".format( encoding, location, str(e)))
def page_not_found(error): return jsonify(Result.error('[404] Page not found!')), 404
def service_error_handler(exception): LOG.error("%s\n%s", exception, traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(Result.error(exception)), 500
def internal_error_handler(exception): LOG.error("[400] %s\n%s", exception, traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify(Result.error(exception)), 400