def makoDoServ(self,btn_value,node): murfNode = bt.sib_node(node['id'], self.json, 0) servLog = bt.nameLogfile(node, self.subject, murfNode) = murfNode['run'] # in case of accidental logout self.servProc, self.servOUT, h = lib.doServ(self.subject, self.TabID,, servLog) lib.set_here(node,'disabled', True) return
def makoMurfiHandler(self, btn_value, node): ## Handle "Start" & "End" differently if ('Start' in btn_value): murfLog = bt.nameLogfile(node, self.subject) try: self.murfProc, self.murfOUT, h = lib.doMurfi(self.subject, self.TabID,, murfLog) except: self.murfProc.kill() self.murfOUT.close() raise lib.set_here(node,'text','End Murfi') ## could do this better lib.set_here(bt.sib_node(node['id'], self.json, 1), "disabled", False) ## activate psychopy lib.set_here(bt.sib_node(node['id'], self.json, 2), "disabled", False) ## activate servenii lib.writeFlots(self.subject, self.TabID, node['run']) ## update jquery for murfi plots print "attempting to change flotmurfi.js to use " + str(node['run']) +"!\n\n" elif "End" in btn_value: ## End must also clean up after servenii & rt psychopy, if needed. lib.set_here(bt.sib_node(node['id'], self.json, 1), "disabled", True) ## disable psychopy lib.set_here(bt.sib_node(node['id'], self.json, 2), "disabled", True) ## disable servenii ## close errant process handles if hasattr(self, 'murfProc'): lib.endMurfi(self.murfProc, self.subject, self.TabID,, self.murfOUT) if hasattr(self, 'stimProc'): self.stimProc.kill() if hasattr(self, 'servProc'): lib.endServ(self.servProc, self.subject, self.TabID,, self.servOUT) lib.set_here(node,'text','Start Murfi') ## check if RT run is done yet: ## -- 150ish TRs collected in results JSON? ==> done; update progress. ## -- otherwise, allow Murfi restart for this run. activeFile = os.path.join(self.visitDir,'data','run00%d_active.json' if os.path.exists(activeFile): activeData = lib.load_json(activeFile) print "activeData's length is:", len(activeData['data']) if len(activeData['data']) > 150: bt.rtDone(self.json, node['id']) ## bt.updateProgress gets called in here. else: lib.set_here(node, "disabled", False) ## ensure murfi can be restarted else: print "mako_cherry: Can't handle this murfi button value:",btn_value return
def makoRealtimeStim(self, btn_value, node): murfNode = bt.sib_node(node['id'], self.json, 0) stimLog = bt.nameLogfile(node, self.subject, murfNode) = murfNode['run'] ## in case of accidental logout self.flotJavascript() # based on group, use proper stimulus file group = lib.get_node(self.json, j.GROUP) if group == "high": psychofile = j.HIFILE elif group == "low": psychofile = j.LOFILE lib.set_here(node, 'file', psychofile) # record which stimulus file was used # ready to launch! self.stimProc, h = lib.doStim(self.subject, self.TabID,, stimLog, psychofile,self.json["study_info"]["group"]) lib.set_here(node,'disabled', True) # this button only launches. 'End Murfi' cleans up return