Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():

    # Checks if active object is valid
    if op is None:

    # Checks if active object is a polygon object
    if not op.CheckType(c4d.Opolygon):

    # Retrieves the vertex color tag on the polygon object
    pointCount = op.GetPointCount()
    vertexColor = op.GetTag(c4d.Tvertexcolor)
    if not vertexColor:
        # Creates vertex color tag if it does not exist
        vertexColor = c4d.VertexColorTag(pointCount)

    # Creates linear field and adds it to the active document
    linearField = c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Flinear)

    # Creates random field and adds it to the active document
    randomField = c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Frandom)

    # Creates layer for linear field and sets link
    linearFieldLayer = mograph.FieldLayer(c4d.FLfield)

    # Creates layer for random field and sets link
    randomFieldLayer = mograph.FieldLayer(c4d.FLfield)

    # Creates a field list
    fields = c4d.FieldList()

    # Adds layers to the field list

    # Prepares field input with the points to sample
    input = mograph.FieldInput(op.GetAllPoints(), pointCount)

    # Sample all the points of the polygon object
    output = fields.SampleListSimple(op, input, c4d.FIELDSAMPLE_FLAG_VALUE)

    # Writes field output values to the vertex color data
    writeData = vertexColor.GetDataAddressW()
    for pointIndex in xrange(pointCount):
        vertexColor.SetColor(writeData, None, None, pointIndex,

    # Removes fields from the document

    # Updates Cinema 4D
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # Checks if selected object is valid
    if op is None:
        raise ValueError("op is none, please select one object.")

    if op[c4d.FIELDS] is None or not isinstance(op[c4d.FIELDS], c4d.FieldList):
        raise ValueError("op does not have a field falloff parameter.")

    # Creates a FieldList into the memory
    fieldList = c4d.FieldList()
    if fieldList is None:
        raise MemoryError("Failed to create a FieldList.")

    # Creates a field layer formula
    formulaLayer = c4d.modules.mograph.FieldLayer(c4d.FLformula)
    if formulaLayer is None:
        raise MemoryError("Failed to create a Field Layer Formula.")

    # Inserts the field layer formula into the FieldList

    # Creates a mask for the formula field
    if not formulaLayer.AddMask():
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to create a mask")

    # Creates a field layer formula to be used as mask
    formulaMaskLayer = c4d.modules.mograph.FieldLayer(c4d.FLformula)
    if formulaMaskLayer is None:
        raise MemoryError("Failed to create a Field Layer Formula.")

    # Defines the string of the formula layer that will be used as mask
    formulaMaskLayer[c4d.FORMULAFIELD_STRING] = "u * id / count"

    # Retrieves the GeListHead (root) of the the mask for the formulaLayer
    rootMaskFormulaLayer = formulaLayer.GetMaskHead()
    if rootMaskFormulaLayer is None:
        raise RuntimeError("There is no mask for the passed Field Layer.")

    # Inserts the formula layer under the mask head so it will operate as a mask.

    # Defines the FieldList used by the object to the one we generated
    op[c4d.FIELDS] = fieldList

    # Pushes an update event to Cinema 4D
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    obj = c4d.BaseObject(1025800)

    field = c4d.FieldList()
    solid = mo.FieldLayer(c4d.FLsolid)
    obj[c4d.FIELDS] = field

    rootGroup = c4d.GetCustomDataTypeDefault(c4d.DTYPE_GROUP)
    rootGroup[c4d.DESC_NAME] = "Parameters"
    rootGroup[c4d.DESC_SHORT_NAME] = "Parameters"
    rootGroup[c4d.DESC_TITLEBAR] = True
    rootGroup[c4d.DESC_GUIOPEN] = True
    rootGroup[c4d.DESC_COLUMNS] = 2
    rootGroup[c4d.DESC_PARENTGROUP] = c4d.DescID()
    root = obj.AddUserData(rootGroup)

    nameVec = ["Position step", "Scale step", "Angle step"]
    stepVec = [c4d.Vector(1), c4d.Vector(0.1), c4d.Vector(pi / 180)]
    minVec = [c4d.Vector(0.1), c4d.Vector(0.1), c4d.Vector(pi / 180)]
    defVec = [c4d.Vector(20), c4d.Vector(0.5), c4d.Vector(pi / 2)]
    nameBool = "On"
    defBool = True

    for i in xrange(3):
        dataAddVector(obj, nameVec[i], root, unitVec[i], stepVec[i], minVec[i],
        dataAddBool(obj, nameBool, root, defBool)

    dataAddBool(obj, "Unify parameters", root, False)

    obj[c4d.OEPYTHON_MODE] = 1
        OEPYTHON_STRING] = "import c4d\nfrom c4d.modules import mograph as mo\nfrom c4d import utils\n\ndef quantize(num, step):\n    return step*(num//step)\n\ndef vectorQuantize(vec, stepParams):\n    vecX = quantize(vec.x, stepParams.x)\n    vecY = quantize(vec.y, stepParams.y)\n    vecZ = quantize(vec.z, stepParams.z)\n    return c4d.Vector(vecX, vecY, vecZ)\n\ndef main():\n\n    unify = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,8]\n    posStep = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,2]\n    sclStep = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,4]\n    angStep = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,6]\n    posOn = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,3]\n    sclOn = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,5]\n    angOn = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,7]\n\n    md = mo.GeGetMoData(op)\n    if md is None: return 1.0\n\n    cnt = md.GetCount()\n    marr = md.GetArray(c4d.MODATA_MATRIX)\n\n    if unify == True:\n        posStep = c4d.Vector(posStep.x)\n        sclStep = c4d.Vector(sclStep.x)\n        angStep = c4d.Vector(angStep.x)\n\n    for i in xrange(cnt):\n        m = marr[i]\n\n        if posOn == True:\n            pos = m.off\n            m.off = vectorQuantize(pos, posStep)\n\n        if sclOn == True:\n            scl = c4d.Vector(   m.v1.GetLength(),\n                                m.v2.GetLength(),\n                                m.v3.GetLength())\n            scl = vectorQuantize(scl, sclStep)\n            m.v1 = m.v1.GetNormalized()*scl.x\n            m.v2 = m.v2.GetNormalized()*scl.y\n            m.v3 = m.v3.GetNormalized()*scl.z\n\n        if angOn == True:\n            ang = utils.MatrixToHPB(m)\n            ang = vectorQuantize(ang, angStep)\n            pos = m.off\n            scl = c4d.Vector(   m.v1.GetLength(),\n                                m.v2.GetLength(),\n                                m.v3.GetLength())\n\n            m = utils.HPBToMatrix(ang)\n\n            m.off = pos\n            m.v1 = m.v1.GetNormalized() * scl.x\n            m.v2 = m.v2.GetNormalized() * scl.y\n            m.v3 = m.v3.GetNormalized() * scl.z\n\n        marr[i] = m\n\n    md.SetArray(c4d.MODATA_MATRIX, marr, True)" ""
def main():
    # Checks if active object is valid
    if op is None:
        raise ValueError("op is none, please select one object.")

    # Checks if active object is a polygon object
    if not op.CheckType(c4d.Opolygon):
        raise TypeError("Selected object is not a polygon object.")

    # Retrieves the vertex color tag on the polygon object
    pointCount = op.GetPointCount()
    vertexColor = op.GetTag(c4d.Tvertexcolor)
    if not vertexColor:
        # Creates vertex color tag if it does not exist
        vertexColor = c4d.VertexColorTag(pointCount)
        if vertexColor is None:
            raise MemoryError("Failed to create a vertex color tag.")

    if vertexColor is None:
        RuntimeError("Failed to retrieve or create a vertex color tag.")

    # Creates linear field and adds it to the active document
    linearField = c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Flinear)
    if linearField is None:
        raise MemoryError("Failed to create a linear field.")


    # Creates random field and adds it to the active document
    randomField = c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Frandom)
    if randomField is None:
        raise MemoryError("Failed to create a random field.")


    # Creates layer for linear field and sets link
    linearFieldLayer = c4d.modules.mograph.FieldLayer(c4d.FLfield)
    if linearFieldLayer is None:
        raise MemoryError("Failed to create a field layer for linear field.")

    # Creates layer for random field and sets link
    randomFieldLayer = c4d.modules.mograph.FieldLayer(c4d.FLfield)
    if randomFieldLayer is None:
        raise MemoryError("Failed to create a field layer for random field.")

    # Creates a field list
    fields = c4d.FieldList()
    if fields is None:
        raise MemoryError("Failed to create a FieldList.")

    # Adds layers to the field list

    # Prepares field input with the points to sample
    inputField = c4d.modules.mograph.FieldInput(op.GetAllPoints(), pointCount)

    # Sample all the points of the polygon object
    output = fields.SampleListSimple(op, inputField, c4d.FIELDSAMPLE_FLAG_VALUE)

    # Writes field output values to the vertex color data
    writeData = vertexColor.GetDataAddressW()
    for pointIndex in range(pointCount):
        vertexColor.SetColor(writeData, None, None, pointIndex, c4d.Vector(output._value[pointIndex]))

    # Removes fields from the document

    # Pushes an update event to Cinema 4D