Ejemplo n.º 1
    def default_display(self):
        add_button = Button(self, text="+", anchor="center", bg="orange", fg="white", font="bold",
                            command=lambda: self.choose_widget())
        add_button.place(width=30, height=30, x=self.width // 2 - 15 - self.bw, y=self.height // 2 - 15 - self.bw)

        CreateToolTip(add_button, "Add New Widget", c_off=20)

Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, root, text, *args, **kwargs):
     super(InfoHover, self).__init__(root, *args, **kwargs)
     label = Label(self,
                   text="     \u2139\uFE0F",
                   font="none 8",
     label.place(x=0, y=0, width=10, height=10)
     CreateToolTip(label, text)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def load_display(self):
        ta = 0
        max_slots = 0

        aisle_empty_filled = []  # type: List[Set[Aisle, int, int]]
        for aisle in self.warehouse:
            reserves = aisle.get_reserve_slots()
            if len(reserves) > 0:
                e = 0
                for slot in reserves:
                    if not slot.stock_records:
                        e += 1
                f = len(reserves) - e
                aisle_empty_filled.append((aisle, e, f))
                if e + f > max_slots:
                    max_slots = e + f
                ta += 1

        aisle_empty_filled.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].spot_id)

        x_val = 0
        y_val = 20
        w = self.winfo_reqwidth() // ta
        h = self.winfo_reqheight() - 42
        for aisle, empty_n, filled_n in aisle_empty_filled:
            t = empty_n + filled_n

            t_ratio = ((t / max_slots) * (h - 1)) // 1
            f_ratio = ((filled_n / max_slots) * (h - 1)) // 1

            frame = Frame(self, bg=self.bg, relief="solid")
            frame.place(x=x_val + 1, y=y_val + h - t_ratio - 1, width=w - 2, height=t_ratio + 2)

            border = Label(frame, bg=self.bg, relief="solid")
            border.place(x=0, y=0, width=w - 2, height=t_ratio + 2)

            background = Label(frame, bg=self.bg, relief="flat")
            background.place(x=1, y=1, width=w - 4, height=t_ratio)

            filled_graphic = Label(frame, bg=self.fg, relief="flat")
            filled_graphic.place(x=1, y=(t_ratio - f_ratio) + 1, width=w - 4, height=f_ratio)

            text = Label(self, text=aisle.aisle, relief="groove")
            text.place(x=x_val, y=h + 20 + 2, width=w, height=20)

            CreateToolTip(frame, "{} / {}".format(filled_n, t), c_off=(-15 + w))

            x_val += w
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, master, warehouse, controller, height=50, width=200, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(master, *args, **kwargs)
        self.warehouse = warehouse
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.h = height
        self.y_val = 0
        self.x_val = 0
        self.configure(width=width, height=height)

        self.title = Label(self, text="Best Aisles PickSlot Display", bg="CadetBlue1", relief="groove")
        self.title.place(x=0, y=0, width=self.width, height=20)
        self.h -= 40
        self.y_val += 20

        hits = []
        best = 0
        for aisle in self.warehouse:
            hit = aisle.get_average_hits()
            if hit > 0:
                hits.append((aisle.aisle, hit))
            if hit > best:
                best = hit

        hits.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
        self.w = (self.width/len(hits))//1
        for hit in hits:
            filled_ratio = (hit[1] / best * self.h) // 1
            OldRange = (best - 0)
            NewRange = (255 - 0)
            NewValue = (((hit[1] - 0) * NewRange) / OldRange) // 1

            self.color = HexColour(255, 255 - int(NewValue), 0)

            tempLabel = Label(self, bg=str(self.color), relief="groove")
            tempLabel.place(x=self.x_val, y=self.y_val+self.h-filled_ratio, width=self.w, height=filled_ratio)

            CreateToolTip(tempLabel, "avg hits / day: {}".format(round(hit[1], 3)), c_off=(-15 + self.w))

            text = Label(self, text=hit[0], relief="groove")
            text.place(x=self.x_val, y=self.h + 20, width=self.w, height=20)
            self.x_val += self.w
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, master, window, **kwargs):
        Icon for opening a task bar app in MGSS
        :param master: master window
        :param img: icon image
        :param window: window that icon opens
        :param kwargs: style arguments
        super(AppIcon, self).__init__(master)

        # initialize keyword argument values
        bg = kwargs['bg'] if kwargs.get('bg') is not None else 'dark grey'
        name = kwargs['name'] if kwargs.get('name') is not None else 'testing'
        width = kwargs['width'] if kwargs.get('width') is not None else 25
        height = kwargs['height'] if kwargs.get('height') is not None else 25
        self.img = kwargs['img'] if kwargs.get('img') is not None else None

        # check value types
        if not isinstance(width, int):
            raise TypeError("width must be of type Integer")
        if not isinstance(height, int):
            raise TypeError("height must be of type Integer")
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError("name must be of type String")
        if not isinstance(bg, str):
            raise TypeError("bg must be of type String")

        if self.img is not None:
            self.img = Image.open(self.img).resize((width - 5, width - 5),
            self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img)

        osa = Button(self,
                     command=lambda: self.open_window(window))
        self.configure(width=width, height=height)
        osa.configure(width=width - 5, height=height - 5)
        osa.place(x=0, y=0)
        CreateToolTip(osa, name, c_off=width - 15)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def disp_wid(self, type=None):
        if type is not None:
            self.current_widget_type = type.__name__
            self.current_type = type
        while len(self.disp_widgets) > 0:
            temp = self.disp_widgets.pop()
        widget = self.current_type(self, warehouse=self.controller.warehouse, controller=self.controller, width=self.width-4, height=self.height-4)
        widget.place(x=0, y=0)
        self.close_button = Button(self, text="X", bg="coral1", command=self.clean, relief="groove")
        self.close_button.place(width=20, height=20, x=self.width-24, y=0)

        CreateToolTip(self.close_button, "Close", c_off=10)

        widget.title.bind('<Double-Button-1>', lambda e: self.full_screen())
        if not self.fullscreen:
            widget.title.bind_all("<Escape>", self.full_screen)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def load_display(self):
        ta = 0
        max_slots = 0
        empty = []
        aisles = []
        for area in self.controller.areas.values():
            e = len(dayxhits_sort_1_4(area))
            if e > 0:
                ta += 1
            if e > max_slots:
                max_slots = e

        x_val = 0
        y_val = 20

        if ta == 0:

        w = self.winfo_reqwidth() // ta
        h = self.winfo_reqheight() - 42
        for _ in range(len(empty)):
            e = empty[_]

            t_ratio = ((e / max_slots) * (h - 1)) // 1

            border = Label(self, relief="solid")
            border.place(x=x_val + 1, y=y_val + h - t_ratio - 1, width=w - 2, height=t_ratio + 2)

            background = Label(self, relief="flat", bg="light blue")
            background.place(x=x_val + 2, y=y_val + h - t_ratio, width=w - 4, height=t_ratio)

            CreateToolTip(background, "{}".format(e), c_off=(-15 + w))

            text = Label(self, text=aisles[_].area_name, relief="groove")
            text.place(x=x_val, y=h + 20 + 2, width=w, height=20)

            x_val += w
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def load_display(self):
        load window display
        :return: None
        self.area_dict = {}
        self.file_path = None

        for aisle in self.controller.warehouse:
            if len(aisle.get_reserve_slots()) > 0:
                self.area_dict[str(aisle.aisle)] = aisle

        settings = Button(self, text="\u2699\uFE0F", bg="light grey", fg="grey25", font="bold 16",
                          command=lambda: GroundConSettings(self, self.controller))
        settings.place(x=10, y=70, height=40, width=40)

        CreateToolTip(settings, "change consolidation\n settings", c_off=30)

        self.output = WinOutput(self, width=870, height=self.controller.wig_height - 80,
                                x=self.controller.wig_width - 870 - 20, y=70,
                                wrap=WORD, bg="snow", font="none 10", relief="groove")
        values = [*self.area_dict.keys()]
        self.combo_options = [key for key in values]

        self.start_val = StringVar(self)

        bg = Label(self)

        sort_area = Frame(self)
        sort_area.place(x=60, y=70, width=210, height=100)
        sort_area.grid_rowconfigure((0, 1, 2), weight=2)
        sort_area.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=0)
        sort_area.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

        gc_label = Label(sort_area, text="Ground Con", bg="cornflower blue", font="bold 10")
        gc_label.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=NSEW)

        combo_title = Label(sort_area, text="Aisle", bg="light grey", font="bold 10")
        combo_title.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=NSEW)

        sort_button = Button(sort_area, text="Consolidate", relief="groove", bg="maroon1", font="bold 10",
                             command=lambda: self.ground_con(self.area_dict[self.start_val.get()]))
        sort_button.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=NSEW)

        self.combo = Combobox(sort_area, values=self.combo_options, textvariable=self.start_val,
                              font="bold 10", state="readonly")
        self.combo.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=NSEW)

        open_button = Button(sort_area, text="Open", relief="groove", bg="chartreuse2", font="bold 10",
                             command=lambda: self.open_file())
        open_button.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=NSEW)
        bg.place(x=sort_area.winfo_x() - 2, y=sort_area.winfo_y() - 2, width=sort_area.winfo_width() + 4,
                 height=sort_area.winfo_height() + 4)

        bg2 = Label(self)
        warehouse_reports = Frame(self)
        warehouse_reports.place(x=sort_area.winfo_x(), y=sort_area.winfo_y() + sort_area.winfo_height() + 10,
                                width=sort_area.winfo_width(), height=90)
        warehouse_reports.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        warehouse_reports.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        warehouse_reports.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=2)
        if True:
            title = Label(warehouse_reports, text="Get Warehouse Report", bg="cornflower blue", font="bold 10")
            title.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NSEW)

            sort_button = Button(warehouse_reports, text="Print Report", relief="groove", bg="maroon1",
                                 command=lambda: self.ground_report(), font="bold 10")
            sort_button.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=NSEW)
        bg2.place(x=warehouse_reports.winfo_x() - 2, y=warehouse_reports.winfo_y() - 2,
                  width=warehouse_reports.winfo_width() + 4, height=warehouse_reports.winfo_height() + 4)