Ejemplo n.º 1
def primal(C_init):
    Solve the primal equation starting from C_init for nsteps time steps,
    where nsteps is specified in calling init().
    After this function call, C_init stores the solution after
    nsteps time steps.
    assert C_init.shape == (c_channel.c_Nz(), 2, c_channel.c_dimR(),
                            c_channel.c_Nx() / 2)
    c_channel.c_primal(0, C_init)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def save_solution(filename, C):
    Save the solution C to a .hd5 file.  Must be called after init()
    The solution must be a complex array of dimension (Nz, 2, dimR, Nx/2)
    The .hd5 extension can be appended automatically.  No return value
    if not filename.endswith('.hd5'):
        filename += '.hd5'
    assert C.shape == (c_channel.c_Nz(), 2, c_channel.c_dimR(),
                       c_channel.c_Nx() / 2)
    c_channel.c_save_solution(filename, C)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def tangent(start_step, end_step, IC_init, inhomo):
    Solve the tangent equation starting from IC_init for
    end_step - start_step time steps, starting from the start_step time step.
    After this function call, IC_init stores the solution after
    nsteps time steps.
    assert IC_init.shape == (c_channel.c_Nz(), 2, c_channel.c_dimR(),
                             c_channel.c_Nx() / 2)
    assert 0 <= start_step <= end_step <= c_channel.c_nsteps()
    c_channel.c_tangent(int(start_step), int(end_step), IC_init, int(inhomo))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def read_solution(filename):
    Read a .hd5 file and return a solution.  Must be called after init()
    Returns a complex array of dimension (Nz, 2, dimR, Nx/2)
    The .hd5 extension can be appended automatically.
    if not filename.endswith('.hd5'):
        filename += '.hd5'
    shp = (c_channel.c_Nz(), 2, c_channel.c_dimR(), c_channel.c_Nx() / 2)
    C = np.zeros(shp, complex)
    c_channel.c_read_solution(str(filename), C)
    return C
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_solution(i_step, copy=True):
    Get the primal solution at the i_step time step (not including run-up).
    Returns a complex array of dimension (Nz, 2, dimR, Nx/2)
    If copy is True (default), make a copy of the solution.
                               otherwise return a view of the solution (danger)
    C = c_channel.c_getsoln(int(i_step))
    assert C.shape == (c_channel.c_Nz(), 2, c_channel.c_dimR(),
                       c_channel.c_Nx() / 2)
    if copy:
        C = C.copy()
    return C
Ejemplo n.º 6
def spec2phys(solution):
    if isinstance(solution, str):
        solution = read_solution(solution)
    if isinstance(solution, int):
        solution = get_solution(solution, copy=False)

    assert solution.dtype == complex
    assert solution.shape == (c_channel.c_Nz(), 2, c_channel.c_dimR(),
                              c_channel.c_Nx() / 2)

    flow = np.zeros([3, int(c_channel.c_Nx() * 3 / 2), c_channel.c_qpts(),
                     int(c_channel.c_Nz() * 3 / 2)], np.float64)
    c_channel.c_spec2phys(solution, flow)
    return flow
Ejemplo n.º 7
def Ivel(i_step,project=False):
    returns the incremental velocity 
    IC = c_channel.c_getincresoln(int(i_step))
    IC = IC.copy()
    assert IC.shape == (c_channel.c_Nz(), 2, c_channel.c_dimR(),
                       c_channel.c_Nx() / 2)
    if project: 

    v = spec2phys(IC)
    v = v[0] 
    return v
Ejemplo n.º 8
def para_init(n_steps, C):
    Like init, but takes a complex array of dimension (Nz, 2, dimR, Nx/2) 
    as an input for the initial condition instead of a restart file.  
    Used in parallel LSS.
    global __is_initialized__
    assert not __is_initialized__
    __is_initialized__ = True

    assert n_steps >= 0 
    assert C.shape == (c_channel.c_Nz(), 2, c_channel.c_dimR(),
                           c_channel.c_Nx() / 2)
    c_channel.c_primal(0, C)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def init(n_steps, ru_steps=0, restart=None):
    Must be called before any other calls in this module.
    n_steps: the number of time steps to run and save
    ru_steps: the number of run up time steps (not including n_steps).
              These steps are not saved.
    restart: If None (default), start from a perturbed laminar solution.
             If a filename, read the .hd5 file as the restart file.
    global __is_initialized__
    assert not __is_initialized__
    __is_initialized__ = True

    assert n_steps >= 0 and ru_steps >= 0
    if restart is None:
        c_channel.c_primal(int(ru_steps), np.zeros([0,0,0,0], complex))
        C = read_solution(restart)
        assert C.shape == (c_channel.c_Nz(), 2, c_channel.c_dimR(),
                           c_channel.c_Nx() / 2)
        c_channel.c_primal(int(ru_steps), C)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def adjoint(start_step, end_step, AC_init, inhomo, strength):
    assert AC_init.shape == (c_channel.c_Nz(), 2, c_channel.c_dimR(),
                             c_channel.c_Nx() / 2)
    assert 0 <= end_step <= start_step <= c_channel.c_nsteps()
    c_channel.c_adjoint(int(start_step), int(end_step), AC_init, int(inhomo),