Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, f1, f2):

        self.f_qubit1 = f1
        self.f_qubit2 = f2

        # define hamiltonian for two qubits (zeeman on qubit 1, zeeman on qubit 2, exchange between qubits) -- convert from qutip to numpy (brackets)
        self.B1 = qt.tensor(qt.sigmaz() / 2, qt.qeye(2))[:, :]
        self.B2 = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(2), qt.sigmaz() / 2)[:, :]
        self.J = (qt.tensor(qt.sigmax(), qt.sigmax()) +
                  qt.tensor(qt.sigmay(), qt.sigmay()) +
                  qt.tensor(qt.sigmaz(), qt.sigmaz()))[:, :] / 4

        self.my_Hamiltonian = 2 * np.pi * (f1 * self.B1 + f2 * self.B2)
        # Create the solver
        self.solver_obj = ME.VonNeumann(4)
        # Add the init hamiltonian
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def __init__(self, f1, f2):

		self.f_qubit1 = f1
		self.f_qubit2 = f2

		self.H_mw_qubit_1 = np.array(list(basis(4,0)*basis(4,2).dag() + basis(4,1)*basis(4,3).dag()))[:,0]
		self.H_mw_qubit_2 = np.array(list(basis(4,0)*basis(4,1).dag() + basis(4,2)*basis(4,3).dag()))[:,0]

		# define hamiltonian for two qubits (zeeman on qubit 1, zeeman on qubit 2, exchange between qubits) -- convert from qutip to numpy (brackets)
		self.B1 = qt.tensor(qt.sigmaz()/2, qt.qeye(2))[:,:]
		self.B2 = qt.tensor(qt.qeye(2), qt.sigmaz()/2)[:,:]

		# transformed into rotating frame, so energy is 0
		self.my_Hamiltonian = 0*self.B1
		# Create the solver
		self.solver_obj = ME.VonNeumann(4)
		# Add the init hamiltonian
Ejemplo n.º 3
    X, noise_ampl**2
)  # produces the same results of a white noise, but takes as second input the noise variance instead of the amplitude (var = ampl^2)

lindmid = time.time()

s.calculate_evolution(Z0, 0, total_t, evo_steps)

lindend = time.time()

s.plot_expectation(*pop, 1)

# VonNeumann calculation and plotting

vnstart = time.time()

v = me.VonNeumann(2)
white = me.noise_py()
white.init_white(X, noise_ampl)

vnmid = time.time()

v.calculate_evolution(Z0, 0, total_t, evo_steps)

vnend = time.time()

v.plot_expectation(*pop, 2)

print('\n Measuring the time of the script:')
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, B_1, B_2, chargingE1, chargingE2, tunnel_coupling):
        # Generate static part of hamiltonian (using numpy/qutip stuff)
        # All energy's should be expressed in Hz
        # H_bar = 1
        self.H_charg1 = np.array(list(qt.basis(6, 4) *
                                      qt.basis(6, 4).dag()))[:, 0]
        self.H_charg2 = np.array(list(qt.basis(6, 5) *
                                      qt.basis(6, 5).dag()))[:, 0]

        self.H_B_field1 = np.array(
            list(-qt.basis(6, 0) * qt.basis(6, 0).dag() - qt.basis(6, 1) *
                 qt.basis(6, 1).dag() + qt.basis(6, 2) * qt.basis(6, 2).dag() +
                 qt.basis(6, 3) * qt.basis(6, 3).dag()))[:, 0] / 2
        self.H_B_field2 = np.array(
            list(-qt.basis(6, 0) * qt.basis(6, 0).dag() + qt.basis(6, 1) *
                 qt.basis(6, 1).dag() - qt.basis(6, 2) * qt.basis(6, 2).dag() +
                 qt.basis(6, 3) * qt.basis(6, 3).dag()))[:, 0] / 2

        self.H_exchange = np.array(
            list(-qt.basis(6, 1) * qt.basis(6, 1).dag() - qt.basis(6, 2) *
                 qt.basis(6, 2).dag() + qt.basis(6, 1) * qt.basis(6, 2).dag() +
                 qt.basis(6, 2) * qt.basis(6, 1).dag()))[:, 0] / 2
        self.H_tunnel = np.array(
                qt.basis(6, 1) * qt.basis(6, 4).dag() -
                qt.basis(6, 2) * qt.basis(6, 4).dag() +
                qt.basis(6, 1) * qt.basis(6, 5).dag() -
                qt.basis(6, 2) * qt.basis(6, 5).dag() +
                qt.basis(6, 4) * qt.basis(6, 1).dag() -
                qt.basis(6, 4) * qt.basis(6, 2).dag() +
                qt.basis(6, 5) * qt.basis(6, 1).dag() -
                qt.basis(6, 5) * qt.basis(6, 2).dag()))[:, 0]

        self.B_1 = B_1
        self.B_2 = B_2
        self.chargingE1 = chargingE1
        self.chargingE2 = chargingE2
        self.tunnel_coupling = tunnel_coupling
        self.my_Hamiltonian = 2 * np.pi * (self.H_charg1 * chargingE1 +
                                           self.H_charg2 * chargingE2 +
                                           self.H_tunnel * tunnel_coupling)
        self.h_raw = self.my_Hamiltonian / 2 / np.pi + self.H_B_field1 * B_1 + self.H_B_field2 * B_2
        # Clock of rotating frame
        self.f_qubit1 = B_1
        self.f_qubit2 = B_2

        # Init params
        self.amp_noise_1 = 0
        self.amp_noise_2 = 0
        self.number_of_samples = 1
        self.one_f_noise = 0

        # Create the solver
        self.solver_obj = ME.VonNeumann(6)
        # Add the init hamiltonian

        if self.f_qubit1 - self.f_qubit2 != 0:
            # add time dependent tunnelcouplings (see presentation)
            locations_1 = np.array([[1, 4], [1, 5]], dtype=np.int32)
                locations_1, (self.f_qubit1 - self.f_qubit2) / 2)

            locations_1 = np.array([[2, 4], [2, 5]], dtype=np.int32)
                locations_1, (self.f_qubit2 - self.f_qubit1) / 2)