def __init__(self): = cv2.VideoCapture(0), 600), 400) self.count = 0 self.soul = LostSoul() = False self.fireballs = [] self.hp = 100 self.mana = 10 self.is_alive = True self.attack_my = Attack([200, 0, 200]) self.attack_cyber = Attack([0, 0, 255]) self.demon = Cacodemon() self.cyber = Cyber() self.current_point_prev = [0, 0] self.current_point = [0, 0] self.points = 0
class App: def __init__(self): = cv2.VideoCapture(0), 600), 400) self.count = 0 self.soul = LostSoul() = False self.fireballs = [] self.hp = 100 self.mana = 10 self.is_alive = True self.attack_my = Attack([200, 0, 200]) self.attack_cyber = Attack([0, 0, 255]) self.demon = Cacodemon() self.cyber = Cyber() self.current_point_prev = [0, 0] self.current_point = [0, 0] self.points = 0 def __del__(self): def run(self): vis = cv2.imread("graphics/title.png") cv2.putText(vis, 'If you want to live just smile :)', (120, 300), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.6, (255, 255, 255)) cv2.imshow('lk_track', vis) cv2.waitKey() smiles = [] while self.is_alive: ret, frame = frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) vis = frame if self.hp <= 0: self.die(vis) faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(frame_gray, 1.3, 5) if len(faces) == 0: cv2.putText(vis, 'Get back here, you cheater!', (160, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.6, (255, 255, 255)) self.hp -= 1 if len(faces) > 0 and self.count % 5 == 0: smiles = smile_cascade.detectMultiScale(frame_gray, 1.5, 10) if len(faces) > 1: cv2.putText(vis, 'No mutlipayer mode here!', (160, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2.0, (255, 255, 255)) for (x_f, y_f, w, h) in faces: self.check_collision_soul(x_f, y_f, w, h) self.current_point = [x_f, y_f] if (abs(self.current_point[0] - self.current_point_prev[0]) > MOVE_THRESHOLD or abs(self.current_point[1] - self.current_point_prev[1]) > MOVE_THRESHOLD) and self.cyber.isRunning: self.cyber.isAngry = True self.current_point_prev = self.current_point #cv2.rectangle(vis, (x_f, y_f), (x_f + w, y_f + h), (255, 0, 0), 2) for (x_s, y_s, w_s, h_s) in smiles: if x_s > x_f and x_s + h_s < x_f + w and y_s > y_f and y_s + h_s < y_f + h: #draw_str(vis, (20, 20), 'smile') #cv2.rectangle(vis, (x_s, y_s), (x_s + w_s, y_s + h_s), (255, 160, 0), 2) if self.mana > 5: self.attack_my.init([x_f + int(w / 2), y_f + int(h / 2)], self.mana) self.mana = 0 for fireball in self.fireballs: if not fireball.onScreen: self.fireballs.remove(fireball) continue if self.attack_my.isExploding: self.check_collision_fireball(fireball) if fireball.current_point[1] + fireball.r/2 in range(y_f, y_f + h) and \ fireball.current_point[0] + fireball.r/2 in range(x_f, x_f + w): if not fireball.damage_done: self.hp -= 2 fireball.damage_done = True fireball.explode() #print(self.hp) self.check_collision_demon() if self.soul.isRunning: roi = vis[max(self.soul.current_point[1], 0):self.soul.current_point[1] + self.soul.h, max(self.soul.current_point[0], 0):self.soul.current_point[0] + self.soul.w] vis[max(self.soul.current_point[1], 0):self.soul.current_point[1] + self.soul.h, max(self.soul.current_point[0], 0):self.soul.current_point[0] + self.soul.w] = if self.demon.isRunning: if self.count % 30 == 0: self.fireballs.append(Fireball([int(self.demon.current_point[0] + self.demon.w/4), int(self.demon.current_point[1] + h/2)], self.demon.speed_vector, [255, 0, 0])) roi2 = vis[max(self.demon.current_point[1], 0):self.demon.current_point[1] + self.demon.h, max(self.demon.current_point[0], 0):self.demon.current_point[0] + self.demon.w] vis[max(self.demon.current_point[1], 0):self.demon.current_point[1] + self.demon.h, max(self.demon.current_point[0], 0):self.demon.current_point[0] + self.demon.w] = if self.cyber.isRunning: roi3 = vis[max(self.cyber.current_point[1], 0):self.cyber.current_point[1] + self.cyber.h, max(self.cyber.current_point[0], 0):self.cyber.current_point[0] + self.cyber.w] vis[max(self.cyber.current_point[1], 0):self.cyber.current_point[1] + self.cyber.h, max(self.cyber.current_point[0], 0):self.cyber.current_point[0] + self.cyber.w] = if self.cyber.isShooting and (not self.cyber.attackGenerated): self.attack_cyber.init([self.cyber.current_point[0] + int(self.cyber.w / 4), self.cyber.current_point[1] + int(self.cyber.h / 2)], 10) self.cyber.attackGenerated = True for fireball in self.fireballs: if self.count % 15 == 0 and self.mana < 10: self.mana += 1 if self.attack_my.isExploding: if self.attack_cyber.isExploding: self.hp -= 1 self.draw_params(vis) cv2.imshow('lk_track', vis) self.soul.update() self.demon.update() self.cyber.update() self.count += 1 if self.count > 200: self.count = 0 ch = 0xFF & cv2.waitKey(1) if ch == 27: break def check_collision_fireball(self, fireball): if pow(self.attack_my.current_point[0] - fireball.current_point[0], 2) + pow(self.attack_my.current_point[1] - fireball.current_point[1], 2) > \ pow(self.attack_my.current_r, 2): fireball.explode() def check_collision_soul(self, x_f, y_f, w, h): if self.attack_my.isExploding: #print("attack exploding") if pow(self.attack_my.current_point[0] - (self.soul.current_point[0] + self.soul.w/2), 2) + \ pow(self.attack_my.current_point[1] - (self.soul.current_point[1] + self.soul.h/2), 2) > \ pow(self.attack_my.current_r, 2): self.points += 1 fireball = Fireball(self.soul.current_point, self.soul.speed_vector, [255, 0, 0]) fireball.explode() self.fireballs.append(fireball) self.soul.init() return if self.soul.direction == 0: #print("direction 0") if (self.soul.current_point[0] + self.soul.w) in range(x_f, x_f + w) and \ (self.soul.current_point[1] + self.soul.h) in range (y_f, y_f + h): if not self.soul.isTurning: fireball_exp = Fireball(self.soul.current_point, self.soul.speed_vector, [255, 0, 0]) fireball_exp.explode() self.fireballs.append(fireball_exp) self.soul.speed_vector[0] = -self.soul.speed_vector[0] self.hp -= 2 self.soul.isTurning = True else: #print("direction 1") if self.soul.current_point[0] in range(x_f, x_f + w) and \ self.soul.current_point[1] + self.soul.h in range(y_f, y_f + h): if not self.soul.isTurning: fireball_exp = Fireball(self.soul.current_point, self.soul.speed_vector, [255, 0, 0]) fireball_exp.explode() self.fireballs.append(fireball_exp) self.soul.speed_vector[0] = -self.soul.speed_vector[0] self.hp -= 2 self.soul.isTurning = True def check_collision_demon(self): if self.attack_my.isExploding: if pow(self.attack_my.current_point[0] - (self.demon.current_point[0] + self.demon.w/2), 2) + \ pow(self.attack_my.current_point[1] - (self.demon.current_point[1] + self.demon.h/2 ), 2) > \ pow(self.attack_my.current_r, 2): self.points += 1 fireball = Fireball(self.demon.current_point, self.demon.speed_vector, [255, 0, 0]) fireball.explode() self.fireballs.append(fireball) self.demon.init() return def draw_params(self, vis): #cv2.putText(vis, self.points, (50, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2.2, (255, 255, 255)) draw_str(vis, (20, 20), 'POINTS: %d' % self.points) hp_bar = 10 + self.hp cv2.rectangle(vis, (hp_bar, 450), (110, 470), (0, 0, 160), -1) cv2.rectangle(vis, (10, 450), (hp_bar, 470), (60, 160, 60), -1) draw_str(vis, (114, 466), 'HP') mana_bar = 520 + 10 * self.mana cv2.rectangle(vis, (mana_bar, 450), (620, 470), (0, 0, 160), -1) cv2.rectangle(vis, (520, 450), (mana_bar, 470), (160, 0, 20), -1) draw_str(vis, (470, 466), 'MANA') def die(self, vis): color = cv2.applyColorMap(vis, cv2.COLORMAP_HOT) dst = cv2.addWeighted(vis, 0.4, color, 0.6, -30) cv2.putText(dst, 'We are pleased to inform that', (40, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.6, (255, 255, 255)) cv2.putText(dst, 'you have died.', (50, 130), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2.2, (255, 255, 255)) cv2.putText(dst, 'Our cute little creatures', (70, 200), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.6, (255, 255, 255)) cv2.putText(dst, 'have found you very tasty.', (70, 230), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.6, (255, 255, 255)) cv2.putText(dst, 'Press escape to escape.', (120, 340), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, (255, 255, 255)) cv2.imshow('lk_track', dst) self.is_alive = False cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows()