Ejemplo n.º 1
def cylinder(direction_or_base, length_or_cap, r=None, d=None):
    """Generate a cylinder.

    Signatures (convenience forms only):
      * cylinder(direction, length, radius)
      * cylinder(direction, length, d = diameter)
      * cylinder(base, cap, radius)
      * cylinder(base, cap, d = diameter)

    # Radius or diameter
    radius = _get_radius(r, d)

    # length_or_base must be a vector or a number
    if number.valid(length_or_cap):
        # Number - direction/length
        return Frustum.direction_length(direction_or_base, length_or_cap,
                                        radius, radius)

    elif Vector.valid_type(length_or_cap):
        # Vector type - base/cap
        return Frustum(direction_or_base, length_or_cap, radius, radius)

        raise TypeError(
            "Invalid call signature: length_or_cap must be a vector type or a number"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def frustum(direction_or_base, length_or_cap, r=None, d=None):
    """Generate a frustum.

    For the forms with a direction, the base will be at the origin.

    Signatures (convenience forms only):
      * frustum (direction, length, radii)
      * frustum (direction, length, d = diameters)
      * frustum (base, cap, radii)
      * frustum (base, cap, d = diameters)

    # Radius or diameter
    radii = _get_radii(r, d)

    # length_or_base must be a vector or a number
    if number.valid(length_or_cap):
        # Number - direction/length
        return Frustum.direction_length(direction_or_base, length_or_cap,

    elif Vector.valid_type(length_or_cap):
        # Vector type - base/cap
        return Frustum(direction_or_base, length_or_cap, *radii)

        raise TypeError(
            "Invalid call signature: length_or_cap must be a vector type or a number"
Ejemplo n.º 3
def cone(direction_or_base, length_or_tip, r=None, d=None):
    """Generate a cone.

    For the forms with a direction, the base will be at the origin.

    Signatures (convenience forms only):
      * cone(direction, length, radius)
      * cone(direction, length, d = diameter)
      * cone(base, cap, radius)
      * cone(base, cap, d = diameter)
    # TODO should use r = None, *, d = None? (not just here)

    # Radius or diameter
    radius = _get_radius(r, d)

    # length_or_base must be a vector or a number
    if number.valid(length_or_tip):
        # Number - direction/length
        return Frustum.direction_length(direction_or_base, length_or_tip,
                                        radius, 0)

    elif Vector.valid_type(length_or_tip):
        # Vector type - base/cap
        return Frustum(direction_or_base, length_or_tip, radius, 0)

        raise TypeError(
            "Invalid call signature: length_or_cap must be a vector type or a number"
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, *values):
        """Create a vector from individual values.

        The specified values must be numeric. A 0-dimensional vector can be
        created by passing no values."""
        for value in values:
            if not number.valid(value):
                raise TypeError("Vectors must consist of numeric values")

        self._values = list(values)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def cuboid(size_or_x_or_xyz, y=None, z=None):
    """Generate a cuboid.

    The cuboid will have one corner at the origin, will be aligned with the
    axes, and extend in the positive axis directions.

    Signatures (convenience forms only):
      * cuboid(size)
      * cuboid(x, y, z)
      * cuboid(xyz)

    xzy can be Vector, list, or tuple. Note that for convenience, a Vector can
    be used for xyz even though xyz is not strictly a vector.

    if both(y, z):
        return Cuboid(size_or_x_or_xyz, y, z)
    elif neither(y, z) and number.valid(size_or_x_or_xyz):
        return Cuboid(size_or_x_or_xyz, size_or_x_or_xyz, size_or_x_or_xyz)
    elif neither(y, z) and Vector.valid_type(size_or_x_or_xyz):
        return Cuboid(*size_or_x_or_xyz)
        raise TypeError("y and z can only be specified together")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def scale(xyz_or_axis_or_factor = None, factor = None, xyz = None, axis = None):
    """Generate a scaling transform around the origin.

    Signatures (canonical forms):
      * scale(xyz = [2, 1, 1])
      * scale(factor = 2)
      * scale(axis = X, factor = 2)
    Signatures (convenience forms):
      * scale([2, 1, 1])
      * scale(2)
      * scale(X, 2)

    Vectors can be specified as Vector, list, or tuple. Note that a Vector can
    be used for xyz even though xyz is not strictly a vector.

    # Canonical forms:
    #     xyz_or_axis_or_factor  factor   xyz  axis
    #                         -       -  list     -  # XYZ
    #                         -     num     -   vec  # Axis/factor
    #                         -     num     -     -  # Uniform
    # Convenience forms (-: must be None, *: overwritten)
    #                       vec     num     -     *  # Axis/factor (implicit or explicit)
    #                       vec       -     *     -  # XYZ
    #                       num       *     -     -  # Isotropic XYZ

    # Make sure that there are no conflicts between convenience parameters and canonical parameters
    if both(xyz_or_axis_or_factor, xyz ): raise TypeError("xyz"   " cannot be specified together with xyz_or_axis")
    if both(xyz_or_axis_or_factor, axis): raise TypeError("axis"  " cannot be specified together with xyz_or_axis")

    # Transform the convenience forms to canonical form
    if xyz_or_axis_or_factor is not None:
        if Vector.valid_type(xyz_or_axis_or_factor):
            if factor is None:
                # Xyz
                xyz = xyz_or_axis_or_factor
                # Axis part of axis/factor
                axis = xyz_or_axis_or_factor
        elif number.valid(xyz_or_axis_or_factor):
            if factor is None:
                # Factor
                factor = xyz_or_axis_or_factor
                raise TypeError("factor cannot be specified together with numeric xyz_or_axis")
            raise TypeError("xyz_or_axis_or_factor must be a vector type or a number")

    # Check the parameters that must appear in pairs
    if axis is not None and factor is None: raise TypeError("factor" " is required when " "axis" " is given")

    # Handle the different cases
    if axis is not None:
        # Check that no other specification is given
        if xyz is not None: raise TypeError("xyz" " cannot be specified together with axis")

        return ScaleAxisFactor(axis, factor)

    elif xyz is not None:
        # Check that no other specification is given
        if axis   is not None: raise TypeError("axis"   " cannot be specified together with xyz")
        if factor is not None: raise TypeError("factor" " cannot be specified together with xyz")

        return ScaleAxes(*xyz)

    elif factor is not None:
        return ScaleUniform(factor)

        raise TypeError("Invalid call signature")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def rotate(axis_or_frm = None, angle_or_to = None, axis = None, angle = None, frm = None, to = None, xyz = None, ypr = None, ignore_ambiguity = False):
    """Generate a rotation around an axis through the origin.

    Signatures (canonical forms):
      * rotate(axis = x, angle = 45)
      * rotate(frm = x, to = y)
      * rotate(xyz = [45, 0, 30])
      * rotate(ypr = [45, -30, 10])
    Signatures (convenience forms):
      * rotate(x, 45)
      * rotate(x, angle = 45)
      * rotate(x, y)
      * rotate(x, to = y)

    # Canonical forms:
    #     axis_or_axmag_or_frm  angle_or_to  axis  angle  frm   to   xyz   ypr
    #                        -            -   vec    num    -    -     -     -  # Axis/angle
    #                        -            -     -      -  vec  vec     -     -  # From/to
    #                        -            -     -      -    -    -  list     -  # XYZ
    #                        -            -     -      -    -    -     -  list  # Yaw/pitch/roll
    # Convenience forms (-: must be None, *: overwritten)
    #                      vec          num     *      *    -    -     -     -  # Axis/angle (implicit)
    #                      vec            -     *    num    -    -     -     -  # Axis/angle (explicit)
    #                      vec          vec     -      -    *    *     -     -  # From/to (implicit)
    #                      vec            -     -      -    *  vec     -     -  # From/to (explicit)
    # "Vector type" is Vector, list, or tuple

    # Make sure that there are no conflicts between convenience parameters and canonical parameters
    if both(axis_or_frm, axis ): raise TypeError("axis"  " cannot be specified together with axis_or_frm")
    if both(axis_or_frm, frm  ): raise TypeError("frm"   " cannot be specified together with axis_or_frm")
    if both(angle_or_to, angle): raise TypeError("angle" " cannot be specified together with angle_or_to")
    if both(angle_or_to, to   ): raise TypeError("to"    " cannot be specified together with angle_or_to")

    # Transform the convenience forms to canonical form
    if axis_or_frm is not None:
        if not Vector.valid_type(axis_or_frm):
            raise TypeError("axis must be a vector type")

        if angle_or_to is not None:
            if number.valid(angle_or_to):
                # Axis/angle (implicit)
                axis = axis_or_frm
                angle = angle_or_to
            elif Vector.valid_type(angle_or_to):
                # From/to (implicit)
                frm = axis_or_frm
                to = angle_or_to
                raise TypeError("angle_or_to must be a number or a vector type")
        elif angle is not None:
            # Axis/angle (explicit)
            axis = axis_or_frm
        elif to is not None:
            # From/to (explicit)
            frm = axis_or_frm

    # Check the parameters that must appear in pairs
    if axis  is not None and angle is None: raise TypeError("angle" " is required when " "axis"  " is given")
    if angle is not None and axis  is None: raise TypeError("axis"  " is required when " "angle" " is given")
    if frm   is not None and to    is None: raise TypeError("to"    " is required when " "frm"   " is given")
    if to    is not None and frm   is None: raise TypeError("frm"   " is required when " "to"    " is given")

    # Handle the different cases
    if axis is not None:
        # Check that no other specification is given
        if frm is not None: raise TypeError("frm" " cannot be specified together with axis")
        if xyz is not None: raise TypeError("xyz" " cannot be specified together with axis")
        if ypr is not None: raise TypeError("ypr" " cannot be specified together with axis")

        return RotateAxisAngle(axis, angle)

    elif frm is not None:
        # Check that no other specification is given
        if axis is not None: raise TypeError("axis" " cannot be specified together with frm")
        if xyz  is not None: raise TypeError("xyz"  " cannot be specified together with frm")
        if ypr  is not None: raise TypeError("ypr"  " cannot be specified together with frm")

        return RotateFromTo(frm, to, ignore_ambiguity)

    elif xyz is not None:
        # Check that no other specification is given
        if axis is not None: raise TypeError("axis" " cannot be specified together with frm")
        if frm  is not None: raise TypeError("frm"  " cannot be specified together with axis")
        if ypr  is not None: raise TypeError("ypr"  " cannot be specified together with axis")

        return RotateXyz(*xyz)

    elif ypr is not None:
        # Check that no other specification is given
        if axis is not None: raise TypeError("axis" " cannot be specified together with frm")
        if frm  is not None: raise TypeError("frm"  " cannot be specified together with axis")
        if xyz  is not None: raise TypeError("xyz"  " cannot be specified together with axis")

        return RotateYpr(*ypr)

        raise TypeError("Invalid call signature")