Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testDXF(self):

        exporters.export(self._box().section(), "out.dxf")

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            exporters.export(self._box().val(), "out.dxf")

        s1 = (Workplane("XZ").polygon(10, 10).ellipse(
            1, 2).extrude(1).edges("|Y").fillet(1).section())
        exporters.dxf.exportDXF(s1, "res1.dxf")

        s1_i = importers.importDXF("res1.dxf")

        self.assertAlmostEqual(s1.val().Area(), s1_i.val().Area(), 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(s1.edges().size(), s1_i.edges().size())

        pts = [(0, 0), (0, 0.5), (1, 1)]
        s2 = (Workplane().spline(pts).close().extrude(1).edges("|Z").fillet(
        exporters.dxf.exportDXF(s2, "res2.dxf")

        s2_i = importers.importDXF("res2.dxf")

        self.assertAlmostEqual(s2.val().Area(), s2_i.val().Area(), 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(s2.edges().size(), s2_i.edges().size())

        s3 = (Workplane("XY").ellipseArc(
            1, 2, 0, 180).close().extrude(1).edges("|Z").fillet(0.1).section())
        exporters.dxf.exportDXF(s3, "res3.dxf")

        s3_i = importers.importDXF("res3.dxf")

        self.assertAlmostEqual(s3.val().Area(), s3_i.val().Area(), 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(s3.edges().size(), s3_i.edges().size())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testTypeHandling(self):

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            exporters.export(self._box(), "out.random")

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            exporters.export(self._box(), "out.stl", "STP")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def export_stl(self,
                   filename: str,
                   tolerance: Optional[float] = 0.001,
                   angular_tolerance: Optional[float] = 0.1) -> str:
        """Exports an stl file for the Shape.solid. If the provided filename
            doesn't end with .stl it will be added

            filename: the filename of the stl file to be exported
            tolerance: the deflection tolerance of the faceting
            angular_tolerance: the angular tolerance, in radians

        path_filename = Path(filename)

        if path_filename.suffix != ".stl":
            path_filename = path_filename.with_suffix(".stl")

        path_filename.parents[0].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)


        print("Saved file as ", path_filename)

        return str(path_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testVTP(self):

        exporters.export(self._box(), "out.vtp")

        with open("out.vtp") as f:
            res = f.read(100)

        assert res.startswith('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<VTKFile')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def testVRML(self):

        exporters.export(self._box(), "out.vrml")

        with open("out.vrml") as f:
            res = f.read(10)

        assert res.startswith("#VRML V2.0")

        # export again to trigger all paths in the code
        exporters.export(self._box(), "out.vrml")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def convert(build_result, output_file=None, error_file=None, output_opts=None):
    # Create a temporary file to put the STL output into
    temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
    temp_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, "temp_stl.stl")

    # The exporters will add extra output that we do not want, so suppress it
    with helpers.suppress_stdout_stderr():
        # Put the STEP output into the temp file
        exporters.export(build_result.results[0].shape, temp_file,

    # Read the STEP output back in
    with open(temp_file, 'r') as file:
        step_str = file.read()

    return step_str
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def export_stp(self,
                   filename: Optional[str] = None,
                   units: Optional[str] = 'mm',
                   mode: Optional[str] = 'solid') -> str:
        """Exports an stp file for the Shape.solid. If the filename provided
            doesn't end with .stp or .step then .stp will be added. If a
            filename is not provided and the shape's stp_filename property is
            not None the stp_filename will be used as the export filename.

            filename (str): the filename of the stp
            units (str): the units of the stp file, options are 'cm' or 'mm'.
                Default is mm.
            mode (str, optional): the object to export can be either
                'solid' which exports 3D solid shapes or the 'wire' which
                exports the wire edges of the shape. Defaults to 'solid'.

        if filename is not None:
            path_filename = Path(filename)

            if path_filename.suffix == ".stp" or path_filename.suffix == ".step":
                path_filename = path_filename.with_suffix(".stp")

            path_filename.parents[0].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        elif self.stp_filename is not None:
            path_filename = Path(self.stp_filename)

        if mode == 'solid':
            exporters.export(self.solid, str(path_filename), exportType='STEP')
        elif mode == 'wire':
            exporters.export(self.wire, str(path_filename), exportType='STEP')
            raise ValueError(
                "The mode argument for export_stp \
                only accepts 'solid' or 'wire'", self)

        if units == 'cm':
            _replace(path_filename, 'SI_UNIT(.MILLI.,.METRE.)',

        print("Saved file as ", path_filename)

        return str(path_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def testSVGOptions(self):
        self._exportBox(exporters.ExportTypes.SVG, ["<svg", "<g transform"])

                "width": 100,
                "height": 100,
                "marginLeft": 10,
                "marginTop": 10,
                "showAxes": False,
                "projectionDir": (0, 0, 1),
                "strokeWidth": 0.25,
                "strokeColor": (255, 0, 0),
                "hiddenColor": (0, 0, 255),
                "showHidden": True,
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def testTJS(self):
                        ["vertices", "formatVersion", "faces"])

        exporters.export(self._box(), "out.tjs")
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def testSTEP(self):
        self._exportBox(exporters.ExportTypes.STEP, ["FILE_SCHEMA"])

        exporters.export(self._box(), "out.step")
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def testAMF(self):
        self._exportBox(exporters.ExportTypes.AMF, ["<amf units", "</object>"])

        exporters.export(self._box(), "out.amf")
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def testSVG(self):
        self._exportBox(exporters.ExportTypes.SVG, ["<svg", "<g transform"])

        exporters.export(self._box(), "out.svg")
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def testSTL(self):
        self._exportBox(exporters.ExportTypes.STL, ["facet normal"])

        exporters.export(self._box(), "out.stl")
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def testDXF(self):

        exporters.export(self._box().section(), "out.dxf")

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            exporters.export(self._box().val(), "out.dxf")

        s1 = (Workplane("XZ").polygon(10, 10).ellipse(
            1, 2).extrude(1).edges("|Y").fillet(1).section())
        exporters.dxf.exportDXF(s1, "res1.dxf")

        s1_i = importers.importDXF("res1.dxf")

        self.assertAlmostEqual(s1.val().Area(), s1_i.val().Area(), 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(s1.edges().size(), s1_i.edges().size())

        pts = [(0, 0), (0, 0.5), (1, 1)]
        s2 = (Workplane().spline(pts).close().extrude(1).edges("|Z").fillet(
        exporters.dxf.exportDXF(s2, "res2.dxf")

        s2_i = importers.importDXF("res2.dxf")

        self.assertAlmostEqual(s2.val().Area(), s2_i.val().Area(), 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(s2.edges().size(), s2_i.edges().size())

        s3 = (Workplane("XY").ellipseArc(
            1, 2, 0, 180).close().extrude(1).edges("|Z").fillet(0.1).section())
        exporters.dxf.exportDXF(s3, "res3.dxf")

        s3_i = importers.importDXF("res3.dxf")

        self.assertAlmostEqual(s3.val().Area(), s3_i.val().Area(), 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(s3.edges().size(), s3_i.edges().size())

        cyl = Workplane("XY").circle(22).extrude(10, both=True).translate(
            (-50, 0, 0))

        s4 = Workplane("XY").box(80, 60, 5).cut(cyl).section()

        exporters.dxf.exportDXF(s4, "res4.dxf")

        s4_i = importers.importDXF("res4.dxf")

        self.assertAlmostEqual(s4.val().Area(), s4_i.val().Area(), 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(s4.edges().size(), s4_i.edges().size())

        # test periodic spline
        w = Workplane().spline([(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2), (3, 1)], periodic=True)
        exporters.dxf.exportDXF(w, "res5.dxf")

        w_i = importers.importDXF("res5.dxf")

        self.assertAlmostEqual(w.val().Length(), w_i.wires().val().Length(), 6)

        # test rational spline
        c = Edge.makeCircle(1)
        adaptor = c._geomAdaptor()
        curve = GeomConvert.CurveToBSplineCurve_s(adaptor.Curve().Curve())

        e = Workplane().add(Edge(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve).Shape()))
        exporters.dxf.exportDXF(e, "res6.dxf")

        e_i = importers.importDXF("res6.dxf")

        self.assertAlmostEqual(e.val().Length(), e_i.wires().val().Length(), 6)

        # test non-planar section
        s5 = (Workplane().spline([
            (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)
        ]).close().extrude(1, both=True).translate((-3, -4, 0)))

        s5.plane = Plane(origin=(0, 0.1, 0.5), normal=(0.05, 0.05, 1))
        s5 = s5.section()
        exporters.dxf.exportDXF(s5, "res7.dxf")

        s5_i = importers.importDXF("res7.dxf")

        self.assertAlmostEqual(s5.val().Area(), s5_i.val().Area(), 4)
Ejemplo n.º 15
# store the times spent on each operation in a dict
func_times = {}

# modify the panel and time each operation
for func in funcs:
    start = timer()
    face = func(face)
    end = timer()
    func_times[func.__name__] = end - start

# turn the 2d face into a 3d panel
start = timer()
panel = face.intersect(panel)
end = timer()
func_times["intersect face and panel"] = end - start

# export outputs
start = timer()
for output in output_files:
    exporters.export(panel, output)
end = timer()
func_times["export output files"] = end - start

# print out a summary of the time spent
print("\nTime spent doing each task (seconds):\n")
for k, v in func_times.items():
    print(f"{(k.replace('_', ' ')): <30}{v:.3f}")

print(f"\n{'Total time spent': <30}{sum(func_times.values()):.3f}\n")
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def export_svg(self,
                   filename: Optional[str] = 'shape.svg',
                   projectionDir: Tuple[float, float, float] = (-1.75, 1.1, 5),
                   width: Optional[float] = 800,
                   height: Optional[float] = 800,
                   marginLeft: Optional[float] = 100,
                   marginTop: Optional[float] = 100,
                   strokeWidth: Optional[float] = None,
                   strokeColor: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = (0, 0, 0),
                   hiddenColor: Optional[Tuple[int, int,
                                               int]] = (100, 100, 100),
                   showHidden: Optional[bool] = True,
                   showAxes: Optional[bool] = False) -> str:
        """Exports an svg file for the Reactor.solid. If the filename provided
        doesn't end with .svg it will be added.

            filename: the filename of the svg file to be exported. Defaults to
            projectionDir: The direction vector to view the geometry from
                (x, y, z). Defaults to (-1.75, 1.1, 5)
            width: the width of the svg image produced in pixels. Defaults to
            height: the height of the svg image produced in pixels. Defaults to
            marginLeft: the number of pixels between the left edge of the image
                and the start of the geometry.
            marginTop: the number of pixels between the top edge of the image
                and the start of the geometry.
            strokeWidth: the width of the lines used to draw the geometry.
                Defaults to None which automatically selects an suitable width.
            strokeColor: the color of the lines used to draw the geometry in
                RGB format with each value between 0 and 255. Defaults to
                (0, 0, 0) which is black.
            hiddenColor: the color of the lines used to draw the geometry in
                RGB format with each value between 0 and 255. Defaults to
               (100, 100, 100) which is light grey.
            showHidden: If the edges obscured by geometry should be included in
                the diagram. Defaults to True.
            showAxes: If the x, y, z axis should be included in the image.
                Defaults to False.

            str: the svg filename created

        path_filename = Path(filename)

        if path_filename.suffix != ".svg":
            path_filename = path_filename.with_suffix(".svg")

        path_filename.parents[0].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        opt = {
            "width": width,
            "height": height,
            "marginLeft": marginLeft,
            "marginTop": marginTop,
            "showAxes": showAxes,
            "projectionDir": projectionDir,
            "strokeColor": strokeColor,
            "hiddenColor": hiddenColor,
            "showHidden": showHidden

        if strokeWidth is not None:
            opt["strokeWidth"] = strokeWidth


        print("Saved file as ", path_filename)

        return str(path_filename)