Ejemplo n.º 1
 def make_pusher_plate(self):
     pusher = CQ().add(self.pusher_plate).toPending().extrude(self.pusher_t)
     pusher = pusher.add(self.plate_mounts).toPending().cutThruAll()
     pusher = pusher.translate(
         (0, 0,
          self.pcb_thickness / 2 + self.slots_t + self.silicone_working_t))
     return pusher
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def make_heater_plate(self):
        heater = CQ().add(self.base_plate).toPending().extrude(self.heater_t)
        heater = heater.faces(">Z[-1]").workplane().add(
                (0, 0, self.heater_t)).toPending().cutBlind(-self.screw_depth)

        heater = heater.translate((0, 0, -self.heater_t - self.cu_base_t -
                                   self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h))
        return (heater)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def make_reservation(self):
     vss = self.get_ventscrews_a()
     sr = CQ().box(self.reserve_xy,
                   centered=(True, True, False))
     sr = sr.translate(
         (0, 0, -self.pcb_thickness - self.pcb_spacer_h - self.cu_base_t))
     wires = CQ().box(self.wire_slot_depth,
                      2.54 * 20,
                      2.54 * 2,
                      centered=(False, True, False)).translate(
                          (-self.reserve_xy / 2, 0,
                           self.wire_slot_z + self.pcb_thickness / 2))
     wiresA = wires.translate((0, self.wire_slot_offset, 0))
     wiresB = wires.translate((0, -self.wire_slot_offset, 0))
     sr = sr.cut(wiresA).cut(wiresB).add(vss)
     # these next two lines are very expensive (and optional)!
     sr = sr.add(self.get_pcb())
     #sr = CQ().union(sr)
     return sr
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def make_tower_plate(self):
        towers = CQ().add(self.cu_base).toPending().extrude(self.cu_base_t)
        towers = towers.faces("<Z[-2]").workplane().add(
                (0, 0, self.cu_base_t)).toPending().extrude(self.cu_tower_h)
        towers = towers.faces("<Z[-2]").workplane().add(
                (0, 0, self.cu_base_t)).toPending().extrude(self.cu_nub_h)
        towers = towers.add(self.plate_mounts).toPending().cutThruAll()
        towers = towers.add(self.cu_dowel_pf).toPending().cutThruAll()

        towers = towers.translate(
            (0, 0,
             -self.cu_base_t - self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h))
        return (towers)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def build(self, stacks_to_build: List[str] = [""]):
        if stacks_to_build == [""]:  # build them all by default
            stacks_to_build = [x["name"] for x in self.stacks]

        drawing_layers_needed = []
        for stack_instructions in self.stacks:
            if stack_instructions["name"] in stacks_to_build:
                for stack_layer in stack_instructions["layers"]:
                    drawing_layers_needed += stack_layer["drawing_layer_names"]
                    if "edge_case" in stack_layer:
        drawing_layers_needed_unique = list(set(drawing_layers_needed))

        # all the wires we'll need here
        wires = self.get_wires(self.sources, drawing_layers_needed_unique)

        stacks = {}
        for stack_instructions in self.stacks:
            # asy = cadquery.Assembly()
            asy = None
            if stack_instructions["name"] in stacks_to_build:
                # asy.name = stack_instructions["name"]
                z_base = 0
                for stack_layer in stack_instructions["layers"]:
                    t = stack_layer["thickness"]
                    boundary_layer_name = stack_layer["drawing_layer_names"][
                        0]  # boundary layer must always be the first one listed
                    w0 = wires[boundary_layer_name][0]
                    wp = CQ().sketch().face(w0)
                    for w in wires[boundary_layer_name][1::]:
                        wp = wp.face(w, mode="s")
                    wp = wp.finalize().extrude(t)  # the workpiece is now made
                    wp = wp.faces(">Z").sketch()
                    if "array" in stack_layer:
                        array_points = stack_layer["array"]
                        array_points = [(0, 0, 0)]

                    for drawing_layer_name in stack_layer[
                        some_wires = wires[drawing_layer_name]
                        for awire in some_wires:
                            wp = wp.push(array_points).face(
                                awire, mode="a", ignore_selection=False)

                    wp = wp.faces()
                    if "edge_case" in stack_layer:
                        edge_wire = wires[stack_layer["edge_case"]][0]
                        wp = wp.face(edge_wire, mode="i")
                        wp = wp.clean()
                    # wp = wp.finalize().cutThruAll()  # this is a fail, but should work
                    wp = wp.finalize().extrude(-t, combine="cut")

                    new = wp.translate([0, 0, z_base])
                    if asy is None:  # some silly hack needed to work around https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/issues/993
                        asy = cadquery.Assembly(new,
                        # asy.name = stack_instructions["name"]
                    z_base = z_base + t
                stacks[stack_instructions["name"]] = asy
        return stacks
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Badger(object):
    cu_base_t = 3
    pcb_spacer_h = 1.6

    reserve_xy = 200
    reserve_h = 20
    wire_slot_depth = 28  # depth from edge
    wire_slot_offset = 46.5  # offset y
    wire_slot_z = 2.095  # offset z

    heater_t = 20
    pusher_t = 4

    glass_t = 1.1
    silicone_t = 0.508  # uncompressed silicone thickness (0.02 in https://www.mcmaster.com/86915K22/)
    compressed_silicone_fraction = 0.8  # let's say it'll compress to 0.8 of its initial thickness
    silicone_working_t = silicone_t * compressed_silicone_fraction  # working silicone thickness (just sets up where the glass and the pusher end up in the model)
    pcb_thickness = 1.6
    min_min_height = 0.8  # pins are fully depressed on a surface this far from the PCB
    cu_tower_h = pcb_spacer_h + pcb_thickness + min_min_height  # 0.8 here just ensures the 0921 pins can never bottom out
    # thus the thermal pad material can be any thickness 0 through pin working travel (about 1.4mm, but lets say 1.3mm to be safe)
    slots_t = min_min_height + glass_t

    cu_nub_h = pcb_spacer_h + pcb_thickness - 0.3

    dowel_height = 16

    glass_xy = 25

    screw_depth = 7

    # ventscrew coordinates
    screw_spots = [
        (-93, 93),
        (-31, 93),
        (31, 93),
        (93, 93),
        (93, 31),
        (93, -31),
        (93, -93),
        (31, -93),
        (-31, -93),
        (-93, -93),
        (-93, 0),

    gs = globals()
    ls = locals()
    dxf_filepath = Path(__file__).parent / "drawings" / "2d.dxf"
    pcb_step_filepath = Path(__file__).parent / "components" / "pcb.step"
    vent_screw_filepath = Path(
        __file__).parent / "components" / "vent_screw.step"

    def __init__(self):
        self.cu_towers = self.get_wires("cu_towers")
        self.base_plate = self.get_wires("base_plate")
        self.cu_base = self.get_wires("cu_base")
        self.plate_mounts = self.get_wires("plate_mounts")
        self.pusher_plate = self.get_wires("pusher_plate")
        self.slot_plate = self.get_wires("slot_plate")
        self.spacer_pcb = self.get_wires("spacer_pcb")
        self.silicone = self.get_wires("silicone")
        self.glass = self.get_wires("glass")
        self.dowels = self.get_wires("dowels")
        self.cu_nubs = self.get_wires("cu_nubs")
        self.cu_dowel_pf = self.get_wires("cu_dowel_pf")
        self.pcb = CQ().add(
        self.vent_screw = CQ().add(

    def get_wires(self, layername):
        """returns the wires from the given dxf layer"""
        # list of of all layers in the dxf
        dxf_layernames = [
        to_exclude = [k for k in dxf_layernames if layername != k]
        dxf_obj = cadquery.importers.importDXF(str(self.dxf_filepath),
        return (dxf_obj.wires())

    def make_heater_plate(self):
        heater = CQ().add(self.base_plate).toPending().extrude(self.heater_t)
        heater = heater.faces(">Z[-1]").workplane().add(
                (0, 0, self.heater_t)).toPending().cutBlind(-self.screw_depth)

        heater = heater.translate((0, 0, -self.heater_t - self.cu_base_t -
                                   self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h))
        return (heater)

    def make_tower_plate(self):
        towers = CQ().add(self.cu_base).toPending().extrude(self.cu_base_t)
        towers = towers.faces("<Z[-2]").workplane().add(
                (0, 0, self.cu_base_t)).toPending().extrude(self.cu_tower_h)
        towers = towers.faces("<Z[-2]").workplane().add(
                (0, 0, self.cu_base_t)).toPending().extrude(self.cu_nub_h)
        towers = towers.add(self.plate_mounts).toPending().cutThruAll()
        towers = towers.add(self.cu_dowel_pf).toPending().cutThruAll()

        towers = towers.translate(
            (0, 0,
             -self.cu_base_t - self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h))
        return (towers)

    def get_ventscrews_a(self):
        ventscrew = self.vent_screw.translate((0, 0, -1.7))
        ventscrews = CQ().pushPoints(self.screw_spots).eachpoint(
            lambda loc: ventscrew.val().moved(loc), True)
        return ventscrews

    def get_ventscrews_b(self):
        ventscrew = self.vent_screw.translate((0, 0, 3.3))
        ventscrews = CQ().pushPoints(self.screw_spots).eachpoint(
            lambda loc: ventscrew.val().moved(loc), True)
        return ventscrews

    def make_reservation(self, do_ventscrews: bool = False):
        if do_ventscrews:
            vss = self.get_ventscrews_a()
        sr = CQ().box(self.reserve_xy,
                      centered=(True, True, False))
        sr = sr.translate(
            (0, 0, -self.pcb_thickness - self.pcb_spacer_h - self.cu_base_t))
        wires = CQ().box(self.wire_slot_depth,
                         2.54 * 20,
                         2.54 * 2,
                         centered=(False, True, False)).translate(
                             (-self.reserve_xy / 2, 0,
                              self.wire_slot_z + self.pcb_thickness / 2))
        wiresA = wires.translate((0, self.wire_slot_offset, 0))
        wiresB = wires.translate((0, -self.wire_slot_offset, 0))
        sr = sr.cut(wiresA).cut(wiresB)
        if do_ventscrews:
            sr = sr.add(vss)
        # these next two lines are very expensive (and optional)!
        sr = sr.add(self.get_pcb())
        #sr = CQ().union(sr)
        return sr

    def make_silicone(self):
        silicone = CQ().add(self.silicone).toPending().extrude(self.silicone_t)
        silicone = silicone.translate(
            (0, 0,
             -self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h + self.cu_tower_h))
        return silicone

    def make_dowels(self):
        dowels = CQ().add(self.dowels).toPending().extrude(self.dowel_height)
        dowels = dowels.translate(
            (0, 0,
             -self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h - self.cu_base_t))
        return dowels

    def make_glass(self):
        glass = CQ().add(self.glass).toPending().extrude(self.glass_t)
        glass = glass.translate(
            (0, 0, -self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h +
             self.cu_tower_h + self.silicone_working_t))
        return glass

    def make_spacer_pcb(self):
        spacer = CQ().add(self.spacer_pcb).toPending().extrude(
        spacer = spacer.translate(
            (0, 0, -self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h))
        return (spacer)

    def get_pcb(self):
        return self.pcb

    def make_pusher_plate(self):
        pusher = CQ().add(self.pusher_plate).toPending().extrude(self.pusher_t)
        pusher = pusher.add(self.plate_mounts).toPending().cutThruAll()
        pusher = pusher.translate(
            (0, 0,
             self.pcb_thickness / 2 + self.slots_t + self.silicone_working_t))
        return pusher

    def make_slot_plate(self):
        slots = CQ().add(self.slot_plate).toPending().extrude(self.slots_t)
        slots = slots.add(self.plate_mounts).toPending().cutThruAll()
        slots = slots.translate((0, 0, self.pcb_thickness / 2))
        return (slots)

    def build(self, do_ventscrews: bool = False):
        s = self
        asy = cadquery.Assembly()

        # the spacer PCB
        spacer = s.make_spacer_pcb()
        asy.add(spacer, name="spacer", color=cadquery.Color("DARKGREEN"))

        # the towerplate
        tp = self.make_tower_plate()
        asy.add(tp, name="towers", color=cadquery.Color("GOLDENROD"))

        # dowels
        dwl = self.make_dowels()
        asy.add(dwl, name="dowels", color=cadquery.Color("BLACK"))

        # silicone
        sil = self.make_silicone()
        asy.add(sil, name="silicone", color=cadquery.Color("WHITE"))

        # glass
        glass = self.make_glass()
        asy.add(glass, name="glass", color=cadquery.Color("SKYBLUE"))

        # the heater base plate
        heater = s.make_heater_plate()
        asy.add(heater, name="heater", color=cadquery.Color("MATRAGRAY"))

        # the spring pin PCB
        pcb = self.get_pcb()
        asy.add(pcb, name="pcb", color=cadquery.Color("brown"))

        if do_ventscrews:
            # the vent screws
            vss_a = self.get_ventscrews_a()
            vss_b = self.get_ventscrews_b()
            asy.add(vss_a.add(vss_b), name="ventscrew")

        # the alignment slot plate
        slots = self.make_slot_plate()
        asy.add(slots, name="sample_slots", color=cadquery.Color("GRAY45"))

        pusher = self.make_pusher_plate()
        asy.add(pusher, name="pusher", color=cadquery.Color("GRAY28"))

        reserve = self.make_reservation(do_ventscrews=do_ventscrews)
        asy.add(reserve, name="space_reservation")

        return asy
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def make_slot_plate(self):
     slots = CQ().add(self.slot_plate).toPending().extrude(self.slots_t)
     slots = slots.add(self.plate_mounts).toPending().cutThruAll()
     slots = slots.translate((0, 0, self.pcb_thickness / 2))
     return (slots)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def make_spacer_pcb(self):
     spacer = CQ().add(self.spacer_pcb).toPending().extrude(
     spacer = spacer.translate(
         (0, 0, -self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h))
     return (spacer)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def make_glass(self):
     glass = CQ().add(self.glass).toPending().extrude(self.glass_t)
     glass = glass.translate(
         (0, 0, -self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h +
          self.cu_tower_h + self.silicone_working_t))
     return glass
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def make_dowels(self):
     dowels = CQ().add(self.dowels).toPending().extrude(self.dowel_height)
     dowels = dowels.translate(
         (0, 0,
          -self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h - self.cu_base_t))
     return dowels
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def make_silicone(self):
     silicone = CQ().add(self.silicone).toPending().extrude(self.silicone_t)
     silicone = silicone.translate(
         (0, 0,
          -self.pcb_thickness / 2 - self.pcb_spacer_h + self.cu_tower_h))
     return silicone
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def build(self, stacks_to_build: List[str] = [""]):
        if stacks_to_build == [""]:  # build them all by default
            stacks_to_build = [x["name"] for x in self.stacks]

        drawing_layers_needed = []
        for stack_instructions in self.stacks:
            if stack_instructions["name"] in stacks_to_build:
                for stack_layer in stack_instructions["layers"]:
                    drawing_layers_needed += stack_layer["drawing_layer_names"]
                    if "edge_case" in stack_layer:
        drawing_layers_needed_unique = list(set(drawing_layers_needed))

        # all the faces we'll need here
        layers = self.get_layers(self.sources, drawing_layers_needed_unique)
        self._layers = layers

        stacks = {}
        for stack_instructions in self.stacks:
            asy = cadquery.Assembly()
            # asy = None
            if stack_instructions["name"] in stacks_to_build:
                asy.name = stack_instructions["name"]
                z_base = 0
                for stack_layer in stack_instructions["layers"]:
                    t = stack_layer["thickness"]
                    boundary_layer_name = stack_layer["drawing_layer_names"][
                        0]  # boundary layer must always be the first one listed
                    layer_comp = cadquery.Compound.makeCompound(

                    if "array" in stack_layer:
                        array_points = stack_layer["array"]
                        array_points = [(0, 0, 0)]

                    if len(stack_layer["drawing_layer_names"]) == 1:
                        wp = CQ().sketch().push(array_points).face(
                            layer_comp, mode="a", ignore_selection=False)
                        wp = CQ().sketch().face(layer_comp,

                    wp = wp.finalize().extrude(
                        t)  # the workpiece base is now made
                    if len(stack_layer["drawing_layer_names"]) > 1:
                        wp = wp.faces(">Z").workplane(

                        for drawing_layer_name in stack_layer[
                            layer_comp = cadquery.Compound.makeCompound(
                            wp = wp.push(array_points).face(
                                layer_comp, mode="a", ignore_selection=False)

                        wp = wp.faces()
                        if "edge_case" in stack_layer:
                            edge_layer_name = stack_layer["edge_case"]
                            layer_comp = cadquery.Compound.makeCompound(
                            es = CQ().sketch().face(layer_comp)
                            wp = wp.face(es.faces(), mode="i")
                            wp = wp.clean()
                        # wp = wp.finalize().cutThruAll()  # this is a fail, but should work. if it's not a fail is slower than the below line
                        wp = wp.finalize().extrude(-t, combine="cut")

                    # give option to override calculated z_base
                    if "z_base" in stack_layer:
                        z_base = stack_layer["z_base"]

                    new = wp.translate([0, 0, z_base])
                    z_base = z_base + t
                stacks[stack_instructions["name"]] = asy
        return stacks