Ejemplo n.º 1
    def local_correlations(self,eight_neighbours=False,swap_dim=True):
        """Computes the correlation image for the input dataset Y


            Y:  np.ndarray (3D or 4D)
                Input movie data in 3D or 4D format
            eight_neighbours: Boolean
                Use 8 neighbors if true, and 4 if false for 3D data (default = True)
                Use 6 neighbors for 4D data, irrespectively
            swap_dim: Boolean
                True indicates that time is listed in the last axis of Y (matlab format)
                and moves it in the front


            rho: d1 x d2 [x d3] matrix, cross-correlation with adjacent pixels

        rho = si.local_correlations(self, eight_neighbours=eight_neighbours, swap_dim=swap_dim)

        return rho
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def fit_file(self, motion_correct=False, indices=None, include_eval=False):
        This method packages the analysis pipeline (motion correction, memory
        mapping, patch based CNMF processing and component evaluation) in a
        single method that can be called on a specific (sequence of) file(s).
        It is assumed that the CNMF object already contains a params object
        where the location of the files and all the relevant parameters have
        been specified. The method will perform the last step, i.e. component
        evaluation, if the flag "include_eval" is set to `True`.

            motion_correct (bool)
                flag for performing motion correction
            indices (list of slice objects)
                perform analysis only on a part of the FOV
            include_eval (bool)
                flag for performing component evaluation
            cnmf object with the current estimates
        if indices is None:
            indices = (slice(None), slice(None))
        fnames = self.params.get('data', 'fnames')
        if os.path.exists(fnames[0]):
            _, extension = os.path.splitext(fnames[0])[:2]
            extension = extension.lower()
            logging.warning("Error: File not found, with file list:\n" + fnames[0])
            raise Exception('File not found!')

        base_name = pathlib.Path(fnames[0]).stem + "_memmap_"
        if extension == '.mmap':
            fname_new = fnames[0]
            Yr, dims, T = mmapping.load_memmap(fnames[0])
            if np.isfortran(Yr):
                raise Exception('The file should be in C order (see save_memmap function)')
            if motion_correct:
                mc = MotionCorrect(fnames, dview=self.dview, **self.params.motion)
                fname_mc = mc.fname_tot_els if self.params.motion['pw_rigid'] else mc.fname_tot_rig
                if self.params.get('motion', 'pw_rigid'):
                    b0 = np.ceil(np.maximum(np.max(np.abs(mc.x_shifts_els)),
                    self.estimates.shifts = [mc.x_shifts_els, mc.y_shifts_els]
                    b0 = np.ceil(np.max(np.abs(mc.shifts_rig))).astype(np.int)
                    self.estimates.shifts = mc.shifts_rig
                # TODO - b0 is currently direction inspecific, which can cause
                # sub-optimal behavior. See
                # https://github.com/flatironinstitute/CaImAn/pull/618#discussion_r313960370
                # for further details.
                # b0 = 0 if self.params.get('motion', 'border_nan') is 'copy' else 0
                b0 = 0
                fname_new = mmapping.save_memmap(fname_mc, base_name=base_name, order='C',
                fname_new = mmapping.save_memmap(fnames, base_name=base_name, order='C')
            Yr, dims, T = mmapping.load_memmap(fname_new)

        images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F')
        self.mmap_file = fname_new
        if not include_eval:
            return self.fit(images, indices=indices)

        fit_cnm = self.fit(images, indices=indices)
        Cn = summary_images.local_correlations(images[::max(T//1000, 1)], swap_dim=False)
        Cn[np.isnan(Cn)] = 0
        #fit_cnm.params.change_params({'p': self.params.get('preprocess', 'p')})
        # RE-RUN seeded CNMF on accepted patches to refine and perform deconvolution
        cnm2 = fit_cnm.refit(images, dview=self.dview)
        cnm2.estimates.evaluate_components(images, cnm2.params, dview=self.dview)
        # update object with selected components
        # Extract DF/F values
        cnm2.estimates.detrend_df_f(quantileMin=8, frames_window=250)
        cnm2.estimates.Cn = Cn
        cnm2.save(cnm2.mmap_file[:-4] + 'hdf5')

        log_files = glob.glob('*_LOG_*')
        for log_file in log_files:

        return cnm2
Ejemplo n.º 3
def nb_view_patches3d(Yr, A, C, b, f, dims, image_type='mean',
                      max_projection=False, axis=0, thr=0.99, denoised_color=None):
    Interactive plotting utility for ipython notbook

    Yr: np.ndarray

    A,C,b,f: np.ndarrays
        outputs of matrix factorization algorithm

    dims: tuple of ints
        dimensions of movie (x, y and z)

    image_type: 'mean', 'max' or 'corr'
        image to be overlaid to neurons (average, maximum or nearest neigbor correlation)

    max_projection: boolean
        plot max projection along specified axis if True, plot layers if False

    axis: int (0, 1 or 2)
        axis along which max projection is performed or layers are shown

    thr: double
        threshold regulating the extent of the displayed patches

    denoised_color: string or None
        color name (e.g. 'red') or hex color code (e.g. '#F0027F')

    d, T = Yr.shape
    order = list(range(4))
    order.insert(0, order.pop(axis))
    Yr = Yr.reshape(dims + (-1,), order='F').transpose(order).reshape((d, T), order='F')
    A = A.reshape(dims + (-1,), order='F').transpose(order).reshape((d, -1), order='F')
    dims = tuple(np.array(dims)[order[:3]])
    d1, d2, d3 = dims
    colormap = cm.get_cmap("jet")  # choose any matplotlib colormap here
    grayp = [mpl.colors.rgb2hex(m) for m in colormap(np.arange(colormap.N))]
    nr, T = C.shape
    nA2 = np.sum(np.array(A)**2, axis=0)
    b = np.squeeze(b)
    f = np.squeeze(f)
    Y_r = np.array(spdiags(old_div(1, nA2), 0, nr, nr) *
                   (A.T * np.matrix(Yr) - (A.T * np.matrix(b[:, np.newaxis])) *
                    np.matrix(f[np.newaxis]) - (A.T.dot(A)) * np.matrix(C)) + C)

    x = np.arange(T)
    z = old_div(np.squeeze(np.array(Y_r[:, :].T)), 100)
    k = np.reshape(np.array(A), dims + (A.shape[1],), order='F')
    source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=z[:, 0], y2=old_div(C[0], 100), z=z, z2=old_div(C.T, 100)))

    if max_projection:
        if image_type == 'corr':
            image_neurons = [(local_correlations(
                Yr.reshape(dims + (-1,), order='F'))[:, ::-1]).max(i)
                for i in range(3)]
        elif image_type in ['mean', 'max']:
            tmp = [({'mean': np.nanmean, 'max': np.nanmax}[image_type]
                    (k, axis=3)[:, ::-1]).max(i) for i in range(3)]
            raise ValueError("image_type must be 'mean', 'max' or 'corr'")

#         tmp = [np.nanmean(k.max(i), axis=2) for i in range(3)]
        image_neurons = np.nan * np.ones((int(1.05 * (d1 + d2)), int(1.05 * (d1 + d3))))
        image_neurons[:d2, -d3:] = tmp[0][::-1]
        image_neurons[:d2, :d1] = tmp[2].T[::-1]
        image_neurons[-d1:, -d3:] = tmp[1]
        offset1 = image_neurons.shape[1] - d3
        offset2 = image_neurons.shape[0] - d1
        coors = [plot_contours(coo_matrix(A.reshape(dims + (-1,), order='F').max(i)
                                          .reshape((old_div(np.prod(dims), dims[i]), -1), order='F')),
                               tmp[i], thr=thr) for i in range(3)]
        cc1 = [[cor['coordinates'][:, 0] + offset1 for cor in coors[0]],
               [cor['coordinates'][:, 1] for cor in coors[2]],
               [cor['coordinates'][:, 0] + offset1 for cor in coors[1]]]
        cc2 = [[cor['coordinates'][:, 1] for cor in coors[0]],
               [cor['coordinates'][:, 0] for cor in coors[2]],
               [cor['coordinates'][:, 1] + offset2 for cor in coors[1]]]
        c1x = cc1[0][0]
        c2x = cc2[0][0]
        c1y = cc1[1][0]
        c2y = cc2[1][0]
        c1z = cc1[2][0]
        c2z = cc2[2][0]
        source2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(  # x=npointsx, y=npointsy, z=npointsz,
            c1x=c1x, c1y=c1y, c1z=c1z,
            c2x=c2x, c2y=c2y, c2z=c2z, cc1=cc1, cc2=cc2))
        callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source, source2=source2), code="""
                var data = source.get('data');
                var f = cb_obj.get('value')-1
                y = data['y']
                y2 = data['y2']
                for (i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
                    y[i] = data['z'][i][f];
                    y2[i] = data['z2'][i][f];

                var data2 = source2.get('data');
                c1x = data2['c1x'];
                c2x = data2['c2x'];
                c1y = data2['c1y'];
                c2y = data2['c2y'];
                c1z = data2['c1z'];
                c2z = data2['c2z'];
                cc1 = data2['cc1'];
                cc2 = data2['cc2'];
                for (i = 0; i < c1x.length; i++) {
                       c1x[i] = cc1[0][f][i]
                       c2x[i] = cc2[0][f][i]
                for (i = 0; i < c1y.length; i++) {
                       c1y[i] = cc1[1][f][i]
                       c2y[i] = cc2[1][f][i]
                for (i = 0; i < c1z.length; i++) {
                       c1z[i] = cc1[2][f][i]
                       c2z[i] = cc2[2][f][i]

        if image_type == 'corr':
            image_neurons = local_correlations(Yr.reshape(dims + (-1,), order='F'))[:, ::-1]
        elif image_type in ['mean', 'max']:
            image_neurons = {'mean': np.nanmean, 'max': np.nanmax}[image_type](k, axis=3)[:, ::-1]
            raise ValueError('image_type must be mean, max or corr')

        cmap = bokeh.models.mappers.LinearColorMapper([mpl.colors.rgb2hex(m)
                                                       for m in colormap(np.arange(colormap.N))])
        cmap.high = image_neurons.max()
        coors = get_contours3d(A, dims, thr=thr)
        cc1 = [[l[:, 0] for l in n['coordinates']] for n in coors]
        cc2 = [[l[:, 1] for l in n['coordinates']] for n in coors]
        linit = int(round(coors[0]['CoM'][0]))  # pick initl layer in which first neuron lies
        c1 = cc1[0][linit]
        c2 = cc2[0][linit]
        source2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(c1=c1, c2=c2, cc1=cc1, cc2=cc2))
        x = list(range(d2))
        y = list(range(d3))
        source3 = ColumnDataSource(
            data=dict(im1=[image_neurons[linit]], im=image_neurons, xx=[x], yy=[y]))

        callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source, source2=source2), code="""
                var data = source.get('data');
                var f = slider_neuron.get('value')-1;
                var l = slider_layer.get('value')-1;
                y = data['y']
                y2 = data['y2']
                for (i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
                    y[i] = data['z'][i][f];
                    y2[i] = data['z2'][i][f];

                var data2 = source2.get('data');
                c1 = data2['c1'];
                c2 = data2['c2'];
                for (i = 0; i < c1.length; i++) {
                       c1[i] = data2['cc1'][f][l][i];
                       c2[i] = data2['cc2'][f][l][i];

        callback_layer = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source3, source2=source2), code="""
                var f = slider_neuron.get('value')-1;
                var l = slider_layer.get('value')-1;
                var im1 = source.get('data')['im1'][0];
                for (var i = 0; i < source.get('data')['xx'][0].length; i++) {
                    for (var j = 0; j < source.get('data')['yy'][0].length; j++){
                        im1[i][j] = source.get('data')['im'][l][i][j];
                var data2 = source2.get('data');
                c1 = data2['c1'];
                c2 = data2['c2'];
                for (i = 0; i < c1.length; i++) {
                       c1[i] = data2['cc1'][f][l][i];
                       c2[i] = data2['cc2'][f][l][i];

    plot = bpl.figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=300)
    plot.line('x', 'y', source=source, line_width=1, line_alpha=0.6)
    if denoised_color is not None:
        plot.line('x', 'y2', source=source, line_width=1, line_alpha=0.6, color=denoised_color)
    slider = bokeh.models.Slider(start=1, end=Y_r.shape[0], value=1, step=1,
                                 title="Neuron Number", callback=callback)
    xr = Range1d(start=0, end=image_neurons.shape[1] if max_projection else d3)
    yr = Range1d(start=image_neurons.shape[0] if max_projection else d2, end=0)
    plot1 = bpl.figure(x_range=xr, y_range=yr, plot_width=300, plot_height=300)

    if max_projection:
        plot1.image(image=[image_neurons[::-1, :]], x=0,
                    y=image_neurons.shape[0], dw=image_neurons.shape[1], dh=image_neurons.shape[0], palette=grayp)
        plot1.patch('c1x', 'c2x', alpha=0.6, color='purple', line_width=2, source=source2)
        plot1.patch('c1y', 'c2y', alpha=0.6, color='purple', line_width=2, source=source2)
        plot1.patch('c1z', 'c2z', alpha=0.6, color='purple', line_width=2, source=source2)
        layout = vform(slider, hplot(plot1, plot))
        slider_layer = bokeh.models.Slider(start=1, end=d1, value=linit + 1, step=1,
                                           title="Layer", callback=callback_layer)
        callback.args['slider_neuron'] = slider
        callback.args['slider_layer'] = slider_layer
        callback_layer.args['slider_neuron'] = slider
        callback_layer.args['slider_layer'] = slider_layer
        plot1.image(image='im1', x=[0], y=[d2], dw=[d3], dh=[d2],
                    color_mapper=cmap, source=source3)
        plot1.patch('c1', 'c2', alpha=0.6, color='purple', line_width=2, source=source2)
        layout = vform(slider, slider_layer, hplot(plot1, plot))


    return Y_r
Ejemplo n.º 4
                        padlen=3 * (max(len(b), len(a)) - 1)))
    return videoFilt

dims = m.shape

data = m[13000:33000, :, :].reshape((10000, -1), order='F')
datahp = highpassVideo(data.T, 1 / 3, 400).T
datahp = datahp.reshape((20000, dims[1], dims[2]), order='F')
from caiman.summary_images import local_correlations
img_corr = local_correlations(datahp, swap_dim=False)

i = 0
j = 0
number = 0
number1 = 0
Cn = img_corr
A = A.astype(np.float64)
for i in range(n_group):
    vmax = np.percentile(Cn, 99)
    vmin = np.percentile(Cn, 5)