Ejemplo n.º 1
def str2dict(s):
    """Convert string to dictionary:

    String format:
    value = r'(?:\\\\|\\\'|[^\'])'
    pair = r"""
        \s*'           # begin key 
        '              # end key 
        \s*:\s*        # delimeter key/value
        '              # begin value
        '\s*           # end value
        """ % {"v":value}
    reDict = re.compile(pair, re.X)
    reMatchDict = re.compile("""
            ^{          # begin dict
            ((%(v)s,)*  # many pair with comma at end
            %(v)s)?     # pair without comma
            }$          # end dict
            """ % {'v':pair}, re.X)
    if reMatchDict.match(s.strip()):
        d = dict(reDict.findall(s))
        replaceSlash = MultiReplace({'\\\\':'\\','\\\'':'\''})
        for i in d.keys():
            d[i] = replaceSlash(d[i])
        return d
        cl_overriding.printERROR(_("wrong dict value: %s"%s))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def str2list(s):
    """Convert string to list:

    String format:
    value = r'(?:\\\\|\\\'|[^\'])'
    element = r"""
        \s*'           # begin value 
        '\s*           # end value
        """ % {"v":value}
    reList = re.compile(element, re.X)
    reMatchList = re.compile("""
            ^\[          # begin dict
            ((%(v)s,)*  # many elements with comma at end
            %(v)s)?     # element without comma
            \]$          # end dict
            """ % {'v':element}, re.X)
    if reMatchList.match(s.strip()):
        replaceSlash = MultiReplace({'\\\\':'\\','\\\'':'\''})
        return [replaceSlash(i) for i in reList.findall(s)]
        cl_overriding.printERROR(_("wrong list value: %s"%s))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getUserPassword(flag="dialog", pwDialog=False):
        """Получить пароль у пользователя

        flag - опция "dalog" или "stdin" - откуда получаем пароль
        pwDialog  - структура для вывода приглашения в режиме диалога
        userPwd = ""
        if flag == "dialog":
            if not pwDialog:
                pwDialog = [_("New password"),
                            _("Retype the new password")]
            pwdA = getpass.getpass(pwDialog[0]+":")
            pwdB = getpass.getpass(pwDialog[1]+":")
        elif flag == "stdin":
            pwdA = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
            pwdB = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()
            cl_overriding.printERROR(_("ERROR in function getUserPassword, \
incorrect option 'flag=%s'")%flag)
            return False
        if not pwdA or not (pwdA == pwdB):
            cl_overriding.printERROR(_("ERROR") + ": " +\
            _("wrong password")+ ": " + _("try again"))
            return False
        userPwd = pwdA
        return userPwd