def create_tasklist(caldav_conn, args): cal_obj = caldav.Principal(caldav_conn).make_calendar( cal_id=args.cal_id, supported_calendar_component_set=['VTODO']) if cal_obj: print("Created a task list with id " + args.tasklist_id)
def create_calendar(caldav_conn, args): cal_obj = caldav.Principal(caldav_conn).make_calendar(cal_id=args.cal_id) if cal_obj: print("Created a calendar with id " + args.cal_id)
def setUp(self): self.client = caldav.DAVClient(URL) self.principal = caldav.Principal(self.client, URL) self.calendar, = [ x for x in self.principal.calendars() if x.url.path.endswith(user) ]
def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None): # Synchornize a meeting with a caldav calendar # NICETOHAVE: Should be possible to choose not to sync a meeting meeting_id = super(crm_meeting, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=None) meeting = self.browse(cr, uid, meeting_id) # To change by meeting.responsible_id => What of meetings without responsible ? user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid) print "MEETING CREATE CONTEXT:", context if user.caldav_state == 'validated' and 'from_caldav' not in context: # Could thread all this to speed up meeting creation try: client = caldav.DAVClient(user.caldav_url) principal = caldav.Principal(client, user.caldav_url) calendars = principal.calendars() if not calendars: raise osv.except_osv( _('CalDav Client Error'), _('No CalDav calendar found for user %s' % ( if len(calendars) > 0: # To improve for multi-calendars calendar = calendars[0] # cannot use meeting.class so use vals['class'] if vals['class'] in ['private', 'confidential']: accessrule = 'CONFIDENTIAL' cdclass = 'PRIVATE' else: accessrule = 'PUBLIC' cdclass = 'PUBLIC' uniqueid = 'OPENERP-' + str(time.time()) dtstamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ') # Convert from UTC to user timezone tzone = timezone( self.pool.get('res.users').read(cr, uid, uid, ['tz'])['tz']) dtstart_utc = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) dtstart_loc = dtstart_utc.astimezone(tzone) dtstart = dtstart_loc.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') dtend_utc = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.strptime(meeting.date_deadline, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) dtend_loc = dtend_utc.astimezone(tzone) dtend = dtend_loc.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') # To avoid 'False' in meeting description if not meeting.description: description = "" else: # TOFIX: bug with \n in description description = repr(meeting.description)[2:-1] if meeting.show_as == 'free': dispo = 'FREE' elif meeting.show_as == 'busy': dispo = 'BUSY' vcal = """ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-CALENDARSERVER-ACCESS:%s PRODID:-//SmartSolution//CalDAV Client//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:%s DTSTAMP:%s DTSTART:%s DTEND:%s SUMMARY:%s DESCRIPTION:%s CLASS:%s X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:%s END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR """ % (accessrule, uniqueid, dtstamp, dtstart, dtend,, description, cdclass, dispo) # Create event in calendar event = caldav.Event(client, data=vcal, parent=calendar).save() print "CREATED EVENT:", event if event: self.write(cr, uid, [meeting_id], {'caldav_uid': uniqueid}, context=context) except Exception, exception: print exception log = '%s ERROR Unable to create event %s\n' % ( time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), + ( user.caldav_log or "") self.pool.get('res.users').write(cr, uid, [], {'caldav_log': log})
def caldav_client_sync(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Sync CalDAV Server -> OpenERP user calendar """ for user in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): client = caldav.DAVClient(user.caldav_url) print "CLIENT:", client principal = caldav.Principal(client, user.caldav_url) print "PRINCIPAL:", principal calendars = principal.calendars() print "CALENDARS:", calendars if len(calendars) > 0: # To improve for multi-calendars calendar = calendars[0] # Check if past event should be ignored # For performance issue in case LAST-MODIFIED is not send by the CalDAV server if user.caldav_ignore_past: events = calendar.date_search( else: events = print "events to import:", len(events) # Get events from calendar i = 0 for event in events: i += 1 print "Importing event : ", i e = event.load() #print "Event:", #print "Event:",e.instance lst_data = list(i.split(':') for i in'\n')) # Construct a hierarchical dict from the event data = {} parent = [] for item in lst_data: #print 'ITEM %s'%(item) if item[0] == 'BEGIN': element = item[1].strip('\r') if data == {}: parent.append(data) data[element] = {} current = data[element] else: current[element] = {} parent.append(current) current = current[element] elif item[0] == 'END': if len(parent): current = parent[-1] parent.pop() else: if item[0] == "": # Bypass last empty element continue elif len(item) == 1: continue elif item[0][:7] == 'DTSTART': element = 'DTSTART' current[element] = item[1].strip('\r') elif item[0][:5] == 'DTEND': element = 'DTEND' current[element] = item[1].strip('\r') else: element = item[0].strip('\r') current[element] = item[1].strip('\r') print "DATA:", data meeting_id = self._meeting_create(cr, uid, data, context=context) log = '%s INFO %s event successfully imported\n' % ( time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), len(events)) + ( user.caldav_log or "") self.pool.get('res.users').write(cr, uid, [], {'caldav_log': log}) return True
def principal(self): if not hasattr(self, '_principal'): self._principal = caldav.Principal(self.client, self.url) return self._principal