Ejemplo n.º 1
def normals_numpy(depth, rect=((0,0),(640,480)), win=7, mat=None):
    assert depth.dtype == np.float32
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter
    (l,t),(r,b) = rect
    v,u = np.mgrid[t:b,l:r]
    depth = depth[v,u]
    depth[depth==0] = -1e8  # 2047
    depth = calibkinect.recip_depth_openni(depth)
    depth = uniform_filter(depth, win)
    global duniform
    duniform = depth

    dx = (np.roll(depth,-1,1) - np.roll(depth,1,1))/2
    dy = (np.roll(depth,-1,0) - np.roll(depth,1,0))/2
    #dx,dy = np.array(depth),np.array(depth)
    #speedup.gradient(depth.ctypes.data, dx.ctypes.data,
    # dy.ctypes.data, depth.shape[0], depth.shape[1])

    X,Y,Z,W = -dx, -dy, 0*dy+1, -(-dx*u + -dy*v + depth).astype(np.float32)

    mat = calibkinect.projection().astype('f').transpose()
    mat = np.ascontiguousarray(mat)
    x = X*mat[0,0] + Y*mat[0,1] + Z*mat[0,2] + W*mat[0,3]
    y = X*mat[1,0] + Y*mat[1,1] + Z*mat[1,2] + W*mat[1,3]
    z = X*mat[2,0] + Y*mat[2,1] + Z*mat[2,2] + W*mat[2,3]
    w = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
    w[z<0] *= -1
    weights = z*0+1
    weights[depth<-1000] = 0
    weights[(z/w)<.1] = 0
    #return x/w, y/w, z/w
    return np.dstack((x/w,y/w,z/w)), weights
Ejemplo n.º 2
def normals_opencl(depth, mask=None, rect=((0,0),(640,480)), win=6):
    def from_rect(m,rect):
        (l,t),(r,b) = rect
        return m[t:b,l:r]

    depth = from_rect(depth,rect)
    (l,t),(r,b) = rect
    assert depth.dtype == np.uint16
    assert depth.shape == (b-t, r-l)
    #depth[depth==0] = -1e8  # 2047 this is taken care of by recip_depth

    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones((b-t,r-l),'bool')
        mask = np.array(from_rect(mask,rect))

    global filt
    depth = np.ascontiguousarray(depth)
    depth = calibkinect.recip_depth_openni(depth)
    filt = scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter(depth,win)
    return opencl.compute_normals().wait()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def filter(self, win=7):
     """Creates @depth_filtered and @depth_recip"""
     depth = from_rect(self.depth, self.rect)
     depth = np.ascontiguousarray(depth)
     depth = calibkinect.recip_depth_openni(depth)
     self.depth_recip = depth
     depth = scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter(depth,win)
     self.depth_filtered = depth
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def compute_points(self):
        mat = np.dot(self.camera.RT, self.camera.KK)

        # TODO: Make this faster by following the region of interest

        # Convert the depth to units of (1./meters)
        depth = calibkinect.recip_depth_openni(self.depth)
        v,u = np.mgrid[:480,:640].astype('f')
        X,Y,Z = u, v, depth

        x = X*mat[0,0] + Y*mat[0,1] + Z*mat[0,2] + mat[0,3]
        y = X*mat[1,0] + Y*mat[1,1] + Z*mat[1,2] + mat[1,3]
        z = X*mat[2,0] + Y*mat[2,1] + Z*mat[2,2] + mat[2,3]
        w = X*mat[3,0] + Y*mat[3,1] + Z*mat[3,2] + mat[3,3]
        w = 1/w
        self.xyz = np.ascontiguousarray(np.dstack((x*w,y*w,z*w)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def compute_normals(self):
        """Computes the normals, with KK *and* RT applied. The stored points
        are in global coordinates.
        v,u = from_rect(np.mgrid, self.rect)
        if 'depth_filtered' in self.__dict__:
            depth = self.depth_filtered
            depth = calibkinect.recip_depth_openni(from_rect(self.depth, self.rect))

        dx = (np.roll(depth,-1,1) - np.roll(depth,1,1))/2
        dy = (np.roll(depth,-1,0) - np.roll(depth,1,0))/2

        X,Y,Z,W = -dx, -dy, 0*dy+1, -(-dx*u + -dy*v + depth).astype(np.float32) 

        mat = np.linalg.inv(self.camera.KK).transpose()

        x = X*mat[0,0] + Y*mat[0,1] + Z*mat[0,2] + W*mat[0,3]
        y = X*mat[1,0] + Y*mat[1,1] + Z*mat[1,2] + W*mat[1,3]
        z = X*mat[2,0] + Y*mat[2,1] + Z*mat[2,2] + W*mat[2,3]

        w = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
        w[z<0] *= -1
        x,y,z = (_ / w for _ in (x,y,z))

        weights = z*0+1
        weights[depth<-1000] = 0
        weights[~from_rect(self.mask,self.rect)] = 0
        weights[z<=.1] = 0
        weights[np.abs(dx)+np.abs(dy) > 10] = 0

        mat = self.camera.RT
        x_ = x*mat[0,0] + y*mat[0,1] + z*mat[0,2]
        y_ = x*mat[1,0] + y*mat[1,1] + z*mat[1,2]
        z_ = x*mat[2,0] + y*mat[2,1] + z*mat[2,2]

        #self.normals = np.empty(self.depth.shape+(3,), 'f')
        #self.normals[t:b,l:r] = np.dstack((x_,y_,z_))
        self.normals = np.ascontiguousarray(np.dstack((x_,y_,z_)))
        self.weights = weights
Ejemplo n.º 6
def normals_c(depth, rect=((0,0),(640,480)), win=7):
    assert depth.dtype == np.uint16
    from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter
    (l,t),(r,b) = rect
    v,u = np.mgrid[t:b,l:r]
    depth = depth[v,u]
    depth = calibkinect.recip_depth_openni(depth)
    output_ = np.empty(depth.shape, 'f')
    uniform_filter(depth, win, output=output_)
    depth = output_

    x,y,z = [np.empty_like(depth) for i in range(3)]

    mat = calibkinect.projection().astype('f').transpose()
    mat = np.ascontiguousarray(mat)

    speedup.normals(depth.astype('f'), u.astype('f'), v.astype('f'), x, y, z,
                    mat, depth.shape[0], depth.shape[1])

    weights = z*0+1
    weights[depth<-1000] = 0
    weights[z<.1] = 0

    return np.dstack((x,y,z)), weights