Ejemplo n.º 1
    def dump_text(self, elem, stylizer, page, tag_stack=[]):
        from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import XHTML_NS, barename, namespace

        if not isinstance(elem.tag, string_or_bytes) or namespace(elem.tag) != XHTML_NS:
            p = elem.getparent()
            if p is not None and isinstance(p.tag, string_or_bytes) and namespace(p.tag) == XHTML_NS \
                    and elem.tail:
                return [elem.tail]
            return []

        text = []
        tags = []
        style = stylizer.style(elem)

        if style['display'] in ('none', 'oeb-page-head', 'oeb-page-foot') \
           or style['visibility'] == 'hidden':
            if hasattr(elem, 'tail') and elem.tail:
                return [elem.tail]
            return []

        tag = barename(elem.tag)

        # Are we in a paragraph block?
        if tag in BLOCK_TAGS or style['display'] in BLOCK_STYLES:

        # Process tags that need special processing and that do not have inner
        # text. Usually these require an argument.
        if tag in IMAGE_TAGS:
            if elem.attrib.get('src', None):
                if page.abshref(elem.attrib['src']) not in self.image_hrefs.keys():
                    if len(self.image_hrefs.keys()) == 0:
                        self.image_hrefs[page.abshref(elem.attrib['src'])] = 'cover.png'
                        self.image_hrefs[page.abshref(elem.attrib['src'])] = image_name(
                            '%s.png' % len(self.image_hrefs.keys()), self.image_hrefs.keys()).strip('\x00')
                text.append('\\m="%s"' % self.image_hrefs[page.abshref(elem.attrib['src'])])
        elif tag == 'hr':
            w = r'\w'
            width = elem.get('width')
            if width:
                if not width.endswith('%'):
                    width += '%'
                w += '="%s"' % width
                w += '="50%"'
        elif tag == 'br':
            text.append('\n\\c \n\\c\n')

        # TOC markers.
        toc_name = elem.attrib.get('name', None)
        toc_id = elem.attrib.get('id', None)
        # Only write the TOC marker if the tag isn't a heading and we aren't in one.
        if (toc_id or toc_name) and tag not in ('h1', 'h2','h3','h4','h5','h6') and \
            'x' not in tag_stack+tags and 'X0' not in tag_stack+tags and \
            'X1' not in tag_stack+tags and 'X2' not in tag_stack+tags and \
            'X3' not in tag_stack+tags and 'X4' not in tag_stack+tags:

            toc_page = page.href
            if self.toc.get(toc_page, None):
                for toc_x in (toc_name, toc_id):
                    toc_title, toc_depth = self.toc[toc_page].get(toc_x, (None, 0))
                    if toc_title:
                        toc_depth = max(min(toc_depth, 4), 0)

        # Process style information that needs holds a single tag.
        # Commented out because every page in an OEB book starts with this style.
        if style['page-break-before'] == 'always':

        # Process basic PML tags.
        pml_tag = TAG_MAP.get(tag, None)
        if pml_tag and pml_tag not in tag_stack+tags:
            text.append(r'\%s' % pml_tag)

        # Special processing of tags that require an argument.
        # Anchors links
        if tag in LINK_TAGS and 'q' not in tag_stack+tags:
            href = elem.get('href')
            if href:
                href = page.abshref(href)
                if '://' not in href:
                    if '#' not in href:
                        href += '#'
                    if href not in self.link_hrefs.keys():
                        self.link_hrefs[href] = 'calibre_link-%s' % len(self.link_hrefs.keys())
                    href = '#%s' % self.link_hrefs[href]
                    text.append(r'\q="%s"' % href)

        # Anchor ids
        id_name = elem.get('id')
        name_name = elem.get('name')
        for name_x in (id_name, name_name):
            if name_x:
                text.append(self.get_anchor(page, name_x))

        # Processes style information
        for s in STYLES:
            style_tag = s[1].get(style[s[0]], None)
            if style_tag and style_tag not in tag_stack+tags:
                text.append(r'\%s' % style_tag)

        # margin left
            mms = int(float(style['margin-left']) * 100 / style.height)
            if mms:
                text.append(r'\T="%s%%"' % mms)

        # Soft scene breaks.
            ems = int(round((float(style.marginTop) / style.fontSize) - 1))
            if ems >= 1:
                text.append('\n\\c \n\\c\n')

        # Process text within this tag.
        if hasattr(elem, 'text') and elem.text:

        # Process inner tags
        for item in elem:
            text += self.dump_text(item, stylizer, page, tag_stack+tags)

        # Close opened tags.
        text += self.close_tags(tags)

        # if tag in SEPARATE_TAGS:
        #    text.append('\n\n')

        if style['page-break-after'] == 'always':

        # Process text after this tag but not within another.
        if hasattr(elem, 'tail') and elem.tail:

        return text
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def dump_text(self, elem, stylizer, page, tag_stack=[]):
        from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import XHTML_NS, barename, namespace

        if not isinstance(elem.tag, basestring) \
           or namespace(elem.tag) != XHTML_NS:
            return []

        text = []
        tags = []
        style = stylizer.style(elem)

        if style['display'] in ('none', 'oeb-page-head', 'oeb-page-foot') \
           or style['visibility'] == 'hidden':
            return []

        tag = barename(elem.tag)

        # Are we in a paragraph block?
        if tag in BLOCK_TAGS or style['display'] in BLOCK_STYLES:

        # Process tags that need special processing and that do not have inner
        # text. Usually these require an argument.
        if tag in IMAGE_TAGS:
            if elem.attrib.get('src', None):
                if page.abshref(elem.attrib['src']) not in self.image_hrefs.keys():
                    if len(self.image_hrefs.keys()) == 0:
                        self.image_hrefs[page.abshref(elem.attrib['src'])] = 'cover.png'
                        self.image_hrefs[page.abshref(elem.attrib['src'])] = image_name('%s.png' % len(self.image_hrefs.keys()), self.image_hrefs.keys()).strip('\x00')
                text.append('\\m="%s"' % self.image_hrefs[page.abshref(elem.attrib['src'])])
        elif tag == 'hr':
            w = '\\w'
            width = elem.get('width')
            if width:
                if not width.endswith('%'):
                    width += '%'
                w += '="%s"' % width
                w += '="50%"'
        elif tag == 'br':
            text.append('\n\\c \n\\c\n')

        # TOC markers.
        toc_name = elem.attrib.get('name', None)
        toc_id = elem.attrib.get('id', None)
        # Only write the TOC marker if the tag isn't a heading and we aren't in one.
        if (toc_id or toc_name) and tag not in ('h1', 'h2','h3','h4','h5','h6') and \
            'x' not in tag_stack+tags and 'X0' not in tag_stack+tags and \
            'X1' not in tag_stack+tags and 'X2' not in tag_stack+tags and \
            'X3' not in tag_stack+tags and 'X4' not in tag_stack+tags:

            toc_page = page.href
            if self.toc.get(toc_page, None):
                for toc_x in (toc_name, toc_id):
                    toc_title, toc_depth = self.toc[toc_page].get(toc_x, (None, 0))
                    if toc_title:
                        toc_depth = max(min(toc_depth, 4), 0)
                        text.append('\\C%s="%s"' % (toc_depth, toc_title))

        # Process style information that needs holds a single tag.
        # Commented out because every page in an OEB book starts with this style.
        if style['page-break-before'] == 'always':

        # Process basic PML tags.
        pml_tag = TAG_MAP.get(tag, None)
        if pml_tag and pml_tag not in tag_stack+tags:
            text.append('\\%s' % pml_tag)

        # Special processing of tags that require an argument.
        # Anchors links
        if tag in LINK_TAGS and 'q' not in tag_stack+tags:
            href = elem.get('href')
            if href:
                href = page.abshref(href)
                if '://' not in href:
                    if '#' not in href:
                        href += '#'
                    if href not in self.link_hrefs.keys():
                        self.link_hrefs[href] = 'calibre_link-%s' % len(self.link_hrefs.keys())
                    href = '#%s' % self.link_hrefs[href]
                    text.append('\\q="%s"' % href)

        # Anchor ids
        id_name = elem.get('id')
        name_name = elem.get('name')
        for name_x in (id_name, name_name):
            if name_x:
                text.append(self.get_anchor(page, name_x))

        # Processes style information
        for s in STYLES:
            style_tag = s[1].get(style[s[0]], None)
            if style_tag and style_tag not in tag_stack+tags:
                text.append('\\%s' % style_tag)

        # margin left
            mms = int(float(style['margin-left']) * 100 / style.height)
            if mms:
                text.append('\\T="%s%%"' % mms)

        # Soft scene breaks.
            ems = int(round((float(style.marginTop) / style.fontSize) - 1))
            if ems >= 1:
                text.append('\n\\c \n\\c\n')

        # Proccess text within this tag.
        if hasattr(elem, 'text') and elem.text:

        # Process inner tags
        for item in elem:
            text += self.dump_text(item, stylizer, page, tag_stack+tags)

        # Close opened tags.
        text += self.close_tags(tags)

        #if tag in SEPARATE_TAGS:
        #    text.append('\n\n')

        if style['page-break-after'] == 'always':

        # Process text after this tag but not within another.
        if hasattr(elem, 'tail') and elem.tail:

        return text